r/Entitledparents "Stranger, Take My Child!"

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welcome to our slash entitled parents where a mother tries to give her child to a total stranger I used to work as a desk assistant in a dorm room building for my university basically my job was to help if a student lock their key inside or wanted to put a work order in one day I just sat down for an 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. shift and I see a very pissed-off middle-aged Karen approaching me I knew it was family weekend and that's why she was probably in there but I didn't know what would come next also if anyone ever stayed in a dorm room you know they're not large usually can you help me can you help maybe what seems to be the issue me and my husband are trying to sleep and our daughter's roommate is up in her roommates boyfriend stopped by and left his shoes on the floor me thinking why the heck didn't you get a hotel well ma'am half of the room belongs to a roommate I can't stop them from being awake at 8 p.m. I can't even leave this desk well you need to get someone here right now that can fix this her roommate knew we were staying so we need that her roommate has a right to be there and is under no obligation to leave if anything she's being nice by not complaining that you're taking up her space the entitled mother's daughter enters crying mom stop and come outside right now I told you you wouldn't like this and you didn't listen and now you're ruining this visits they both go outside and the husband enters aah please tell me I'm not the only one whose wife did this of course I am and he mutters that they should have gotten hotel as he goes outside in short a mom thought she could kick her roommate out of the dorm room so she and her husband could use it as their personal hotel I feel sorry for everyone but the mom actually being in that room must have been torture and I still wonder to this day where she wanted that guy to put his shoes other than the floor I'm not sure what's Dumber the entitled mother thinking that this would work or the entitled mother thinking that university students go to sleep at 8 p.m. our next reddit post is from Pripyat Horace happened in a supermarket a little backstory I'm autistic and one of the things I have issues with is my personal space and people touching my stuff anyway I'm waiting in line and reading reddit on my phone when this little girl behind me starts shouting really loudly and running up and down I try to tune her out but then she starts grabbing at my shopping she grabs some cookies and I grabbed them back trying to keep my cool when Karen who I assume is her mom jumps in excuse me don't touch my daughter I reply um those are mine could you stop her grabbing my shopping she replies for your information my daughter is autistic so am i but my parents taught me how to behave Karen then tries to get the other people in the queue to side with her but no one does so she shuts up I finished my shopping with her muttering in an angry voice about how rude I am but I don't care I have to wonder if the kid is actually autistic or if she just didn't raise the kid right and it's just saying she's autistic as an excuse our next reddit post is from micro pixel so this happened this morning and I'm still laughing my butt off about this because I love malicious compliance I didn't know if this would be better posted here or there but I thought that it would be fine to post here this morning I was on my way to school drinking a coffee drink then I make it home nearly every morning this drink is the best rank for waking up in the morning and for staying awake all day as a university student typically needs to do for your information my morning drink usually consists of 8 shots of blonde espresso 3 pumps of marshmallow flavored syrup topped off with a bit of milk so for the most part it's nearly pure caffeine and sugar don't berate me I know this isn't healthy at all but it's so dang good anyways I was riding on the bus to school when her friend calls me on the phone and we were talking quietly for a while a few stops later entitled mom gets on the bus with her entitled child who looks to be about 4 ish I was talking to my friend and we get into the topic of coffee and I was talking about my drink the kid must have heard me mention the marshmallow syrup in my drink because I see him go to his mother and whisper something in her ear I hear the mother tell him well go ask her next thing I know this kid comes up to me with an empty sippy cup and asked me to share the drink with him I tell the kid no because it's not good for you he starts bawling and his mother yells at me well why don't you share it with him I tell him this isn't a drink that's good for kids to which entitled mother replies well it has marshmallow syrup in it so it surely it's not that bad share it with him and don't be greedy you have to share with him I was in a pissy mood and just wanted to be left alone so I decided to maliciously comply I took the kids cup and filled it completely this was about half my drink so I would estimate four shots or so of espresso and gave it back to the kid kid takes the drink and downs it quickly like a champ thanks miss that was really yummy the kid says politely you're welcome I reply back see that wasn't so hard now was it my son seems to really like your drink what was in it so I can make it at home for him entitled mother asks it's mostly blonde espresso with three pumps of marshmallow syrup and a splash of 2% milk I reply you gave my kid is Frasso the f is wrong with you entitled mother explodes angrily the bus driver then decides to intervene and ask if entitled mother is bothering me so I say yes and he tells her to leave me alone or get off the bus entitled mother shuts up and I enjoyed the rest of my ride to school in silence have fun with your super caffeinated child entitled mother next time use your brain before allowing your child to beg for a treat from a stranger Oh P you should have also said that there was some Bailey's Irish Cream in there our next reddit post is from ginger tea background all of this happened about a year ago at a cleaning job I had to pay my way through University I was registered with cleaning agency who would send me to various different places to clean one of which was a very expensive and pretentious private school for kids under 11 seriously this place was like Hogwarts and I went there about once a fortnight also relevant is that I have autism which means I often struggle with loud and high-pitched noises which made working in a school full of screaming kids quite hard I worked out a deal with my boss at the school whereby when the kids were on the playground being super loud I would clean places that were off-limits to them and wear headphones when they went into lessons and were quiet I would do the public spaces and this all worked out fine anyway on to the story so it's the morning and all the kids are arriving at school super loud so I start my day cleaning the teachers break room I'm wearing my headphones I'm jamming out all is well then entitled mother burst through the door clearly having just dropped off her precious angel I take out my headphones to see what she wants oh I must have the wrong room I wanted to use the bathroom no worries the bathroom is the next door on the right were you wearing headphones uh yeah that is completely unacceptable I pay over 10 grand a year for the staff at my baby school to be wearing headphones at work well I what an awful example to be sending to children that you can listen to music in the workplace the teachers take my baby's phone away at the start of the day and you just wander around with hers in all fairness ma'am the children aren't allowed in this room and when I'm in spaces where they're allowed I don't have my phone or headphones on me you're being totally unprofessional it's an attitude like that which means that you're a cleaner and my child will achieve real success in his life I'm actually doing this job to pay for my degree if that were true you'd be smart enough to know you don't talk back to people that pay your wages your boss will be hearing about this she storms out and about ten minutes she comes back with my boss I'm feeling stressed out and on the verge of tears another side effect of my autism is that confrontation / conflict / being yelled EDD stresses me out beyond belief I'm seriously relieved to see my boss and I can't wait to see the look on untitled mother's face when my boss tells her that my wearing headphones is okay unfortunately that didn't happen see completely unprofessional my boss says I'm very sorry mrs. Caron this is unacceptable Opie will you please apologize and remove your headphones but I've been working here for months and I've always worn headphones you told me it was okay it is not okay and we cannot accept you working in this school if you do not comply with our codes of conduct but you said honestly mrs. Caron I did not and would not condone such a thing I was about to start crying because I felt so sucky about the whole situation then I thought F this I hate this job I hate being talked down to by snooty parents teachers and kids alike and my boss lying about me to appease this entitled mother is the final straw well are you going to apologize no find someone else to deal with your obnoxious staff and entitled brats I lay down all my stuff and walked out and never went back in my boss at the cleaning agency refuses in the school any more cleaners since they had blatantly lied after telling the agency it was fine for autistics to have to wear headphones they also insisted I got paid for a full day's work which the school did it was very satisfying walking out of that job I wouldn't wish working as any kind of manual laborer staff in a private school on anyone Opie you said that a side effect of your autism is that confrontation / conflict / being yelled at stresses you out that's something that stresses out pretty much everyone so don't worry about it our next reddit post is from a cure not sure if this is entitled parents or choosing beggars for context in my late teens and early 20s I ran a free after-school program for kids out of a community center the program was for kids ages eight to twelve whose parents were currently undergoing a messy divorce we had a sister program next door for parents of the kids it was part class part community group part group counseling with the kids mean another volunteer discussed handling anger prepared them for joint custody changes and finances what alimony and child support were etc the class was free some of the materials were paid for by the center and the rest I covered myself I liked the class and it gave me a bit of padding on my resume so I didn't mind buying snacks coloring materials and prizes for the kids at the time we were a few weeks into the class and I had eight kids who were attending eight is a great number because do you know how many things come in packs of eight it meant I bought stuff in those eight packs so each kid would have something and I didn't waste money on spares so this afternoon the kids are coming in and this parent I haven't met with an unknown kid comes by and sort of drops the kid off without a word to me or her child it's been a few years but here's the conversation I remember uh ma'am ma'am what hi I don't think we've met your son isn't enrolled in his class currently you can't just drop him off with me I was told this class is free it is but it's not a daycare you do have to enroll your child first at the beginning of the term I can't watch just any child who comes by there are things I need to know like allergies emergency contacts I kinda laugh his name well you can ask me right now I'm sorry but the class is starting right now so I can't but you can enroll him in the next term you can find information on how to do that at such-and-such she rolls her eyes I have an appointment can't you just take him for the record the parents were supposed to be enrolled in the class across the hall not just use us for free child care I can't besides didn't know I'd have another student today so I don't have enough supplies or snacks for him oh he doesn't need any snacks he won't mind ma'am of course he's going to mind all the kids eating Nutella snack packs and Capri Suns and that all the other kids have workbooks and he doesn't it's not fair to him besides it's not really safe for me to watch a child that I have no information for so you can sign him up for the next term the entitled mother gets all huffy huh fine entitled mother grabs her kid and storms off that was the end of it or so I thought a few minutes later I'm working with the kids and the other volunteer setting up our next activity the door opens a crack the same kid as before is shoved in and the door slams the other volunteer and I Shara what the Frick look but I open the door and look out and entitled mom is booking it down the hallway ma'am the entitled mother yelling without turning around I'll be back in a few hours never mind the class is only an hour long so I have run after her ma'am if you don't come back and collect your son I will call the police about an unaccompanied minor he won't be here when you get back the entitled mother stops sighs turns around and pegs me with a glare you're being so unflexible this is terrible customer service you're not a customer please take your son the entitled mother grabs her kid's hand and starts storming off while yelling I can't believe you would call the police on a child what kind of teacher are you I'm going to tell your boss about how horrible you were to me and my son to this day I wonder if she attempted to talk to my boss about my behavior or imagining the look on her face when she found out the boss of the program was me lady we're not calling the cops on your kid we're calling the cops on you that was our slash entitled parents and if you like my videos be sure to subscribe because I put out new reddit videos every Ingle day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,203,206
Rating: 4.9381967 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: UHFpZ5-nIIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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