r/Entitledparents "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY BABY!"

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welcome to our slash entitled parents where strangers leave their kids in your car and expect you to babysit for free but before I start today's video I have a little bit of news a lot of people have been asking me for merchandise so I'm planning on launching a merch store soon but to do that I need designs so if you're an artist or graphic designer and you have a unique creative or funny design for me I want to hear from you email me at our /yt at gmail.com and hopefully we can work something out because if I like your design I will gladly buy it from you or if you prefer I can pay you in exposure books which as we all know is the preferred currency for buying art honestly just writing this post makes my own eyes and fingers hurt the fact that it actually happened makes me want to vomit every time I think about it so why don't I start with a little backstory about three years ago I was 15 at the time two friends and myself went on a small camping trip the area we went to was about a mile away from a farmers market that came every other Friday several of the boost there sold outdoorsy stuff one guy even sold both homemade and antique knives being the teens that we were and still are we decided to visit it personally I wanted to buy my grandfather a knife and engrave his name into it I didn't get to see him a lot but his birthday was coming up and I knew that he collects antique weapons World War two guns knives etc so after a short bout of convincing my dad I went camping with my friends so I could shop the next day Friday came and my friends and I walked to the market after blowing a couple of bucks on food I went to check out the cutlery my friends took off to check out some other stuff while I shopped after a few minutes I managed to find the perfect knife it was a large curved combat knife with a rainbow steel blade and an oak wood handle as well as a leather sheath it cost me about sixty bucks worth it's I put the knife carefully in my backpack and continued to shop at the end of the day my friends and I started heading back to the campsite we were almost there when one of my friends told me that stuff was falling out of my backpack I picked up what little had fallen out and stuffed it back inside that's when I noticed the knife missing I gave my friends my pack and told them to go back to the campsite and start the campfire while I look for the here's where this story starts after a couple minutes of mild jogging and checking the trail for my knife I noticed a woman and her kid walking towards me I slowed down planning to ask them if they'd seen my knife before I had even got a chance I noticed a familiar shape in the kid's hand I was nearly ecstatic then things went south I stopped the two of them you found my knife thank God I've been looking for it forever well maybe not forever but what can I say it's your felt like it the entitle parent says I am sorry the combat knife I lost that while walking up the trail I hadn't tipped up my at this point the woman cuts me off well it's your fault for losing it it belongs to my son now in the moment I probably looked dumbfounded I had expected this woman to maybe laughs with me and have her kid hand a knife over not this um no it belongs to me I bought it ain't you also lost it finders keepers I was astonished how can a woman three times my age be so childish finders keepers as a thing kindergartners say it's not a real thing too bad for you you lost it so now it's my sons the entitled kid was maybe around eight to ten years old with absolutely no experience of how to hold a knife he didn't seem to even notice that I was there instead he was fixated on pulling the knife out of the sheath which was held in with some twine tied to a knot me getting angry I decided to make a grab for the knife the kid was unfortunately faster and backed up then the woman had the freaking nerve to actually slap me don't you dare touch my kid you little turd you think you're so tough because you're older than him and I won't bother writing all of what you said here but let me assure you it wasn't pretty I think even a few racial slurs were thrown in there even though we were both white at this point the kid manages to untie the knot on the knife and pull it out of the sheath I managed to see him out of the corner of my eye just to see his other hand rub against the blade he instantly drops the knife and begins screaming as he holds his bleeding thumb the parent turns to her child's aid yet somehow continues to keep screaming at me I once again go from my knife the woman darts out and slaps me again and then karma she blindly tries to grab the knife so I can't get to it little does she know that the knife is freakin sharp I had already cut my hand before I bought it so in her blind grab she wraps her whole hand around the blade once the steel bit into her hand she threw the knife a few feet away I rushed over to grab the knife and sheath it I decided I didn't want to have to deal with this woman any longer and ran I did look back just to see the woman holding her bleeding palm and still shouting at me a month later I had cleaned the knife and grade my grandfather's name into it and gave it to him as a birthday gift as well as the story that came with it the knife sits on the mantle to his fireplace as a reminder to everyone out there don't be a grunt the only thing missing from this story is when the guy went to go grab the night after the woman dropped it he should have said finders keepers have been run off at first I wasn't sure if this was an entitled parent story because I think this woman is just plain crazy but after reading a few of these I have figured out that crazy and entitled are one in the same years ago this new neighbor of mine she had recently moved to a house on the next street over kept trying for the better part of a summer to use me as a free babysitter it started when her kid who was really a cute well-behaved kid about seven years old showed up at my door at 7:15 in the morning we were all just waking up and getting around so I told him that my boys weren't ready to play yet and to come back in a few hours that is when the kid told me his mom had gone to work this seemed a bit odd to me so I brought him in and tried to call his mom this was the time of only landlines sure enough she was gone so I brought him in and fed him breakfast he stayed with us the rest of the day and he got along well with my two boys who were 5 and 10 I had only talked to his mom about two times so I had no idea why she would they this was a good idea when his mom came home I walked him over so I could talk to her I told her not to do that again I told her that I would be willing to watch him on occasion if asked first but not every day her response was well what else do you have to do all day this kind of took me by surprise I tried to tell her that I work at home on commissions she rolled her eyes and told me that being an artist isn't a real job and besides I was married so I didn't need to work I should have pointed out to her that she was married and working but I felt myself getting angry and didn't want to argue with her just don't do that again I said to her you have teenage kids home for the summer have them babysit she frowned to me and said they work I said so do I then I went home the next morning at 7:15 the kids sheepishly shows up again once again I bring him in and beat him breakfast and later lunch once again I took him to his home and once again told his mother to please not do that again she actually tried to tell me that it was my neighborly duty to watch him and I told her that if she sent him tomorrow I wouldn't be there because of a doctor's appointment she said that as a babysitter I should have given her several days notice about this I angrily told her I was not a babysitter and then went home the next morning I made my 7:00 a.m. appointment blood work that is why it was so early I did some grocery shopping afterward and it was about 10:00 a.m. when I got home the poor kid was waiting for me on my porch he had been there nearly three hours and the little guy was scared and hungry that night when I took the kid home I was angry I told her how the kid was scared and alone she actually said that she had told me I hadn't given her enough time to find anyone else and that his being alone was my fault I pointed at her and said I am NOT a babysitter don't send him over again that night the woman had her adult nephew call me to scream at me for not being home when his poor on dropped her son off how dare I leave a small child alone like that I told the nephew that his aunt knew I wasn't home so it was her that left a child all alone I said that I repeatedly asked his aunt not to send the kid over anymore and I was not a babysitter this nephew freaked out of me when I said that and I hung up on him screaming at me this worked for two wonderful quiet days then right back to it I tried everything but this woman insisted that it was my neighborly duty to babysit and would tell me as much finally I decided that to solve this problem I would just get a job outside of my home and that way she would have to stop I was too much of a pacifist back then I no longer am I Elaine's in an interview for a position at the local library and I was ecstatic I told the woman to keep her son home because I had arranged for my kids to stay with the grandmother while I went to this interview the next morning I drove to my mother-in-law's house and took my kids inside when I went to leave I found this woman's kid waiting for me in my car she had actually followed me there and then put her son in my unlocked car and then zoomed off while I was dropping off my boys my mother-in-law wasn't the most flexible person in the world and she had Emmet Lee refused to watch an extra kid I had to cancel my interview I was livid I toyed with several ideas at this moment I could take the kids to her job and leave him with her or I could call the police and Child Protective Services I really wasn't sure how stable this woman's job was and I didn't want her to get fired and when I went to go call the CPS I chickened out because it really wouldn't be fair for the little boy besides I had heard really scary stories about CPS in the end I just waited for her to come home I left the boy at my house with my hubby I planned out doing a lot of cussing and I stopped over to her house and met her before she even got out of her car I shouted at her I told her she was dense stupid moronic and crazy I told her that she had lost me my job interview and if she sent her kids over to be watched again I was going to call CPS and the police I told her that she was violating myspace and if it took going to court to get her to knock it off then so be it she then put her hand on her hip and in her most snotty tone she said well if you didn't want to sit with him all you had to do was tell me I really do not know how I kept from punching her right then and there this comment was so asinine I turned on my heels to start stomping home when I saw her husband pulling up now this was the first time I had ever met her husband he worked at a job that only allowed him to be home on weekends I can't blame him I wouldn't want to be around her either and when she saw him she turned tail and ran into her house he saw that I was upset and asked me what had happened I told him told him all of it especially the incident and my mother-in-law's the poor man was shocked he had been told that I was being paid and he had been giving her money to pay me he had no idea all this had been going on and he was very very apologetic over the whole thing in fact he apologized again to my husband when he came over to pick up his little boy finally finally she stopped sending her kid over later I heard from others that she was bad-mouthing me and warning folks about what a horrid babysitter I was but I took that as a favor I didn't want to babysit any other kids in my own and I still hate doing so I don't hate the kids I love kids it's dealing with the parents that I don't like the kid came over only once a while after that to play with my kids after he called first to get permission exactly the way it should be done I'm sure his dad had something to do with that because the kid only came over on weekends this is one of the few stories I have involving this crazy lady her only entertainment and life seems to be seeing how bizarre she can act in this neighborhood I'm luckier than my other neighbors and the fact that she leaves me alone now and I'm very happy with that all right viewers I have to ask you if a neighbor consistently left you with their kid how would you get them to stop because if it were me if that mother left that kid with me instead fifteen then at 7/16 I would be calling the cops and at 7:17 I'd be calling CPS okay so this took place over the span of two years but I'm going to try to keep it short when this first started I was 14 in taking Japanese and was also one of the top students so a guy the entitled kid asked me to help him on his Japanese presentation I did because why not I met entitled Kaede in the library every lunchtime for about a week to help him finish it and thought that would be the end of it nope entitled kid developed a crush on me but I wasn't interested I told him that but he didn't want to give up he started telling me how rich his parents were and now he could get anything he wants to which I just told him to F off entitled kid ended up stalking me for two years he knew where I lived what time I woke up and went to bed he knew what bus I caught when I would get on and off the bus and even knew my entire timetable at school naturally I was freaked out but it just got worse for those two years entitled kid also mentally and sexually abused me he was telling me how if I didn't hang out with him he was going to kill himself and that it would be all my fault I was young and scared so I didn't want to go to the police I was scared for my life so for two years I put up with him until I finally had the courage to speak up last year I went to the police and they told me they would look into it I also contacted the school telling them about his threats to kill himself so they got in contact with his parents good God Satan is real these entitled parents are literal demons after the school got in contact with him they blamed me for entitled kids mental instability because I wasn't dating him and I refused to be his girlfriend they were saying I am selfish because their poor baby deserves love and he is too good for me anyway then the police got in contact with them I was very fortunate as other girls from my school had come forward to the police saying that entitled kid had abused them too and there was even evidence with screenshots so the police had to make a move they told the entitled parents about the abuse and he was put on the child sex offender list they were so freaking wild the entitled parents approached me and my parents after school one day and the following conversation ensued hello you are Opie's parents yes yes we are and I'm guessing you are entitled kids parents yes we just need to talk to you about your daughter's false accusations on our son I just stared at them in disbelief whilst my mother is fuming and my dad speaks up I'm sorry did you say false accusations yes how dare she accuse our entitled kid of such horrid things I'm sorry how dare I how dare you raise such a hideous person entitled mom and entitled dad stand there for a second before entitled mom gets really mad it is girls like you that make the society so sensitive and easily offended my poor boy did nothing wrong it is stupid that boys can't express themselves and the way they feel nowadays he just wanted you to go out with him and you wouldn't so it is your fault that this happened at this point I am crying hysterically and my parents are absolutely disgusted that a grown woman would speak to a 16 year old like that my mom said are you hearing yourself how do you think sexual abuse is okay it is no joke and you should have raised your son better the fact that you are blaming my daughter for your son's actions just goes to show that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree don't you ever approach us again and keep your sorry excuse for a son away from my daughter my parent then walked away with me in tow while entitled parents were screaming profanities at us I haven't spoken to entitled kids since this all went down he tries to approach me at school sometimes but I just walk away before he can get to me to this day I am still sickened by the fact that they thought it was okay for entitled kid to be sexually abusing girls that he was just expressing himself f off literally f off I am glad that no one got seriously harmed I just wish both entitled kid and his parents got harsher punishments but maybe I am asking too much that was our slash entitled parents and just a reminder if you're an artist or a graphic designer and you have cool ideas for merchandise from my store reach out to me at our /yt at gmail.com and hopefully we can work something out
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,871,559
Rating: 4.930006 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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