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welcome to our slash entitled parents and unfortunately I'm still a little bit sick today so I'm sorry if my voice sounds weird but hopefully I'll be back to normal soon our next reddit post is from Stalin did nothing wrong just for background I'm a half black woman who grew up in a ghetto and worked freaking hard through high school to earn a scholarship and full ride through college I'd outwork a very decent job and make a reasonable amount of money which I'm not afraid to show off though I do maintain my ghetto heritage naturally racism is a touchy subject for me so here I am minding my own business in a local coffee place answering some emails on my new Samsung Note 10 day off so I'm not dressed particularly well hoodie sweatpants you know the deal inter the caste entitled mother generally snooty looking like she was trying really hard to look wealthy but nothing she had on was actually valuable obviously fake jewelry etc entitled kid maybe 12 to 13 large positive he had some kind of autism or Asperger's due to his general mannerisms and well screeching I noticed that entitled mom an entitled kid are staring at me not a big deal especially since this is an upper-class area and I'm well me with my demeanor eventually entitled mother an entitled kid walk over to me an entitled mother says you where did you get that um I bought it how how do you think people like you can't afford phones like that you must have stolen it at this point I'm sort of in shock and speechless she follows up with I should report you to the police but I'm willing to let this go if you hand the phone over to my precious baby son now why would I do that because you stole it and don't deserve it you're not getting my phone at this point the manager / supervisor / assertive staff member I'm not sure but I'm calling him manager from here walks over after noticing the situation and tries to calm everyone down ma'am I need you to keep it down this is a coffee shop this woman called me a jerk after stealing my son's phone wait what I what a full refund my phone back and some compensation ma'am you need to give her the phone back or I'm calling the police but it's my phone that's my son's phone you jerk ma'am that's clearly not your phone I'll call the police if you don't give the phone back at this point entitled kid is screeching I can't really make out what he's saying but he's reaching for my phone having dealt with racism all my life I began to go off on all three of them so naturally police were called the police immediately apprehended me and only me and confiscated my phone they also took entitled mother and titled kid and manager statements before taking mine last all three of them told the cops an exaggerated version of events at this point you'd have thought I was some homeless black person who just mugged a thirteen-year-old if you believe this story they told I gave them my statement and told them I would refuse to cooperate any further until they checked the security footage the coffee-shop refused to let them check since as far as they were concerned it was clear I was a thief and I've been apprehended so what's the point eventually the security footage was checked after several minutes of convincing and everything became very awkward after that the police awkwardly apologized and even went out of their way to say we weren't working on racial stereotypes just responding to the scene that was reported none of the coffee shop staff actually said anything to me once I was apprehended guess I'm not going back there now entitled kid never stops screeching even as I left after being released from police entitled mothers seemed completely unfazed by the security footage continuing to claim that I must have stolen it from someone else because my type can't afford those phones so that was another day off ruined by entitled parents and racial profiling I wish I could say I was surprised by the absolute gall of that woman but to be honest I've experienced so many of these situations nothing surprises me anymore our next reddit post is from frensky I attended an adult only wedding for a co-worker a few days ago the actual ceremony was in a very small church so it was mostly fan close friends but the reception was for roughly 250 people the reception was at a very elegant hotel ballroom not child-friendly in any way crystal stemware expensive linens on the table etc about half an hour into the reception a commotion started that made everyone stare entitled mother is arguing with the wedding planner loudly me being the nosy broad that I am inch closer to her turns out entitled mother brought her four young children to the reception even though the invitations clearly stated adults only the entitled mother insisted that her kids I'm guessing at ages but the oldest one looked a dish and the youngest was under a year old were super well-behaved so it was fine now keep in mind this was around 7:30 p.m. the wedding planner was having none of it she insisted that children were not allowed and she had to leave in a last-ditch effort to get admitted entitled mother shouted at the bride the bride went over and listened to her for a moment and then said in a syrupy sweet voice of course you can come an entitled mother but your children can't she turned on her heel and went back to her new husband entitled mother flipped Hudnut yelling about how she was invited couldn't find a babysitter etc three of the groomsmen escorted her and her kids to the door the best thing about this is that entitled mother probably bought custom tuxedos and dresses for all of her little kids so she's probably out a few hundred bucks for this our next reddit post is from lucario girl okay for a bit of backstory I have a disability to where I can walk but not far without excruciating pain i went to disney with my family over this summer it was very fun until halfway through our trip enter entitled parent and entitled kid my family and I were on vacation in Disney World for a week we were having a wonderful time until Wednesday we're at Animal Kingdom and in line for Cali River Rapids enter entitle parent entitled kid and poor dad all of a sudden entitled parents starts talking knots hi can my son please power your wheelchair to sit in my mom says I'm sorry our daughter has to sit there she can't walk well and it'll hurt her to walk it's not that far she can walk it off if she can then so can your son entitled parent isn't having it just give me the guys dang a wheelchair my sisters and I couldn't believe the utter foolishness this lady had in her my dad says this is a theme park for kids don't swear in front of children I will report you to the wheelchair rental service they will take yours away go ahead this is our wheelchair they can't take it entitled parent is very upset but doesn't speak for the duration of the waiting ride we thought that was the end of it but no it gets worse my family decided to split up because my mom and I loved roller coasters and I haven't ridden Expedition Everest in years we get in line and it turns out entitled parent and entitled kid were following us poor dad wasn't there so I assume he didn't want to ride the coaster I'd say that entitled kid was maybe 6 or 7 years old so I didn't know if it would be okay to let him ride because I would have been terrified to ride the ride at that age here's round 2 of this idiotic lady's rampage hi again is it okay if we go ahead of you poor dad is waiting for us and we have a fast path soon I'm sorry but from the way you treated us earlier I couldn't care less if you missed your Fastpass I need to sit in the wheelchair my legs hurt let us through now or give me the wheelchair look lady I have to sit in this chair he can't just sit in it with me in its entitled parent then pushes me out of the wheelchair and shoves her kid in it she then tries to leave but other guests won't allow her as they were watching this unfold just then a security guard comes and assesses the situation because he heard the commotion what's going on here these two people are trying to steal my wheelchair he says to my mother is this true No this woman stole our wheelchair that my daughter needs the bystander starts telling the cops what happens they're lying I rented this wheelchair ad for my son who's disabled that was the sentence that caused her to ruin her vacation okay I'll have to take this woman into custody until further notice the entitle parent thinking she'd won what but I did nothing wrong you just lied to an officer this wheelchair doesn't belong to the park so it must belong to them eventually the officer and his friends asked if he went in to press charges we said yes and charged her for assault after that my mom and I enjoyed the ride and told the rest of the family what happened they were dumbfounded and we still laughed to this day okay can you imagine being the judge on this case okay and let me see next on the docket we have a woman who tried to steal a wheelchair from a disabled child guilty I don't even need to hear the trial just guilty our next reddit post is from chains of the helpless I'm a locksmith by trade and the job requires me to be up on ladders fixing doors and locks and whatever else is broken on their door I was working on the main entrance door to a large secondhand store sometimes I have to block off an entryway to fix a door and if I do I always try to find another option for customers to enter and exit the building I opened an emergency exit door off to the right maybe 10 feet away of where I was working to make sure there was a door they could use I'm working away minding my own business upon my ladder listening to my audiobook of my Bluetooth headset when entitled Karen and child walk towards me excuse me I need to get in this store well this entry is out of order right now but I need it now you can't block the door yes well if you let me finish what I was saying you need to move out of my way me starting to get annoyed there's a door over there you can go in there no this is closer me and now angry look stop bothering me and go over there this is when Karen takes things to the next level and by next level I mean she gets arrested Karen had none of my yelling at her she grabs her son by the wrist who had been standing by saying nothing and tries to climb under my ladder while I'm on it her large purse caught on the side rung of my ladder and pulled it over sending me my tools and the motor of the handicap operator I was working on smashing to the ground I fell on my shoulder breaking my collarbone and dislocating my shoulder the motor hit the ground and shattered and the ladder fell on her and her son a cashier who saw the whole thing through the window rush over to see if I was okay I said no something is broken AB in shock call the police and an ambulance they arrived and the police take statements and I tell them I want to press charges before I was loaded up in the ambulance and taken to the hospital the kid's father came to get the kid who wasn't hurt thankfully and she was taken away in handcuffs no word yet on a court date or anything since then I've been off work in pain all because Karen wanted some secondhand junk update so a lot has happened for Karen I'm not going into too much detail but I'll give a short notes version first off I've been at home resting and healing and my boss was way nice enough to pay me full wages when I'm off instead of what the insurance board would have paid me I am very grateful to work for someone who respects and cares for his workers as for Karen her bail was posted last week and she's been ordered to stay with her mother until the court date this has become a full criminal matter she's been charged with one two counts of assault with a weapon causing bodily harm to one count of child endangerment 3 1 count of harassment and it convicted ordered to pay damages for all broken property also she's facing 8 years in prison for all of this her husband has filed for divorce and the child has been given to his father's custody with an order she is not to see him without the supervision of a child services agent and at least one police officer I want to say though I feel really bad for Karen and her fam Karin ruined her life and tore her family apart a little life lesson to everyone out there just be nice to people who are trying to do their job and have a good attitude otherwise you could lose everything ope you should sue this Karen and add that to the list of things against her our next reddit post is from cosplay baby obligatory on mobile little backstory I work as an actress in a haunted house I love this job so much I look forward to it every year now we have an age limit you have to be 18 or older to attend alone anyone younger must be accompanied by a parent we really stress that anyone below the age of 16 really shouldn't go through it all it's not meant for kids but a lot of parents for some reason don't understand this now on to the story so my job is to roam around the lines outside of the attraction to entertain customers while they wait to enter the house I take pictures with them scare them basically put on a show to entertain them as I'm stalking around I see a small child in line wonderful someone brought a kid that means lots of crying however the kid made eye contact with me and smiled now we do have the occasional brave kid who actually enjoys it I assumed this was the case I slowly walked towards her drooling and putting on my usual zombie show this girl can't be older than eight as I get closer I can see she's getting a bit more uncomfortable so I back off a bit I give her a little wave letting her know I'm friendly and don't want to bother her she waved back and her mom turned around to see what she was waving at she flipped out she started screaming at me that I was a pervert for looking at her daughter that I was scaring her and should be ashamed of myself how dare I scare her daughter I traumatized her for life blah blah blah all the while her daughter is more afraid of her own mother than the zombie in front of her I lower my voice so no other customer can hear as I don't want to break character too much I explained that she paid for her daughter to come in here we scare people at a haunted house if she is that's scared I'd be happy to escort them out that seemed to make her even more upset and said I was discriminating her and her daughter just because she's a child that's when she broke a major rule she shoved me I mean shoved I fell backwards into a big mud puddle now I've been pushed before some people just have that reaction when they're scared and they quickly apologize I wasn't hurt just dirty however this was on purpose not an accident policy says I have to report it I went over to the police we have on scene and they had to escort the mom and daughter off the property the mom was screaming the whole time about what a ripoff this was how they have child predators working here blah blah blah lesson to all the parents out there if you bring a kid to a haunted house be aware that we're going to scare them it's just our job yes police I paid these people to scare my daughter and they scared my daughter so I want them arrested that was our slash entitled parents and if you want me to get over this cold be sure to hit that like button to show me your support because this head cold is kicking my butt
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,032,280
Rating: 4.9342737 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: t_3HhoVXgDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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