r/Entitledparents Smug Parent Gets CHOKED OUT by Martial Arts Master!

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welcome to our slash entitle parents we're an entitled father gets put in a chokehold by a martial arts expert so this just happened last night Friday the 13th I had been having some pretty bad abdominal pain since the 12th well yesterday I went to a local clinic and found out I had appendicitis the clinic called an ambulance and I was transported to the big Hospital when I got there they took me to a room had me strip butt-naked and then rushed me to the o.r as we were moving through the ER this Karen stopped us and asked us why I was being rushed before her daughter since they've been here longer the nurse told her that I was being rushed for emergency surgery she said I don't care my daughter is in pain and he needs to wait his turn the nurse said ma'am your daughter has a sprained ankle this gentleman could die she reluctantly moved out of the way when she saw a couple of police officers start walking towards her well surgery went great and I'd end I was released at 12 o'clock this afternoon our next reddit post is from MC Jimbo I enjoy this up frequently but never really thought I'd have a genuine entitled parents story to share however today I cross paths with the mega Karen and although she seriously disrupted my day I'm kind of tickled to finally be able to contribute something I work in an office building with about 3 dozen companies operating on the premises and because of the odd layout of the building we have 6 different parking lots I prefer using the hidden lot that requires you to drive through one of the indoor Lots to reach which between being hard to find and all the spots being marked compact is usually less crowded than some of the Lots closer to the road not to mention that the door into the building from that lot is right next to my office so it's convenient in every way for me personally today it was raining cats and dogs when I arrived at the office for some reason my normal lot was unusually full however someone pulled out of a prime space just as I arrived giving me a much shorter walk through the wetness to reach the door I exchanged polite nods with the guy leaving then pull him to the space behind him as I'm getting out of my and grabbing my laptop bag out of the back I hear some distant car horn honking but think nothing of it since it's practically on the other side of the lot when I turn around ahead inside though entitled mother rolls up in an oversized SUV and slides to a stop on the wet pavement between me and the building splashing me with a bit of puddle in the process that spot wasn't for you excuse me that parking spot I was waiting for word and you stole it from me me now irritated where the highway off-ramp no I've been looking for a parking spot for 20 minutes and when one comes open it's for the first person waiting at this point I look up and take stock of the whole row of empty spaces she had ignored to come over and harass me about taking her space and considered the fact that the claim she's making that whoever was waiting first gets the first available space is not now nor has it ever been a real point of etiquettes i gestured there are plenty over there that were open before I even got here take your pick no I need that spot you need to move now why on earth do you need to have this spot she gestures to the backseat so my baby doesn't get wet walking from all the way over there I look in the backseat and the kid looking back at me was easily 10 to 12 years old also over there couldn't have been more than 50 feet further to walk in the rain the entitle kid says sup that's not a baby he'll be fine and anyway your car wouldn't fit in this compact spot I move in points so she can read the 6-inch tall letters marking the spot as smaller than average but if you go around that side of the building there's another lot that isn't compact spaces whatever are you gonna move or not your fat butt needs the extra exercise anyway me already cranky because I hadn't eaten yet now pissed that this orangutan and lipstick is talking to me in this way well I'm definitely not moving for such a colossal jerk have fun walking in the rain I hope you get struck by lightning I quickly walked away while this charming example of humanity hurled abuse after me now admittedly about 15 minutes later once I settled in my desk I started feeling really badly that I told this woman I hope she gets struck by lightning even if there was no lightning going on in that rainstorm I continue to feel bad for all of five minutes when the sound of a car alarm caused me to go to the window and look out this woman had parked somewhere gotten out of the car and was now keying the heck out of my driver's side door while entitled Kaede recorded it on his phone I took a quick picture of them in the act on my phone and immediately called building security to tell them what was going on so guess who got arrested for destruction of property and assault oh right she also spit on and scratched the security guard who went to confront her so assault and everything that went down from the beginning to end was practically right under a security camera so it got a good look at her her kid and her car including license plate so no way she's getting away with it and since the slur she edged into my car doors homophobic she may also get charged under hate crime laws so that's fun if I end up going to court having to testify ever dealing with this woman again etc I will totally pose an update and I for one cannot wait for that update if you want to find out what happens to this Karin subscribe to my channel because I will absolutely cover the update to this story our next word of post is from AM rinder so some backstory I own a Jeep hashtag Jeep life fully built lift get a DD bumpers the whole shebang so one day I'm coming home from work it's a summer day the roof is off and I'm having some open top fun stop at a red light and suddenly screech bang I drive forward slightly and go back to assess the damage and lo and behold it's a murse Sadie's c-class a new one as well completely destroyed from the front and my beautiful Jeep had no damage apart from a few scratches I went to check on the passenger side of the Mercedes got them out luckily she wasn't harmed those Mercedes are definitely safe under a minute after she's out of her car she started screaming about how I wrecked her car I told her calmly that she was the one who rammed into me I think she understood how my hitting her would be impossible I offer to share our insurance details because I knew the Mercedes damage doesn't come cheap but she said she didn't have insurance she insisted that I pay her ten thousand dollars in cash how she got this number I don't know I said that was just plain wrong as one she hit me too it's her fault for not having insurance she then went on a ramble on how her kids needed the money and they had no money at the time and now her kids will have to starve because she'll have to pay to fix her car and how it'll all be my fault when they're on this three tomorrow yeah on the street with the Mercedes my but that is why you should have insurance but no she said that she would call the cops if I didn't pay her I refused as this is just dumb so then she called the cops yeah cops came assess the damage and asked us what happened and she said and I quote he packed into me at full speed on her red light shaking my head then they asked me what happened and I told them and it became a he-said she-said situation luckily a shopkeeper was there and saw the whole thing and even captured it on a surveillance camera needless to say I came out on top cops got her for reckless driving and driving without insurance she then started yelling at the cops about how they would just let a criminal get away they explained that I did nothing wrong and that they now had video evidence the partner of the cop came to me and told me if I could drive I can so I got in my Jeep and left never want to have a Karen experience again not worth it PS if you have a lifted Jeep with heavy-duty bumpers a Mercedes can do much damage and then Opie posts an update so Karen read my post who knew I certainly didn't I just received a direct message from Karen in all caps as expected she basically said that I already destroyed her car and left her penniless and her children starving I'm so over this and now she wants me to take down the post because it defaces her she said and I quote you know this is illegal right you have no right to talk like this about me you already wrecked my car that I had to pay out of pocket for if you don't take this down immediately I will report you and sue you for attacking me I explained to her that neither her real name was mentioned nor the place where this happened and the only thing mentioned was her car and how she was being a big butthole but no she threatened to sue me for defacing her beautiful reputation how so yeah that happened I advised her against this but she said that she has my license plate number and if this post has not gone by tomorrow I'll be receiving some papers I'm not worried at all she doesn't have a case as I didn't mention anywhere her name or any revealing info at all but if there's anything I missed that can cause me a problem please tell me as I really don't want to take the wrong step if this Karen found the reddit post let's hope she also finds the YouTube video and in case she does be sure to say hello to this Mercedes Karen down in the comments our next reddit post is from sweep the leg this story happened several years ago after I first became an assistant instructor at the martial arts school I trained at we share our building with several other small martial arts schools and disciplines so pretty much everyone is tight and knows each other a few days beforehand a student from the karate class had asked to join the class that part of which is for jiu-jitsu which is a grappling based martial arts for the uninitiated his mom drops him off for his first day of class and about 20 minutes later entitled dad shows up he just sits down and watches the classes I teach basic groundwork which included some basic attacks and reversals from the guard position the entire time his son is looking extremely uncomfortable though I don't know why after about an hour the class is over and I dismiss everyone and go to greet some of the parents see kids off and get ready for the next class I'm passing by the entitled dad when he pulls me aside to talk in private my son ain't no homophobic slur I take a second being taken off-guard by his tone as well as smelling the alcohol on his breath did somebody call him that in class no I'm just not paying you to teach him this homophobic slur stuff I'm bringing him here so he can know how to kick some butt he says raising his voice he also gives me a punch in the shoulder as if to emphasize his points sir please keep your voice down he doesn't need to know how to lay on his back and spread his legs like some [ __ ] he says raising his voice even louder sir I'm going to have to ask you to please leave a few I ain't bringing him for you to get your rocks off and try to convert him you homophobic slur african-american slur parents and students are now fully tuned in to what's going on his son comes over and tries to pull him away but he ignores him sir you want to settle this right now I got my friends Smith & Wesson out in the truck they can help us solve this and give you some medicine he starts moving to the door and I move and block the door sit down I'm doing my best to sound intimidating but in reality I'm sweating bullets I'm confident in my skills but this guy has like 40 pounds on me and no martial artist wants to be put in a situation like this all I know is I'm not letting this guy who just threatened me anywhere near his car he takes a swing at me and I end up tackling him to the ground I put him in a chokehold applying pressure each time he tries to move or get out I see on top of him for what feels like forever for the police to show up long story short they end up taking him and I later found out from the mom that they were in the middle of a divorce needless to say entitled dad was banned for a life and every measure was taken to make sure he couldn't come near me the school or his son and ex-wife again mom ended up with custody kid is still training with us and from what I understand entitled dad is in and out of jail today I'm gonna get drunk and then pick a fight with a martial arts teacher in a martial arts dojo surrounded by martial artists and then I'm gonna threaten him with murder what could possibly go wrong our next reddit post is from mr. woodles a few weeks ago I was at work in the city where I live Turo England and it was the height of tourist season in a place that's known for the tourism industry my job was to sell very nice high spot products from a converted tuk-tuk van it's very nice stuff all handmade never tested on animals smells very strong and lovely it was about midday and I started hearing these little snaps and cracks coming up the street no big deal I think as I go back to my book I hear these little snaps get really close to me I don't like this as I have Asperger syndrome on top of exceptionally sensitive ears I can hear those anti-theft scanners at the front of the shops then I see this shall we say rotund family coming up the street if you're a fellow Englishman you know the type council house come of the highest order Americans I believe you would use the term white trash it was there two little gremlins throwing these little fun snaps at everybody old people dogs little children disabled people everyone Under the Sun essentially and then one lands at my feet cue unhappy me can you please stop your kids throwing predictably this was met with have a few jobs worth [ __ ] maybe learn how to parent then this one was met with more expletives laughing and giving me the finger I was exceptionally displeased by this I whip out my trusty phone and called a non-emergency police number 101 one report of causing a public disturbance later I go back to my book and note with some satisfaction that there are more police officers around the place about half an hour later later that evening I call back with a reference number I was given an officer did catch up with them yes and the adults in the group have been arrested they wouldn't give me any more information than that but luckily enough one of my sister's friend's mom is in the police force and wouldn't you know it she happens to know what happened they were arrested for assaulting an officer resisting arrest drug possession and causing a public disturbance karma karma karma that was our slash entitled parents and this is our slush puppy bloopers today it was raining cats and dogs when I arrived at the office dog dog no dog no today it was today it was raining cats and dogs dog today today it was raining cats and dogs when I arrived at the office dog today today it was raining cats n' you go get some pets and some puppy smooches alright alright I'm getting back to work today nope I'm not getting back to today it was raining cotton please do you mind oh my ear it hurts you're hurting my ear dog because and respectful of the humans my dog where's your toy oh go to your toy you know one or two the toy you want to wrestle with me but I can't rest of a few dog I have to work I have to work puppy today it was raining cats and dogs when I arrived at the office dog I need you to go away please alright I gotta take you on
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,414,853
Rating: 4.9403715 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: KDNrwlIjRmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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