r/Entitledparents "GIVE YOUR PUPPY TO MY SON! NOW!"

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welcome to our slash entitled parents we're a stuck-up mother tries to steal a dog backstory about five years ago my family rescued a Golden Retriever named Maya she was my responsibility so my family refers to her as my dog and she came into my life when I was dealing with a death in the family needless to say she helped me a lot and is very special to me I moved to university and I came back during the summer the neighbors next door are a family of three mom and dad who are always at work and a six year old daughter this summer the mom asked me if I could babysit her daughter while she was at work and she paid me in exchange the daughter calling her Kay grew a very attached to Maya who loves most kids and they played together almost constantly whenever she came over after summer ended mom came to pick up Kay one last time and Kay burst into tears and started hugging Maya saying she didn't want a Leever I calmly explained that Maya was my dog and I was like her mommy so she would be sad if she had to leave her mom kay calm down and understood the conversation but mom was not having it and she started to cause a scene really can't you see she loves that dog she promises to take care of it Kasey's how upset her mom is so she goes back to crying and grabbing Maya I'm sure she does but she's still my dog that's not really fair you're not even here most of the time doesn't the dog deserve an owner who will spend all their time with her doesn't change the fact that she's my dog my family is still here to take care of her and they loved her very much I'm not going to give you my dog well it's not really giving her away is it how much have I paid you that definitely covers the cost of buying the dog at this point I really wanted to scream in her face she paid me to watch her kid not to buy my ducking dog I didn't want to blow up in front of Kay because she's a sweet girl who probably only continued to cry because her mom escalated the situation and confused her so I separated Meyer from Kay and told her the to go outside I told mom to leave me and my dog alone and to find a new babysitter next summer and later on she texted my mom saying I was a foul-mouthed girl I never cussed in front of her six-year-old child who ruined the life of a six year old girl ha I think the most logical rebuttal would have been entitled parent my dog has become so attached to your daughter and you're never around to care for your daughter so why don't you just give me your daughter I'll take much better care of her than you will our next reddit post is for my gr thigh background I'm severely hard of hearing but consider myself deaf when your hearing is that bad you might as well be I also operate a very small local deaf meetup group in my local area which includes a hearing person one of my roommates who just seems to enjoy hanging out with us and we're fine with that when with the group I don't wear my hearing aids as that roommate is usually find with handling things if and when hearing is needed he's a trooper at this particular Meetup which happened this morning at Shoney's for their breakfast we came across unentitled parent the story everyone was seated casually nomming their favorite breakfast items from the breakfast bar at Shoney's everyone signing and giggling back and forth with one another and enjoying our time together but we did notice a kid that was nearby bugging my roommate about something I wouldn't know what's being said until after we arrived home after the Meetup and we'll include the conversational bits where relevance the kid said why aren't any of you talking my roommate said I can talk they're deaf and can't hear speech so we use sign language to talk that's cool the kid runs off and roommate didn't think anything more of it it's not uncommon for someone to ask about sign language here or there or ask us how to say something or get advice on where they can learn the language sounds like nothing spectacular so far I know but it wasn't until we were ending our little Meetup and start saying our goodbyes when the kids mother approaches our table again the deaf peas are just thinking yet another person with a sign language question and here he can handle it apparently the kid's mom was so so offended that we weren't speaking vocally that she intended to make her stupid opinion known you need to stop doing that hand signal stuff and speak English it's very rude my roommate said I'm sorry what these guys are deaf so I don't care if they're deaf they can speak English like everyone else in America no they can't literally two of these people were born completely deaf they don't know what English even remotely sounds like it's not my fault there are word they should still speak English and you to stop messing about with your hands it's very rude it's very rude to insist people with a disability catered to your sensibilities and honestly I wish I were deaf myself so I wouldn't hear this screeching of a heartless jerk with less than two brain cells to rub together you can't speak like that around children she ends up huffing and running off at this point though she's gotten the attention of everyone at our Meetup we all were thinking that this was the end of it and the roommates signed to us telling us crazy lady things were throwing gang signs and other stupid stuff everything's fine well turns out entitled mother ended up getting the manager demanding we be kicked out so enter manager stage left the manager arrives at the table with entitled mother and the poor kid in tow entitled mother having looking smug like she just accomplished something huge the manager said I've got a complaint that your entire party has been rude and cussing the manager notices sign language being used and asked the entitled mother ma'am do you know what they're saying no not at all they're not speaking English which is very rude we're in America and in America we speak English my roommate swears this is what you said and since we do live in the sticks I wouldn't put it past someone to say something like this ma'am we can't kick people out for not speaking English but they're insulting me in my cabin just look at them at this point is worth noting that when weirdest something or someone if the object of discussion is available they're pointed at at no point in our discussion did we point at the entitled mother nor her kid what we were talking about was various subjects from cats to the girl we recently invited from Walmart talking about wanting to get a fish tank and a small fighter beta and other places they'd like to go for the next Meetup so nothing involving the entitled parent nor her kid my roommate actually points to one of us she's talking about getting a fish tank and getting a betta fish he points to me he's getting information on where the next meetup might take place he points to the black guy he's talking about a kitten he recently adopted he points to the entitled mother and she's being rude insisting deaf people need to stop using sign language to accommodate her stupid sensibilities the manager surprisingly signs the group asking if we found everything to our liking we all practically say yes to the same degree yes okay etc different signs the manager proceeds to inform the entitled mother that she'll need to leave us alone or he will have to ask her to leave she apparently continued to complain about how we continued to sign after all this and was asked to leave she did and apparently screamed how she's never coming back the manager gave us 10% off our bills except the roommate who dealt with the brunt of it who got his meal free here's the funny thing sign language is ASL which stands for American Sign Language I just looked it up and it was invented in Hartford Connecticut unlike English which was invented in England Scientist literally more American than English and on top of that I'm pretty sure it's very illegal to kick someone out of a business for using sign language so this entitled mother was mega wrong our next reddit poses from mother of Pancakes as a child I was enrolled in a Washington DC private school so kids of politicians diplomats lawyers doctors etc the school charged an insane amount for tuition expected parents to pay thousands extra in fees and donation and took the kids on their choice of four two-week trips art in Europe skiing in New Hampshire scuba diving and biology in Australia every year that costs tens of thousands one girl's mom bought a darkroom and camera equipment for the school so her daughter could learn photography these parents and their kids were beyond entitled my parents could afford my tuition but that was a stretch for them so we weren't viewed as being especially valuable to the school my school was taking each grade on a three day trip that they got a psyched up for all year the teacher asked each child to list their top five choices for roommates the week before the trip my mom got a call from the principal I was nosy so I picked up two and listened in on the conversation basically she said well none of the kids want your daughter in their cabin they don't like her we suggested that it would be a nice thing to do but the parents didn't think their children should be forced to be with someone they disliked we don't have enough cabins to put her in one by herself so you should just keep her home I was devastated nine years old completely heartbroken in tears they didn't want their children to be uncomfortable but it's okay for any nine-year-old girl to know that no one likes her and her school doesn't care how she feels I refuse to go back to school I was so ashamed I felt shattered and stupid and worthless that was the beginning of a slide down into depression I'd been told by those kids for years that I was worthless stupid ugly and one year I did a report on being adopted and let me tell you the kids had a field day with that but the realization that not one single person was in my corner not even the teachers it just broke me I believe them all I was worthless at age twelve my parents put me in a residential hospital school for kids with severe depression I'm now 35 and I good life wonderful friends great kids and I foster all kinds of abandoned and unwanted animals life is good I'm loved and I'm happy but I still get choked up thinking back on that phone call F those bratty kids and their entitled parents and then Opie posed a crazy update in the comments someone was complaining about the principal and Opie responds she was an awful woman I recently saw my old school mention on the news turns out there was all kinds of inappropriate touching misconduct on the part of the teachers over the past thirty years or so all reported to the top be herself at the time and she swept it under the rug now these women and their families are furious and working with a lawyer I'm glad she's finally being held responsible for being an awful human being in so many ways our next reddit post is from rush Bob a bit of backstory I'm fairly young 13 and have been saving up for years to get a gaming PC and my parents insisted I build it and so I did I'm not particularly talkative and don't really look for trouble all too much I don't know if that's important but yeah so my American relatives come over to stay for a few weeks and one morning we're having breakfast and discussing why I used two computers and I tell them that one is a laptop for schoolwork in Photoshop and my PC is for gaming / video editing / anything intensive I paid no mind to this conversation and after breakfast because I hate socializing and talking to people boot up my PC and hop onto destiny - bit of a douche movement relatives are over and stuff to be honest this is where my older cousins brother entitled kid 11 is watching me creepily over my shoulder and is mesmerized by my fancy keyboard and mouse lighting and says to me whoa dude how much did that keyboard cost and I answer a hundred and fifty pounds to which he cringes and says back well if the keyboard and mouse cost so much the computer must be super cheap no not really the pc itself was around 1,200 pounds so you lied when you said it costed 1600 nouns well no because I included the peripherals at this point he looks kind of confused and walks off and I continue playing a nightfall or two later around half an hour entitled kid comes back with entitled mother my entitled aunt is his entitled mother and says to me Opie did you really lie to entitled Kate about your pc's prize not really I just added the price of the keyboard mouse and monitor so if it's not as expensive as you said it was could we get one where did you get it from sure if you're willing to build it there are a load of online tutorials and stuff on how to do it the held she was super angry because I told her that entitled kid would actually need to work to get a decent PC why would my entitled kid who was 11 build a computer could we just have years please I started laughing because it was a bit ridiculous that she wanted this PC that I'd saved up for years for and built myself I'm not kidding you already have a laptop so why do you need this for video editing gaming etc you even bloated the prize that has nothing to do with the situation and you don't need those mind-melting video games you selfish boy good point still doesn't warrant her taking my PC and my son does so much more work than you he deserves it at this point having been on the subreddit a bit I detect she's transforming into a stage to Karen and prepare for her to try and yank out a cable or something and I shut down my PC and hide the cables behind my desk and call for my dad bit of an abrupt ending but entitled mother an entitled kid just glanced at me and for the rest of the week gave me death stares every so often this guy's story has proved that listening to these stories can help you prepare for your inevitable Karen confrontations that was our slash entitled parents and if you like this video hit that subscribe button because I put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,145,382
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: yS_hIM2JN0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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