r/Idontworkherelady "GET ME YOUR MANAGER!" "Lady... I'm 12"

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welcome to our slash i don't work here lady where op gets a wrong number phone call from my karen our next reddit post is from zach's morgan i'm a 20 year old male and i took my friend to the grocery store today and waited for him in the car while i was sitting there the woman who had parked next to me decided to just push her cart between our cars and leave it there well that doesn't sit right with me because if you care at all you can find a cart return somewhere nearby and in our circumstance there was one less than 30 feet away so i got out of my car and grabbed her car to take it back but i also flipped her the bird well i put her cart back and turned around to see her approaching me she asked me if i flipped her off and i said yeah because you didn't put your card back and it's literally the easiest thing in the world she started lecturing me about respect and the unacceptability of flipping people off next thing i know she's telling me to come along with her so we can go find my manager well i obviously don't work there i'm not wearing a company uniform and in fact i'm wearing sweats and an old t-shirt with holes in it i very bluntly state that i don't work here and the look on her face was priceless she no longer had any way to make me atone for my egregious sin she stuttered on her words for a second before asking me if i had parents who ever taught me respect i responded obviously i do they taught me enough respect to put my effing cart back well she had no clue how to respond to it and shuffled back to her car leaving me feeling proud of my small victory against the karen hood down in the comments we had this contribution from punk rock pizza this is why i carry zip ties in my car it takes 10 seconds to put a cart back but only five to zip tie a cart to a car door handle i'm i thought that would be the best response but i actually quite like this from oklabot i would have put on a sad face and gone with her to see the manager after the manager has their say i would apologize to the manager about my deranged mom our next reddit post is from ginger daisy so i worked for a home care agency and was assigned to an independent living facility mostly just medication reminders in housekeeping the company i worked for was shady af so much happened i'm surprised i stayed on as long as i did but i'll stick to what's relevant here so cliff notes they cut my hours on days and evenings to the point that i lost my benefits i had been hired for the full time nights posting it was just me and one other girl switching off 12 hour nights four days one week and three the next 11 p.m to 11 a.m it was great and i loved it work was easy and i still got to see my residence i usually got there at 10 30 pm to get the report from the evening worker so she could leave by 11. my duties all night were to get reports sign out keys organize that day's paperwork set the dining room for the next day do like four people's laundry and do room checks on like 10 people every two hours and answer any emergency pages everything but checks and pages were done by 3am sometimes 2am well they hired a guy and decided to give him two of my shifts and two of the other girls shifts i was in charge of training him and had to sign off before he worked independently i wasn't impressed but said fine the first shift he shows up at 4 00 am the shift starts at 11 pm the work's done now so he goes home the next shift he comes in at 7am and it's the same thing the next two were no shows then finally he shows up and he was awful i started looking for another job and found one quickly i tried for four days to hand in my two weeks resignation the supervisor wasn't available and the office was locked on a tuesday at 10 am so i dropped in their mailbox and when they called me i told them what date would be my last day fast forward two weeks i get a call to go in i explain i quit why i quit and that i don't work for that company anymore repeat this sporadically over the next two and a half years i got calls at all hours i called the area coordinator the regional coordinator always being assured it won't happen again my final straw was a 4 am phone call 3 years after i quit from the after hour scheduler i lost my cool i called corporate and made them delete my number and file and told them i haven't worked for you for three effing years the lack of having any schedule should have been an effing clue if your company calls me again i'll file harassment charges figure your stuff out and stop effing calling me i don't work for you and i hung up it's been a year now and i think it finally worked our next reddit post is from pj expat i was in a dollar store trying to check out but delayed because karen was busy complaining to the cashier about the quality of the products in the dollar store to which i said karen if you don't like the quality here then go somewhere more upscale like walmart or if you've got the budget target she then asks for the manager because that's what karen's do the manager came and for the next solid two minutes she was complaining to the manager about how her staff was very rude and suggested she should shop at walmart or target and how insane it is to hire staff that promotes the competition the cashier is smirking i'm smiling from ear to ear karen finishes off with if i was you i'd fire such an employee to which the manager said which employee said that to which karen and the cashier all pointed at me standing there with my coke and a bag of chips to which the manager says ma'am he's not an employee to which karen says then why is he here the manager looks at me then looks at her and goes buying stuff i feel like this gives a good insight into like the mentality of mccarran they just sort of assumed that everyone else on planet earth is just there to serve them and it doesn't even cross karen's mind that opie is there just to get a snack not to serve her our next reddit post is from molly blooms i got a call from an absolute karen today she called my number thinking it was the windemere hotel in arizona i think anyways she called i answered and she was like hi my reservation got cancelled i want to speak to your manager i booked this room over a month ago and you guys were expecting me and some of my girlfriends how could you do this to me she was low-key raising her voice and i was like i'm sorry ma'am but i don't work at a hotel you have the wrong number she responded with well how come i called this number a month ago and it was the hotel how do you have their number then and i explained to her that this was never their number it's just a simple misunderstanding and a typo on her end so she started raising her voice at me and went how could i have dialed the wrong freaking number why are you keeping me from your manager and i was like listen my number has a similar number but you typed it in wrong if you would kindly get your head out of your entitled privileged butt then maybe you'd be able to see how to type the right effing number in she got pissed and hung up and i was dead our next reddit post is from wyatt kelly oh boy i'm tired of being recognized i live in a relatively small podunk college town with three grocery stores a dying mall and a slightly decent downtown because i work in one of those grocery stores in a pharmacy i'm often identified when i'm out and about and for some reason i just look like i work there wherever this mythical there is this took place a few years ago and since the manager is no longer with the store i think i can write it up without retribution i've got long hair a beard and i'm a bit on the heavy side and i normally wear rock t-shirts and a leather biker jacket when i'm not at work i wear this like armor as i'm actually very passive and i don't want to be bothered when i'm out and about i look tough but there's nothing tough about my marshmallow soul i had just finished watching a movie at our local dying mall having gone myself since i just wanted to get away for a while and i'm currently wearing a doctor who hoodie and jeans with my hair down and a guns n roses t-shirt as i'm exiting the theater i hear that dreaded voice the entitled call of a snooty customer hey hey you i turn around and see your average soccer mom with bleach blonde hair and a purse big enough to brain a camel carrying a large collection of trash she's holding the trash with one hand her struggling child with the other and stares at me pointedly i don't want to believe what's about to happen but i steal myself yes throw this away no please no asking just a demand why oh you'd think i just offered to split her child in half in front of her with a broadsword you work at that grocery store you're used to this amazing she knows i don't work here but she still thinks i'm put in this earth just to serve her i just roll my eyes and turn away scooting towards the bathroom sorry ma'am i gotta pee and i do just that taking a quick leak and a long time washing my hands by the time i exit the woman and her kid are gone i figure that's all that's gonna happen with this just some entitled person who thinks that i work retail so she can treat me like an indentured servant oh boy was i wrong two days later i'm back at work cleaned up hair in a ponytail in uniform just doing my thing slinging drugs at the pharmacy when one of our most hated manager shows up let's call her gladys mostly because she's always seemed to me to be like the antagonist of portal passive aggressive snobby and more than happy to toss her weight around oh p would you come with me please i'm a bit shocked since i haven't been in trouble with this job for over 5 years and my mind immediately starts spinning through anything i may have done in the past week or so gladys takes me back to the manager's office picks up some papers and has a seat op i had a complaint about you the other day for my customer i sink down trying not to shake with panic what have i done she says you were very rude to her at the movie theater the other day and refused to help her silence i just blink a few times at gladys i'm sorry what gladys repeats the accusation when you work for this company you represent us even though you're not on the clock now i'm not only going to give you coaching but i want you to watch what you do in the future no gladys looks back at me in shock did i just say no to her what do you mean no i said no i'm not taking coaching for something that happened off the clock i leaned forward folding my hands in my lap and glaring at her why are there no other managers here why is my pharmacy manager not here shouldn't he be here when i'm being coached by someone who's not even in my department speaking of which where's our department manager could you show me in the code of conduct handbook where it says that i can refuse to clean up after someone when i'm not on the clock doesn't it say in the training videos that we watch to not work off the clock gladys is doing her best impression of a gaping fish by this point eyes wide and staring back at me i don't think she was expecting the happy-go-lucky nerd in the pharmacy to take such a hard line and not just roll over to her casual bullying i stood up and opened the door if you want to take it up with my manager please do but do know that if i hear anything about this i'll take this all the way to the store's manager your boss or corporate if i have to i left shaking with anger i'd heard others in the store complain about this manager before and how she'd try to toss her weight around but i'd never had it happen to me before i don't know if the original customer was a friend of gladys and she thought she'd get some revenge but i never heard anything else on the matter two months later gladys was let go in a store restructuring every other manager was shifted or reassigned but she was the only one to be shown the door op clearly what you should have done is just start billing random overtime hours and when you get challenged for why you were working one random hour on a saturday just say oh yeah gladys demanded that i work extra hours when i wasn't on the clock so this counts as overtime right either you would have gotten paid or corporate would have held gladys over a fire either way it's a win-win for you our next reddit post is from hucklebuck first my son is 12 years old he's about 5 foot 10 and 190 pounds he's taller than me so pre-quarantine we went to target and my son is in a red shirt he's old enough and heavy enough that kidnapping is not likely so we let him go a few aisles over to the video games we give him 5 to 10 minutes a woman comes up to him and says you're not very helpful and my son says i'm sorry well help me i don't know how about here is where i turn the corner and can see him yes he has a baby face but he could pass for a 15 to 16 year old where is your manager i don't know how long have you worked here i don't now i'm trying not to be seen and laughing call me a bad parent but he's smiling and in no danger little karen has the speak to the manager haircut and a giant oversized purse why didn't you say so you started talking to me i didn't want to be rude but i an employee comes up and says can i help you my son says please she but the karen cuts him off and starts complaining my son sees me laughing and he starts laughing realizing what happened the employee sees me and him laughing and immediately figured it out karen looks more angry i have to imagine this is normal for target poor target employee my son explained it to my wife when we stopped giggling and when people asked op why he made the post instead of his son he says my 12 year old is not on social media mostly by choice but also because of toxic people he has nfl dreams and watches people get in trouble for 10 year old tweets he decided he doesn't need it he plays a lot of call of duty modern warfare and deals with enough toxic people there as a professional youtuber i definitely understand where he's coming from i really need this youtube channel to succeed because if i ever go for a job interview and they decide to google my name well then they've got several hundred videos of me criticizing people on the internet so i probably won't get the job that was our slash i don't work here lady and if you like this video then check out my podcast where i publish the exact same content also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,036,619
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, idontworkherelady, i dont work here lady, r/idontworkherelady, idontworkhere, i dont work here
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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