r/Entitledparents Crazy Neighbor Demands To Live In My House!

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welcome to our slash entitled parents where opi's neighbor tries to steal his land our next reddit post is from faye grimoire a bit of context due to a brain injury a few years back my father's motor skills haven't been the greatest he can't operate machinery and his memory is awful most days he can usually walk around just fine if a bit wobbly but when he's having a bad day he needs the help of a cane or a walker even then he can be pretty prone to falling over it's no big deal and he doesn't need an ambulance as long as he doesn't hit his head and he can easily get back up with help so i'm at the grocery store with my dad i'm carting ourself back to our car and he's hobbling alongside me with his cane as it's a bit of an off day form i begin loading our stuff into the car when my dad takes a bit of a tumble as i go over to help my dad stand up i nearly jump out of my skin as a nearby woman with a kid sees us and practically screams i kinda shoot her a dirty look while i'm helping him up but this woman is just scowling at me and whispering into her phone i help my dad into the car so he can sit and catch his breath while i finish putting away the groceries i heard someone call out to me i turned to see a police officer reddit do you want to know what this karen's reaction to seeing a 50-something year old man with a cane falling over was apparently other than screaming it was to call the cops and report him for public drunkenness i didn't even know that was a thing until it was explained to me but apparently in my state it's a classy misdemeanor and you can get fined up to 500 bucks a few questions and a breathalyzer test cleared my dad's name and we got to go home without incident and i never did find out what happened to that nut case of a woman but what kind of a backwards world view do you have to have to look at an elderly person who's fallen over see that they have a cane and think ew a drunk person and hazard to polite society down on the comments we have this story from get out girl this happened to a friend of mine this summer he's a disabled vietnam vet who wears leg braces he stumbled and fell in the wally parking lot my friend actually needed a karen like this because while he was trying to get up off the ground people were stealing his groceries out of his cart not one person helped him oh my god imagine how much of a disgusting human being you need to be to steal food right in front of a disabled war vet while he's struggling on the ground this next post is an update to an earlier r entitled parents video as a reminder opie has this crazy neighbor who expects o.p to just give her part of his driveway so she can install a below ground pool then when op refuses she sends op this crazy voicemail saying that she's gonna take that driveway with or without his permission so anyways on to part two i honestly didn't take my neighbor seriously and that was a mistake back when that first happened i stayed home from work the next day to make sure my neighbor didn't try anything everything was completely normal so i went back to work the next day when i was pulling into my driveway there were trucks from a swimming pool company on the street in front of my neighbor's house i immediately regretted not taking the situation more seriously but i had to go to work so i left and called my wife asking her to keep an eye out about two hours later my wife called me telling me that the trucks had pulled into our driveway and a few guys had started removing the hitches that lined my driveway to give you guys an idea of what my driveway looks like there are hedges that line the driveway all the way up to my house then the hitches branch out to the left and right although these aren't the only things separating my property from my neighbors in my previous post i mentioned that my house is on a hill my neighbor's houses are lower than mine so their backyards are lower than mine also if you were to stand on my driveway looking at my neighbor's backyard you'd be looking at a five foot drop the guys were removing the hitches for easier access to my neighbor's backyard i immediately left work and went home when i got there i explained to the contractors that i had not given permission to alter my property in any way they told me to call their office which i did unfortunately my neighbor came outside while i was on the phone with them screaming at the guys to continue what they were doing and telling them that she owned my driveway she started screaming in my face telling me that i was a scumbag that her kids needed an in-ground pool and why should my kids have a nice pool but not her kids nothing she said made any real sense i didn't really know what to say so i just kind of stared at her while she was screaming at me i was still on hold with the pool company anyway she then told me that my wife's sister had told her that it was okay for her to cut down my hedges and that was all the permission she needed my wife is one of five siblings three girls and two boys i'm really close with her brothers but not her sisters they've always been weird to me a few years back her older sister straight up called me a racial slur and the younger sister was never openly hostile towards me but she's been mooching off of me for the last 10 years and she flips out of me or my wife ever say no to her i really don't know what to say to my neighbor at this point so i just walked up to my house to speak to my wife after my wife spoke to her sisters we found out that my younger sister-in-law has been speaking to my neighbor for the past year my sister-in-law claimed that she mentioned to the neighbor that the city had used eminent domain to take some of my property a few years back but nothing more than that i guess my neighbor thought that this meant that anyone could take my property i'm still not following the logic here so yeah this situation is completely bonkers i'm putting a fence around my property now which i really don't want to do the pool guys assured me that they would not be returning but my neighbor is absolutely crazy and i'm wondering what she has planned next my wife and i were talking about moving across the country to get away from our sisters but we didn't want to leave my mom and my brother i guess my neighbor made up our minds for us so we'll be moving away asap op if your neighbor illegally cut down your hedges then i'd like to introduce you to a little thing called tree law granted hedges probably aren't quite as expensive as trees are but you can still sue your neighbor for buckets of money trust me on this one op call the cops call a lawyer and get paid our next reddit post is from flaky slice i'm a 19 year old girl who works for my neighbors as a full-time nanny for their one-year-old baby girl lina they have two other daughters haley who's 8 and taya who's 11. but i've been specifically instructed by their parents that i'm only there for lena not them so this past friday i was getting up for work and i received a text from the mom rachel explaining that she and her husband would both be gone from the house until noon so she wanted me to skip my 11am break to make sure the older two girls would be supervised i had just woken up so i said okay and went to make my coffee i have a hard time saying no on the spot and it takes me a minute to think things through when i put lena down for her nap that morning i texted the mom and dad and said that i totally understand that you have appointments to go to but if you need me to skip my break and watch three kids instead of just one i'd prefer that you ask me if i'd be willing to do it rather than tell me to do it i also told them my hourly rate for watching all three girls was 20 bucks as opposed to 15 bucks for just watching lena and that i would like to be paid accordingly i received a long text from their mom about 15 minutes later that basically said that they felt as though they'd made several exceptions where my pay was concerned and that she was upset by my message she then went on to detail three different instances in which they'd shown me kindness and felt as though i should have made an exception to top it off she asked me to reevaluate over the next two weeks whether or not i wanted to keep my job i was really taken aback by this message so i called my mom and asked her what she thought my mom was pissed my mom told me that pre-coveted she would drive haley and taya to school in the morning along with my sister and would pick them up in the afternoon as well i guess there were plenty of times that my bosses assumed that my mom would babysit after school with minimal heads up my mom had to tell them to just stop doing that or to pay her for her time i've also kind of felt like they were dumping all their kids on me especially because i serve as unpaid supervision for the two older girls due to the fact that both the parents work in isolated parts of the home i wrote my own message back and detailed my own five point list of kindnesses that i had shown the family including last summer when i worked for them for 10 less because the mom had to take on a summer job i'd also recently agreed to work an extra 10 hours a week for free just to show my appreciation for this job i then told her that i don't understand how any of what she said had anything to do with the fact that i had to be asked in advance to take care of all three girls i told her that i was unsure of what i had said that was deserving of a response asking me to reconsider if i wanted to keep my job so i gave her my two weeks notice and told her that i did not appreciate my job stability being threatened over something so minimal so she should use his time to find alternative child care and that we should just part as friendly neighbors they pretty much freaked out i don't think that rachel was actually expecting me to quit she told me that i'd stressed her out by texting her in the first place and that she was just trying to make sure i was being properly paid because you'd made it sound like we were trying to shortchange you i told her they were trying to shortchange me and they shouldn't have threatened me rachel just looked at the floor and her poor husband was trying to do damage control op i'm proud of you for standing up for yourself you know every once in a while i'll hear someone say that school should teach kids how to do taxes and yeah i totally agree with that but while we're at it can we also teach kids other life lessons like how to stand up to your boss when he tries to get you to do free work it's kind of weird right you go to school for so many years to teach you how to enter the workforce but at no point during those years in high school or college or whatever do they ever take the time to tell you how to stand up for yourself in a toxic work environment and also negotiating for a salary interview skills all those kinds of things our next reddit post is from experiment 64. i'm a 17 year old who just finished high school getting ready to go to college to pursue my dreams you've heard it all before my uncle is a 30 year old man the only job that he's ever worked as a server at mcdonald's roughly 14 years ago and his parents let him quit after one week he and his parents refused to get him therapy to deal with his aspergers so instead he just sits in his filthy room all day gets high as a kite on his meds doesn't bathe and gets welfare i'm practically the only person he talks to aside from his parents my grandpa that is to say my uncle's dad is like 65 years old he's been on disability for years too his disability depression anyways on to the story so i woke up yesterday morning feeling good i had a sandwich drink some coffee did a little homework worked on my resume and all things considered it was a pretty chill start to the day but of course all of this changed when i got this text from my grandfather then op includes a screenshot of his conversation with his grandfather hi i want you to please call my brother blank sometime over the weekend at this phone number it pertains to important information concerning what's to be done in the future as far as your uncle is concerned thanks grandpa me yes you i choose you to take care of such matters if you want call me and i can explain further grandpa i love you and i've heard about what's going on and i'm really sorry but i'm 17 years old i don't think it's appropriate for me to take care of adult matters like this my dad would be the more appropriate choice to handle something like this that's the end of the text conversation as you can see i'm pretty confused and uncomfortable but despite my pretty clear expression of disinterest in the matter grandpa seems to disregard my feelings as much as i'd love to tell you dear reader that i absolutely murdered him with words that simply didn't happen i asked my mom to back me up because i was scared and confused and i didn't know what to say because he was my grandpa so after i got the text message i received a call from my grandpa i had the call on speaker so my mom could hear i ask how he's doing and he starts venting to me about all of his adult issues and then he gets down to business he pretty much demanded not requested but demanded me to call his brother who i've only met like two times ever so we can discuss who takes care of my uncle after he and my grandma pass away i tell him one more time grandpa i'm 17. this is an inappropriate thing to ask of me and i really think that you should be speaking to my dad right now instead of me then my grandpa responds with something along the lines of you'll be 18 in a couple of months butthole just do it you're the only one i trust with my family matters might i remind you that my mom was sitting across the room listening to this and that last line really set her off i don't remember exactly what she said because it's all kind of a blur even a day after but she was absolutely pissed she started yelling at grandpa for not only asking these things of a kid who doesn't say no to people but also for not consulting her before so she told him my uncle is a 30 year old man and if he really can't function because of his aspergers then that's assisted livings problem not her sons my grandpa backed down pretty quickly and apologized before hanging up the phone after that i had a long conversation with my uncle about how i'm glad to be his friend but it will never be my responsibility to take care of him my uncle said that he understood but he mentioned randomly that he knows that i'd give him a place to say temporarily if the situation called for it he's been really insistent on us becoming roommates when i'm an adult so i have a feeling that i'll just have to grow a spine and tell him off soon so on the one hand i do kind of sympathize with the grandfather because he wants someone to take care of your uncle but at the same time how can he expect to just pawn off a disabled family member to a 17 year old kid our next reddit post is from bubbly blimp this all happened during the texas power outages my whole street lost power and i was getting ready to head to my uncle's house because he had electricity i'm not even kidding two minutes before i was about to leave i got a knock at the door i go to answer my door and i see my neighbor who lives in the house behind me we'll call her big bertha and she had her kid along i say hello and ask what's going on big bertha tells me that she had a family occupying her house and she needed a place to stay because her house was too full i said sorry i'm leaving myself i won't be able to let you guys stay keep in mind that i barely even know these people she responds with the most entitled statement ever so you're gonna be the reason we freeze selfish i was honestly in shock i didn't know what to do i was just expecting for her to accept it and be on her way i said i'm sorry and i went to close the door as i was closing the door i heard her say ouch i turned to see that she had put her foot in the door so that it wouldn't close she then forced my door open and stepped into my house yanking her kid inside with her she looked at me and said we are not leaving what what do you mean you're not leaving i didn't know what to think this fool was acting like she was a dictator or something at this point i knew that she was too stubborn to be convinced so i'd have to trick her i said here come with me i'll get you a spare key to my house so you can access it while i'm gone it's out front i grabbed my bags and had them follow me outside and as soon as the door closed i locked it ran in my car and sped out of my driveway i nearly ran over big bertha because she thought that she could stop me by standing in the middle of the road but i swerved onto someone else's lawn wait so this lady was trying to force her way into other people's houses in texas she's right her life was in danger but not from the cold weather more like from cold lead that was our slash entitled parents and if you like this content check out my podcast where i publish extra episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 855,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: EtDtx3shclM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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