r/Entitledparents Insane Woman Gets Caught Hitting a Sick Child!

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welcome to our slash entitled parents where an entitled mother almost kills op our next reddit post is from who stole my cake my mother never exactly liked my girlfriend eva but she never told me before we started dating my mother is very xenophobic and islamophobic and eva's mother is a muslim immigrant but despite what my mother thinks about muslims my girlfriend's mother is an amazing and kind person who has earned my utmost respect and admiration by doing what she's doing in these times she tends to coronavirus positive patience when the curve in my country was flattening the wrong way this is important later yesterday morning a muslim extremist killed three people at notre dame in the french city of nice this is hard to write but my mother saw this as a chance to insult eva's mother who again is a great person this morning my mother wrote to me i hope that you know what that scum is doing and that even her family are exactly like them and that you brought them into our lives i hope you're reasonable enough to understand that they're here to spread their evil religion and kill innocent people when i read this message i teared up and felt my blood boil at the same time i know eva's family very well the vast majority of her maternal family are muslims and very kind people who wouldn't even hurt a fly and they came to this country to save their lives and escape the horrors of war not spread islam you wouldn't even know that either of them is muslim i responded it's just a small group that's awful eva's family unlike you are very kind and respectful people and condemn acts of these so-called muslims you know while you're sitting on your butt all day eva's mother has done more good in five weeks than you've done in 50 years don't you talk to me like that how can she be so useful when she's just plaguing this country with her religion and takes up workspace do you have even the slightest idea what she's doing instead of killing people she tends to critically ill people for 12 hours a day but you sit on your butt all day so shut the f up that still doesn't change the fact that this could have been done by someone better enough if you want to hate them then so be it but shut the f up about eva and her family our next reddit post is from that one aussie so this happened yesterday and i'm still shook basically our school had an award ceremony for our sports team our school is well known for being very athletically competitive going to states and regionals and such so after an excruciating amount of time sitting on concrete in my own world everyone started to get up and take photos with family and friends with their medals and ribbons and stuff me and my friends found each other and after a while of chatting a super tall boy wearing like four ribbons walks up to me and awkwardly asked me if he can pick me up because he's curious or something i don't know anyways this is how the conversation went hey i don't mean to be weird but can i like pick you up oh sorry i usually say yes but i have a bit of a health problem the tall boy's mother was there for the ceremony and she speaks up what do you mean no my sweet boy just wants to lift you it's not inappropriate so quick context i currently have a mystery infection in my lungs i've been in and out of the hospital and doctors are stumped by it anyway being lifted or laying with my head lower than my leg stops me breathing and occasionally just gets really bad even when i'm not doing anything even when i'm sleeping and because i'm really skinny i can feel my bones moving against each other i can even hear them move sometimes so i get cramps pretty easily i'm perfectly healthy i just have a really fast metabolism oh no i know it's not inappropriate i just have a lung problem right now that could oh stop whinging you're lying and i know it mom please stop it's okay she said no i just no this spoiled little bee where'd she let you pick her up it's not that big of an ask she didn't reach us for me and my friends intervene she's not lying she's been in the hospital plus it's none of your business my other friend says yeah you're literally just trying to grab a miner this lady wouldn't listen to either of my friends oh don't give me that i know she's lying if she was so sick she wouldn't be here and then this woman literally pushed past my friends and grabs me by the bottom of my ribs now this may be okay for other people but like i mentioned i have lung problems and weight problems so when she grabbed my ribs there was a thin layer of skin between her and my bone she then lifted me up and i flailed in agony my god the pain not only was she crushing me i couldn't breathe see you're lying stop screaming i'm not hurting you and that's all that i remember before passing out other than my friends freaking losing their minds screaming for her to drop me and literally an entire hall of people turning to look at my bony flesh sack flailing in the air anyway i woke up with paramedics leaning over me while wearing an oxygen mask and the crazy entitled parent and handcuffs for assault of a minor it turns out my lungs literally stopped for about 5 seconds and i turned completely blue anyway i got tested in the back of the ambulance and i had a fun talk with the paramedics telling them about this crazy witch they laughed and said that i should press charges i am that lady could have murdered me so yeah i'm in the hospital right now it turns out that i have a dislocated rib the bottom rib where she grabbed me got pushed under the rest which is why my lungs stopped for a bit i don't know what's gonna happen but i'm gonna charge her 100 but i'm gonna try to avoid being involved because it's midterms right now and i need to get through high school hey here's an idea maybe don't touch 13 year old girls when they tell you not to our next reddit post is from shiraz gypsy my entitled dad is a hardcore conservative and hardcore christian i'm very much neither of these things he invited me over to family dinner sunday night and i was hesitant to go being that it was two days before the election i decided to put aside politics in favor of family and love and opted to avoid all topics around the subject during dinner knowing it was an emotional and incendiary subject for all of us dad however did not he couldn't resist and started talking about the trump rally he attended i sighed and let it pass at the end of the evening i also received a heavy guilt trip about why i don't come over to their house very often the next morning i texted him i tried to be honest and told him the reason that i don't come over very often was because he couldn't avoid talking politics despite him knowing how much it bothered me he responded back by saying i will not be muffled in my own house he said the decision to avoid the subject or avoid seeing him was mine i guess your sister will tell you when i'm dead muffled i was enraged thinking of all the things that i've hid about myself for 40 years afraid of encountering his rage around his religion i'd had enough i decided to shoot him a text with a long list of the things about myself that i've kept muffled from him for my entire life i'm a bisexual polyamorous medical marijuana smoker wiccan who had an abortion with my boyfriend that i've dated for eight years i told him that i've muffled more about myself than i've ever shown him to the point that i don't even know how to talk to him due to all the topics that i have to avoid after dropping all those bombshells in a single text i haven't heard back from him and to shed light on exactly what kind of person opie's father is opie added this in a comment ironically my father struggled with his own bisexuality all of his life he cheated on my mom multiple times when i was growing up both with men and women now his mindset is the devil made me do it but jesus forgives me and made it better opie i wouldn't sweat it if your dad doesn't contact you again because it sounds like you're better off without him our next reddit post is from ink pirate this story is about my entitled mother karen if you've read my previous post you know that karen is just delusional crazy and a truly repulsive person she's entitled and barely human pick any or all of the above and add your own as needed also i have very little contact with her with good reason we do still speak on the phone occasionally around once a month because i don't like remaining resentful and holding grudges even if they're completely deserved hate breeds hate and all that jazz and i like being happy well the day before yesterday was one of those days and i decided to give her a quick call to check to see if she was still alive during the conversation i made a passing remark about having an appointment with my therapist at which point she became very quiet for quite a while and then she started questioning me about the therapist while trying to sound like she's completely indifferent about it after getting absolutely nowhere in her questioning she announced that she's driving to see me the next day which was yesterday now understand this is completely unheard of and also completely unwelcome we live in different cities it's a long drive and i just don't like her company it's also been well over two years since she's come to visit so this was more than a little odd i explained to her that i couldn't meet her yesterday i didn't want to and that i was working so i couldn't anyway she completely ignored me and told me that i can make time to see my mother that she was coming anyway i kept asking her what was the point of her coming a valid question in our relationship since we don't do social visits and she said do i need a reason to come visit my son i replied yeah i've got better things to be doing so if it's not important what's the point she obviously just kept ignoring me and told me what time she'd be visiting the next day so unfortunately i was getting a visit from karen i've lived where i currently live for about nine months and on the few times that she's been to the city i live in she's got this weird obsession of trying to get into my house she's not welcome she always tries different methods like oh i want to get you something for your place let's go and see what you need or how's the view from your place can i see or can i use your toilet quickly so naturally i don't let her i've got nothing to hide from her i genuinely don't care what she thinks about any aspect of my life but i grew up with literally zero privacy she and my dad would go through all my things constantly when i was younger bags pockets phone room etc so now when she's trying to do something that she has no right to do i take great enjoyment from stopping her from doing these things and i'm always sure to politely let her know that the reason she's being treated like this is because of how she's treated me for so long and it's simply a taste of her own medicine the look on her face is genuinely priceless when i do this the time arrives and she lets me know that she's outside so i go down and meet her surprise surprise she had a reason to try and get inside this particular plan to get into my house was that she brought with her loads of her second-hand house stuff that she didn't want anymore and neither do i it was two big bags in a box and she told me that she brought me some useful things from my place so can i hold the door while she carries it in i said don't worry about it you watch the car and i'll carry it up and for clarity there was no reason for her to watch the car at all no no it's heavy i'll carry it and help you unload it all if it's heavy all the more reason for me to carry it anyway what even is all this stuff don't be silly i need the exercise it's a load of old stuff from my house that i don't want anymore it'll be very useful for you for clarity she has zero knowledge of the things that i own i've got everything i need thanks i've brought it all this way why are you rejecting presents as i said i don't need anything and i don't want the things that you're effectively throwing out shall we stop wasting time and go talk about whatever it is you want to discuss yes so open the door let's put these things inside and go you know that you're not coming inside so either put them back in the car or i'll take them inside and then we can go she realized at this point that this planet first wasn't going to work either so she just left the things on the floor and got back in the car i took them inside hopped in her car with a big smile and said see that wasn't too bad was it the look on her face nourished my soul so we arrive at a cafe sit down and order some food i cut right to it because i really do have work to be doing and well spending time with this woman is close to being the very last thing i would choose to be doing with my days so what was so important that you had to drive here when we spoke the other day you said you were seeing a therapist yeah and why do you need to see a therapist why is that your business i'm your mother i have a right to know everything about you you really don't just tell me why you're seeing a therapist because i think it's a healthy thing for me to be doing but what do you talk about while you're there i really don't have to tell you anything about it at all i'm your mother i have a right to know what's wrong with my son i couldn't help but laughing a little at that comment you've never cared about what's wrong with me ever and usually you're what's wrong with me how can you say that just tell me what you talk about in therapy i'll tell you a little but you won't like it at all the only reason i was willing to tell her anything is because i knew the effect that it would have on her i'm an adult i can take it fine well we speak about my childhood a lot what about it one thing is the fact that i don't have a single happy memory from when i was younger involving you or dad the only happy memories from when i was young involved my dog my friends and playing football that's literally it i can't believe you're lying to people about that lying you're joking right you made my life miserable why do you think i moved out so young and stopped speaking to you for so long hormones jesus christ if i'm lying please tell me about these happy memories from my childhood that i'm blocking out so i take it that you don't remember skipping down the street with me holding hands now i was genuinely interested as to what she was going to say here but this made me laugh out loud no i definitely don't remember skipping down the road with you now that i think about it i can barely remember a moment when we walked down the street together at all when even was this i must have been about five you were four seriously see i told you you've got happy memories with me okay well first of all if i don't remember something then it's not a memory is it and also this can't have been a regular thing oh no we did it once or twice but it was a lovely memory once or twice you do understand that one little thing from when i was four doesn't overwrite the years of abuse that you put me through don't you silence because it doesn't at all and the fact that this happy memory from my childhood that you can think of happened once or twice when i was four proves my points you're being dramatic you're delusional but i don't hold it against you anymore hence why we're still speaking there's no point talking to you about these things because you deny it blame it on me and say it wasn't that bad etc that's why i thought you coming today was pointless so if that's all you wanted to talk about then i'm gonna go because i've got stuff i need to finish okay fine but please stop lying in therapy about me i'll keep being completely honest about you to my therapist and my friends if they didn't want to be spoken about badly you should have tried being a decent person it's too late for that now she just sits there staring at me with a big smile i say well this was lovely thanks for coming and drive safe on your way back i paid the bill and walked out of the cafe sorry this ended up so long apparently i find it quite therapeutic writing about my dna donor for you lovely folks so the best thing about this story which is a little bit subtle so you might not have picked up on it is that the second the entitled mother found out that opie was going to a therapist she automatically assumed that op was talking about her to the therapist so that leaves one of two options one she's such a self-obsessed narcissist that she thinks everything is about her in which case of course it makes sense that opie would need a therapist the second option is that she knows op is talking about her abuse in which case yeah he also needs to see a therapist so basically her reaction proves how awful of a woman she is that was our slash entitled parents and if you like this content then check out my podcast where i publish the exact same episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 569,243
Rating: 4.9273586 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: b5Wmtj5IGdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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