r/Entitledparents Smug Mother Poisons Her Own Child!

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welcome to our slash entitle parents where a mother nearly murders her own child just to prove someone wrong background my company sets up a booth at a carnival and we engage several part-timers to assist the carnival the part-timers are required to go around the carnival ground to distribute fliers share information and direct visitors to our booth the story on the day of the carnival after setting up I met up with the part-timers to prepare them for the day out of all the part-timers only entitled mother was late she mentioned she would be fifteen minutes late but it was closer to an hour as we couldn't wait i briefed the others and deployed them for the day when entitled mother arrived she had her kid in tow five to six years old due to the job nature we can't have her lugging her kid while working entitled mother knew this my husband couldn't handle the kids so I had to bring her along I can't have you working with your kid it's not my problem if you don't like it get someone to watch over her my colleague who was watching this unfold offered to watch over her kid he was only required to help out during the start and end of the carnival so was entirely free during the events I thought all right since he was free I can watch over her get her some food watch some shows play some games but you'll need to pay me whatever but I'm not paying you for your time only for kid he grins sure I was flabbergasted my colleague told me not to worry he had a plan once entitled mother started working colleague brought entitled mothers kids systematically through every single booth throughout the entire carnival it was the kid's dream come true and I believe her best day ever whatever she wanted to eat colleague bought she saw a lot of shows and won many prizes since colleague had a staff pass he didn't have to pay for the shows only for the kid at the end of the carnival when we were clocking the hours worked entitled mother had the nerve to insist to be paid full even though she was late for almost one hour she said that because of various reasons mainly due to her kid you would have been early she was ranting and I didn't really pay any attention as I was tired and I don't decide on the pay but it was about how I will never understand as I don't have kids and how she deserves it because she was a mother my nearby manager winked at me and took over he said he was very pleased with the day's sales and how we are very supportive of her and we should give kids the best he told her not to worry about the hours she worked and entitled mother would be paid in full after hearing this not even a single things from entitled mother she declared in a loud voice at least someone understands she had this condescending and victorious look on her face thankfully it didn't last long the sucker punch for entitled mother was that entitled mothers kids spent roughly a hundred bucks and with entitled mothers pay at fifteen bucks an hour for eight hours that's a hundred and twenty dollars she made a whopping twenty bucks for the whole day colleague made it a point to keep track of the expenses receipts tickets stubs etc and took tons of photos of course entitled mother threw a fit but with the amount of evidence and her daughter vouching for all the fun she had entitled mother had no case except to yell I'm not paying for this grabbed her daughter and stormed off we look forward to payday when we issue her a check of twenty dollars after subtracting the amount her daughter spent lady don't try to scam carnival workers they have a lot of experience dealing with clowns our next reddit post is from always in pain and for this pose it's important to understand that a lie low is an inflatable mattress kind of like you use in a swimming pool the parents of a child whose life was saved by the RNLI after she drifted out to sea have sent the rescuers a bill for the seven pound lie low the girl had drifted out to sea on the inflatable and a seven thousand pound rescue mission was launched to save her the rescue helicopter was even roped in to get the girl back to safety off the coast of Cornwall but the heroic rescuers were stunned to be sent an invoice by the girls at Bristol live reports Mike Carter president of the RNLI branch said a rescue helicopter had to be used to save the youngster when she got into a precarious situation a crew member then jumped into the water to save the girl but left the inflatable lie low in the water off port 11 Mike said a family visiting Portal Evan purchased a lie low from local shop and went to the beach there was an offshore wind and the parents immediately experienced their child waving goodbye as the Lila went further and further out the Coast Guard scrambled the SAR helicopter which was soon on scene the diver jumped from the helicopter and saved the child he instantly put a knife through the lie low to prevent any further drifting and they were both winch to safety after receiving the invoice Mike said the rescuer replied saying they would happily pay if the family paid for the cost of launching the helicopter he said two weeks later the commanding officer of 771 received a request to pay an invoice for seven pounds the cost of the lie low the Co wrote replying I will be happy to pay your invoice on receipt of payment for the helicopter rescue for 7,000 pounds no response was received I love the image of the little girl waving goodbye to her parents on the Lyla as she slowly drifts away I don't think this kid got caught in the tide I think this was her escape plan trying to get away from her entitled parents our next reddit post is from dabbles and irony this happened a week ago and I've just gotten over the shock and finished giving my company statements I work part-time in a chocolate shop and we give out samples to customers on this particular day the sample contained a hazelnut praline here in the UK there's been a massive rise in allergen awareness so we're all very well trained in advising customers I'm working on my own in the store on a very quiet day the entitled mother and annoying son about four years old walk into my store hi can I offer you chocolate it's a praline so it contains hazelnuts and milk the entitled mother takes the chocolate I'll have one but my son is allergic to nuts is there anything he can try now even though it's not company policy mysore keeps an open box plain dark chocolate to give to people with allergies because we like to be nice I do have to warn you that everything may contain traces of nuts but I do have some chocolates you could try with no nuts in the recipe if you agree she agrees and I get the chocolate out so far so good she actually comes across as quite nice he greeted Lea grabs two chocolates and she picks one up as well I internally roll my eyes but keep a smile on my face he immediately spits it out and she starts to complain what is this this is boring and flavorless and disgusting it's just our dark chocolate it's the safest for people with allergies to eat well I got a fancy chocolate and my son who loves chocolate got something with no flavor it's like you're punishing him for having allergies give him something nicer to try or I won't buy anything from this company ever again I spend a lot of money in this company and you don't want to upset me he's screaming and jumping around over at our wall of chocolates and because he's young and can't read he picks up a bar that contains nuts let him try this miss I'm not allowed to open packets to let people try a chocolate and also she cuts me off as I go to explain about the nuts if you don't open it then I will she rips the packet out of the boys hands he's been screaming the whole time and this just makes it worse I panic miss it has nuts in it how dare you shout at me you're just saying that so I don't open it she opens the packet you can literally smell the praline as she does but she breaks off a large chunk of chocolate and shoves into the boy's mouth as he screams and cries the moment he tastes it he stops screaming and starts happily chomping the chocolate and she instantly appears to calm down her voice changes back to how she was when she came in if a little more patronizing see that wasn't so hard I'll buy this because he likes it even though you lied about it having nuts I've never seen anaphylactic shock before and I thought it always happened instantly so when he didn't swell up straightaway I assumed he had been lying to get a different chocolate entitled mom clips annoying son into his buggy and then comes to the tail to pay and takes a moment rummaging in her bag to find her purse I realized the store has gone very quiet and immediately look at the buggy thinking he must have fallen asleep the boys face is very red and beginning to swell a little he looks super disoriented and can't make proper sounds as his throat swells I realize this is the beginning of an allergic reaction entitled mother turns and screams thankfully I work in a shopping mall so I hit her button that alerts emergency services to the store in my panic I just start yelling do you have an EpiPen entitled mother is clearly in shock and just starts making this high-pitched whimpering noise and nods while pointing under the buggy I stick my head out of the store door and yell for the responders I am pretty much in tears at this point thankfully the mall responders arrive and take over their first aid trained and get the EpiPen they also call 999 they administer the medicine and have annoying son laying flat until an ambulance can arrive entitled mother is clutching my arm the whole time I nearly feel sorry for this woman until I remember that this is her fault the ambulance arrives and takes annoying son an entitled mother away I called my manager and she let me close the store until co-worker arrives and I start giving statements to everyone my company the mall the police who has turned up with the ambulance I got the rest of the day off and the next day off thankfully annoying son recovered so there is a happy ending you know I'm gonna be honest I am completely shocked that entitled mother didn't blame Opie for poisoning her kid and then turn around and try to sue the store I think reading all of these entitled parent stories has given me a really dark and twisted view of humanity our next reddit post is from fire eagle I'm at a city park with my kids we've been to this park a bunch there is this one spot where there's a rocky hill all tree-covered nice and shady on a hot day there's a playground and a pavilion on the top of the hill we get up there and I immediately notice loud noises and I'm having to step over cables and extension cords someone rented the pavilion and set up not one but three bounce houses around it effing great so I have to give the disappointing news to my kids that even though they're surrounded by bounce houses they can't plan them since this is a private party but they're free to go hit the playground everyone is cool I sit on a bench as my kids go to town on a fake pirate ship when I hear hey that's one entitled dad doing his best to imitate the situation from the Jersey Shore walks up to me and informs me that the playground is closed for a private party I look at him and inform him that the public park does not close for private parties and it sounds like he rented the pavilion nearby which is fine but that doesn't give him exclusive use of the neighboring playground he storms off and returns with a rental agreement and shoves it in my face telling me to get my effing kids and leave right so a rental agreement is very clearly for the pavilion all for the grand sum of 35 bucks for four hours how could any sensible adult think that $35 granted you exclusive use of a public playground moreover why is it so important for you to have exclusive use of a public playground I again point out to him that he rented the pavilion not the park and my kids will go on his bounce houses and we won't go into his pavilion but the playground is fair game for everyone he begins hurling threats and I'm weighing just taking my kids and leaving to avoid this butthole then I decide I need to take a stand on principle so I tell them to f off and proceed to use my phone to find the phone number for the park office our County staffs our Park during the summer months they employ Park Rangers who have peace officer Authority I call the park ranger and tell them that there is trouble up at the shady playground and they need to come right away sure enough as I'm getting off the phone Dolph returns with two of his meathead friends to tell me that they're ejecting me from the park no you're not and if you touch me I'm calling the cops and pressing charges no anger no rage with this promise of action however one of them kind of widens his eyes and steps back saying to his friend just leave them alone man this guy for some reason does not want the police coming and it's very obvious the ringleader won't back down however and tries his best to get in my face scream and yell he grabs my arm I remove his hand all of this just as I see the Ranger pull up yell for everyone to step back from one another and come over this smug ever shoves the rental contract into the chest of the Ranger telling him that I'm trust bassing and he rented this space for the day for his kids party now normally I don't like posturing by law enforcement but here it was pretty amusing the Ranger says touch me again and I'm arresting you he reads the contract this is for ruining the pavilion you have use of the pavilion but the playground is open for public use he hands it back also your permit doesn't allow you to set up bounce houses where did you plug these in the Ranger follows the extension cords and sees that they ran them to the nearby public bathrooms there was an outdoor outlet it was locked this dude cut the lock off so he could plug in his stuff the Ranger comes back with a broken lock did you cut this lock uh it was like that when I found it really because it was intact this morning so some random person cut this lock and you just happened upon it within the last two hours uh I guess long story short he let them stay and let them keep the bounce castles because he didn't want to ruin a kid's party he wrote the guy a citation for the broken lock and the unauthorized power use and banned him from the park for the remainder of the season after the party amazingly this entire event was lost on my children who barely noticed anything was going on likely because of the compressor noise that was our slash entitled parents and if you enjoyed this video please subscribe to my channel because I put out new reddit videos every single day
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: q-6MHNhBKqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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