r/Entitledparents WTF??? Entitled Mother Kills Her Own Son! 😱

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welcome to our slash entitled parents where unfortunately an entitled mother kills a child I've seen a lot of crazy people in my life but my potential mother-in-law is the absolute worst person I've ever met I a thirty year old woman had been with my boyfriend a 31 year old man for eight months now for the first few months everything was amazing he's the sweetest and most caring man I've ever been with he likes to surprise me with fun dates and flowers for no apparent reason the biggest surprise of all though was when I met his mother I met his parents for the first time a few months ago the first thing mother-in-law said to me when I walked in the door was are you Jewish I'm not and I'm not particularly religious but I was raised Catholic once I told her this it was the beginning of the madness she immediately stopped talking to me and acted as if I didn't exist I was extremely nervous about meeting my boyfriend's parents so this broke my heart I was determined to make a good impression so I kept trying to connect with her this was a huge mistake and I should have just let it go once we were all seated for dinner she finally decided to try and make conversation I have naturally red hair and she asked me if my parents had the same color I told her that I had the same hair as my mother she then had the audacity to ask me does the carpet match the drapes I had no idea how to respond and just sat there stunned seeing my reaction she said don't worry I'll just ask my son about it later I looked over at my boyfriend who seemed equally as shocked but he didn't say anything she then started to go on about my hair being too curly she told me that I really need to learn how to run a brush through my hair and think about my appearance more when I'm out with her son then when I didn't eat much at dinner she gave me her version of a compliment I was told it was good that I was watching what I eat because it would be a shame if I got any bigger this was just my first meeting with this woman as soon as I got into my car I burst into tears until I got home my boyfriend was texting me and apologizing for his mother's behavior but the damage was done and I told him I needed time to think he went in to apology overload after this and started sending flowers to my office everyday and leaving me messages begging me to talk to him I finally agreed and we went out to dinner he told me he spoke with his mother about her inappropriate comments and he swore it would never happen again with this reassurance I decided to give it another chance fast forward two weeks to when he invited me to come to a family birthday party this time I would also be meeting his sisters and grandparents his grandparents and sisters are awesome people they asked me normal questions about my job family and friends his mother seemed to be avoiding me throughout the evening and honestly I was okay with that I went to grab something from my purse and noticed that it wasn't where I left it I looked everywhere but I couldn't find it I wouldn't ask my boyfriend and he began to help me look he then got a strange look on his face and he quickly went upstairs I could then hear a lot of yelling begin upstairs he came back down holding my purse after a few minutes and told me that we were leaving once we got in the car I asked him what was going on his mother had taken my purse so that she could see my driver's license she intended to try and run a background check on me he told me she told him this earlier but honestly I thought she was joking I thought that it was best if I avoided any of his family functions for the time being this worked out great for a while and he went to any of his family parties alone he would ask me each time before leaving if I was sure that I didn't want to go but I always declined last week his family had their family reunion and he asked me to please come with him I was very reluctant but considering there would be so many people present I didn't think she would pull anything when we got there everything was going great I met his extended family and got to catch up with his sisters his mother did seem to be shooting me death players all night but I brushed it off soon she came over and joined a table I was seated at with his sisters and some cousins the conversation was pleasant as we were talking about his sister's children his sister has a daughter who's 12 and is the same age as my niece I didn't showed his sister a picture of my niece on the phone my boyfriend's mother took a look at the screen and began to laugh she told me she hopes it if me and her son ever have children that they don't look like my niece my niece is beautiful by the way and she's only 12 years old what kind of monster attacks a 12 year olds of parents this was my breaking point and I went off like a volcano I started to scream at her and told her she's the most evil person I've ever had the displeasure to meet I told her if I ever did have children with her son she can be certain she'll never meet them because he'll is too far to travel to I'm not 100% certain exactly everything that I said but from what his younger sister said later it was epic she began to play the victim and wail that I just misunderstood her joke my boyfriend came rushing over at this point and she threw herself into his arms telling him how I'm a horrible woman and he needed to throw me out right now he told her that wasn't going to happen and it stopped making a fool of herself she seemed to accept this for a moment and sat back down she just kept sobbing that I just didn't understand how to take a joke then something in her snapped as she noticed something that my boyfriend was holding in his hand and began to have another meltdown I didn't understand what was happening at this point and just so they are watching a grown woman pitch a fit like a toddler none of what she was saying made any sense to me as it was mostly just incoherent screaming but I did pick up on many derogatory comments directed my way my boyfriend then told me we were leaving and told me to grab my things as I started to get ready my mother-in-law made a lunch for my boyfriend's hand and grabbed this small box he was holding she then looked me dead in the eyes and said he will never had this ring you little grunts she ran outside and threw the box down a storm drain turns out that my boyfriend was intending on proposing to me he had just obtained his grandmother's ring while we were at the reunion his grandmother is completely heartbroken because now her ring is down a storm drain instead of continuing on in the family as she'd always wanted I don't know where to go from here I am devastated confused and exhausted can I ask him to never see his mother again is that my place to say something like that I'm sorry that my story is so long but I really needed to get this rant off my chest Opie that woman is legitimately sick I highly recommend you go check out our slash just know mi for mother-in-law because there are lots of people in similar situations their stories are equally insane and I kind of wish I could cover them but it's a support sub and not an entertainment sub so that would feel a little disrespectful but definitely check it out because you would be in good company there our next reddit post is from one who lived this happened in August 2017 and involves two lengthy lawsuits one of which lasted one and a half years and another for almost two years I'm not directly involved in it as it happened to my sister-in-law back in 2017 my sister-in-law was in her final year for nursing school she was required to intern as trainee nurse for six months she chose to join a private school for her internship it was one of those international private schools where kids of ultra rich parents go part-1 the incident the 15th of August is India's Independence Day and there was a celebration in the school it was your usual flag ceremony with a flag marched by students and a student band some plays by students depicting events of freedom some cultural exhibition put together by each class food and game stalls by teachers etc at the end of the day the top three class performances plays and cultural exhibitions were awarded and select students were given certificates of excellence for outstanding performances everything was going normal in the beginning but a student collapsed during the parade so he was brought into the doctor's office the doctor checked him and found that he was running a moderate fever he was also slightly dehydrated so the doctor gave him some medicine and asked my sister-in-law to give him a glass of glucose water he scolded the kid for participating in the parade while having a fever and wrote him a note excusing him from any further activity he then asked the kid if his parents were present and the kid said that his mother was there so the doctor told him he could go home if he wanted or he could sit in the shade with his mother to watch the rest of the ceremony the kid asked if he could just stay there and rest for a while so the doctor said that he could use one of the babes to take a nap since there was nothing else to do in the office the doctor excused himself to go and have something to eat from the stalls leaving my sister-in-law and a janitor in the office hardly five minutes later the entitled mother marched in the office and went directly to check on her child my sister-in-law tried to tell her that the kid was running a fever and taking a nap but entitled mother ignored her she shook the kid and asked him how he was feeling the kid said fine entitled mother said good now get up you gotta get ready for your plays sweetie everyone else is already dressed up my sister-in-law again tried to explain he's running a fever he wants to rest entitled mother replied oh it's fine he's fine aren't you sweetie the kid just looked at my sister-in-law my sister-in-law said the doctor has excused him from other activities it would be better if you just take him home and let him rest entitled mother said it's just a play I'm sure my sweety can handle it he's a tough man isn't that right sweetie my sister-in-law tried again it would be better for him to just rest he's still under a fever and with that entitled mother lost her mind she screamed in my sister-in-law's face oh you know what's better for him I'm his mother I know what's best for him how dare you my son at the top of his class he's playing the most important part in the play he is the best if he doesn't participate in the play he won't get the certificate of excellence he needs to stay at the top of everything or I also become a laughingstock so don't you dare tell me what's better for him the kid seeing his mother losing her mind sit up and said to my sister-in-law with a smile it's okay sister I'm fine thanks for caring for me shocked and stunned my sister-in-law only managed to say let me call the doctor the entitled mother retorted I come from a family of doctors my father is a director at a well-known private hospital you people aren't even qualified enough to work in a hospital huh she grabbed the arm of her child and marched away my sister-in-law called the doctor who said well it's her child what can we do we did our part about an hour later the same kid was rushed in again as he again collapsed during the play the doctor checked on him gave him an injection and to be transferred to a hospital immediately as the kid was unconscious and not responding an ambulance was called and the kid was taken to a hospital the day ended without any other incident two days later the school learned that the kid passed away in the hospital my sister-in-law was distraught upon hearing the news she kept crying for the rest of the day she kept saying how it was her fault and how she could have prevented it if she had stood her ground how the kids smiled at her and thanked her for caring for him we told her that it wasn't her fault and consoled her to the best of our abilities even her professor from nursing school came and tried to make her feel better about a week later she was informed that the school was opening an inquiry and a board of inquiry will look into the matter and that she'll be called for an interview the doctor assured her that it was just a formality for school to cover all the bases and she didn't need to worry about it in her interview she stated everything that happened she was then asked why she felt it was her fault as she said so to the class teacher of the kid in her crying fits she explained that at the time she was overwhelmed by emotions and thought she could have done things differently she was asked if there was anyone who would corroborate her story and she named the janitor who was present in the office at the time she was then informed that she was placed under suspension until the inquiry concludes when she went back to collect her things from the office the doctor once again assured her that there was nothing to worry about he'll make sure that no harm will come to her a few days later she received a letter from the school that they concluded the investigation and found her guilty of negligence and thus her contract was terminated she called the school supervisor who informed her that her story didn't match the story told by the doctor and the janitor thus there was nothing that can be done termination of contract meant that she couldn't complete her final term on time so she applied for an extension to the nursing school she thought it was over but boy were we in for a bomb dropped on us part 2 the legal trouble a few days later two cops knocked on the door of my father-in-law and has to speak to my sister in law they informed them that the family of the kid filed an F IR a first incident report it's my sister-in-law they accused her of causing the death of the kid they asked if they could question her but my father-in-law denied them and told them they could only question her in the presence of a lawyer so the cop asked her to come to the police station the next day for questioning we got a lawyer immediately who at first called the cops and asked for a later date to be set for the questioning then he told us to get an anticipatory bail ASAP in case police decides to arrest her so we did in the questioning the lawyer talked for the most part he provided them with a written statement of my sister-in-law the police asked their questions and directed my sister-in-law to not leave the state without informing them first etc a few more days go by and she received a summons from the court as the state decided to try her for the crime the lawyer suggested tracking down is speaking to the janitor as he was the only witness in the otherwise she said she said case and so we did the janitor was reluctant to talk at first but after my sister-in-law begged him he told us that the doctor told him that if he told the truth he'll be admitting to the same mistake that nursed it and will be fired for sure and the only way to save himself was to tell the story that the doctor was telling him the story the doctor told to the school's board of inquiry was that the doctor had the kid under observation with the strict instruction that he would not be released under any circumstances and that my sister-in-law released the kid without asking or informing him we asked him to testify in court which at first he refused but later agreed with a bit of persuasion once we had the janitor on our side the lawyer also filed a case of wrongful termination against the school accusing the inquiry of being partial and biased once the court hearing started we learned that the entitled mother told complete lies to the father of the kid she never told him that she forced the kid to perform in the play in stage she said the kid wanted the players parts she also hid the fact that the nurse objected and showed her the doctor's note her story was that the kid wanted to participate in the play and when she asked the nurse the nurse said everything was fine and he could play his parts the case went on for a year and a half that janitor provided his testimony which the prosecution tried to discredit saying that he told a different story during the school inquiry so he wasn't a reliable witness but the judge refused taking note that the doctor tried to intimidate him and in turn asked the prosecution if they investigated the doctors part in the incident as to why he forced the janitor to lie and why was he not present during his duty hours when prosecution replied in the negative the judge asked the police to file a case against the school doctor when my sister-in-law was on the stand she got very emotional and started crying as she recounted the events of that entire day the only witness prosecution had was the child's mother who couldn't keep her story straight during cross questioning finally in the judgment the court ruled in my sister-in-law's favor noting that the prosecution's witness had massive holes in her story while the defendant provided a solid witness he also noted that even if prosecution was to be believed the defendant being only a trained nurse wasn't even qualified to release a student and by taking the kid away without the doctor's express opinion the responsibilities of consequences fell on the mother of the child he also commented on school's mismanagement by not having a fully qualified nurse they were in violation of federal laws he scolded the prosecution for having tunnel vision and going after the defendant who was obviously innocent in a vulnerable young girl herself after the court ruled in her favor the school decided to sell the wrongful termination case it was finalized last month and we can finally put it all behind us however due to all the emotional distress and trauma my sister-in-law decided to drop out of nursing school thus ending her dreams of becoming a nurse she'll probably join an honors course next year but right now she's still troubled with the nightmares of going to jail and needs therapy to get over it the police opened a fresh case against the doctor who was let go from the school this year he's also being investigated by the state's Medical Association for wrongdoings if found guilty he'll be barred from practice we had no information on entitled mother or her husband man that story is crazy to be honest it sounds like something you'd see in like a courtroom drama or like a police mystery show your sister is so lucky that the janitor finally told the truth if he hadn't she'd probably be in jail right now our next reddit post is from our slash callous heart this just happened to me and I'm both shocked and laughing my arse off I was on a bus on my way into college listening to a punk band I've recently got heavily into a band from Brixton in the german-speaking region of South Tyrol in Italy called Frei wild the bus is fairly packed so I'm right at the front of the bus where you park a pram or a wheelchair a woman with a pram gets onto the bus and sits in the only free seat next to me she looks down at my phone why I still can't work out and sees it I'm listening to a song called Seeger ste gente oh whoa earlier Leegin bleiben roughly translated rather aptly two winners stand where losers fall and she Yanks one of my earphones out you live in Scotland stop listening to your sucky polish music God all of you effing bollocks are all the same refusing to be decent citizens and speak English this is why we voted to leave the EU Scotland 'end but I digress so we could get you our words out of here I'm Scottish born and bred apart from a week in Amsterdam two weeks in Morocco three weeks in the States and a week in France I've stayed very much in the UK my entire life never been to Poland or Germany for that matter I eventually had enough for BS so I tried to put her in her place this is German music also I was born here - Scottish parents Karin tried to make her a rebuttal but I got there first also how does me listening to some punk rock that happens to be in German affect you I have my headphones you can't hear it Karen's eyes lit up as if she'd won the Karen Lottery why are you listening to that sinful demonic music in public you're gonna scare my kid I look in the pram firstly your child is sound asleep secondly I have my headphones in you can't hear it your kid can't hear it f off and let me listen to my music in peace maybe Polish people aren't the problem in this country maybe it's stuck-up judgmental racist grunts like you as I called her out on her BS she whacked the stop button and heated herself in the pram right off the bus at the next stop thank you that was our slash entitled parents and please hit that subscribe button because I put out new reddit content every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 2,194,035
Rating: 4.9324117 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: MWUDeOmwD40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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