r/Entitledparents - My Mom Sold Me For $$$

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welcome to our slash entitled parents where a lady flips out because people are wearing a bikini at the beach I dearly wish I could claim this was me or even a relative so I could claim this degree of clever was in my genes but it wasn't it was a bouncer at a small town club and when he made the comment there wasn't even the expected cinematic Oh or what one would expect just a dead echoing silence from about 40 onlookers this mother and daughter pair were trying to get into the club late in the evening the daughter was clearly young and actually reasonably attractive in quite a nice fashionable as best my fashion blind eyes can tell outfits the mother was not obese but certainly overweight and had shoehorned her corpulence in the hot pants and a tank top that would have been trashy on a supermodel and friends she was no supermodel badly dyed stringy hair cheap bulky jewelry spray-on orange skin all the trailor trimmings I didn't hear how the exchange started but clearly these two were trying to cut ahead of the line the bouncer this massive action figure of a black man with an oddly babyish face and the patience of Job head denied this effort hilarity ensued the daughter threw a few verbal jabs but seemed to just be mildly irritated the sideshow hooker of a mother lost her bloody mind shrieking racial epithets that would curl the ear hair of a plantation owner and every horrific name you care or don't care to imagine interspersed with the expected do you know who I am and get me the owner etc the bouncer just stood there and didn't react with anything but polite Direction downright heroic after a few minutes of this vile screeching the daughter is now embarrassed as heck and trying to pull the mother away people are gathering to watch and the whole thing has become a spectator sport the bouncer just kept politely saying you need to go to the back of the line like anyone else ma'am or variations on the theme by now the woman wasn't even trying to argue the point just squealing and revolting and at this point quite repetitive insults then she screamed that he was an awful bouncer and would get fired that night then she tried to slap the bouncer she missed quite badly at which point the bouncer took a single step forward she fell back with a shriek and said quite loudly ma'am at any point tonight have I ever told you how to suck off flabby obese men in an alley for five pounds of shots clearly baffled she said nothing but sputtered he continued no ma'am I have never said anything like that not once so don't tell me how to do my job dead silence like forty people in the street not a sound she yelled a couple more things then scuttled away with her daughter dragging her by the arm it's been over a decade but I still want to go find that bouncer and buy him a drink man I'm reading this story online and I can smell the smoke from that burn from here and if you like that bouncers burn be sure to let me know by hitting the like button liking a video lets the YouTube algorithm know that this video is hot stuff so it really helps me out our next reddit post is from reluctant babysitter I mentioned this in passing in the comments of another post of mine but people seem to want an explanation so I am a surf instructor at a surf school on the beach it was the end of the day I just finished my first class I'd done five one hour long classes in a row and I was covered in water and wet sand so I just wanted to get the thing off me and maybe go for a swim before I left the beach I was in the surf shack we're based in with three co-workers who I'll call Sam Joe and Mick the names are changed but Sam in real life has an equally gender-neutral name I texted my boyfriend you confirmed he was five minutes away I had already finished my part of the closing up process so while Sam put the closed sign on the door and locked up the filing cabinet and Joe and Mick sorted out the wetsuits and put the board's back in their holders I left the boys to finish up and went to the changing area to strip off my wet I've gotten down to my tankini when I heard a loud nasally American accented voice excuse me hello service please seeing the boys were occupied I pulled on my skirt and went to the door entitled mother did not look like a stereotypical Karen long hair tan wearing a bikini with a big floppy beach hat and a sarong around her waist her daughter was with her looked around 10 to 12 years old and like her mom's mini-me but she didn't speak once during this encounter so I don't know if she's entitled or not hi can I help you you could start by putting some clothes on my tan Keaney is covering about the same amount of skin as a one piece would aside from a strip of exposed skin by my waist and I'll admit that the neckline is kind of low but entitled mother is literally wearing a bikini with way more exposed skin than me customer's service mode activated I am very sorry miss Sam can you grab me my shirt please he throws my tank top at me and I pull it on better not really is there anyone else you can take care of us sorry my coworkers are a little busy right now we're closing up fine I want to sign my daughter up for classes tomorrow I start to talk her through the availability slots when we can fit her kid in prices and requirements while I do this I'm gesturing with my hands and leaving over the counter to point out some stuff on the signup sheet the entitled mother interrupts me I'm sorry don't you have a sweatshirt or something it's the middle of summer in a heat wave on a beach me clinging to my customer service smile because I'm still technically on the clock I'm sorry no I don't would you like me to carry on is there no one else I could speak to you're making my daughter feel self-conscious me giving up on being polite you're making me feel self-conscious it's summer it's a beach it's a heat wave I don't have another sir everything that needs to be covered is covered and with all due respect you're wearing less than I am Sam wearing a t-shirt and denim shorts here's all this and recognizes my tone as I'm about to snap tone so he looks at me I nodded him and he jumps in I'd be happy to help you miss my name is Sam Opie why don't you go Sam is a guy last I checked I thought you were a girl sorry to disappoint she says to me do you think it's appropriate to wander around like that when there's a young man nearby then she says to Sam you should report her to HR it's a beach people walk around unless all the time it's inappropriate you're wearing a bikini I'm not working she is you do know this is a surf school making jo hear the noise entitled mother hasn't raised her voice or yelled or anything but they can hear the tone of the conversation and decide they should step in just in case Mick and Joe are both wearing board shorts and flip-flops no shirts mate comes up behind me is there a problem here Joe and Mick side says anything we can help with entitled mother's eyes go wide she looks between me and the three boys in shock and horror I was just saying that she was telling me to put some clothes on you know this is a beach right if anything she's overdressed entitled mother can see she's not going to persuade me to magically summon more clothes to wear and you can tell from her eyes she knows the boys won't agree with her then I thought hits her like a brick to her hollow head just what were you four doing back there closing up I'm not stupid I beg to differ you're telling me she answered the door practically naked and y'all are wearing barely anything but nothing's going on here Mick says jokingly Opie we've told you not to answer the door naked I laugh don't laugh at me you little [ __ ] I know what's going on here you perverts Sam who is gay isn't all out doubled over peals of laughter entitled mother's daughter looks really embarrassed and his bright red with her face in her hands you you think that Sam trails off mid-sentence in favor of more laughing oh sure everyone protects the office [ __ ] Joe literally falls to the floor clutching his stomach laughing yeah now if you don't mind we're mid orgies so get in or get out it's just then that my boyfriend shows up my boyfriend sees me Joe Sam and Mick pissing ourselves laughing entitled mother looks homicidal and the daughter bright red with her face in her hands everything okay here boyfriend comes over and gives me a hug and I get the frankly genius idea to pull him in for a kiss in full view of entitled mother entitled mother screeches some demonic noise that only dogs can hear and stomps off her poor daughter in tow and that's the last we ever heard from her hello is this the police I'd like to report people wearing bikinis at the beach our next reddit post is from Shai dry bones I need to write this to take the weight off me it first happened when I was seven to nine years old this is the story of an entitled parent my mother she was a horrible parent and because of that I've been through therapy since I was eight years old all of her exes were rich people so you can imagine she's a gold digger as well and only loved me because she knew if I was with her my dad would pay her for my child support a year after the divorce my mom wasn't happy with my dad only giving her 1500 euros per month and she also started to abuse me so she had an idea one day I was in the living room waiting to see my dad when the blue I hear my dad's car I jump off the sofa and when I'm about to run outside my mom stops me don't go stay here but it's dad I want to see him I try to go outside but she grabs me and pushes me into my room shut up pig you better stay here even though I didn't see anything I still remember a bit of the conversation where is she well she doesn't want to see you why you don't pay her enough so she's always wearing dirty clothes since we can't afford them it's your fault I see tell her we'll go shopping today no that's not enough you'll need to pay more child support let me see my daughter my dad tries to go inside but my mom stops him she doesn't want my dad to see not only how my mom spent all the money on herself buying expensive clothes leaving me with nothing but clothes people donated but how deteriorated I am since the last time he saw me rape rape somebody called the police rape let me see my daughter then pay rape people started to go outside to see what happens so my dad had to drive away my dad started to pay more but my life was still the same he paid for me to go to an expensive school have private health care to be able to do a lot of activities after school and a little extra for nice clothes as you can imagine I never had those I was studying in a bad public school where I was bullied I had public health care never did anything after school and I always look like a homeless kid my mom on the other hand was happy but as always wanted more though my dad paid more my life didn't improve my mom would forget all the time to take me home after school until a teacher called her at 7 or 8 p.m. my class ended at 4 p.m. always humiliating me in public using me to get free stuff I was always alone because she never stopped partying getting drunk getting in fights you can get an idea of how it was to be with her my life was so horrible I had to be admitted in a mental hospital because at the age of nine I wanted to kill myself I remember how my mother always told me go on you're such a coward ha ha ha I'd love to see that you just want attention nobody cares whenever I said I'd do it well after she almost succeeded to put my dad in prison and take me back with her she lost my custody which made her upset I started living with my dad and I was forced to see her once a month happy ending right wrong this happened when I was between 9 and 14 she tried to sue my dad for not paying her child support then when she lost she sued him for traumatizing her because apparently my dad cheated on her with a black woman and had a black baby totally fake and she's racist so that's why the woman was black after she lost again she sued him for abusing her after she lost again she sued him for two more things I don't remember when she lost all the cases she sued her lawyer and destroyed his career the poor guy can no longer work as a lawyer and started to focus on me she tried everything to make me like her more so I'd return buying useless cheap stuff for me that I didn't even like sending pictures of me when I was with her telling me how much my dog misses me I can't take my dog because she changed the chip and now it's no longer mine the new owner is her boyfriend who used to beat me etc it went like that until one day I said if you want me to be with you you'll have to be the one who's paying for everything not my dad she didn't respond and lost all interest in me it's been three years without her the best three years of my life okay that sounds awful and I really encourage you to check out our slash raised by narcissists it's like our slash entitled pairings on steroids and I think you'd find a lot of people who have been in our situations in there that was our / entitle parents and if you liked this video hit the subscribe button because I put out new videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,762,583
Rating: 4.9460735 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: 7LHsWu5euBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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