r/Entitledparents GIVE ME YOUR CHILD OR ELSE!

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welcome to our slash entitled parents wear a pair of parents demand free plane tickets backstory I met my wife in high school and she was six months pregnant at the time the biological father was a complete deadbeat and the only reason I even met the two of them is because my friend was sleeping with did beat behind wifey's back and wanted to introduce me to him when the baby was born did be dropped out of school and changed his number to avoid wifey and the new baby by the time the baby was 8 months old wifey and I had started dating we graduated together moved across the state to college and went on with our lives as a happy little family fast-forward five years we've never heard from deadbeat dad and until my stepdaughter was three and a half she and wife he still technically live with 'wipeys mom on break and such in the same house they'd always been just a few blocks from deadbeat dad out of the blue he sends us a message on Facebook asking to have his daughter over for the weekend apparently he had gotten his new girlfriend pregnant and they'd rush to get married now the new wife will call her psycho when it did be dad to have his daughter back it had been five years she didn't know him and we didn't know what to say at first out of curiosity we checked out both did beat dad's and psychos profiles and I nearly fainted for nearly a year psycho had been collecting photos of my stepdaughter from anyone's profile that would share a picture of her not only that she was posting them on her profile as if she had been the one to take them this included shots from a Mother's Day photo shoot we had paid for the photographer posted some of the shots with her watermark on her page before we even got the shots back and psycho copied them all to post on our profile saying it was the best Mother's Day gift ever her baby wasn't born yet scared and angry we found it best to ignore the requests there was no way we could get our stepdaughter to go along with spending the weekend at a stranger's house anyway so they sued us for full custody and child support WTF all hell broke loose when wifey was served papers at work immediately we shut down our Facebook profiles because that's how psycho knew where to send the papers and told all our friends and family to take down any pictures of our daughter but that wasn't enough to stop her turns out in addition to stealing photos psycho also made several fake profiles to add friends and family and get information about us we never added anyone we didn't know but other family members had there were seven fake profiles altogether when we had them all removed and reported psycho started sending her friends and family to attempt to add us and gather more information about us she showed up at our daughter's Christmas show at school when we didn't even tell them where she went to school she repeatedly showed up at 'wipeys work to try to get her in trouble and called the cops on us for several false incidents the reasons listed by their lawyer for seeking full custody were because we're lesbians and that's bad for kids and because we abused our daughter which we've never done once in her life we do drugs we even offered to do a piss test but she wouldn't spring for it since we would all have to foot that bill well based solely on the fact that over five years prior he had signed the voluntary acknowledgement of parentage did be dad got visitation rights why he retained primary custody because duh and visit slowly began so my daughter could get used to deadbeat dad eventually it moved to every other weekend for the whole weekend but our daughter never made it the whole weekend they made her sleep on the floor in their basement so she never likes staying there for more than a night the custody settled we opened a case for support and of course did be dad tried everything he could to not be responsible for support when he ducked out over five years ago we never asked him for a dime but they wanted all this so we did it all you wouldn't believe the excuses he'd try even though they one psycho didn't stop trying to destroy our names online and attempting to turn everyone from high school still in our hometown against us she wanted the happy little family and daughter was throwing a wrench in her plans by not calling her mommy right from the get-go when they showed up at her spring concert uninvited psycho demanded daughter take her around an introducer so daughter introduced them as her step parents both of them she just turned six and was still a little confused by the whole thing oh that was another thing because psycho and daughter had the same birthday psycho insisted she supposed to be mine that's why she came early one night when daughter was at their house we get the usual call to come and get her only it was psychos mom on the phone and not they'd be dead they live with psychos parents and neither drove so her parents had to take them everywhere when we get to the pickup point daughter is in tears and did be dead hops into his in-laws truck without an explanation turns out a psycho lost her cool when daughter didn't want to stay the night again so she sat daughter down and read her the custody agreement lying for line then she looked that six-year-old angel in the eye and told her she could have her momma that's me arrested anytime she wanted for not complying with the custody agreement psycho was convinced that the only reason our daughter didn't like her is because we told her not to like her dude I don't want her to like my mother-in-law either but I have no say in who my daughter cares for well for the next week I had to force my daughter onto the school bus in tears because she's convinced I'll get arrested while she's at school and I won't be there waiting for in the afternoon God's just typing that out breaks my heart all over again thanks for that psycho but this story ends with some poetic justice maybe they were tired of fighting with a little girl maybe she realized just how badly she messed up who knows but before the next visitation we got an email from our lawyer explaining deadbeat dad wanted to sign over his rights it had only been three months since he enacted them and allow me to formally adopt our daughter we were ecstatic obviously we agreed and everything fell into place she never had to see them again and wifey and I could shouldered the online attacks an occasional face-to-face confrontation from everyone in their families seeing them as the victims life got back to normal and we began to heal but their story wasn't finished two weeks ago I got a message from deadbeat dad sister-in-law who never really took part in the harassment she's married to his younger brother and just had their first baby she was hoping we would consider letting our daughter get to know her babies since they're biologically cousins that isn't the way we see family in this house but I understand other people put an emphasis on DNA turns out the three kids psycho ended up having what did B dad are no longer allowed to visit his side of the family and our daughter is the only biological cousin left why because they'd be dead abused an 11 year old girl he and psycho were supposed to be babysitting he went to prison and psycho divorced him banning his entire family from seeing any of the kids my heart bleeds for the little girl who had her life ruined but I'm human so forgive me when I say after watching that psycho twist my little girl all up inside I feel satisfied with her serving of karma wait is this our slash entitled parents are our slash insane parents that father is disgusting and I'm glad he's in prison where he belongs our next reddit post is from Xer honest backstory this happened a few years ago my parents are the epitome of what makes an entitled parent and I've got plenty of stories about their antics to sum it up quickly I decided at 18 years old to run away from them and live overseas where I am today in quite happy this was the biggest decision of my life I was nervous as heck they'd done terrible stuff since my childhood and I needed to get away from my own safety and well-being I planned a flight about two weeks before the date and my parents the whole time didn't think I'd go through with it to be fair they only thought I was going on vacation for a short bit the day came and after me calling an uber to take me to the airport they caved to save face and took me themselves I checked in and did all the good stuff before I had to go through security I waved them off and began to walk forward until the following goes down the security guard says excuse me where's your boarding pass I only see one here he points at my boarding pass oh don't worry we're just going to take our daughter to the gates uh no I'm afraid you can't go past this post without a boarding pass what but she's our daughter you can't tell me what I can and can't do with my own daughter the security guy sighs and looks at a flustered me up and down I have a baby face and I've always looked much younger than I willing him all right how old is she well she's she I'm 18 sir my mom glares at me shush well she's an adult and doesn't require accompaniment from her parents I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to leave but she does she's not mentally 18 she's mentally request and has issues at this point I am shocked and embarrassed I had depression brought on by diagnosed PTSD those were my issues yet she worded it to make it sound like I was intellectually disabled what my dad says she's mentally a child she still likes Chinese cartoons referring to anime and manga I still don't see how that applies here she seems capable enough do you feel you can go through on your own yes I'm okay liar my mother begins stopping her foot in frustration like a toddler just let me through right now with my daughter yeah and me the security guard sighs calling another security officer over what seems to be the problem security yard this jerk won't let me go through the gate to be with my daughter who is mentally harward the real story please the first security guard explains the deal and my parents are fuming they can tell by the looks on the security guards faces they're not gonna get their way finally my mother yells out that famously awaited Caroline I know my right I demand to speak to your manager so another person comes over and the three of them were talking quietly together I say mom dad this is going too far I'm gonna miss my flight if this keeps going and whose fault is that you should have booked a later flight my flight is at 11:00 at night not my problem if you miss your flight that's on you finally they stopped talking and approaches the supervisor says hi I think we can make a compromise I'm not supposed to do this but all I want to be through with her to have a meal or just sit with her for a bit I could really get in trouble doing this but I know how far she's going and I know it'll be hard my mom reads her title on her nametag I asked for a manager sure this is pathetic your proposal is also pathetic how are you gonna break up a nice family like that I really will be fine I'll catch up with you next time okay I understand where you're coming from but Opie seems more than capable and as an adult I'm breaking the rules by letting even what-have-you go through without a ticket but it's my offer no no no no no this is ridiculous by now my mother is stamping around and waving her arms around she gets up close to the two security who kind of I her and she immediately backs away she doesn't stop stamping ma'am I'm afraid if you don't stop I'm gonna have to escort all of you away realizing he means me too I quietly muttering Oh under my breath and begin to panic a bit fine we'll just take our daughter home then she takes my arm but I quickly pull away stop how dare you apologize to your mother the supervisor looks at me would you like a parent to go with you no not really what okay please come along then no I demand you let us honor flight with all the problems you've caused yeah and make it first class or any upgrade you didn't get the manager you got a supervisor you lied to me manager manager may I double check your ticket yeah of course and I show her my ticket perfect one boarding pass for one person step this way and enjoy your flight thank you my mother grabs my arm you know okay one of us will go through Opie you like Wendy's right let's get Wendy's through there I remove my arm no thank you I grab my suitcase and walk through security my entitled parents try to follow me and are immediately stopped this is not the surface we pay for we should be allowed a ticket on the flight for this Wendy's Opie Wendy's come on Wendy's Windies I don't look back and I'm now further away I can no longer hear them over the line of people I'm in I got my flight just fine and arrived in one piece I cut contact with both of them legend has it my entitled mother is still screaming Wendy's to this day down in the comments cube leader ads protip wait for your parents to plan a vacation of their own and schedule your leave for then you can leave them a note or something worked for me then someone replies I would love to hear your story and cube leader responds with this post Oh God here goes basically my parents were awful all around I paid rent since the month before turning 18 paid part of all the bills even had to get my own internet line when it became a thing the worst was I didn't pay extra for AC lived in Florida so my parents had a board put over the ceiling vent in my room and attached Tinsel's to make sure they could see if it was ever blowing I used my parents bank account for the longest time until they bought a car with my money everything was in their name I had to pay them insurance and loan payments they would only ever take cash I also wasn't allowed to use the car for anything but work Church Jehovah's Witness four times a week and driving my brother's around if I broke the rules they would call the cops and report it stolen when my older brother crashed it and when my mom ran over debris the morning after hurricane popping two tires I had to pay for it all I mentioned those and note that there are more like the no boyfriends no talking to people outside religion no blah blah blah that deep parents do because if I broke any of that or missed a church day my rent would double permanently one day mom calls me in and asked for money to fix the AC which I do not benefit from and I say I can't spare any since I was trying hard to save she pulls out my bank statement and tells me I have just over three hundred bucks in my account and she wants it all in my head I was like WTF she probably used my statements to know when to raise rent and such from then on my work bless you dawn for McDonald's you're my best manager ever and I miss you let me forward all my mail there then nearing October my parents plan to vacation over Columbus Day to go to Disney my mom worked there and could get her husband and some of the kids in for free I was expected to pay for myself and for some of the free hotel because I would be using it I opted out saying I needed to work all I could the next morning I put my notice in at work for their Friday they'd be gone the moment my entire family left the house and me alone I packed up two boxes with clothes computer and very little else I had a greyhound ticket to the Midwest where some people I knew a little from online we're moving to as well I kept the secret only because I format in my computer daily and kept a floppy disk with the relevant IRC files and logs my dad worked with computers and checked regularly I left him a note saying goodbye dropped all my online handles and emails and jumped without a parachute no regrets and then when someone comments that they're glad she's free she replies they had the last laugh they took out a loan in my name I got a collection agency calling me three years after I left roughly five thousand three hundred bucks but at the very least when she drove her car to the bus station she parked the car in a towaway zone that was our slash entitle parents and if you liked this video then let me know by hitting that like button because it really helps my channel grow
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Views: 1,538,265
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: 8EGCbOO4Xso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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