r/Entitledparents - You Won't BELIEVE What These Parents Did to Get Arrested!

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welcome to our slash entitle parents where we have quite possibly the most disturbing reddit story I've ever read I really feel that I should warn you that today's story is heavy and dark so if you're easily disturbed you might not want to watch this video because it features pretty much the worst type of abuse you could possibly imagine and I wasn't sure if I should monetize this video so I did monetize it but I'm gonna donate all of the proceeds from this video to prevent child abuse America it's one of the leading child abuse charities in the US and if you want to contribute to I put the link in the description I am currently in custody of my two little sisters Amy who is 17 and Liza who is 8 not the real names for obvious reasons I am a 29 year old male and we live in Australia I am a potato as that's what Liza calls me and this is basically the story of how my family felt they were entitled to both of my sister's bodies and I wouldn't stand for that I would like to warn anyone who has faced abuse in the past as parts of the story may trigger some people and to anyone who has faced abuse in the past I do feel deeply sorry for you the main part of the story takes place about a year ago I moved out six years ago at the time and moved to another state for work and study I was honestly really slack about keeping contact with my family which is probably why this went on so long when I do think back to the time before I moved out I didn't treat Amy the best and if I hadn't moved out and had so little contact with my family I may have turned out just as entitled and as much of a horrible person I came back to visit from my grandparents birthday after spending so long away I spent the morning catching up with aunts uncles cousins my parents and of course Liza now this was actually the first time I'd realized the oddities of my family perhaps it was the change in environment a few of my roommates had little sisters and whatnot after all but it was the first time I'd noticed how quiet the little girls of my family were I guess I had always just thought of Amy as shy and quiet but my little cousins were so much the same polite shy quiet and obedient though at the time I brushed this off after a few hours I realized that amy was nowhere to be seen all day the party was at my Aaron's house so this confused me and I slipped inside to see if she was cooped up in a room like a lot of sixteen year olds would be talking to friends are doing assessments what I found is a memory that will haunt me forever my oldest uncle on my father's side laying over my sister who was quite clearly in a lot of pain and struggling not to cry as he pinned her beneath him I completely lost it as any brother would shouting at him to get off her and out of her room I scared the heck out of both of them but in that moment I was honestly ready to kill my uncle amy was pretty messed up in the head when I tried consoling her she was covered in scars had a rash that I later found out was an allergic reaction she was allergic to strawberries she didn't speak and looked at me as if she expected for me to hurt her too the room was dimly lit the blinds taped closed to her wall all the things she'd had when I left were gone leaving the bedroom feeling cold and empty and to add insult to injury she was months pregnant when I demanded an explanation from my parents they'd paraphrasing said that it was my uncle's right and my father simply pointed out one of my 11 year old cousin sitting quietly with her parents and told me to have fun I stormed off back to Amy's room quietly packed her bag of necessities and managed to sneak her out of the house and into my car before doing the same with Liza part of me wanted to get all my cousins too but my main focus was of a me right now who sat trembling in the back of my car I drove them both to the closest police station to report what was happening I'll skip most of the details of the legal battle that ensued but my family did not take kindly to being outed for what they were doing it was a tradition that spanned generations and there shouldn't be anything wrong with tradition Amy and Liza were put into temporary foster care Amy was a wreck to her everyone could and would hurt her and I got reports every few hours that she was having a panic attack three of my uncle's went to jail for a very long time I got a fair bit of money out of a range of family members full custody of both Amy and Liza no enforced visitation to their parents my parents had to pay for any therapy costs medication and medical needs for both of them my family was torn in two by this many of my aunts leaving their husbands with their children after finally having the courage to follow me uncle's who had married into the family took their wives who had also been abused and cut off ties I still keep in contact with these members of my family and I'm grateful for their support and glad that my cousins are safe for now even some of the older guys who had been brought up thinking it was okay to treat women that way took themselves into counseling once they realized just how messed up it was and I've had more than one instance where they admitted to hurting Amy and apologized which I've accepted as these cousins did their best to take their siblings or other cousins out of harmful environments now I do believe some part of the ruling protected the younger men of the family provided they see some form of mental health professional as they grew up thinking this was all normal so they didn't end up in jail but did end up on some list of possible sex offenders not entirely sure no one is sure who fathered Amy's child but she had her pregnancy terminated as we were told her physical and mental health would not cope with carrying a baby she ultimately would unlikely care for she did consent at the time and it was brought up by her psychologist once she was doing better and she confirmed that she would have no love for the baby due to the circumstances which he felt pregnant for six years Amy had been physically sexually mentally and emotionally abused in every way conceivable this mostly came from my father's four brothers and brother-in-law who married into the family my parents both stood by and let this happen offering no support for Amy during the case my uncles argued it was their birthright being born into their family and it was simply Amy's rite of passage before she was married off to one of my uncle's mates at 18 they used her allergy as a form of torture and manipulation wanting her to be silent and obedient they would press strawberries against her skin any time she said a word and would force her to eat them which he stepped to for out of line a lot of aunts from my father's side admitted to enduring this treatment to although most of them were lucky and didn't have allergies to exploit I honestly can't even begin to explain everything that was wrong with Amy because of their behavior Liza for the most part was okay she needed a little therapy as she was being groomed into compliance and taught what she would experience was normal but Amy had completely shut down it took two months before I could even get her speaking she trusts me now and we often sit down and I let her talk and open up about whatever she feels comfortable to her stories often have me struggling to hold back tears while I comfort her I did get Amy a service dog a few months ago tailored towards the emotional support she needs on a regular basis lickety-split honestly is the goodest of good dago's she knows exactly when she's needed and is a massive help when it comes to calming Amy's anxiety especially in public we've had more than one encounter with unrelated entitled parents thinking they or their kids deserve her dog more than her let me know if you want these stories published too because I've seen people like to read about service dog related incidents but anyone who does think that can honestly fight me no one deserves her dog more than her on one occasion one of my aunts her husband went to jail try taking lickety-split because their money paid for her I told her if she ever comes near my property again I would call the police as there was a restraining order against her towards both my sisters later she came back and tried to poison lickety-split with tainted meat but one of my lovely neighbors caught her and chased her off police were called she is now in jail too after having to pay a fine and some money to me because at this point I'm pretty well acquainted in the legal system and sued her my family still tried to get my sister's out of my care reporting me for everything from animal abuse to drug trafficking they planted drugs in an identical stuffed toy to amy's comfort toy and left it in the yard but Amy would never do that so I knew something was up immediately home security systems work wonders I have actually been pretty chummy with a local police officers who have to inspect their claims but they know I'd never do anything to endanger my custody over the girls they mean the world to me I will admit though I have done things to hurt my bond with them yelling when stressed and throwing things from time to time but I'm not perfect and amy has told me that all of these moments do scare her she doesn't feel in danger by being near me when they happen I also spoil them a little when they do happen now the reason this ended on am I the butthole is because a few weeks ago my mother contacted me saying she wanted to talk I was hesitant but agreed and we met up in the next town over no way I could be followed home my mother explained how she was in the process of divorcing my father and she wanted to have a relationship with me and my sisters with emphasis on mending her bond with Amy who had not called her mom in years she explained how she was pressured into the marriage after she'd gotten pregnant with me and never wanted that life for her daughters I flat out told her no something several members of my family disagreed with as she could have done literally anything to support Amy emotionally with what had happened done anything to make her feel better or more secure with what was happening to her but instead she was shunned and isolated except for when she was needed to cook clean or provide some sort of service to the family even going so far as to berate her whenever she did try to confide in my mom that she was in pain or scared Amy was well past her breaking point when I took her and had even planned on killing herself less than a week after my visit my mother argued that she had the same right as the other members of my family who had left and had contact with my sisters but I told her it was because they were doing it to protect their children and themselves they didn't wait a year after losing custody to try and fight for them and I really don't even need to give a reason I have custody and she does not members of mi the butthole convinced me that when amy is in a better place mentally and liza is older I bring it up with them leave that decision in their hands I've been told Amy will be a dependent well after she turns 18 her mind just doesn't function properly so there is no risk of her mother getting a to contact behind my back even when she's an adult and while Amy does have a phone in a computer she doesn't have any social media as she doesn't want any chance of her family trying to contact her as they've threatened her with many forms of torture in the past this story doesn't have a slam-dunk ending I have my sisters and they're in a safe environment where they'll get to grow up as kids Amy is getting the help she needs and is slowly making her way out of the towers she built to protect herself in the only way she could but she knows there isn't a rush to come out I'll work with her at the pace she sets she's still discovering her own interests like just reading a book with a form of fruity tea she also has a small collection of stuffed animals mostly build-a-bear that she adores and takes one with her everywhere she's sensitive to textures so the feeling is a comfort for her and once a week we sit down to try to find older bears she likes we only have three builder bears on her wish list and honestly I've loved helping Amy discover herself she lost a lot of her ability to think and feel for herself during this and watching her find her favorite book genre or her favorite types of music is a great feeling knowing how far she's come and I live for the day she actually manages a smile I'd be willing to answer most questions so if you want to know anything just ask as I want to bring awareness that these things are still happening to other kids but obviously some things I'd rather keep to myself for the girls sake edit first off thanks for the awards it means a lot and thank you for everyone offering your kind words and support it's honestly really difficult this past year and at times I really do struggle but have to stay strong having my two little girls depend on me so much and the support everyone has shown is truly the best some extra notes amy was pulled out of school at 10:00 a few months after I left home she was kept isolated in her room and had very little meaningful contact also I'm not going to share a photo of lickety-split as she is a very recognizable dog and not everyone who has contact with Amy and her dog know the full story so I'd rather not draw any links between this story in her real day-to-day life as she struggles with it enough answering the commonly asked questions to save myself repeating yes I was groomed to but much differently I was thought I could treat the women in my family how I wanted but I was never really a violent person and sexually driven I was a jerk and although I have anger issues at I'm taking it out on other people is not something I ever saw effective my focuses were more on my studying some of the other men in my family were the same and we're never really abusive unfortunately it never really clicked in my head that if I was being taught that what were they teaching my sisters behind my back I blame myself fully because of how long amy suffered and do my best to make amends for it by showing her love no one else cared to do I am in therapy too I work closely with Amy's therapist too so don't worry about my mental well-being I'm looking after me - that was our slash of title parents and my god those were the most entitled and evil parents that I have ever seen on this subreddit I very seriously considered not posting this but since Opie said that he posted the story because he wanted to draw attention to the plight that many children suffer I decided that I'd do the same so I'm gonna take this opportunity to talk about the prevent child abuse America charity I'm donating all of the revenue from this video to that charity and if you want to contribute as well I put the link in the description
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,002,775
Rating: 4.9604063 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: NKrTNKgQ0pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2019
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