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welcome to our slash entitled parents where a father demands that his teenage kid gets admitted into a gay furry orgy we were having a day of hiking and picnicking in the park with my young girls six month old and three year old so I brought a bunch of toys my wife went off to feed our baby and I was playing with the three-year-old in her dolls and she paired all of them off into couples of men and women recently we learned we really dropped the ball teaching her about relationship diversity because she went to visit her uncle's her married uncles and threw a tantrum when we told her they were married because only boys and girls can get married we thought she knew they were married because it's certainly no big secret but have definitely gone out of her way to correct that assumption since we basically just try to point out the LGBTQ people in her life and reinforce you know these people you like them they like you it's no different than knowing a straight couple she's been super receptive to it and I think she just hadn't seen any gay people on TV or in books and was oblivious to the one she saw in everyday life so wasn't sure what to think so I said let's put these two girls together like your friend Hannah's mommies and these two boys together like uncle X and uncle Y the rest can stay as they were this way more people are included isn't that nice and she said yeah and we played and it was fine enter entitled mother nice kid entitled mothers somehow normal kid about ten years old and my kid excuse me what are you doing playing dollies sir excuse me hello I don't appreciate your talking about hugging passionately in front of my kids when was I talking about hugging passionately the entitled mother Whisperer yelling the G word and the l word I didn't say either of those and I can talk to my kid about anything I want so unless there's anything else I won't have you sharing adult conversations with a toddler here in public or anywhere really that's too bad because once we finish talking about inclusion I was gonna crack open a 40-ounce and read some hustler for storytime is she even your daughter is that even your son at this point a woman walks by with a baby an entitled mother tries to pull her into the conversation this man is going up to children at the park and trying to teach them about hugging passionately the woman who will call w-4 woman or for wife because she's my wife was having none of that what was he saying he was telling his toddler about gee a why hugging passionately thankfully she knew the woman must be nuts I thought we said no gay hugging passionately until her fourth birthday the entitled mother rushed over to cover nice kids ears this is everything wrong with our kids today you're forcing them to grow up before their time you want your daughter to have those images in her head you're going to traumatize her my dollies are at the grocery store and they're gonna buy popsicles I eat a popsicle today it was a yellow one oh oh you think popsicles are a euphemism for something entitled mother takes nice kid and storms off 15 minutes pass and everyone's getting hungry so we break out some snacks I'm helping my kid get the green tops off her strawberries a park ranger comes over excuse me a woman reported there was some sort of inappropriate sexual activity going on in this site what's really Oh No well I've got my kids with me do you think we should move the park ranger looks around confused no no just keep an eye open for anything strange and if you see something drop by the ranger station and let us know about an hour later just as we're thinking it's time to hit home entitled mother comes back through how are you still here we ignore her at this point you know there are piles of Studies on child psychology that say that what you're doing is ruining of merica I wanted so badly to say something snarky but kept my mouth shut but then entitled mother directed her insanity at my kids and you better believe that didn't sit well with my wife honey does it make you sad when daddy tries to tell you things you don't understand don't you talk to my kids one more time don't look in our direction don't breathe on me get out of here right now leave of course my three-year-old doesn't know why she's upset so starts crying this yelling and crying attracted the attention of a different Park Ranger problem folks entitled mother started screaming almost incoherently while her poor embarrassed kid was like mom let's just go let's go come on I'm so glad you're here we were just getting ready to leave when this woman who's been harassing us all day came and started talking to my daughter the park ranger took her aside and took us aside and we gave our sides of the story entitled mother was nearly in tears and we could hear her throwing out words like decency and innocence when he came to us we briefly explained but said we were already on our way out so didn't want to take this any further he said we should just go we packed up and left entitled mother couldn't believe we were let go and was still berating the park ranger with her embarrassed son when we left everyone should just mind their own dang business the end our next reddit post is from Denis Ian this didn't happen to me but a friend of mine and the details will be written down as he told me the story so long story short my friend is a furry and at the time was attending Midwest furfest now there are a ton of fun activities that attendees can partake in and most of the panels and activities listed on the official program are totally appropriate for families and kids that being said like any other type of geeky conventions people will hold room parties in their hotel rooms or Suites that are not part of the official program and are not the responsibility of the convention itself very often room parties will either be gatherings of friends or sometimes they will just be centered around certain social groups for example there are furries of color parties now and transferring parties and sometimes well they will be parties of the more passionate hugging kind you know what I mean sometimes to attract a certain crowd especially at the social group parties they will advertise the room party on a board near the hotel lobby to advertise the party's room number for those who might be interested to attend anyway those parties are obviously private functions and obviously the person who is paying for the suite or room has complete liberty of choosing who was allowed inside and who is not especially if they are just a gathering between friends flash forward to Saturday evening this is generally the biggest evening of the convention in terms of official events and room parties my friend is hosting a room party for gay men in this suite the attendees are all legal adults the majority of them in their late 20s early 30s nothing too risque is going on but it's a bunch of gay men together in a room so colorful discussions and a bit of flirting and groping is happening from time to time I mean duh at some point early in the evening they hear a knock at the door my friend goes to the door and slightly opens it to see a kid no older than 15 or 16 standing outside the door um hi can I help you can I come in no this is a private party it's not part of the convention sorry my friend then closes the door and returns to entertaining his guests about 15 minutes later another knock at the door this time my friend's roommate goes to answer the door and finds the same kid standing there and this time he has his father with him yes yes my son came here earlier and was refused to be let in well yes but is there a specific reason why my son can't attend this event at this point my friend intervenes sir this is a room party it's not part of the official program plus your son is a minor and everyone here is a grown man in their 30s this would be extremely inappropriate don't give me that we paid full price for an attendance pass I expect my son to be able to enjoy this convention to its fullest but that's what I'm telling you this isn't covered by the Convention ticket this has nothing to do with but this party was advertised downstairs in the lobby the board downstairs will advertise a lot of private room parties it's a convention thing people will organize gatherings amongst friends and social groups because they're all gathered in the same spot for the weekend that doesn't mean it has anything to do with the convention proper now please can you leave we've told you more than once that your son is not welcome here my friend at this point hush is the entitle dad and his kid out and closes the door at this point everyone thinks the story is over but entitled parents being petty it isn't at 11:30 p.m. a much stronger knock is heard at the door my friend goes to open the door and is met with hotel security and a Rosemont police department officer my friend says what the what is going on hotel security says sir we've got a report of illegal activity taking place in this room we just like to do a quick checkup my friend is flabbergasted but let's the cop and security personnel in of course they find absolutely nothing weird going on can I at least know what this was about this is very distressing a man came to us earlier and said that your party guests were doing drugs and committing acts of gross indecency by being sexually inappropriate where other people could see them my friend then realizes it was more than likely entitled dead and tells hotel security about how the entitled dad tried to force the party attendees to let his minor son attend a room party full of grown adult males and how they had told them to leave repeatedly hotel security apologizes and my friend got a partial refund on his room to make up for the intrusion and no more problems have him from then on he doesn't know if anything happened to the man and his kid what this is the most disturbing thing I've ever read on the subreddit I do man do you let my son into your gay furry orgy right now or I'm filing a false police report on you dude are you insane our next reddit post is from a name that isn't and for context on this one Opie was flying back from vacation with her mom in an airplane Opie and her mom were in a row of three seats and they had a spare seat that no one was using so we were in the air the seatbelt sign was off and we are free to roam about the flight had a couple spare seats from what I could see including the one right next to me my mom and I had booked the middle and window seat but I moved to sit in the aisle so we would have more space the woman who sat in front of me entitled mom continuously whipped her head around to stare at me for a few seconds I tried to ignore her but it was freaking weird after 20 minutes of her turning around to stare at me every few seconds she eventually tapped me on the head she tapped me on my head by reaching over the seat excuse me her tone was very severe yes hi I was very tired but tried to be polite swap seats with me she maintained eye contact the whole time I took a few minutes to respond because I was just dumbfounded I'm with my mom I'd rather not you've got a spare seat I want to spread out and relax swap with me No please leave me alone that's not how you speak to an adult she got a little loud enough to turn heads and disturb my mom who asked if I was okay swap with me I need to sit there and you can sit next to my child you can play with him the child looked around five I'm 18 please leave loop right now this turned everyone's head made me so embarrassed and was loud enough to summon a flight attendant mid-30s male the flight attendant said is everything all right here he spoke directly to entitled mom completely ignoring me that boy won't move he's got two seats to himself and he my mom interjected loudly at this point I actually have two seats to myself both of which I paid for I was sitting in the aisle seat which we hadn't booked the entitled mother didn't respond to my mom I think she was intimidated hmm well I'll see what I can do he then turned to me who had been listening and present the whole time this woman is asking me if you'd be able to swap with her so she could have more space would you mind would I mind uh no I don't want to swap entitled mother erupted she started yelling at me calling me a brat calling me selfish my mom was yelling at her back and I honestly was struggling not to laugh at entitle mother because I noticed how her chins shook as she shouted the flight attendant during this argument shrinked away just backed off an effing left entitled mother realized she was making a fool of herself fine selfish at Bing brats she sat back down and swung her seat back as much as she could which was fine because it was literally a couple of inches and I had plenty of space my mom asked if I was okay and if I wanted her to make the entitle mom move I said I was fine entitled mother started making huffing noises I ignored her put in my headphones and the rest of the flight was fine when we landed entitled mother made sure to get up like a rocket and block the walkway so I couldn't get out the aisle I however was feeling petty I sit up shuffled over and said you don't mind do you then barge into the walkway in a way that looked acts in all she stumbled into someone else who promptly launched her back into her seat it was hilarious like watching a ping pong ball she didn't move after that and we got off the plane and never saw her again Opie what blows my mind is that somehow you resisted the urge to kick her seat for the entire flight if I were you I would have been a seriously tempted and if you liked this story don't forget to hit that like button because it really helps my channel our next reddit post is from super okay here's some context I lived next door to an elderly couple to really sweet people the husband let's call him blind elder is a blind old man of about 70 his wife let's call her sweet granny was sick one day so I offered to take blind elder to the store to get some stuff I help blind elder into his car after saying goodbye to sick granny and I drive him to the store blind elder always tells jokes about his condition laughing as though he could care less about the fact that he can't see when we get to the store I help him out of the car and inside allowing him to put a hand on my shoulder so I can be his eyes we managed to buy what we need and get to the lunch meet its ends they needed some each meet I grabbed as a sample I hand to blind elder letting him feel to see if it's the perfect size while he's feeling the salami I heard someone clear his throat in a rude way I turn around and find myself face to face with entitled dad entitled dad is an average looking middle-aged man with barely any hair on his head his kids are two twin boys who are around age 7 entitled dad starts asking us to hurry and ask the why blind elder is touching the meat that way I quickly explained that my neighbor is blind causing the dad to shake his head and say something about how him and his kids were in a hurry blind elder eventually turns around and hands me the meat he had been feeling then the dad gets impatient he's probably faking it he seems way too confident blind elder just led a lap and had I'm gonna scare him then to my amusement blind elder takes off his sunglasses to show his eyes causing the dad to back up as my neighbor's stumbles towards him with his hands outstretched yelling about how someone turned off the lights and how the world has been thrown into eternal darkness the dad and his kids run like scared dogs causing my neighbor to laugh so loud that he has tears in his eyes he put his sunglasses back on and we continue shopping when we got back to the house blind elder started telling his wife what had happened and how he had made a big tough dead pee his pants in fear so I guess you could say that entitled dad got blindsided that was our slash entitle parents and my mommy said that if you don't subscribe to my channel she's going to report you to the FBI
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,448,752
Rating: 4.9103608 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: VBd3RGGpoW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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