r/Entitledparents Insane Mother's Epic Flip-Out at Disney World!

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welcome to our slashing title parens where I attempt to sing in my entitled parents voice this happened about a year ago but I just booked tickets for another long flight and it made me think of this I was flying from Hawaii to New York and had a layover in Chicago the flight from Hawaii to Chicago was about 10 hours long and I had booked my flight well in advance so I could have my choice of seats I chose the window seat on the exit row and as I was waiting in the airport I was excited knowing my seat was going to be perfect we start boarding and I'm one of the first groups to board so I make sure I have everything I need from my bag put my headphones on and start my Netflix binge about 10 minutes in the woman next to me taps me on the shoulder hi sweetie I'm flying with my family and my granddaughter would like to be in the window seat I should explain the layout of the plane there's three seats on the left and right side and four seats in the middle entitled grandma and her husband were sitting in the seats next to me on my side and the rest of our family entitled mother and her three kids all between two to eight years old we're sitting in the middle row I say I am sorry I chose to seat because I know how long my flight is going to be I would offer to let her sit here during takeoff and then switch but she looks really young and I don't think they allowed children to sit in the exit row entitled mother overhearing our conversation so you're just going to be heartless and deny my daughter her window seats mom you told me I could have it tell her it's mine she starts having a temper tantrum and screaming while sitting in the aisle holding up the entire line of people trying to get to their seats look what you did you broke that little girl's heart I hope you know there's a place in heck for people like you the flight attendant heard the girl's tantrum at this point and started coming over what seems to be the issue these people asked me to switch this girl stole my daughter's seats shoved her way in as I was helping my daughter with her bag and now she refuses to give us the seat back I have my ticket that shows that this is my seat she stole the ticket from my grandbaby I saw her do it me extremely frustrated at this point it has my name on it and I have my license to prove it's my name the flight attendant looks over everything this is her seat also your daughter is way too young to be in an exit row please don't disturb this young lady again the rest of the flight I endured dirty looks from the family and at one point entitle grandma tried to spill a drink on me as a flight attendant was handing it to me hopefully the next flight I can just sit in silence why be silent during a flight when you can look out the window and say wow this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and then just turn around and lock eyes with a little girl and be like you have no idea what you're missing this is the coolest thing I've ever seen I'm an optician I'm mostly watching in the sidelines for this one but I figured y'all would appreciate the story anyway entitled mom a nice kid come in and check in they were a smidge early for their appointment 15 minutes or so and after they checked in they sat down nice kid was quietly playing something on an iPad for those of you unfamiliar with waiting rooms most have TVs where they play something for the patients to watch for us it's nature shows so there doesn't need to be sound just pretty fish swimming around entitled mother for the most part is watching the TV totally enamored at the sharks soon enough 15 minutes passed by and entitled mother gets called the vision tech says entitled mother and titled mother last name the entitled mother keeps watching TV the tech and I make eye contact and I note towards entitle mom the tech shrugs and calls her name again then retreats five minutes later the tech tries again and this time nice kid pokes his mom and whispers to her entitled mom shushes the kid and continues watching TV the tech retreats again and tries another five minutes later this time walking up to her excuse me ma'am are you entitled mom the entitle mom annoyed yes what do you want we're ready for you to come back for nice kids appointment can't you see we're busy come back later ma'am your appointment was booked 15 minutes ago it's not my appointment it's my son's it's okay mommy I can go myself nonsense we want to watch the fishies ma'am we have the same show in the waiting room leave us alone I will tell you when we're ready that's not how appointments work I don't care I will stay here and watch my show the tech and I make eye contact again and I shrug and go back to writing emails texts eyes and makes her way to the back of the office probably to ask the office manager what to do ten minutes later tech comes out and talks with her again ma'am if your son doesn't come in for his appointment you'll need to reschedule this show is always on and you won't miss anything the entitled mother are ignoring the tech look nice kid dolphins ma'am I oh wow look at this splash your appointment Wow nice kid look at that okay the tech walks out and other patients get called now this lady literally kept watching the two-hour special and finally after the credits rolled she walks up to the desk at this point I had gone to lunch and came back and she was still there okay we're ready now the front desk receptionist said sorry for what nice kids appointments ma'am you were checked in over two hours ago your appointment has already finished that's ridiculous we never went back the tech called you five times well past your appointment time well we were watching the fishes on your TV I understand that ma'am but your appointment wasn't 10:00 a.m. it's now noon you'll have to reschedule that's BS we've been here waiting it's not my fault that you had a good show on ma'am as much as we appreciate feedback on the shows we have in the waiting rooms you missed your appointment I might be able to squeeze you in for a 3 p.m. if you're able to come back no we will be seen now mommy the lady told you be quiet nice kid the grown-ups are talking I'm sorry ma'am other than rescheduling you the doctor will not be able to see you today we were watching the show I understand but you missed your appointment so we will need to reschedule you it's not for me it's for him and she jabs her finger at the little boy then we will have to reschedule him for his eye appointment you people are ridiculous if you don't want people watching TV don't have them on I apologize for having entertainment in the waiting room can i reschedule you for the next available appointment entitled mother turns bright red and threw her hands up in the air and stormed off without her kid the poor kid stood there for a few moments before running after his mom I went over and congratulated the front desk receptionist for her unyielding patience you know I'm gonna be honest I think we've all been late to something because of Shark Week can we really blame the entitle mother for this one our next reddit post is from Robo dragon so this story doesn't involve me too much but I know quite a lot about entitled cousins actions and behavior through stories my family members and good cousin told me ever since we were little kids my cousin and good cousin and I have been best buds we lived only a few miles away from one another so we would bike to each other's houses play in our backyards and play video games good cousin comes from an extremely wealthy family her dad my uncle started a business when he was 20 and it has been super successful to the point there are now several large locations across the globe even though his family is crazy rich they live a very modest lifestyle they live in a small two-story home on a few acres of land and a large pond takes up most of it the one lavish thing they do is that every 2 or 3 years they go on a cruise good cousin is one of three children she has an older brother and her identical twin sister entitled cousin you may think the good twin evil twin scenario is only seen on the TV screen but good cousin and entitled cousin are the real world equivalent good cousin is kind and generous while entitled cousin is selfish and entitled entitled cousin always had this idea in her head that because her dad was so wealthy she didn't have to lift a finger in life to get what she wanted good things just came to her a good cousin and their brother but a good cousin had the common sense to know that she can't always rely on daddy's money despite getting pretty much everything they wanted growing up good cousin and her brother never had entitled attitudes their parents are also super nice so entitled cousin was always the evil stand out of the family entitled cousins attitude only got worse as time went on eventually entitled cousin got married and had a kid a boy entitled cousins husband is just as nasty as she is so they were kind of made for each other entitled cousin always wanted to rub her child in good cousin's face like she wanted to gloat about having a kid before she did good cousin had a history of bad relationships including those that involved verbal and physical abuse one time good cousin came to her sister for advice after her boyfriend beat her entitled cousin had the nerve to blame her weight and not using makeup to make herself more attractive good cousin was afraid to date anyone after her last relationship disaster but that changed when she finally met the man of her dreams good husband and I met good husband personally and he's a giant teddy bear of a guy he's the perfect guy to help heal good cousins old wounds and give her the loving happy life she deserves then nearly two years after they met and good cousin and good husband were engaged the entire family was thrilled that good cousin finally got the man of her dreams and her father wanted to throw a boatload of money to her to help pay for a beautiful wedding for a future reference he did the same thing for entitled cousin when she got married yet entitled cousin was not happy about how extravagant good cousin's wedding was going to be good cousin wanted to be married at Niagara Falls and invite basically everyone she knew and her father was going to pay for pretty much all of it entitled cousin was furious she talked to good cousin and their father about the wedding and how all the money being spent better not interfere with the family's upcoming cruise yes they still went on cruises together every few years despite the children being grown and having families of their own their father said that because of the wedding and how expensive it was going to be the family cruise would have to be pushed back another year or two entitled cousin practically exploded she blamed a good cousin for taking the cruise away from her and her precious boy who was 5 at this point she said she told her son how they were going on a cruise and how now he's going to be so upset now because his selfish aunt wanted to get married instead of giving him a happy week in the tropics entitled cousin even had the audacity to demand good cousin to reschedule the wedding for next year so they could go on the cruise instead good cousin who is normally not a confrontational person had it with her sisters attitude and told her if she wanted to go in a cruise she would have to pay for it herself entitled cousin and her husband were nowhere near as wealthy as their father there was no way he was going to reschedule his own daughter's wedding just to give entitled cousin what she wanted entitled cousins ranting went on for weeks flipping back and forth between blaming her sister for ruining her son's year and begging her father for money to go on her cruise because she and her family deserved it she drove good cousin to tears and she ended up calling me up for advice my only advice to her was to give entitled cousin who normally gets everything nothing and buy nothing I mean don't invite her to the wedding like most sisters would do good cousin wanted entitled cousin to be one of her bridesmaids as she was a bridesmaid and entitled cousin's wedding not inviting her would be a major upset for everyone involved but it just may be the thing to teach entitled cousin a lesson so she did just that good cousin called up her sister and flat-out told her that if she didn't change her attitude she didn't want it leaving a sour taste at her wedding again entitled cousin blew up shouting a good cousin calling her all sorts of names and again blaming her for the cruise being canceled good cousin hung up and decided to not invite her to the wedding the wedding was amazing and I ended up being the bridesmaid to take in title cousin's place yes I was invited to the wedding originally but good cousin didn't want me to be a bridesmaid only because she knew I hated dresses and I'd rather wear a suit but I said I'd wear a dress and just for her special day it's been a few years now and good cousin and good husband have a beautiful little girl and have a baby boy on the way entitled cousin is still in their lives and is still nasty as ever but she doesn't come to her father begging for anything anymore because after her behavior towards him and good cousin he threatened to leave out of his will if she continued to pester either of them maybe now that she's not going to get everything handed to her on a silver platter she'll change her attitude for the better or at least that's what we all wish to happen so I'm kind of surprised that evil twins are a real thing is anyone watching this video a twin let me know down in the comments if you have an evil twin or if you're the evil twin it pisses me off to no end when I see childless couples at Disney World Disney World is a family amusement park yet these immature Millennials throw away their money on useless garbage they have no idea the joy and happiness it is the mothers who buys their babies treats and toys they will never experience the exhaustion that it is to chase a three-year-old around and getting stares at assuming I'm a bad mother this grunt in some very [ __ ] shorts was buying a Mickey pretzel and Aiden wanted one but the line was very long so I said later and it broke this bored little heart and he cried I wanted to take that effing pretzel from that [ __ ] like thanks jerk you made my son cry Disney World is for children people without children need to be banned mothers with children should be allowed to skip all the lines you have no effing idea what it's like to have to stand in line for three hours with a cranky tired exhausted toddler and I can't just tell him that we can't do something because it's his vacation too i effing hey childless woman with a burning passion I'd love to see an entitled parent version of every Disney movie like the new hit frozen let me go let me oh let me go to the front of the line that was my terrible attempt at singing as an entitled person and this is our slash puppy bloopers this OOP why do I bother why don't I just delete my channel so I can just play with you non-stop is that what you want don't don't look at me like that I can't do it dogs I can't just play with you all day you get squeak all you once I can't play with you dog I gotta work this grunt in some very [ __ ] dog this grunt in some dog I can cut it with you if you want to cuddle for a couple of minutes dog poo Jones who Jones Simone stop [Music]
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,668,852
Rating: 4.9285517 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: N3FM-PN3i0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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