Karen Tries To Get Me Out Of My Wheelchair So That Her Son Can Take A Ride! r/EntitledParents

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hello everyone and welcome to reddit crown today we're going to have some stories from subreddit entitled parents but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to my channel like the video if you enjoyed it and leave a comment below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort i put in every day and now without further ado let's go first story karen demands i get out of my wheelchair a follow on two my son wants a ride in your electric wheelchair get out so he can have a go megatron karen returns one of my first posts on here was about a karen demanding i get out of my power wheelchair to let her son have a go and then freaking out when i said no i'd only had one other encounter with her since that happened which i hope would have been my last unfortunately that was not the case megatron karen strikes again i'm a c4-5 incomplete quadriplegic and although i have use of my upper body i still rely on my power wheelchair to get me around town i recently received a new power wheelchair and i'm still getting used to using it and although it looks slightly different than my old one it's still a karen magnet this happened a few days ago when i was downtown doing some shopping as i was leaving the mall i saw karen and her son 12 years old walking in i wanted to turn and go the other way but she'd already seen me in hindsight i should have stayed in the mall and waited for her to lose sight of me but in that moment i just wanted to get as far away from her as possible so i exited the mall hoping that karen wouldn't follow me but you know i wouldn't be telling this story if that were the end of it there's a discount clothing shop just outside of the mall which i'd planned to go to so that's where i went i was in there for a few minutes when i got the feeling that someone was watching me so i turned to see karen and her son near the entrance and karen glaring at me when i looked at her she immediately looked away pretending that she was shopping i headed to the plus-size section hoping that she'd lose sight of her but in retrospect that was a bad idea i call her megatron karen for a reason when i got to the plus size section i naively thought i was safe but oh no dear readers it had only just begun i started looking through the selection on the racks when not long after i got that same feeling that i was being watched i looked around and saw karen at the end of the aisle looking at me but when she saw me see her she looked away then came a strange game of cat and mouse i went to another aisle and she followed me i went back the other way and she followed me to avoid causing a scene i left the store hoping to outrun her unfortunately though i was not that lucky as i left the store and was going down the block i got that same feeling as before so i turned around and wouldn't you know it there she was what the crap is wrong with you lady why are you following me excuse me i'm not following you okay then going in the opposite direction to call her bluff guess what the lunatic followed me i could hear her coming up close behind me so i stopped short causing her to run straight into the back of my power chair the sounds that followed were very satisfying as she hit her knee hard into the bar that's at the back of my chair hit her belly directly into a hook that's near the top where a headrest can be placed and almost fell in an attempt to correct her balance what is wrong with you you could have killed me that wouldn't have happened if you weren't following me now what do you want after muttering incoherent slurs in anger and pain from getting front ended by the back of my chair you you insolent little get out of that wheelchair now before i call the police on you for assault me really lady how about you take a look above your head pointing to the cctv camera directly outside the store that i stopped in front of that will show you following me as will the one inside the store we were in before and the mall you followed me out of please karen call the police i dare you karen getting dead silent me better yet how about i call the police and press charges and you for harassment through this entire encounter her son was trailing behind her with his tail between his legs with a look of embarrassment and shame on his face for what his mother was doing karen's still keeping her mouth shut me getting out my phone to take a picture of her face this picture is time-stamped with my location if i ever see you again you will leave me the heck alone or i will show this to the police who will be more than happy to review the cameras karen just stared at me like a deer caught in the headlights with her mouth doing a brilliant goldfish impression i left to continue my shopping i haven't seen her since then but i hope she took my threat seriously i didn't want to take things further because that would probably get docs involved australian's version of cps but if anything else happens i'll be sure to post it thanks for reading next story you're blocking the drive through this happened earlier today i drove a cement mixer and was just getting done pouring a drive through for a new chick-fil-a going up in the area the drive-through is fresh in wet cement there are construction fences all around but the main building structure is completed the fences all say stop construction staff only except for one that has a chick-fil-a coming soon sign i'm washing down the truck when i hear loud honking not thinking anything of it as i'm in a shopping center i keep washing the inside of the truck down i then hear more honking and look over to the front to see a cairn entitled mother with her head out her window full care and haircut then screaming move out of the way you're blocking the ducking drive through i see she has two empty car seats in the back and a sticker in her window saying baby's on board i'm glad her kids weren't in the car when this happened i'm not a fan of cussing i came down off the ladder to go and explain that it isn't open yet as i walk toward the car she starts moving her car closer to me she is now about two feet from the front of my truck my truck is back to the building i keep thinking how exactly does she expect me to get out as i get to her window i let her know nicely that the chick-fil-a location is not open yet and inform her that she will need to move back so i can move my truck from the fenced off area entitled mother is having none of it she is adamant that i move my truck out of the way so she can get into the drive-through well i tried i thought i asked her to move her car back so i can move my truck out of the fenced area once again she refused to comply and started beeping her horn again i've had it my truck horn for those who don't know what one sounds like are very very loud if you're too close they can scare you and even give you a ringing in your ears as she was refusing to move and constantly honking her horn i decided to show her mine honk honk and i started to move forward entitled mother moved her car back quickly she must not have checked her mirrors or blind spot because she backed up into a stop sign that was about 75 feet away of course entitled mother got out and came over to start blaming me for her own actions i forced her to back up into the sign i am 100 at fault for her car damage and i rushed her car so she had to avoid me by backing up as fast as she could i loved this one entitled mother called the police soon after the sight form and saw the entire event but he doesn't speak much english and likely already had to deal with various people trying to get into his sight so he just sat back and watched until the police arrived we each told our stories and of course entitled mother made her sound like it was a life or death situation where she was a kind woman just trying to make it to the new chick-fil-a for lunch and i was blocking it just to be cruel to her for no reason of her own that without warning i charged her vehicle and forced her to rush and back into the stop sign the officer came over and asked if it was true i replied no sir i have a dash cam with audio you can see if you could play the file on a computer lucky for me our foreman offered his laptop entitled mother's story fell apart quickly the officer's face turned to a frown that i swear could have made the pope feel guilty he walked over to her went straight to his handcuffs and began to read her rights to her entitled mother was charged with obstruction of justice reckless driving and misuse of 9-1-1 as she was being placed into the back of the police charger i saw a man coming over with a two-child stroller that had two babies riding in it the officer explained the situation to him and he honestly didn't look surprised he seemed to just nod and walked quietly over to the car took pictures and unloaded his kids with the stroller and left i feel bad that he had to go through that but i'm under the impression that it wasn't the first time she has done something like this i didn't press charges but i reported everything to my company for their discretion too i feel like i've ran into more and more of these forms of people since kovid began just info my dash cam isn't cheap it is built into the truck and has a back and front camera with a microphone that activates when the parking brake is set when driving the truck it is pretty loud that the microphone wouldn't pick up anything but engine noise which is why it's activated when parked next story karen decides that she and her son are more important than the rules of competitive chess back in the late summer of 2019 i was invited to work as an assistant tournament director at a small annual chess tournament which was held entirely for charity i had played in the tournament in 2017 and 2018 but without many high-rated players intending to play i decided to make my donation to the cause and help run the event instead given that option this was a junior tournament which meant every player was a kid or a teenager i was 16 at the time but the rest of the tournament staff were all adults i also had some experience as an assistant tournament director at a local club and the organizers did the exact thing which causes way too many problems in any competitive chess they decided to allow spectators in the tournament hall anyone who knows anything about competitive chess would tell you that talking between two players is a big no-no and that any chatting between players and spectators as a cardinal sin i've seen spectators be thrown out for quietly murmuring among themselves as they should be chess is a silent game and spectators have no right to violate the rules which the players must abide by the tournament was split into two sections the advanced section and the beginners section based on rating every chess player has a rating based on their performances the first time i took any notice of the karen involved in this story is when she was registering her son for the tournament when she was informed that his rating suggested that he would be best fit to play in the beginners section chess tournaments usually allow you to play sections above your rating but not below your rating she almost threw a fit karen my son is not some novice he will play in the advanced section she then turned away and grumbled something about how rude the suggestion was the tournament director was maybe one of the most helpful and polite people who i've ever met in the chess world a true inspiration by the way so karen's son was signed up for the advanced section the director was much more experienced than i was and while the expectation was that players in the advanced section would be very aware of the rules such an expectation was not held for the beginner's section which for that reason would mean directing the beginners section would be much more of a challenge with each section in one of two rooms and two tournament directors i was given the advanced room and karen with it i am a huge stickler for rules and chess so i was watching the games and the spectators like a hawk it had already been made very clear that i had the authority to settle any disputes and deal penalties as was necessary warning loss of clock time or forfeiture in extreme cases ejection of players i would have to consult the chief tournament director for so round one started and i am watching the games karen's son an advanced player started the game by moving with two hands this is a big no-no you must move and press your clock with the same hand so i paused his clock declared the foul issued a warning and then let the game continue karen was almost already snarling from the spectator seating across the room literally one move later i have to deduct five minutes from the sun's total 30 for doing the same thing i warned him about one move before then again this time for 10 minutes after about two minutes if he did it again now with 15 of his 30 minutes deducted he would be forfeited i made that very clear and he finally got the hint somehow karen managed to hold her tongue this long when she started talking to her son in the middle of the game in another language this is wrong for her to do on so many levels even if she was speaking english and i was able to understand whether or not what she was saying was innocent or not it would be wrong her talking at all is wrong i had to assume the worst not knowing what she said and went up to her me ma'am you can't speak to your son during the game that's against the rules realistically he could get in trouble for that this is your warning if you talk to him again i'm going to have to ask you to leave the tournament hall i don't want to punish your son for your actions karen i was just telling him to wipe his nose what is your deal me ma'am that's not acceptable to do during a raided chess game you can tell him after the game karen you know it really feels like you're targeting my son me i haven't spotted improper play from any other players the exact same action will be taken if i do karen there is no way my son is playing improperly me i'm not going to argue with you about it right now there are eight games in this section and i need to focus on all of them karen smug okay then another minute later karen starts talking to her son again and i go back to her me i told you before you are not allowed to be talking to your son during the game karen okay and me please make your way out of the tournament room now there are snacks and drinks just outside and your son will update you on the result of his match when he finishes it karen what me please leave the tournament room karen you have no authority to tell me to do that me then go and speak to the chief tournament director or the organizer karen okay we'll see what they think about your ethics i just go back to what i'm doing i had already been good friends with the chief tournament director for several years and had worked with him before i knew this karen thought oh it's my word against a teenager and that she was going to get her way but really it was her word against mine and my word was very well trusted for good reasons none of us had seen karen before this tournament that i could think of and she already hadn't been one for first impressions karen did not return to the tournament room next story entitled karen threatens my autistic brother this happened a couple of weeks before the whole coronavirus stuff and let me tell you i wanted to kill this entitled mother the minute she came near my brother here's the cast entitled mother karen her innocent child my brother my dad employee myself my dad and my brother who is severely autistic went to this indoor play center just to add my brother is non-verbal and has the mental capacity of a two-year-old even though he's 10. we had been coming to this particular play center for years and we never had an issue with anyone until karen stepped in so my brother was playing away by a slide that was in a play area when an innocent child came near him getting ready to go down the slide brother loves trying to play with other kids and so he went to go down the slide with her just to add this was the type of slide with multiple lanes for kids to slide down all at once anyway brother and this child came down the slide and landed on the mats at the bottom this is where the issue first began as the two of them went to stand up brother swayed to the side knocking into the child which resulted in both of them falling to the floor the child and my brother were perfectly fine after the whole thing not a single tear was shed and the two of them went along with their plane me and my dad were sitting at a table in the little cafe part of the play center drinking our drinks when we heard a woman begin to screech enter karen karen screaming into my brother's face w-h-o do you think you are you hurt my baby brother had no idea what was going on so he tried to move away from her karen grabs hold of his arm i'm talking to you you need to say sorry to my baby you heard her when you pushed her apologize now at this point my dad had started making his way over and pulled the woman's arm off b dad what do you think you're doing karen is this your child he hurt my child when he pushed her and now she's upset get him to apologize her innocent child happily running around and ignoring the situation dad sees this excuse me there is nothing wrong with your child and just to let you know if you ever put your hands on the sun again i will make you regret it can't you see that he has special needs karen clearly ignoring this i don't care what's wrong with him he should apologize to my child now you shouldn't even bring someone like him here if he's going to hurt kids like my baby dad looks about ready to beat the ever-loving crap out of this woman at the point who the hell do you think you are next thing we know an employee comes over to the two of them and separates them warning entitled mother to stay away from dad and brother once she gets the entitled mother away she comes over to my dad employee sir what that woman did is technically assault on a minor therefore we had to call the police to deal with this i hope you're all right with this dad handing my brother over to me so i could try and calm him yes thank you i can't believe someone would put their hands on a child like that within a few minutes the police had arrived at the play center and dad and karen were taken into a room to be questioned by the police multiple people at the play center verified what dad said about karen and dad was asked whether or not he wanted to press charges in the end he decided not to because if this woman was convicted she'd probably have her child taken away from her and risk possible jail time the play center gave her a lifelong ban there and she now has a mark on her record saying that she was accused of assault of a minor karen should consider herself lucky that she got off this time but if she continues like this in the future then i hope she gets what she deserves and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching our video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 153,612
Rating: 4.836657 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, karen, wheelchair, disable, people with disability, take a ride, stalking, she followed me, entitled parents, entitled mother, entitled mom, entitled karen, reddit krown, reddit fun stories
Id: qvUx0PLn7tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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