r/Entitledkids Spoiled Brat FLIPS OUT in Clothing Store

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welcome to our slash entitled kids we're an entitled girl explodes in a clothing store so I was with my mom in a store called Primark randomly looking for clothes just for the sake of shopping after we'd pick some stuff we liked we hit it for the changing rooms to see if everything looked okay on us where we decided to just use one stall as my mom only had one shirt to try on and after she was done I used the same stall so there would be an extra one free for others to use as I was waiting for my mom to change I stood in front of the stall next to us waiting when I felt someone tapping my shoulder with on excuse me no don't worry it wasn't a Karen the tapping was gentle the voice wasn't rude and when I turned around the lady didn't have a typical haircut sunglasses obesity and all that sorry are you planning to go into that stall huh oh no go ahead thank you come on entitled kid the brats mom looked over her shoulder at a girl who looked about 13 or something who was glaring at everything like she wished everything would be set on fire entitled kid gave a dramatic sigh and rolled her eyes so far she could probably see the back of her head before stomping inside it's not like anything new picked will actually look good the kids mom looks very embarrassed and smiled sheepishly at me which I returned unsure what else to do my mom stepped outside and sadly this sure didn't look as good on her as we hope so she quickly changed into her own clothes I myself had a ton of things to try on and try matches on to decide if I had something it would fit with but all this time I could hear entitled Kane and her mom arguing the whole time as entitled kid apparently hated everything her mom had picked out and kids mom hated everything entitled kid I picked only while the kids mom just talked at a normal volume entitled kid made it a point to scream insults and everything both me my mom and multiple others around were annoyed by her behavior but nobody said anything when I stepped outside to show some shirt I was wearing I held a smaller size out to my mom while agreeing we liked the one I was wearing the kid's mom was standing next to my mom looking tired when she saw the smaller shirt I had and her eyes lit up a bit I'm sorry but what size is that shirt it's a medium why would you mind if my dog would try it on sure go ahead just as my mom handed her this shirt entitled kids stomped out of her stall wearing a simple black sweater oh that's so ugly it was a white shirt with pastel colored birds just try it on it's really cute no it's ugly like everything you like these are real clothes she pulled a bunch of very skimpy clothes out like belly shirts see shorts that look closer to underwear I already told you I don't want you wearing those belly shirts anymore well I am and you can't do anything about it now me my mom and many other people were getting pissed so we finished up and left as soon as we could while entitled Kaede kept screaming while her mom tried to calm her down me and my mom looked at other parts of the store for a bit before going to pay for the clothes we liked at first we were just talking while standing in the huge line until we heard a familiar voice and noticed entitled kid and her mom standing a bit in front of us entitled kid was apparently still mad that her mom won her to wear clothes that covered her up a bit and looking at her it was clearly visible she hated those kinds of things while also showing why her mom wanted her to wear simpler clothes entitled kid was wearing all kinds of things that made her look very tacky she was wearing extremely short shorts where half her butt was already poking out which had roses skulls and lips sewn in very sloppily a top that showed her stomach but barely covered her breasts that were pushed up by a push-up bra very high-heeled shoes she could barely walk on and earrings almost as big as her whole head listen you're going to learn to dress like everyone else does no matter if you like it or not but nobody wears pants that come past their knees I'm gonna get bullied because of you yeah she really said that I doubt that I hate you entitled kid actually snatched the clothes her mom was carrying and threw them every which way grabbed a nearby rack filled with lip balms and threw it over before storming towards the exit shoving multiple people out of the way as she did so before she was outside she got grabbed by security and cake and Claude while screaming bloody murder the security dragged her off into what I guess was an office and the mom did nothing to help her too busy apologizing for entitled kids behavior while gathering the clothes from people and picking up the lip balm as soon as we were outside my mom looked at me and told me she was happy I never did something like that this pose from jo'burg down in the comments sums it up best so basically the kid once closed from the junior a hooker section our next reddit post is from oil not olive it's that time of year again where kids are going back to school and high school seniors are making that awkward transition to become college freshmen during this time of year I work as an orientation leader to help new students adjust to the campus by showing them around helping them move and making sure they go to their orientation sessions while the majority of them are uncooperative little turds who moan and groan about having to go to every little session entitled kid has been grading my nerves all week entitled kid brought a skateboard to college at first I thought nothing about it since there's nothing special about that lots of people have skateboards I am myself even had one in middle school before I realized how terrified I am of going downhill however entitled kid insists on writing it everywhere including inside buildings multiple orientation leaders have told her to get the eff off of it while inside but entitled kid insists every time that she has special permission to be on it entitled kid never names who exactly gave her this permission none of the orientation leaders were notified that she had any type of disability or accommodations needed such as with a couple of other incoming freshmen entitled kid has even managed to piss off the nicest professor on campus because she was riding around on her skateboard as he's giving instructions for an icebreaker game it's not another session about plagiarism or codes of conduct but a game something fun where you get to move around but no entitled kid couldn't wait two minutes I'm honestly hoping entitled kid becomes part of our 30% turnover rate sooner than later I would bet my entire YouTube channel that her special permission came from her mommy our nurse writer posted from Sonora boy a little background my younger sister for the sake of names we'll call Jane she's extremely entitled and the way that she believes that what I get she should get even if she hasn't earned it and thinks that she can get anything she wants if she bats her eyes keep in mind that she's a freshman in high school and I'm a junior in high school October of 2019 I got an amazing opportunity to go abroad not only to one country but to free Ireland England and France with a condition that I would keep up my foreign language studies I did my mom one better I started taking American Sign Language courses and then took up French online so far in sign language I can create full sentences and communicate flawlessly but French has been taking me some time my little sister is extremely close minded about foreign languages to the point where she's banned them in her room meaning I'm not allowed to speak any foreign languages in her room or around her she says it makes her uncomfortable after my mom agreed to the study abroad program which will happen in the summer of 2021 my mom said that if Jane wanted to go abroad like me she would have to pick up a foreign language she refused Jane also got an offer to go stay at Ivy League colleges the summer of 2020 but because my family comes from a small rural town in Midwestern America we don't really have enough money to spend on both our trips and so my mom made the executive decision that I've worked for my trip more than she has although I think it's heartbreaking that she can't have her trip what she did after made me realize that she really didn't deserve it keep in mind that this is only one conversation out of many that we've had about it this is the conversation we had the morning after my mom's executive decision hey Opie don't you think you could take the next abroad trip I'll never get this chance again sorry Jane this trip means a lot to me but you'll get another chance in college to go and you never do anything anyway so will you local colleges take a lot of trips abroad don't start with I don't do anything at home don't get so defensive I'm just stating the obvious plus I'm worried about you worried yeah I am scared you'll try to kill yourself again last year around that time I was diagnosed with MDD but after seven months of therapy I've been managing it listen I just got out of therapy and don't forget you've had emotional issues in the past - mom said you didn't deserve it as much as me and if you would just take Spanish or American Sign Language a m-- in America well that attitude is the reason mom said you couldn't go Jane then tried to tell my mom that I said I was going to kill myself in England and after successfully completing therapy I had to go back for another consultation and test mom almost gave the trip to Jane but luckily I passed with flying colors on the mental exam or whatever it's called I'm still able to go on my trip and every now and then she tries to persuade me to give up my trip how can you say I live in America when someone suggests learning American Sign Language ESL was invented in America making it literally more American than the English language our next reddit post is from Telex Rebbe my school has some of the nicest teachers you'll ever meet but some of the worst students because of this students tend to hate all of these teachers for essentially doing their jobs my teachers love telling stories about students who threaten them with their parents saying they'll bring their mom or dad into this and sometimes even saying that their parents would fight the teacher I never had any doubt that these stories were true but I once got to actually witness it I had this teacher for third period and her fourth was planning this means she didn't have a class and was given time to do lesson plans and such in third period that day I was working on a cooking project with my partner and our teacher was telling us about a girl in one of her earlier classes who had been on her phone the entire time and how she had thrown a tantrum when the teacher took it our schools policy states that for the first offense it would be taken until the end of class the second the end of the day and if that happened the students parents would have to come to pick it up our teacher was pretty lenient however and told the girl that she herself could get it from her at the end of the day as her last class was planning period my cooking project ended up taking a while longer than I thought and was not something I could just put on pause so I stayed well into fourth period to finish my project after asking my teacher for that period for permission the cooking area was behind a wall in the middle of the room meaning that when the girl entered to retrieve her phone she didn't know I was in there the interaction went a little like this I am here for my phone okay but before I let you have it do you understand why I took it from you I guess whatever just give it to me why did I take it from you the entitled kid just shrugs you're not allowed to have phones out in my class well I was texting my mom for something which I would have given you permission to do if you'd asked whatever just give it to me you better not catch an attitude with me girl I'll send it down to the office yeah and I'll send my mom up here on you she won't appreciate this you can't keep my phone I can and I will it'll be down in the office for your parent to pick up after school and sweetie I ain't afraid of your momma the interaction goes on like this for a while before the student storms out and my teacher goes to take her phone to the front office she asked me not to leave the room while she's gone in case the girl came back and tried to steal my teachers phone when the teacher returned she was laughing about how crazy and entitled some students can be and thanking me for always being on my best behavior we had a good talk before she had to go to a meeting and the girl didn't return to the classroom while I was there our next reddit post is from Arne 8th this is a story from when I was much younger so I don't remember all the details incredibly well but after reading things in these groups and listening to people like our slash on YouTube hey that's me I thought this would be worth a share the conversations are definitely approximations to what happened when I was in primary school around Year 4 or 5 I saved up all my pocket money and bought myself the brand-new Nintendo DS the original clunky silver one and a couple of games including Animal Crossing wild world not hugely important but oddly one of the details I remember most about this story because I love that game spent most of my time playing it and was pissed about what happened to it and a couple of others I still have lying around somewhere entitled kid was a friend of mine at school we would talk a lot about games and game consoles we wanted to play so when I got my DSLR tell me how cool is that you have one and how he wish my parents would give me one so we could play together rather than us taking turns to play for a bit he had a person in my town so he could do things too I like to think that I was relatively generous for a kid my age that I was willing to share at all though I think that may also have been my mistake one day after school entitled Kate comes over to my house and we spend the evening playing games on the ps2 and Animal Crossing on the DS he was only there for a couple of hours but when his dad turned up he delayed it to the door and was gone quite quickly I didn't think anything of it until I couldn't find my DS anywhere I asked my parents and brother but none of them had moved it or could see it in the room we were playing in the next day of school no social media phone back then I asked entitled kid about it to which he said I have no idea but you can borrow mine if you want I was a bit confused by this but assumed he'd finally convinced his parents to get him one so I said sure he brings it in the next day and it's immediately clear this is not a new console it's mine there are the same scratches and small dent on the bottom right corner from where I dropped it while on holiday the game inside is unsurprisingly a copy of Animal Crossing that has been clearly reset and then started over he hadn't even made the effort to do more than name his character so it's becoming increasingly clear that this is my stolen TS I'm an awkward kid though so I don't bring it up with him and assume it's all done I clearly wasn't a smart kid I held onto it for a couple of weeks before he asked me hey could you give me back my DS or better yet I'll let you keep it for a hundred pounds they cost around 100 pounds new at the time to which I responded I don't have that much but I'll talk to my dad about it and he says that's fine fun fact about my dad he knows me better than I realized in particular that I was a very trusting kid so was likely to lose my expensive gadgets by sharing them as such when I got my DSLR details about it including the serial number which can be found on the bottom of the console perfect match for the one in my hand we have proof this is my console now and is it's time to mess with them when I next saw him he asked about it and I told him that we were still deciding we continue deciding for the next five years we were part of the same friendship group in secondary school so he would periodically ask for the money whenever he thought of something he wanted even started saying he'd charge interest still we just couldn't decide in our final year of secondary school my Dias finally broke completely they had a problem where the hinges would break and might had gone completely so the top screen didn't show anything and the system was practically unusable this is when we finally made a decision and gave him back the console he was obviously pissed and said he wanted the money too at which point I told him all about the serial number and the fact it was registered with our insurance companies since before he gave it to us he turned pale gave me the console back and barely spoke to me again for the rest of the year I went to a different school for sixth form but if I ever saw him again it was brilliantly awkward that was our slash entitled kids and if you liked this video then be sure to hit that subscribe button because I put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,233,943
Rating: 4.9320264 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledkids, r/entitledkids, entitled kids, r/ entitled kids, spoilted brats
Id: UlymeY1mQU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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