r/Entitledkids A Kid Tried to MURDER Me for Robux!

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Unpopular opinion

We all talk about insta stealing Reddit stuff, yt is a whole new level, now rslash is eh, emkay actually does stuff, Any Youtuber that just uses the "MLG Darren British" voice is just basic, watchable but too many channels do that

DDM, Cowbelly, Juicy Memes, all just Reddit reposting,

Fuck that, I only watch the Darren ones as audio books, and EmKay was decent I guess, other than that it's just stealing content, even if you give credit they aren't the ones Getting views and subs, let alone karma

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 57 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gg20189 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don’t like rSlash anymore. I just read them here and the EM voice had too much Karen. But, mainly I’ve read β€˜em already. EmKay is where it’s at.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MrFr0stycave πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rslash is a legend.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bubbsart πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Thranock πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hes featured the sub for a while now

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/koolredartist πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rslash is actually how I discovered this subthread tbh

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/milk-and-h0ney πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

reddit tubers shouldn’t exist

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/simonswagger πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I usually just listen to his videos in podcast form while I'm driving anywhere I go . Hes interesting to listen too and his added on voices for entitled people are pretty good too. I listen to him every day and hes actually the reason I joined Reddit. Really he helps tell people's stories that others wouldn't normally read

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/koolredartist πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hell yea! Gaining recognition reading other people’s stories!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jeanharlowseyebrows πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome to our slash entitled kids we're an entitled kid tries to murder Opie over roebucks here's my story aka why I hate roblox with all my heart but first a bit of background my mother raised me on her own as she kicked my dad out of her life and then proceeded to manipulate me into thinking he abandoned me but that's for another story nine years later she had my little brother the entitled kid here with another man who turned out to be an absolute bastard he threatened to kidnap the kid and had the means to do so by the means I mean connections with some foreign mafia and guns so when we left not only did my mother have to raise him by herself too but we also lost all of our friends which were an important support to us so we moved to the region where most of my family lives they're relatively nice to me but my mother barely gets along with any of them on top of that they're racist my brothers mixed his father Senegalese cue my mom being completely alone to raise this child my mom's a teacher has to pay rent and utilities as well as food for all of our animals we currently have two greyhounds which are her only moral support for cats two of them are strays we only adopted one half Maine [ __ ] and two fish the fish are my own so I care for them all the way they don't cost a lot and I pay for most of the expenses anyway two children with so many animals is quite a load but we manage we just don't have enough money to go on vacations nor can we afford to spend extra on superficial things there's a few times where we've been tight around the end of the month but it's alright we're happy living that way that without mentioning my mom smoking two packs of cigarettes a day and her alcoholism I'm bitter about that but it can't be helped my brother was diagnosed with dyslexia ADHD Tourette's and Asperger's you'd expect him to be quite a rowdy kid which explains most of the behavior I'll tell you guys about it should be considered normal I guess but it's just really tiring oh also I'm a 17 year old girl and can't afford to move out yet which is why I'm still dealing with this BS okay here goes my little brother spins a a lot of time on the computer it allowed me to bond with him quite a lot as we play tf2 or minecraft together four hours a day eventually with the time school took away from me I couldn't play with him anymore but I still helped him out when it came to picking out new games and tactics for this Christmas I helped my mom find him a ps4 in good games which we could play together again I also jumped on the occasion to play Detroit and Call of Duty by myself to be honest but I thought a spider-man game and overwatch it's similar to tf2 and he was really good at it it could be quite entertaining for an eight-year-old child he played for a month or two then completely gave up on it for some reason he didn't even struggle with the commands or anything it just wasn't his type of game I guess I still play on it sometimes when I'm not studying midterms anyway thanks to the ps4 he understood that he could buy things online mainly because he witnessed me telling my mom had a purchase PlayStation Plus which could be useful to play Call of Duty or overwatch which brings us to the reason of his newfound entitlement roblox he's been playing roblox on the PC for a while and we had no problems with it he could barely read at the time and not write at all without asking us how to spell out some things so the weird people that might be on this cursed game were not something that worried us too much my mom had bought him roebucks a few times in the past but nothing that would get too much of his interest he just spent most of his time killing people or Titans on the bootleg Àôt games this cost me to get him the real deal on ps4 he still hasn't touched it or troll on people and get kicked out of the games it was pretty funny to me until the kid figured out how reading worked approximately he started interacting with people more frequently and apparently people would always ask him if he had roebucks or troll him for his unstylish character my mom and I gave him a talk about how he shouldn't listen to them I explained to him that they were probably stuck-up preteens that found confidence in virtual currencies and Lego looking characters that didn't look like them at all and that made him laugh a lot we thought he understood how unimportant such things were and how he's better off not being superficial virtually when we could never afford cool stuff in real life fast forward a few weeks my mother happens to be sick and her illness is fatal it's also incurable unless you stop smoking and I've honestly lost faith in that she had to take some time off work because of that illness but also because the educational system in France is going straight up bad she's too tired to bear with her students and with the new programs this has reduced our income but at least my mom can get some rest this also allows my brother to spend more time at home since we live next to the school he gets bullied quite a lot so spending lunch break with my mom is good for him but as I said we were broke before and now we're even more broke the tenants of our house are threatening to kick us out because my mom prioritizes feeding us over paying rent that didn't help with her drinking problem nor with her addiction to nicotine I've been working as much as my schedule allows it and started sneaking a cigarette or two when it got too stressful just to catch a break the kid obviously sees how hard it is for both of us and was rather sympathetic about it until recently he'd always tell us he's proud of us and is grateful there's something to eat every day and it was really motivating until a week or two ago the kids reading actually improved a lot thanks to his teachers new methods and this was the beginning of our problems first he started telling us he got his very first roblox girlfriend we thought it was cute I looked into it and that kids ability to write was as awful as my brothers a match made in heaven I of course looked at their messages quite often since I don't want my brother to be a pedophiles next victim but then his roblox girlfriend dumped him because there was only five roebucks left in his account cue the first fits first he stole from my mother's bank account it's linked to a PayPal so that she could buy things without struggling with putting her card info into the different websites terrible idea I know but her generation isn't exactly the best with technology I guess I always ask her to tell me which site she wants to buy from beforehand so that I can be sure they won't steal her info I trust Amazon and so does she so she does most of her purchases on that but still my brother had access to this way of buying things so he bought the cheapest roebucks option my mother didn't yell at him annex to him that it was wrong to buy things without asking her beforehand he argued back that she wouldn't let him have any so he did what he had to do eventually he seemed to understand that what he did was wrong but he started asking and oh boy the asking went wrong worse than anything ever a week ago he did ask we're short on money so my mother said no he wasn't happy with that and kept insisting when the answer was still no he went ahead and threatened to steal from her again screaming that if she didn't buy him roebucks he'd get them himself at this point she was tired she asked him why he wanted them so badly and the only argument he could find was because I want them and after a while it was getting tiring I stayed in the kitchen and ate my breakfast baguette as that nothing was happening trying not to let Inger get to me I hate being pissed and I did not need this on a Saturday morning still I heard a conversation that went like this my mom said surprisingly calm if you don't stop this right now I'll be calling your grandparents and you'll be spending the weekend with them oh I don't want to stay with those old grunts reminder he's eight but he has Tourette's put this mouse down right now I will not let you buy these robots I want them I want them you don't even need them to play just what do you want them for a few jerk I do what I want the exchange kept going this way until the kid tried to throw the PC off the table at this point my mom got pissed because we do not have another 500 euros to spend on a new computer she actually needs for work my brother ran off an upstairs into his room you'd think it stopped there but absolutely not he ruined his bedroom and by that I mean he threw bookshelves down onto the floor through everything he could find around emptied his wardrobe on the floor through his mattress across the room thus creating nothing but chaos that's where it ended that time but the Fitz kept happening almost on a daily basis yesterday's fit was the worst one until now the same thing happened except this time was in the living room as well trying to enjoy a nice sweet cup of coffee while messing around on Twitter I couldn't care less about his entitlement I had more important stuff to care about the little man got really angry and looked for something that take his anger out on since his room is now looking like fur dune literally it looks like it got bombed overnight or that the FBI raided it I don't know it's just too chaotic to be worsened and well since I happened to be there he charged at me now I had my phone in one hand and a cup of boiling hot coffee in the other thankfully I could put down the coffee before he hit me but I still had the phone which is my only escape from this hellish household I hold on to this cheap Chinese spying piece of metallic components like I hold on to my dear life so of course I choose to throw it on the other side of the couch rather than protect myself from the incoming kick I only get one hit in the sides which got me a nice big bruise before I grab the crazy Goblin by the arms and force him down the floor I'm thin and he's not he's a literal bunch of muscles from all the sport he's been doing aside from his intensive gaming so I had to work out quite a bit to manage to control him when he freaks out which is quite often but these days it's just not enough I struggled to keep him down as he screams kicks bites scratches and flails his arms around like a ding Banshee my mother runs over to help and give us anti-psychotic drugs because yes he needs those somehow and we think it's over for the day he's calmed down in a stopped fighting and when I let him get up he goes back to the computer grumbling angrily but guess what he tries to steal from my mother again I don't want to fight the Goblin again so I get my phone in my coffee back and head to the kitchen my safe place it's around 10 a.m. by then and my friend just woke up so I'd rather just text her than deal with this demon I hear him screaming like he's possessed again and this time my mom yells back I can't be bothered I have other stuff to worry about so I don't interfere until I hear angry little feet rushing into the kitchen and before I know it the gremlin has a barbecue fork in his hand now this isn't the first time this happened so I could register everything that's happened first step he lunges at me and tries to stab me with that ding for for once I'm thankful it's not a kitchen knife yes he's tried to stab me with a kitchen knife before yes I got a few scars from it second step I used my foot to keep him in a reasonable distance and grab his wrist to stop him from stabbing my leg I yell so my mom can help third step she finally rushes in to grab him and my survival chances go up again fourth step I have to watch a possessed eight-year-old kid struggle to break free while yelling I want to kill her I want to kill her now I don't want him to keep screaming so I grab my mom's PC and run into my room with it I locked myself up and waited for him to calm down I took the opportunity to make the kid a new user account on the PC with his own Windows accounting stuff I set it as a children's account so he can't spend money from it I also changed my mom's password and discussed the issue with her since at this point my well-being and sanity were being threatened over a bunch of roebucks the kid wasn't happy about the change and threw another fit this morning but this time my mom got him to understand that enough was enough she threatened to leave him at school for lunch break in for after-school hours and also to leave him at my grandparents place for the weekend he cried a lot but no one was hurt fingers are crossed for what might come next I'm sure that even when she gets her paycheck again she won't let him buy anything and she wants him to understand that he isn't entitled to his virtual money will be trying to get him not to take these things for granted and I feel like it'll be tough I don't know where he gets his entitlement from as we've always been a modest family if not broke he isn't a spoiled child and should honestly know better he's a smart kid so I'm sure he'll learn I also have to study for midterms in these conditions wish me luck can't wait to move out I've never played roblox so I have to ask is this kid typical of the type of people who normally play that game am I the butthole for breaking my switch because I didn't get the game I wanted the title seems bad I know so I had a few games that I wanted my mom got all of them but one and decided to get a different game that only she would like even though the game I wanted was the same price as the game I got the game she got for herself I hate it so much and it's for like five-year-olds so in the heat of the moment of how much I hate this stupid game which is a total ripoff I grab my switch and smash it on the floor yeah you know why the title sounds bad because the title is bad what you did was awful five out of five bottles for you our next reddit post is from lavender kitsune ace a bit of back story my parents got me a pet Hedgehog back in March and ever since he's been my precious baby his name is dweller and he lives in a nice enclosure in my room this enclosure has a clear plastic door that slides open when you pull the little handle on the outside also we have a lot of animals in our house which intrigues and/or terrifies everyone who comes over nine snakes two geckos two dogs and of course my spiky boy now for the story my mom had one of her friends from college over to drink coffee and talk about life as moms do her friend had brought her kids a preteen girl s and a little boy entitled kid s an entitled kid who were playing in the living room with my little sister while I was holed up in my room playing Pokemon sword after a while I hear entitled kid coming down the hallway towards my room he knocked on the door although he was a bit of a fool in this story he at least has manners I opened up hay entitled kid what's up my mommy said you have a hedgehog yep I sure do can I take him out and play with them hedgehogs are nocturnal and they don't like to wake up during the day it was around 1:00 p.m. at the time as expected my boy gets grumpy if anyone disturbs his slumber personally I can take a few stabs from my head gee when he gets really pissed but entitled kid was young and I didn't want him to get hurt and freaked out potentially hurting my little buddy so I say sorry he sleeps during the day and gets really grumpy when I wake him up but I want to see the little Sonic honestly this was kind of adorable your mommy said I could well I can let you take a quick look at him but we can't get him out or touch him entitled kids seemed satisfied with this so I open the cage and carefully moved aside the t-shirt my head you slept under my spiky son is already a little pissed because the movement and voices will come up so he starts huffing and hissing nevertheless entitled okay the stares at him and offer a bit then starts to reach from my son hey don't touch him please his quill stick up when he's mad and you could get hurt but your mommy said I could pet him I want to pet him now before I can react entitled kid ends up touching the Hedgehog and trying to pet him spiky son immediately gets upset and rams the side of his body into entitled kid's hand as mentioned before a hedge house curl up when they're upset causing their quills to stick up and deliver maximum pain entitled King lets out a scream and jumps back then notices his hand bleeding causing him to scream even louder I panic and quickly let my boy go back to sleep and shut the cage door in the meantime entitled kid has run to the kitchen and is screaming bloody murder to his mom mommy the Hedgehog attacked me I rush in behind entitled kid after a moment and guide him do the same to clean his wound and his mother comes to help I am so sorry I tried to warn him not to touch the water while he's asleep I'm so so so sorry his mother reassures me that it wasn't my fault and warns her son to be more careful with animals entitled kid is sobbing but once his wound was treated and he got a cookie he was fine I think he's scared of my hedgy now though moral of the story never mess with a sleepy Hedgehog that was our slash entitled kids and unless you won't meet a sick and entitled kid on you you had better hit the subscribe button
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,840,945
Rating: 4.9109592 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledkids, r/entitledkids, entitled kids, r/ entitled kids, spoilted brats
Id: m2wa_q9fIaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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