r/Entitledparents "GIVE MY SON YOUR XBOX X! NOW!"

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welcome to our slash entitled parents where an entitled woman goes to another country and demands that everyone there speak english our next reddit post is from demolition lady so i worked as a cinema technician for quite a few years and i've had my run-ins with entitled parents corona has given me ample time to reflect on those meetings and here's one of them so in the summer my country gets quite a lot of tourists especially american ones they're often visiting to see where their family comes from and that sort of thing and they're generally nice most of them but not this karen she was different she her husband and her entitled kid came to the cinema in the middle of the day there were very few people here since we norwegians like to get our son whenever it pops up normally when americans come into our kiosk to buy something they ask so you speak english and i say i do and we continue our transaction in english fair enough karen said they were there to watch a kids movie because of her entitled kid i said that all of her movies are dubbed after explaining to a now slightly irritated karen what dubbing means she became a little angry i told her a different movie was starting in about an hour and that movie was in english she complained a little more and it ended with her slamming some money on the register and demanding a free popcorn for the time that i wasted which she didn't get after about an hour i hear screaming coming from the entrance of the auditorium i of course run to see what's up and i see karen really yelling at my co-worker now my co-worker at the time was a very old man a very old norwegian man fun fact about norway most of us speak english but a lot of the older people here don't this part in norwegian is what i say to my co-worker and the part in english is what i say to karen alright guys i'm going to do my best to speak this norwegian so don't blast me if i butcher this havar galt fenerhoon inc assailant which means what's wrong can she not find the auditorium my co-worker says jake vette icky jugged for her and spurred megano agnar jag sajek iggy snacker englusk and that translates to i don't know i think she asked me something and i tried to say that i don't speak english excuse me this man refuses to accommodate us i ask how he refuses to speak english he doesn't speak english he speaks norwegian how can he not speak english this is terrible customer service and he's scaring my child i'm sorry but you're in norway and a part of the population doesn't i demand to speak to your manager i'm sorry but that won't be possible why not because he's my manager and i gesture to my older co-worker the karen tried to insist that i call an actual manager but my co-worker was the only manager available so that wouldn't be possible anyway she and her entitled kid went to see their movie after the movie they came to the kiosk and demanded a refund because the subtitles were in the way of the movie and of course i didn't give them the refund she was easily my weirdest and rudest american i really feel like americans are the best in the world at going to another country and getting angry at people there for not speaking english our next reddit post is from horny barista my mother and stepfather pawned a lot of our stuff when we were kids i would come home most days to find that my gaming console or other belongings were just gone there were never any apologies my parents just told us that they needed the money eventually my grandma bought my sister a new playstation since she pawned the ones that she had previously my sister loves that console to death and to this day is a devoted gamer so my sister made a habit of taking the console with her when she left the house we were getting ready to spend the afternoon out last year when my mother stomps in demanding that my sister give up the ps4 my sister tried to run past her but my mother attacked her she yanked my sister's hair and tried to dig into her backpack the whole time she was screaming i'm your mother and everything that's under this roof belongs to me when my sister made it outside my mother screamed you are no longer welcome in this house my sister hasn't returned since she now lives with our grandmother and i i'm her older sister i had the sense to leave that hell hole two years before my sister did she was 16 and i was 18 when this happened op your parents sound like drug addicts so i really hope they get the help they need our next reddit post is from hemobi me my mom and my stepdad had just been shopping and we were driving back home and pulled into our estate and as we were driving down our road we saw a woman who we didn't recognize standing on the path but we thought nothing of it our road is next to a school so lots of people tend to stand around we pulled into our parking spot and we began loading up our shopping bags to take to the house which was down to pedestrian path and around a bend out of view of the car we walked down to the house and put our shopping bags on the counter then my dad stopped me i think i left a few bags in the trunk can you run and grab them i agree and he threw me the car keys i went outside and as i walked towards the car i saw that our trunk was open and someone was inside of it my dad forgot to lock the car it was the woman we saw before rummaging around in our shopping bags and our arms were full of biscuits cakes and packs of cobs excuse me what the hell are you doing i'm just getting my shopping bags out of my car why is that your business this isn't your car i have the keys this is my dad's car so what are you doing i was waiting for my babies to finish school and we needed some food for the house you left these here and walked away so i'm taking them instead of you people wasting them we aren't wasting them if you need food then go buy food don't take hours but we hate shopping and this is so much easier can you please just give it to me no sorry i then proceeded to take the food from her close the car unlock it the entire time i'm getting great from her as she calls me all sorts of names and proceeds to storm off to presumably ruin someone else's day this isn't so much an entitled parent as much as it is a common thief who got caught and tried to bully a child into getting away with it but still she belongs here because i recognize it karen when i see one our next reddit post is from feeling better today my husband and i have two children both boys now age 11 and 14. my husband's younger sister now has three kids a seven-year-old girl a five-year-old boy and a three-year-old boy the year my youngest son was turning four he asked for a birthday party he wasn't yet in school and so he didn't know anyone but family and there were no kids other than his brother that were able to attend luckily his favorite people in the world are grandpa and grandma my dad's parents grandma is like a big kid she's super fun and energetic she acts like a kid herself and my boys adore her i knew they were very busy so i asked him several months in advance if they could attend his birthday party the party was to be on his actual birthday this is important being the wonderful grandparents that they are they agreed and requested that time off from their jobs we also invited all close by family including my sister-in-law the entitled mother of the story months go by and it's now about a week and a half before my son's big day i've bought the decorations planned the menu and pumped him up i'd like to sing this song final countdown as i prepare breakfast in the morning one afternoon i receive a call from my sister-in-law who's about to find out the gender of her baby she wants to plan a gender reveal party but she's called her friends and family and discovered that most work and can't attend without several weeks notice for their jobs the only day that everyone just so happens to have off is my son's birthday she wanted to know if i would be willing to move my son's birthday party to another day so that she can have her party at this point it may bear mentioning that she already has three baby showers planned and has asked me to make the food out of pocket for one of the showers most of the people being asked to attend her gender reveal party were already attending multiple baby showers for her i'm pretty friendly and passive and this caught me very off guard i tried to gently tell her that my son was looking forward to this and that we planned it for months which is why everyone had time off from work she feigned sympathy but still urged me to please move my son's birthday party to a time that everyone could later attend and let her have this open date for a party for her fairest baby when you've already had two besides your youngest son loves babies and would want to go to her party too he could still come to my party and see everyone he loves and then get to do it all over again when everyone can request time off i didn't have time to gather a response as she steamrolled over me i said okay if they want to go then i can't make them come to my son's party but i can't go to your party we have plans and she just responded thanks i was angry she had pulled this kind of thing with other people before but she had always really loved my boys and never try this with me or not to this extreme anyway i don't know how to react other than to vent to my husband her brother who wasn't surprised at all and said not to worry and that their dad would set her straight funny enough i was talking to my husband when i saw my father-in-law calling my phone i answered and he said that my sister-in-law had told him that i had no problem with her hijacking my son's birthday and i had insisted that she have the party and everyone go to that one instead of my sons he said that if this was true he would attend that party but he would way rather go to my son's party he'd already gotten presents and they were excited about celebrating a kid that's already here on his big day i very happily told my father-in-law that i was never going to cancel my son's birthday or make him sit through someone else's party on his own birthday i mean he's four and i've been counting down for him every morning what kind of monster would i be i said that i told my sister-in-law that people could go to that party they preferred but that i wouldn't be attending he said that sounds about right and told my sister-in-law that he's going to my son's party since he requested time off for that and if my sister-in-law wants another party another day to give him notice my sister-in-law cancelled or never organized the party and then talked about me behind my back to anyone who would listen for years to follow what's more evil than stealing candy from a baby how about stealing a birthday party from a baby well i realize a four-year-old isn't exactly a baby anymore but still how selfish can you be our next reddit post is from loka the fail i saved for months so i could buy a new console and as most of you know thanks to the pandemic it's almost impossible to find a new console xbox or ps5 since they were shipped in limited quantities i couldn't find any new consoles in my country and not being able to get one on the internet i decided to try my best to find one in a mall i went to the closest mall and asked for an xbox series s and they had one on stock so i was lucky enough to get there on time i had to ask the worker since i couldn't find any on the shelves while the clerk went to get the console a lady was right behind me with a small kid after the worker came back with the console and i was heading to the cashier the lady asked for the same console that i have the worker told her they didn't have any more until december and so she ran over to me and this is the conversation that happened excuse me yeah how can i help you it seems you had the last console yeah it seems like it sorry you see my son wants that console too so i was wondering if you could sell me your console no sorry i saved a lot to get this one i can't just give it to you you don't lose anything by selling me that i'll give you 800 pesos no sorry this console was more expensive than 800 pesos and as i told you i can't just give you this console you can just buy one later why are you being this selfish i'm sorry lady i can't after this she left without saying anything and i thought i could leave but after hitting to the exit the security guard stopped me and the lady was there the guard said we're gonna need you to give this lady your console i didn't understand it at first but apparently this entitled mother told the guard that i stole her son's console after she bought it it's my console look and i proceeded to show the guard the receipt and told him which cashier i was at after that the lady just left and disappeared into the parking lot after i explained everything to the guards once more and proved that i did indeed buy this console i was free to go and i swear i saw entitled mother outside of the parking lot waiting outside of her car so i decided to use a different exit and made it home safe and sound when the entitled mother said you can just buy one later why are you being this selfish did anyone else immediately think yeah exactly you can just buy one later why are you being this selfish our next reddit post is from chippy i work at a fast food restaurant last week there was an accident close to the freeway a car hit a pole so the power was out for approximately a mile down the road our restaurant was one of the many places without power my general manager made a sign that she taped to the speaker in our drive-thru that explained the power outage she sent two other employees home since she didn't want to run up labor when we weren't making money it was only me the general manager and the new guy we did as much cleaning as we could without the power until we were left with nothing to do but hang out in the dining room first of all the amount of people that went through the drive through read the note and came back to knock on the door to ask if we were serving food was ridiculous we had to throw out all the food we'd made literally right before the power went out because we were in the process of switching to lunch most people were understanding when we explained that we had nothing to serve them when the power came back on we still had to wait for everything to heat up before we could cook anything i was the only one wearing a headset so i was explaining to everyone who came through that our power had just come back on and it would take a little longer before everything was ready to serve again most people were understanding one woman though was really angry what do you mean you can't serve anything our power's only been back on for five minutes it's gonna take about five or ten more minutes before our fryer and broiler heat up all the way until then the only thing that we have available is drinks but my son and i are hungry i'm sorry about that ma'am if you want to come back in about 10 minutes everything should be back to normal we only want chicken nuggets just give us two tin pieces and we'll go we don't have any ready we can't cook them until the fryers are heated up if you come back in 10 minutes they'll be fresh out of the fryer where's your manager my manager is in the walk-in checking on the food to make sure everything's okay and there i can get her if you'd like never mind i'll just go next door where they know how to treat their customers okay ma'am sorry about that have a nice day i watched her go to the fast food joint next door and get turned away there too i was dying to know if she'd raised a fuss over there i just don't understand what part of our power was out for over an hour and we need time to get everything ready that some people just don't get down in the comments we have a similar story from snumbler this reminds me of a similar incident that happened to me when i worked at a fast food joint i live in tornado alley here in the states and one day we got hit with a particularly bad thunderstorm with lots of rotation as the manager on duty i began informing customers that my staff and i were about to shelter and place in our restrooms and gave customers the option to join us or leave as i was going to be locking the store we couldn't hear our town's tornado sirens inside the store so i grabbed a drive-through headset to be able to listen to the outside to hear the sirens minutes after being informed by the national weather service that a tornado was on the ground and headed towards our location someone pulled into our drive-through and tried to order when i informed them about the fact that we were shut down with a tornado in route they proceeded to scream at me about not being able to get their precious coffee blended beverage they say there's a fine line between courage and stupidity do you think this driver was being brave or just stupid that was our slash entitled parents and if you like this content then check out my patreon where i publish extra episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,057,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: SDeQWf3qdG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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