r/Entitledkids Rich Teen's Birthday Party Gets Ruined with a Food Fight!

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welcome to our slash entitled kids were a spoiled brat gets her birthday party ruined by a food fight a little bit of background first when I was younger it was just my mom and I which was pretty peaceful when I was about nine or ten my mom somehow got in touch with a man she had a crush on in college they started talking and their relationship began to sail they got married and moved in with us with him was his daughter and son we don't get along so this story takes place on Mother's Day I was 12 at the time and have been saving up money to take her out for a nice lunch and dinner we leave early in the morning while my stepsister is still asleep we go out and have a great day I always like to spoil my mom on occasions like this because now it's one of the only times we can just spend time together without anyone else there so we get home around 8:00 with shopping bags in tow as soon as we put our things down and start taking off our shoes a loud him comes from the stairs on her right there she is just standing there with her arms crossed and an angry face where did you go we went out to lunch and dinner why my step sister looks at me with a disgusted face and says wow thanks for inviting me along gosh so so my stepsister rolls her eyes and holds out her hand where are my things if you get something that means I get something I bought these things along with lunch and dinner with the money I saved anyway I did it because it's Mother's Day it has nothing to do with you anyways my stepsister stomps back upstairs in a huff I hope that's the end of it but knowing her it's only the beginning so the next day comes around and I'm woken up by loud yelling I get up and see what the hell's going on I walk downstairs and hear my stepsister yelling and screaming at my mom and stepdad about since I got things it's only natural for her to get something my mom tries to explain that I bought everything with my own money and that she needs to calm down my stepsister must have noticed me coming down the stairs because she storms over to me I should mention that she's a little over a year older than me and is much bigger than I am which she uses to her she looks at me and says get me something which really confused me well you got her something so now it's my turn obviously I say no and that if she wanted something she should get a job this somehow offended her so she bursts out crying saying how I must oiled Brad who gets whatever I won and runs to her dad sadly back then stepdad was wrapped around my stepsisters little finger and didn't know how to say no to her she went as far as to lie about me stealing her money and how I never get punished while she's always in trouble considering how she acts it's no surprise why she's always in trouble as this tantrum plays out my mom had a hearty left for work which left me alone and no one to help my stepdad took my stepsister side and decided that all the money I'd saved up was hers for the taking and I was to be severely punished for taking her money and spending it selfishly my stepsister smirks at me like she's won at that moment she did win I had to hand her the remainder of the money I didn't spend went out with my mom as soon as she got it she immediately went out to spend every last cent of it I got yelled at by stepdad and was sent to my room with no lunch or dinner when my mom came home from work I told her what had happened and she was furious she sat down with stepdad and shooed him out for not allowing me to explain my side and forgiving stepsister my money stepdads face goes pale as he looks at me and apologizes continuously when stepsister got home my mom confronted her about what she did she brushes it off with slight laughter and whispers under her breath not like that grunt deserved it anyways both my mom and stepdad yell at her and tell her to apologize to me but she didn't she still thought she was in the right and did nothing wrong turns out later that night she calls her mom making up a huge story how we my mom and I were abusing her and playing the victim card after that she would always seek attention from people making herself out as the victim and us to be the evil stepmother and stepsister from Cinderella for someone her age she's nothing but an entitled brat our next reddit post is from Marty 360 I was sitting in my front garden with my brother my German Shepherd and two of our puppies on a warm England warm day when the entitled kid who was a notorious bully on the estate came walking down the road and up my drive he stopped about 20 feet away from us and demanded we give him a puppy I politely told him that they were not for sale and we were keeping them I don't wanna buy one I just want one I told him where he can stick it if he thinks we're gonna give him one well I'll just take one and then now my German Shepherd was a huge dog sweetest dog I ever knew wouldn't hurt a fly but she was protective when she needed it or we needed it I told entitle kid if you can take one you can have one but her mom won't let you whatever she ain't gonna do nothing he says with a huge grin on his face entitled kid walks up the drive I say German Shepherd watch him she said an attack stands right away with her hackles up and her crown hairs on end she won't attack unless I tell her to entitled kid gets two feet away and my German Shepherd is still just snarling staring an entitled kid nigh he gets inches away from one of the puppies and I calmly say German Shepherd gets my German Shepherd lunges towards him an entitled kid gets scared right away runs down the drive hops over a three-foot fence and tried climbing a tree my German Shepherd jumps the fence gets right up to the tree and bites his ankle and entitled kids start screaming I walked to the fence and say German Shepherd heel and she comes right up to me and we walk back home cut to 30 to 45 minutes later and I'm still in the yard with a German Shepherd and pups and I see entitled kid his parents and two police officers walking towards me the police tell me that entitled kid claims he was walking on the street and I made my dog attack him for no reason and that the parents want the German Shepherd put down the parents are looking pissed and the police are at first being very aggressive I talked to the police officers alone and tell them exactly what happened and he walks me to the parents and okay and asked entitle kid what happened and entitle kid says he didn't do anything I tell the police officers to try to pick up a puppy they pick it up just fine and German Shepherd it's just lazily looking at them I tell the parents to do the same and the German Shepherd has the same look I showed the police how she's trained by having her do commands and she does them to the letter the parents are getting visibly pissed at entitled kid and threatened to take his stuff away from if he didn't tell them exactly what happened so entitled Kato relented and told him the truth the entitled kids parents clips entitled kid on the earhole the police threatened him with wasting police time and tell him that the dog was doing what it was trained to do and most people don't walk away with just a little mark on their ankle police apologized to me Astro can play with the puppies in German Shepherd for a few minutes as I see entitled kid being dragged down the street by his mother with his dad yelling at him been 15 years but it still makes me laugh whenever I think about it excuse me I'm here to say about the HTTPS in your name you're not allowed to use it if you're not in the HTTPS crew and since we have blink already you can't join as a blank but if you want to join in there you have to be some other character please take the HTTPS away from your name excuse me but I'm going to say that you do not technically own it I have free will to have my username be whatever I would like it to be I'm not going to change my username because of somebody who thinks they're entitled to it Thanks our next reddit post is from art droid last month my mom's boyfriend moved in with us I have so much respect for this man and all he does for us the only downside to him moving in is that his 11 year old son the entitled kid stays around every few weekends and on most school holidays luckily I never have to share a room with them I told my mom that no one is allowed in my room without my permission I'm 17 and I value my privacy and my mom and her boyfriend can respect that and he'll either sleep on the sofa or in my sister's room when she's away one thing that annoys me is his xbox he'll have the TV on almost Macs and when told to turn it down he screams it's not even that loud after my mom and her boyfriend talked was decided that he was no longer allowed to bring his xbox and that he'd have to stick with the iPad which he also refuses to turn down half the time obviously entitled kid threw a fit about not having his Xbox next time he's around but my mom's boyfriend stood his ground he hates that entitled kid always stays inside so he was hoping this would do him some good this happened last weekend and it's the first time entitled kid couldn't bring his xbox now I'm a heavy sleeper it's hard to wake me up for these reasons one I have a fan on near my face when sleeping so it's hard to hear half the time too I go to sleep and wake up late this is because I randomly wake up during the night and have trouble getting back to sleep now two things that'll always wake me up are these loud noises and this will sound weird but sometimes I feel something's wrong and it wakes me up I get that feeling and I slowly wake up to see entitled kid trying to pull my ps3 from out of the socket I immediately get up and shout what the f do you think you're doing I want to go on your PlayStation my dad said I could I knew he was lying even if he did it you can't this is my PlayStation and this is my room now get the eff out I get really annoyed with him easily and because I'm tired I'm really cranky my mom's boyfriend enters and says what the hell do you think you're doing out entitled kid runs out of the room in a fit my mom's boyfriend apologizes and said that entitled kid was throwing another fit about his xbox and demanded that someone gets my ps3 or ps4 thankfully my mom's boyfriend isn't a douchebag and respects my property our next reddit post is from card fairy a little backstory my mom is an invitation designer and I helped her with the clients birthday parties are a huge deal in my country especially the sweet 15 parties which are the equivalent to Quinton URIs there are girls who save for years in order to have enough money for a dream party my mom is an awesome invitation designer and we have a very exclusive business every invitation card we have are handmade using high-end materials for this reason we have quite a variety of prices depending on the amount of work and details put into the cards we're also very popular in my country we also have a saying between people who work in the birthday party business the stingiest clients are the wealthiest ones it's a very clear pattern the client in question for this story is the entitled Brad the birthday girl and her enabling mom they are filthy rich and as per the saying they're super stingy so they come up with an idea they would commission us for about a hundred invitations but 70 of them would be way cheaper and about 30 of them would be the most expensive ones we have about eighty US dollars each at the time not everyone deserves such a nice card you know we'll only get the good ones to the family says the mom now this is the part where I have to explain we've seen this idea before of making two different designs with fewer of the special ones but this never ends well my mom has over 20 years of experience in the business we call it guest discrimination it sounds more serious than it is in English to be honest we always advise the client not to do this because we've seen cases of guests finding out they got cheaper invitations and getting offended we always advise the client to just choose one design and go with it even if it's cheaper and so we advise them as usual and then the entitled brat cuts in look we're paying you to do it just as I want and this is how I want it I don't care about your experience you're probably lying anyway just do what you're being paid to do my mom is non confrontational so she just let it go and we made the invitations just as she specified the disparity between the two designs were huge oh well we delivered the message the day of the party comes and we are nothing so we thought well nothing must have happened good boy oh boy how wrong we were a day later the party planner calls us in search of blood asking us more like screaming at us why did you not tell them making two designs of her the invitation cards was a bad idea but we did it was the first thing I told them and they told me to do it anyway what happened asked my mom so apparently the special fancy invitations were not just for family the entitled Brad got some to give to her most special friends at the party her other friends who probably thought they were more friends and they actually were found out they received the sucky card it wasn't sucky and they started a fight with the entitled Pratt because of it apparently it was like the tipping point of a bigger feud but anyway the fight between the entitled Brad and these two friends turned physical and very violent it got so bad that they started rolling over on the ground and managed to knock down the table where a five-tier cake was sending it all down to the ground and worse apparently they also knocked over two servers and the entitled brats grandma who fell down and broke her arm other teenage guests kind of took advantage of the confusion and started a food fight as teenagers do my friend who was a server that night said the scene was brutal the party was pretty much cancelled after two hours we watched the report on the local news on this same day so you could say the entitled brat got her just desserts that was our slashing title kids and if you liked this video then let me know by hitting that like button because it really helps this video grow in the YouTube algorithm
Channel: rSlash
Views: 805,355
Rating: 4.9464464 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledkids, r/entitledkids, entitled kids, r/ entitled kids, spoilted brats
Id: 8zWB7dWM0Fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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