r/idontworkherelady Crazy Lady Attacks Woman in Airport!

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welcome to our slash I don't work here lady we're a Waffle House employee gets mistaken for a stripper our next post is from master tinyface I'm a falconer and I train birds of prey to flush unwanted birds from places for a living my work often brings me to extremely fancy resorts as this tends to be a bit of a bougie service on this particular day I was working at a five-star resort only millionaires and billionaires stay here so people tend to be entitled keeping pigeons from their restaurant patio I don't have a uniform but I usually dress in nice hiking attire and all the restaurant employees wear clearly marked uniforms with aprons and nametags I had my phone plugged in behind the hostess podium so I went in to check on it Hauk in hand while I was responding to a text a presumably rich white lady approaches me and says and there will be other people joining my party so can you just I start to cut her off by waving a hand and shaking my head but before I can indicate that she's talking to the wrong person she responds with oh you don't speak English as she rolls her eyes you should know that I'm half Filipino and half white giving me an ambiguously ethnic look although I grew up in Southern California and Central Florida taken aback by this I accidentally jerked my hawk back causing him to flash his wings this startled the rich white lady and said actually I speak plenty of English but I don't work here lady you'd think the big hawk and my glove would give that away she was unfazed and continued on her way but her two teenage daughters were absolutely mortified it turned out to be the funniest thing to happen to me all month I'm just gonna breeze past how entitled that woman was because what I can't get over is the idea of a hostess who is also a falconer yes ma'am right this way my hawk will show you to your table our next post is from Julia so my story begins several years ago when I was a waitress at Waffle House it's not exactly and I don't work here story but an work there kind of situation so one morning after working a night shift I stopped at a gas station and get some gas before going home I'm exhausted and may I add in full uniform and everything hat and apron included I go to pay for my gas by pulling out my large wad of tips mostly $1 bills out of nowhere I hear this disgusted sound from the cashier so I look up to meet her eyes here's the conversation you should be ashamed of what you do me very tired and confused I'm sorry what you should be ashamed of being a stripper she was acting all holier than thou Wow where'd you get that from you need to leave I don't want trash in my store lady I'm a waitress I'm in a waffle batter covered uniform yeah yeah whatever just leave the manager who was in the office right behind her with a door open called for her to the office and close the door I was still in shock when this lady came flying out of the office with her purse hot in heck stripper she yelled this to me before leaving the store the manager came out of the office and apologized for the woman's behavior and said that she had been warned about it before and fired her on the spot he gave me a free breakfast biscuit and some coffee for the trouble I thanked him and paid for my gas I was still in shock when I got home and told my mom what happened this story gets better a few days later I'm in the dish pit washing dishes when the same woman comes in to speak to a manager she didn't see me until she had finished speaking with him she looked me straight in the eye before turning red and rushing out the door I asked the manager what she wanted and he said she wanted to know if we were hiring I started laughing and explained to him that that's the woman from the gas station of course I told my co-workers about it she never came back the only appropriate way for her to end that conversation and the gas station would have been oh my mistake your unit is covered in waffle batter I thought it was baby batter our next post is from delightful cat I work for a very popular cranberry airline here in Germany I don't work at the airport but sometimes I have to check the planes and make sure the cabin crew is rested and that they had their legs all fulfilled I also have to write reports my uniform is dark red I wear dark red slacks black high-heeled pumps a white button-down and a dark red blazer there is no way in heck you could mistake me for anything other than an airline employee Hugh Easter Easter was madness because the price of flights had dropped significantly everyone was flying children who definitely were not on spring break yet were travelling it was very stressful I spent most of the time at our base Airport riding flight reports I hate writing flight reports and I thought a copy would help me get through the task easier so I got a left the office and went to the bakery in the security area of the terminal this bakery makes the best latte around also this bakery sports a nice white uniform which consists of a white polo shirt with the logo of the bakery on it I was just about to order my extra big latte when this woman just stepped in front of me she basically started yelling hi can I get and rattled out her order the bakery employee just looked at her and mentioned that I was first and in the middle of ordering something and that he would deal with me first before he could accept her order this lady was an older small lady with very white and long hair she looked like a grandma but she destroyed this image by basically screaming at me and the employee she is working here she can get her stuff later I have a flight to catch I told the bakery dude that it was fine that I can wait and I asked the little lady what kind of flight she was taking in order to help her call the gate or something unfortunately she took it as an insult you don't need to know which flight I'm taking it's not your business you should better clean the display look how dirty it is and she smeared the glass of the display with her little hands apparently she thought I worked at the bakery I tried to explain multiple times that I was an airline worker and that the flight she is taking is likely to be one of the planes I'm managing because 75% of the flights of this Airport were operated by us she continued screaming and I stopped talking to her since it didn't make any sense to waste more time with her for some reason she didn't like my silence she kept talking and berating me telling me how I'm bad at my job etc I was thinking about following her to the gate to find out where she is flying to because this lady clearly wasn't stable enough to fly when she suddenly hit me with her luggage to clarify I wasn't prepared to get hit at all also her luggage was heavy and it was one of those old suitcases that were made out of metal security got called by the employee of the bakery and they gave me the latte for free this lady was actually a standby passenger on an overbooked flight so she was definitely going to miss it it wasn't a flight with the airline I work for but the cabin crew heard of her behavior and banned her for this flight anyways after this ordeal I got back to the office to complete my flight records and I sighed because now I needed to write up an incident report for this crazy lady who just assaulted me I just drank my coffee and got it over with my foot has a bruise as big as a plate by the way I don't know what airports are like in Germany but in America if you assault another passenger you are in a buttload of trouble also I've got to point out technically this Karen wasn't wrong you were a really terrible bakery employee our next post is from Richter 1977 okay as stated in another post the store I manage was connected to him McDonald's one holiday when they were closed I happen to be working not happily as I was supposed to be off holidays but someone called in so I am busy stocking some items when I hear it the Huff of a wild Karen preparing to work itself into a tizzy excuse me there is supposed to be a red box in this location keep in mind I'm not in the best of moods already and this was said in this Nadia stone imaginable keeping an incredibly strange smile on my face I tell her yes there is one over in the McDonald's here is where I committed my cardinal sin not usually working on the holidays I had the audacity to forget that they weren't open today cue jerk mode level 9000 hug obviously since it's not in here could you go open the door so I can return my video now fully cognizant of the issue I take a deep mental breath and tell her I'm sorry no I don't have keys to their doors they are a separate business initiate hypersonic karen screech be as you are obviously employed by the same company you are in the same building further attempts at reasonably explaining this is not the case falls on deaf ears at some point I have to take a break from trying to translate logic into crazy to check out a customer at this point Karen tells me you can't ignore me all you like I am NOT leaving until you help me being a helpful sort of fellow I not amiably and begin to write on a piece of paper handing it to her after I finish what the heck is this well you said you wouldn't leave until I helped you given your complete lack of ability to listen to reason I have figured out your true problem and I'm trying to help this is directions to Center Point Hospital they are great at dealing with mental illness or substance abuse whichever your issue is at this point Karen lets out a screech like like you know I don't think anything in nature has ever made a sound like that I want to speak to your manager okay let me go get him I walk into the back room walk back out again and say what seems to be the problem she is now sputtering incoherently and storms out that the spewing invectives and what I can only presume were threats to contact corporate to get me fired by Karen do come again hello is this McDonald's customer support I want you to fire this person because they were extremely rude to me ma'am no one of that name works at that McDonald's mission accomplished I win again our next post is from Red Rover laws we moved into a new house a few years ago two days after we get settled in it's a gorgeous day so I'm not tending the garden if you live in Louisiana you'll realize that nice days are few and far in between it's hot and muggy about 30 minutes after I start this woman walks up beside the house she compliments my garden and asked how much my services cost so I told her ma'am I don't do services about this time my husband walks out and puts something into the car so all's perfectly fine right nope this woman decides to call the police and tell them we are robbing the place I don't know if her watching my husband caused the thinking as he was pulling stuff out of the house and into the vehicle or what we were new neighbors moved in like a few days prior so you'd think she would have seen us moving three cops show up a few minutes after she left we didn't know she called the cops they pull up while both of us are wondering what the heck happens maybe someone we knew died or our kid got arrested neither they said we were called in as an active burglar we had to prove it was ours she didn't even talk to us about it or mention a robbery although I guess in the moment she just lost it people are crazy here what kind of stupid thief does gardening during the robbery sometimes I can't tell if these people are stupid or insane maybe a little bit of both I think uvula Jones down in the comments put it best yes officer we broke in and made a mortgage payment our next post is from comics see is 94 years ago I worked a petrol station in the company owned supermarkets as well my uniform was all black and had neon green ages on the Polo with company petrol embroidered on the sleeves back in front the supermarket was white and green checkered shirts and couldn't look any different after a shift one afternoon I stopped by our company's supermarket across the road to get something for dinner and spotted one of our regulars who is a compulsive complainer she once complained to me that our fuel pumps were too clean and just to give you an idea of the kind of woman I'm talking about this is the interaction I had with her in full uniform at the produce section of the supermarket excuse me all your bananas are bruised go get some more oh sorry I don't work here I work across the road the produce manager was just here go let him know she says in a condescending tone I know you work across the road but this is company you work for company so go fix this before I file a complaint go ahead you'll look pretty stupid complaining about bananas being sold at a servo the compulsive complainer Huff's and storms off returning quickly with the produce manager excuse me sir this woman here told me you were very rude I'm going to he stops mid-sentence and looks at my uniform what did you say to this woman exactly she demanded I get fresh bananas when I told her I don't work here she threatened to he told me to F off I'm now demanding you fire him a random legend who had apparently been watching the whole time said me you should f off you entitled jerk how stupid can you be she stormed out of the store after I'd finished shopping I walked back across the road to my car in the staff park outside my petrol station to see compulsive complainer in a heated discussion with my manager through the windows I wouldn't clear things up that's him that's the rude man my manager said Opie can you explain what happened over there she demanded I get fresh bananas at the supermarket when I let her know I didn't work there she went off don't lie you stupid blink Opie can you come around behind the counter please I go through the secured door to get behind the counter looking obviously confused because compulsive complainer has a smug I got you now look on her face compulsive complainer you have to leave my employee would never act this way and we have a no tolerance policy on abusive customers I'll have your jobs for this you can't treat a customer like this never in my life has anyone been so rude to me my manager call me says to me while she's screaming at us call the police compulsive complainer froze while I went to the phone and started dialing the police she was obviously weighing her options and for some reason she thought her best course of action was to run now I don't know if anyone's seen a 60 year old plus woman in raised flats try to do a 180 degree turn and sprint across vinyl floors but it resembled small kids trying to sprint across ice flats I put the phone down my manager printed her picture for the do not serve list and we went on with our lives she never came back while I was there but I saw her today in the same supermarket complaining about something meaningless to a poor kid that was our slash I don't work here lady and a lot of you have been asking me to start a podcast well good news I have recently started one if you go down to the description of this video you will find links to my anchor FM account as well to my Spotify account where I have the new podcasts now fair warning I am 100% new to podcast I'm still kind of figuring out how things work so there might be a few bumps in the road as I figure out the audio and where to upload and monetization and all that stuff but hopefully pretty soon I will have podcasts for you guys
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,749,657
Rating: 4.9347811 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, idontworkherelady, i dont work here lady, r/idontworkherelady, idontworkhere, i dont work here
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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