r/Entitledparents - Insane Entitled Parent ATTEMPTS MURDER!

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welcome to our slash entitled parents where we have parents so entitled that it actually drives them to murder a little backstory about a year ago I was diagnosed with a cancer of the nasal cavity a stage to the tumor was quite large but thankfully a benign and it people have pointed out I formulated this wrong by a benign I went in to shorten the fact it still did not spread into other tissue thus it was still contained which is what I thought the word meant I apologize for my gaps in knowledge to get it removed I first had to undergo aggressive chemotherapy to make it smaller thanks to the chemo I had severe alopecia hair loss which made most of my hair and even eyebrows and eyelashes fall out at some point I had to go bald but I wore wig because I didn't want to look like a skinhead neo-nazi I'm 64 and pretty muscular so I thought people would assume so once after a long chemo session in the hospital I took the bus home there's only one bus that goes from the hospital to where I live so I took that one only to see it was absolutely packed I felt awful thanks to the chemo so I asked a middle-aged dude to let me sit he was very understanding and gave me his spot without complaining if you're reading this thanks bro two stops later enter and titled mother a lovely whale with and I demand a parley with the CEO haircut and a twelve some year old kid it took her roughly five seconds to see the bus was packed start looking for a free seat spot me and start marching or in her case trying to fit in the aisle between the seats while shoving others aside to me when I saw her I knew I was screwed she then stood next to me and decided to talk to me this is the conversation that followed hey could you let my kid sit down you mean me who else oh I'm sorry but I'm on my way from the hospital and so are we nonsense the stop was a few kilometers away from the hospital my boy just broke his leg and we're coming straight from the ER her kid was standing next to her without any support clearly embarrassed he's standing next to you completely fine look here boy I am 21 years old my kid deserves to sit down look madam I sorry but I just got back from a chemo session in the hospital and I need to sit down and rest I then moved my wig a bit to let her see my bald head entitled mother then straight up started yelling in my face stop making excuses and get off the freakin sea freakin skin hit piece of trash at this point I was baffled I didn't know what to say the kid was trying to make his mother stop and we had the attention of the whole bus she then grabbed me and tried to yank me from my seat I held on tight and thankfully didn't fall off now enter old gentlemen my Savior will you shut the eff up you dumb cow who do you think you're talking to with an ice-cold voice stop assaulting other passengers or I will be forced to step in also every dumb [ __ ] could see that the dude has cancer no he's just a freakin skinhead he's got no eyebrows you [ __ ] seems like that really offended entitled mom because she spun around on the spot and threw a falcon punch in the old gentleman's face I was shocked and in disbelief the whole bus was flabbergasted and the kid probably wished he'd never been born old gentleman then said something unbelievable and a golden sweet karma moment followed okay that does it harassing passengers on the bus physical assault against a passenger and now assaulting an officer you're in deep trouble lady old gentlemen then pulled out a badge and told her to stay where she was then he pulled out his phone called someone and told her that she was being arrested I couldn't believe it old gentleman was a bloody cop at this point entitled mom was as white as a wall the bus had just come to a stop so she decided she'd make a run for it but other passengers blocked her way she then also got charged with resisting arrest things to this three stops later a police car was waiting for the entitled mom and entitled kid in town okay I told me he was sorry for his mother's behavior and I felt really sorry for the kid he wasn't a bad child but his mother was a hell spawn old gentleman then talked to me and asked me if I wanted to press charges to which I gladly said yes took a statement and think he was kind enough to let me solve everything on the phone so I didn't have to come to the police station for questioning in the end entitled mob got some jail time I think it was a few months and some community service I in return got a good story to tell and the sweet taste of Instant Karma right now I'm riding the same bus home as I just got back home from the hospital after a checkup which reminded me of this a friend who's sitting next to me told me I should post it here he as much as myself also couldn't believe that such people existed but it seems I proved it to him I should also note that the surgery went well I was declared cancer-free in November and my hair is slowly returning also I don't need to wear wig anymore the thing I can't understand is if she thought this guy was a skinhead why on earth would she talked to him like that coming up to a muscular skinhead and yelling into his face seems like the fastest way to get a one-way ticket to a curb stomp some backstory I'm in a D&D group with a couple of friends from nearby and one of the other members of the group was a kid who was about 15 years old he's a really sweet kid likes helping other people out and he's a big fan of Dungeons and Dragons he also has cancer in both of his lungs he's from a religious family that basically forces him to act pure while he's in their sight the mom is Westboro Baptist Church level rabid and as a quick aside for those of you who don't know that church is the church where the people stand outside of like funerals with the signs that say God hates the F word while the dad is just a sensible person who just tries to get him to be a good kid when he's out of sight of his parents he just does normal teen stuff because of his mom the only books he was allowed to own were Christian books and Bibles he joined our group mainly as a way to escape his home life and his mom a couple of weeks ago the cancer in his lung started to get to him so he was taken to a hospital by his parents he contacted me about this a day after he was taken to the hospital stating that he wanted a monster manual as his last wish stating that he was tired of reading the same things I bought him the book from Barnes and Noble but considering that he's a dying teen I got him bolos guide to monsters and morning kind ins tome of foes stacked on top of that the next day which was his birthday he was still in the hospital so I brought him the books as a gift after he blew out the candles we had cake and he started opening mine was the first to be opened seeing what they were he immediately got this humongous grin on his face and hugged me meanwhile his mom stared down at the books with a look of pure disgust with her husband staring at her with this weary look in his eyes she picks up one of the books and relights one of the candles and holds the damn book over it to try and set it on fire I managed to stop her and demand what the f are you doing he asked me to get these books and I'm not going to let you take them away his mom simply stared me down and said something along the lines of the book being sinful satanic and full of evil and that her son has no business with them I retort and say that her son can read what he wants and that she shouldn't have to force him to be Christian she starts getting red in the face and yelling at me about essentially forcing children to believe in God from a young age I state that I'm a Baptist which I actually am and say that faith in God isn't matter between God and the individual she turns red all over and actively starts to try and destroy the books with me my friend and her husband trying to stop her at one point I shouted what God wants you to do this to restrict your dying son's freedom of expression right in her face this just sets her freaking ablaze she tosses the books aside and starts trying to strangle her son and her husband call security immediately when she does this security gets here within about a minute or two of us trying to pry entitled mom off her son and dragged her away with her shouting that were all catamites to the devil both her husband and my friend charged her with child abuse assault and attempted murder trial still going and I'll try to update this post as soon as the trial goes on then the original poster added a couple of updates that are not interesting basically just thinking people for reddit gold and karma then we got into the interesting edit edit for trial was almost a disaster me him and her husband all prosecuted against her the moment she saw as she tried to tackle us shouting something about divine retribution but the officers restrained her during this whole thing she kept pinning the blame on me and him calling us corrupted by sin needless to say she was pronounced guilty of all three charges that I mentioned earlier the moment she heard this she went ape and tried to attack the judge but officers tased her to the floor now she'll be serving for 20 years for the other three charges and ten more on top of assaulting a court official thank you all for the support you guys gave us I'm sorry guys but this was not an entitled parent let me try this again welcome to our slash psychotic parents where parents would rather murder their children and set fire to a hospital than have someone disagree with them backstory I live in a middle middle upper-class neighborhood everyone is very friendly and it's right next to a school my neighborhood is in the East Side of Pennsylvania and if anyone lives there you will know about the snow we got about six inches of snow so of course school was canceled this isn't important until later but I also have a service dog I woke up at about 7:00 a.m. and decided to go outside and play with my dog we were having fun running around when I noticed my neighbor trying to get in his car now I don't know what happened and it's not my business but my neighbor is wheelchair-bound he driving his car with those special handles you attach to the pedals anyway I noticed him trying and failing to get through the six inches of snow on his drive away so I decided to help him out and went to my shed grabbed a shovel and some rock salt I walked over and offered to shovel his driveway so he could go wherever he needs to be my neighbor accepted and thanked me for being so helpful then he went back inside over the course of the next 45 to 60 minutes I shoveled his driveway and salted it my dog sat at the edge of the whole time ready for action like the good girl she is after I was done I informed my neighbor who thanked me and started walking away suddenly the clouds became dark and it starts storming thunder and lightning everywhere the devil had arrived not really the entitle mom was walking down the street and noticed me while I was finishing up then she decided to strike dunt dunt done hey I noticed you shoveled neighbor's driveway and I was wondering if you could shovel mine sure I'll do it for 10 bucks but you shuffled his driveway for free if you haven't noticed he can't move his legs or shovel the driveway himself well I have children and I need to drive to the store to feed them well what's stopping you from shoveling you seemed perfectly fine to me can't you just help out a mother give me ten bucks and I will you effing Millennials have no respect for anyone I am a hard-working mother and you have no to refuse what I tell you to do this entitled parent had the audacity to try to grab my arm and try to pull me I yank my arm away what the f is wrong with you get away from me my dog although on the job is very protective of me at this point she stands in front of me and growls at the lady your dog is crazy she's going to attack me you need to put down that monster by the way here is my little monster see how vicious and dangerous she is il Sikkim girl the dog lets out a single barking not even as scary the entitled parent runs for her effing life I take off the dog's vest oh she's not on duty and throw a stick near entitle parent she doesn't see it get it girl dog takes off towards the stick and tell apparent turns around and a look of sheer terror fills her face as she sees my dog barreling towards her I'm laughing my ass off I went home after that and gave her extra treat OHS and past for doing a big protect hope everyone near me has a wonderful snow day I'm actually going to agree with the entitled parent on this I can't believe how entitled you Millennials are that you would actually watch this video and not subscribe your generation is absolutely unbelievable so I teach eighth grade and a few months ago I had a female student come up to me in private and tell me that a male student in her class was sexually harassing her she shows me text messages that he has sent her detailing highly graphic sexual things he wants to do to her and tells me some of the things he said to her when they are in the halls she tells me that she has asked him to stop repeatedly but he's still doing it and she wants me to help keep him away from her in my class so before I file a report to have guidance and admin investigate the issue I spend a class period keeping a close eye on the two of them to see if I can confirm or deny anything she's saying once I'm looking for it I observed the male student doing things like licking his lips at her from the other side of the room hovering around her and finding reasons to walk past her desk I personally overhear him make a sexual comment about her to another student based on what I've seen I go ahead with referring the boy to admin for sexual harassment and make contact with parents of both students to inform them that the issue will be investigated by the school and possible disciplinary action will be taken I don't make direct contact with the boy's mother but I leave her a voicemail and ask that she called me back the next day I'm in my planning period and I get a call from the office saying that there's a parent here for a meeting now our policy is that parent meetings must be scheduled in advance and logged with the office I don't have any meeting scheduled today but I have time so I decided to go and see what's up it turns out to be the male students mother in the office she very nicely asks if we can talk face-to-face about what's going on and for some dumb reason I agree even though usually we like to have another teacher or staff member present for meetings so we go in a conference room and I go over the allegations avoiding names I tell her that a female student has accused her son of sexual harassment and I saw enough evidence in class to refer to the office for investigation now what exactly did you hear because I know my son he would never her ass a girl he might say something stupid they got taken the wrong way but that's just not who he is so what exactly did you hear him say I want to know what this girl is saying about him I saw him looking his lips at her and overheard him say to another boy that he wanted to ride that butt all night what do you mean licking his lips he gets chapped lips he might not be doing it to harass some girl she can't just say things about him and try to ruin his life I know my son and he is not that kind of person no matter what some girl says well admin and guidance are going to investigate and based on what they find they'll be in touch with you so wait what did you tell them you can't just go and say my son is harassing girls based on what one person says he's already been suspended twice and now you're going to get him expelled just because some girl wants to get him in trouble for no reason now I'm thinking uh why did I do this mom is getting worked up I have no one else there and my next class starts soon I repeat that I just reported the things the girl said and the things I saw and that it'll be investigated I reiterate that I'm not the one making any final decision and if she has an issue she needs to talk to the principal well principal hates my son she's not going to listen you need to go and tell them that this is all nonsense you saw him licking his lip because they were chapped I'm not going to have all this harassment BS again if you have an issue I'm not the one to talk to I just reported what I saw they'll look into it but you didn't see anything and you need to tell them that I'm telling you I know my son and you've got this all wrong if he gets expelled because you don't know what you saw it's going to be your fault I eventually talk her down enough to get her to leave I report to admin that parent is hostile about the accusations and go on about my day they end up investigating and finding hard evidence that he was actually sexually harassing three different girls boy got expelled I love it that by the end of this video a mother trying to cover up her child's obvious sexual harassment seems like small potatoes compared to the other entitled parents we've seen so far hey at least you didn't try to murder the teacher that was our slash entitled parents you know you've really got to admire the courage of these entitled parents not even skinheads and cancer victims are safe from their wrath and these entitled parent videos do really well but I want to branch out let me hear from you down in the comments what other sub reddits you want me to cover
Channel: rSlash
Views: 3,991,761
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents funny, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, funny entitled parents, entitled parents fail
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 24 2019
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