r/Prorevenge - Cheating EX Gets ARRESTED! Funny Reddit Posts

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welcome to our /po revenge where Opie gets revenge using Japanese porn I work at a big ad agency with large companies as our clients we expect to work in partnership with our clients we fire clients that treat us poorly usually we treat each other with respect our biggest client has five different teams we work with and one of them was led by a baseball dad baseball dad was the type of necklace marshmallow who gets wasted at his kids baseball game and starts heckling the other kids just a boorish butthole he never approved any of our work putting out awful stuff that his internal team made even though he is literally paying us millions of dollars to make ads for him his product was struggling to sell and he blamed us even though we were killing it with the other four teams he didn't know this which comes back to bite him later however none of this is why we needed revenge I don't give a flip if a client wants to fail I collect my paycheck regardless however he crossed several lines one he was extremely sexist he used to call my female co-worker sweetheart in the most condescending voice comment on their clothes and bodies and wink and smirk at me while they were talking because we're both men I guess these women are highly accomplished serious people and they are like family to me huge missed play on his part to baseball dad was abusive to us he would constantly interrupt us tell us to shut up call us vendors and remind us that he could fire us at any time three baseball dad would lie he would tell his boss actual nice guy but too busy to check closely that we missed deadlines or forgot deliverables because he never checked his email we would then have to awkwardly struggle to prove baseball dad wrong with help calling him a liar so we could keep the business he never owned up to anything he said to us on the phone for the final straw took place on a call between baseball dead and one of my project managers I saw her run out of the crying she told me baseball dad said to her in a one-on-one call that she should worry less about budgets and more about wearing that nice top she Ward our last presentation gross revenge time I told my cool boss that our team had had enough of baseball dad we were at our wits end with his attitude several of my co-workers were looking for new jobs it's hard to hire good people so my boss asked me to give her a day to figure this out she wanted to lose baseball dad without the entire business the next day she showed up with our IT guy who set up voice recording on our conference line it's illegal to record people without consent in my state but baseball dad was laid to every call too bad because if he ever had showed up on time he would have heard the new message kicking off every call this call is being recorded his team heard it and had no problem with it I suspect they hated him too for the next two weeks we recorded everything every word of it one of my audio engineers made a supercut of every terrible thing baseball dad said every sweetheart shut up no one cares what you think my project manager even baited him into repeating what he said about her clothes on a budget call this time he literally said you're much better at flirting than budget sweetheart that's why I like you the supercut sounded insane when played all together it was an incredible piece of evidence we sent it to his boss and his vice president and threatened to walk away from the work two weeks before product launch if baseball dad wasn't disciplined they immediately apologized and begged us not to leave they said it would be handled by Monday my one sweet project manager he had been so gross too got the best part of the revenge she anonymously sent the supercut to his wife using the email address she had posted on LinkedIn I don't know what became of that but I imagine it wasn't good on Monday baseball dad wasn't on the call my boss snooped and found out that he had a few complaints prior and got immediately fired after we sent it through he didn't see vendors as people so he was shocked that his words towards us counted against his three-strike policy apparently he melted down completely as he was being fired he said it was all because we were incompetent but the other four team leads had all put in their numbers and said that it wasn't on our end their products were slaying wish I could have seen it I imagined he came home to a very angry wife as well we are all hitting the bar tonight in his honor fu baseball dad Opie if you're out there anywhere I will gladly pay you cold hard cash for a copy of that audio and to everyone else be sure to subscribe and hit that Bell icon because if Opie gets back to me you're definitely gonna want to be around to hear that footage so to begin this story I have to explain I'm a college student in Portugal so sorry if my english isn't 100% I was born and raised in Azura's please tell me in the comments if I'm not pronouncing that correctly some little islands in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean in order to pursue college I had to move to the mainland for this I had to rent an apartment it's a good apartment three rooms two bathrooms a living room in the kitchen and it's in a quiet neighborhood so all good this was until they started to do construction work in the apartment above this construction work is made by a TV show called queer domu de Icaza that literally translates to honey I changed the house it's quite famous here they remodeled the entire house replacing everything in it with new furniture new floor you get it so they make a lot of noise I'm not the party kind of guy and I'm quite a calm and peaceful guy that likes to stay home have some friends here drink a bit play some games etc and also I do a lot of my college work at night in the apartment I spend most of the day in class so to explain this portugal has a law that you can make noise from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. most of my classes start around 11 to 12 p.m. which works great for me since I go to sleep around 4 a.m. due to all the work I have to do and a little plus time for myself they started drilling the floor at around 8 a.m. every single day me and my housemate were shocked by the amount of noise they were doing we let it pass since they shouldn't take more than a week to replace the floor I make that assumption cuz me and my dad did it once to our house back in the island but no that always lasted for the entire time they were there I kind of been upset since I couldn't sleep but I also couldn't leave the college work undone so I decided to try and talk with them I went to the upstairs apartment and knocked then came this really fat and short guy looking at me like I wasn't even there and the talk went like this hi I'm from the apartment below hey what do you want I was gonna ask if you guys could start the drilling at around 10 a.m. I'm a college student and I do most of my work at night sometime I only get to sleep at morning is that possible yeah we have a job to do you should go to sleep earlier if you want to sleep he closes the door I was pissed but remained calm after all it kind of is my fault if I go to bed at that time some time goes by and the noise continues I get grumpier and grumpier I called the customer service of the show they said politely that there is nothing they can do about it since it's in the legal rights I should talk with the guys in the apartment so we can come to a conclusion weeks go by I'm wondering that freaking apartment is the same size as mine how the Freak are they taking so long until a glorious morning I wake up normal routine I go to the bathroom to take a shower when I turn on the light what do I see my bathroom full of clay everything completely dirty rocks everywhere and a freakin a hole right on top of the freaking toilet I am furious my housemate arrives home that morning he is not a calm person in this situation as I tell him all about this we both go to the upper apartment I convinced him to let me talk and he agrees I knock on the door to my surprise the same fat guy but this time he was looking at me you guys opened a hole in my bathroom he interrupts yeah yeah we know we already covered our part okay but what about ours can't you guys fix it I mean you are men can't you fix the house my friend is furious but I calmly put my hand on him and keep talking no way you broke it you're gonna fix it unless we have to call the landlord and Sue your show for this okay okay we will fix it no need to get all formal we came back to the house we could hear them making fun of us because of the hole my friend is furious but I'm calm because I already thought of a way to get back at them couple of days go by when they finally decided to fix the hole two nice guys came down and fixed it said they were sorry and everything we chatted they were cool but my revenge was already planned sorry dudes me and my friend both have JBL speakers the good ones that can really play loud this is where it begins every day I started to go to bed early now so I can be up at 8 a.m. first I take a shower and set up for college then I plug both of my speakers to my laptop search for Japanese porn you know cuz Japanese girls scream like heck in a high-pitched voice leave the volume up at maximum and let it play in a loop until I get home around 6 p.m. oh my amusement was speechless my housemate agreed with this since we both started to leave the apartment earlier until one day we heard a knock on our door it was the fat guy hey I don't know what you're doing but it has to stop we are recording today and we can't have those weird noises in the background they record the episodes in the house so they can authenticate the sound in the house and everything they could easily use a studio for the sound but they are really cheap I'm saving money nah since you are in the legal right to make noise from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. I am too I can make all the noise I want in that period of time that will really hurt the show and you know that people love this show probably your mother watches it and loves it maybe but she knows how things are around here so she really does mind I don't really mind and the landlord doesn't mind can't you fix it yourself the fat guy goes mad start stomping the ground as he turns around and leaves this continues I see the camera crew arriving from my window they enter the apartment knock on my door I didn't even answer just some loud lewd noises all day this goes for three days straight with the camera crew but one day they never tried again I think the episode was canceled due to the noise the funniest part is that they make the construction free for people the only revenue they gained is from the viewership of the episodes it puts a smile on my face when I know that they just wasted a budget for nothing a sweet revenge I used the exact same strategy so if you ever come by my place and you hear loud Japanese porn playing 24/7 it's obviously because I'm getting back at a TV show background me and my ex had been together just about a year and had decided to move in together for the most recent semester of university when we began to have a lot of fights and we're on rocky terms for a little while in this time she would take advantage of my insecurities and kindness just so she would get more attention while not giving any back to me most of our conversations at this point were apologetic or we're trying to fix these problems or at least I thought whenever I tried to talk to her in person she would get hyper defensive and too emotional to deal with the facts that I was telling her the she would leave and message me over discord our snapchat saying these horrible things to me only meant to tear me down adding in a few maybe we should break up for good measure one night I had enough and said that it would be best to take a break and try to figure out from a third-person perspective what was wrong in our relationship she took this as breaking up not two days later she had brought someone else over to our apartment to hug passionately this decimated me leading me to have a mental and emotional breakdown while they were having sex in the other room I had mutual friends get me out of our place for the night where I explained our situation to them they hated her for what she had done to me and all of them cut contact with her right on the spot which I later found out was a major hit to her ego but that's not even the best part then the guy she banged came to me and apologized for what happened he explained he felt bad for what he did and that he was told we have been separate for two weeks and was doing that the whole time and that her wanting to bang him was the reason for her last breakup before me and he came to tell me because she's now going to bang his friends of course rage ensues but for some reason not towards him but a plan did pop into my head college student apartments at least around here all sign in mid-february and I took my chance I gathered a group of four of her once friends and we all signed the lease together kicking her out of the apartment entirely she has until the end of the month to find somewhere else to live so I got out of this toxic relationship with all her friends and I kicked her out of her own apartment so I hope that hotdogs tasted nice is all from my last post about two weeks ago after getting her off the lease she tried to get a replacement for the time she still had their subleasing for her room in the apartment which is strictly not allowed in the contract we signed at the beginning of last year by this point she had gone full psycho threatening people in our apartment including herself to the point where a roommate called for a wellness check on her mentally abusing the other roommates and all around was horrible so I wanted the landlady to get some info for what I or she could do next where I got some information about what she had to do to get out of the apartment and away from what she had done to me so I leave these papers saying that she legally can't sublease and can suffer legal consequences if she does she loses it completely she begins to yell at me for intruding in her life and ruining everything even though she was the one who did it herself this escalates to her yelling at me about an inch from my face to which I stand up to get her away from me and she strikes me she hits me in the face with so much anger and that was the last straw I built up the courage and went to the police and filed a report with a witness and they without me knowing until afterwards arrested her on the spots she had been charged with battery and then forced into a psychiatric ward for mental health monitoring the police then allowed me to fill out a protection order restraining order against her giving me the grounds to forcefully evict her from the apartment complex and notify her employer of what happened leading her to get fired the next day she is the only person who I can safely say is dead to me and if you ever read this Brooke I hope you burn in heck if I can offer a word of advice from your good old buddy are / don't stick it in the crazy and don't let the crazy stick it in you either that was our slash Pro revenge and if anyone has any leads on that original audiotape of the guy saying all that sexist stuff please get in touch with me because I would love to get my hands on that footage
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,418,940
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, prorevenge posts, prorevenge funny, prorevenge fails, pro revenge, funny pro revenge
Id: OE_hx5r1aaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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