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good evening good afternoon whatever time or morning whatever time of the world or whatever part of the world you're in I am RC Blake's and I am excited to be able to talk to you today I'm just jotting down a thought that goes along with our discussion for today reinventing your life reinventing your life and I'll tell you where the the inspiration for this discussion comes from I deal a lot with not only Millennials I think God that I have a a connection with Millennials and they feel a connection with me that's a blessing for 50 54 year-old man at this time to be able to reach in to communicate with Millennials but I also have a great part of the demographic that follows me is middle-aged or middle-aged people middle-aged and up you know and I get the question quite a lot you know what what do I do at this stage in life you know children are gone in some cases sad as it is the marriage is ended and the better days of the career are behind me if that Korea is not completely and totally ended and now I'm sitting here and I'm sitting here I'm almost feel like I'm on the ash heap of former existence I'm sitting here just kind of looking at what used to be and I still have a lot of life in front of me I still have half of my life in front of me but I really don't know what to do with myself because I spin all of my previous years building a life that has now come to an end sometimes just through the natural progression of time and then sometimes unforeseen circumstances have brought the former life to an end and the person is bewildered and lost because their sense of identity you know I think all of us to some extent we find our sense of identity in in what we do and you know you can know better than that you can you can fight against that what is it that bent towards lumping one's identity and value into what one does what one has but we all fall into that trap at some point because that that is what drives at least in the United States of America that is what drives us you know what do you do who you are that's the first questions we ask a person and we ask a person who are you we're really not asking them who are you we're really asking them what do you do and what do you have what bracket do you fit in and so when all of that stuff unfolds when all of that stuff is done how do you reinvent yourself you know when the children you you work so tirelessly to raise grow up and develop lives of their own and are not around you know you have you bought a house to house them and now it's just you and your wife in that house and it's really too big for you you almost you need to downsize or maybe you're by yourself maybe the children are gone and the marriage fell apart simultaneously what do you do how do you reinvent your life well these are just some thoughts and and you can tell it's just inspired because here's what I'm working from these are my notes written on hotel paper the Bible says in Romans 12 in 2 be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of you of your mind and the term conformed speaks of as I've always taught a an external force and I like to think of that external force as being society societal pressures that cave in on us and miniaturize us Bach it boxes us into a certain existence and it doesn't let us grow it doesn't give us room to move it says ok this is who you are stay here don't dare try to move or evolve transformation speaks of one growing or evolving from the inside out based on one's divine potential what God put in you transform into that it's the it's the visual of a seed that is planted in the ground and begins to germinate and then it buds and then it grows and then it produces fruit and then that fruit produces another seed that birds and grows and produces more fruit it's a constant evolution from the the powers that are divinely established within a person to grow into something new all the time and this is where I believe I believe it's at this Romans 12 and 2 point where we lack consciousness I believe this is where we run into the midlife crisis thing this is where we run into the midlife crisis thing it's when we don't realize that we've been conformed you know like you know we've been locked in by the world and what the world thinks and says is right for us and is acceptable and what equates to success that's the big thing on our mind am i a success and when the world says okay well you're not you don't look like this anymore you're not this age anymore you're not in the limelight anymore and society is driven by the lust for youth you don't have all of that stuff so crisis what do I do now whereas if we understood that we're not here to conform to some fixed identity some fixed place in life some fixed state but rather we're here to transform to evolve from a seed to a plant to a tree to float to another seed to another plant another tree to another fruit to another seed you know we're here to constantly evolve and constantly change into something something greater something more productive in something new but when your mind has been conditioned to believe that at a certain age I'm irrelevant if I add a certain weight watch this some of you believe that if I get beyond this weight I'm irrelevant or if I'm not making six seven figures a year I'm irrelevant or if I have a public type persona that affords me my lifestyle and that goes away I'm irrelevant oh man I came to terms with that with this after Hurricane Katrina and everything that I had worked on that I thought made me who I was was washed away over overnight by storm by floodwaters and now I had to what reinvent myself and it is out of that chaos that crisis that has given birth to most of what I am now because the honest truth is had God not allowed that crisis to come and had God not allowed all of the former existence that I had known and identified with to be washed away I probably never would have evolved into the guy that I am today because because I was comfortable in it I so enjoyed everything that it afforded me but there was more in me and see some of you are in the crisis state right now where it feels like everything that that is important and everything that makes you who you think you are is being swept away or has been swept away and now you sit in there trying to regather yourself and what your what your unconsciously is you know doing is you're searching for the former things and they are to be no more they are to be no more when God is trying to change your the direction of your focus to what's in front of you and stop bemoaning what you think has been lost that is behind you there's something greater that God is trying to get you to evolve into but you have to first of all open your heart point number one open your heart to a new and better version that's point number one and out in our discussion today you have to open your heart to a new and better version you have to first of all understand that the former conditioning of what you were taught that said to you this makes you valuable this makes you important and this is who you are and this is why you are who you are young people make this mistake a lot based on their sex appeal based on their age based on the smoothness of the skin their youth and they just don't understand that that stuff is is fading away more quickly than they can imagine and then they're gonna wake up one day and all of that stuff is going to be gone and they're going to be you're going to sit in the lap of reality and they're going to have to open their heart to a new and better version not just a new version you but a better version in the reason that the next version of you this reinvention of you the reason it's better is because this is the version that possesses all of the wisdom all of the lessons all of the pain from the mistakes man I often say if it's almost like life is unfair it's like you get to this age where you have all of this wisdom and you have all of this know-how and all of this experience and you just don't have the energy to match it when you're young and you have all of the energy to do it you think you know what you're doing but you really don't know what you're doing so you blunder and you make a lot of mistakes and I said God why says well the wisdom is the product of all of the mistakes you made in your youth and so a man gets older this is what made Solomon so phenomenal was that it was that he was a little kid praying for wisdom but when you're young most of us believe Society makes us believe that our our youth our good looks and our energy are enough Solomon was a young kid and he was wise enough to know that his youth wasn't enough he said God give me wisdom and so none point number one you must open your heart to a new and better version the guy that I was prior to Katrina Hurricane Katrina before all of my ministry was pretty much wiped out is not the guy that sits before you today now he was the seed you know but this guy that you're looking at now is the tree and had I not been now watched you hit watch this this is the interesting thing when you think about a seed the Bible even says except a seed be buried a planet it abides alone but if it be buried it'll it'll grow and produce and I'm paraphrasing you take a seed in the seed as a season where it's out of the the hand of the farmer and it's buried in the ground which feels like a killing of it and that's where you are many times we are when you're you had a certain stage in life sometimes as midlife crises sometimes it's just a crisis in life even when you're young that changes your norm and you feel like you're being destroyed you feel like you're being buried and the reality is that you're just being planted and we plant things that they might grow and that they might maximize so you know you have but you have to open your hearts you have to be able to say something to this you know something like this in your own heart and out of your own mouth god I opened my heart to everything you have for me in this season and God every every false idea that has been planted in my mind about my value and my Worth and my purpose that was not based on your divine ordinance God I cancelled that now and I opened my heart what do you have for me in this season Who am I now what am I to do in this season I'm open God do a new thing in me and this is where you get Isaiah 43 and 6 where he says behold I will do a new thing in you and he asked the question he says will you not know it and are you gonna allow me to do a new thing and you not realize it now what does that mean what does that mean that means that God can actually you could very well be in a position where God has actually done a new thing in your life and you not realize it because you've not opened your heart to discern it you're so locked in on what you think or what you thought life was all about that you're not really open to discern what God has already done in your life and so watch this you you miss season after season after season after season until you do what mouths Monroe's you end up in the grave bringing to the grave all of the the potential in the gifting and the purpose that God invested in you because you never recognize your season because you never open your heart to it you soap you you were so caught up on the relationship that ended that you thought would go the this the distance that you fail to open your heart to the new man or the new woman that God brought into your circle but you failed you missed it but if you're gonna reinvent yourself and watch this you're gonna have to reinvent yourself a few times in your lifetime you cannot you cannot maintain okay here's the illustration my brother uses all the time you cannot bring an 8-track cartridge into an iPod generation the music on the 8-track is there but you cannot it cannot translate because there are no machines to play it you know you can't even use a cassette tape in a car anymore if you if you have a new one they don't have them in most cars they're making now don't even have CDs anymore so you're gonna have to reinvent yourself time and time and time again and so some of this stuff that we're gonna discuss is stuff that you probably need to jot down even if you're young because you ain't gonna be young long I don't care much all of oh let you use you ain't gonna be alone and all that Botox you know I mean you know that's your thing do your thing I ain't mad at you I hate knowing you everybody I'll do the best they can do but that ain't gonna keep you young let me make you look a little better make you look whoa No but he says behold I would do a new thing you got to open your heart to the new thing you got to say God what is the new thing you have for me I know that that job ended maybe even abruptly maybe maybe it was even inconvenient at an inconvenient time I know that's ended but I walked by faith not by sight what is the new thing you have for me I'm not gonna look back and ponder the things of old I'm not gonna even consider the things who what is the new thing yeah for me God show me I want to see it because I don't want to miss it and that's where you are if I can get you to stop trying to resurrect the former season I can awaken I can open your eyes to the new season the new and greater season that God has in front of you number two not only must you open your heart to a new and better version but number two you must open your mind to learn something new I heard a man say something I was watching a Yamla the other night watching a replay of her and a man said something that just went all the way through me he said I'm too old to learn she said you're gonna need to learn sir he says I'm too old to learn other people don't have to learn because I'm too old to learn that was that that was a statement that made me feel sorry for him because you really don't get you know this there's such a thing as age but old is not a matter of of calendar days or years or months or times or minutes or seconds or hours age is a matter of mentality and you don't get old or old rather as a time as a matter of mentality you don't get old until you come to a point in your life that you stop learning you get old and you say you got I have met some 30 year old old people I met some 40 year old old people 50 year old old people and some 80 year old young people in college pursuing their degree in their 80s because if you're gonna reinvent yourself you must open your mind to learn something new most of my most of Anila admitted most of my what do you call it people that you know guys that are you know that would be my age do what I do I forget what the term is for it colleagues I don't know that's a good where it's not the word I'm looking for but most of the guys that do what I do in are my age cannot reach this generation can I reach them it was one day it was one day that somebody came to me and said pastor you got to do social media I said I don't need that that's for young people I don't want I don't want nothing do it no social media say you got to do it you got to do it you got to do it and they went started me a Facebook account and I I submitted to that new instruction it was watch this it was it was set apart from my generation but I learned it and you know what when I learned the information when I learned the approach of a new generation what happened was I I calibrate it recalibrated my life for a new season see there are a lot of you who are equating your age with your being old you're not old until you become irrelevant the whole lot of aged people who are yet relevant and there are a lot of young people who are relevant they're old outdated but something is old you know it's outdated when you tie into and you learn open your mind to learn something new you you subsequently open up a brand new season over your life I had to learn technology to you you live to learn you're like people majoring in fifth said I ain't got time to try and do all that you know I'm trying to figure out how how are you walking around it with a flip phone I'm trying to get that you know I'm trying to get that you walking around it with a flip phone people have smartphones and I'm making total livings off of smartphones and you walk around here with a flip phone that I mean if you walk around it with a flip phone I'm not going to say that because I know some of y'all got it so I'm not gonna say what I'm thinking but just think about that people have smart phones that they can take their phone and they can check whatever is going on around the house smart phones that if something happened with one of the family members people can take their phone and show them exactly what's going on with the family member they can talk to you all around it with a flip phone people trading and making deals and running businesses all for smart phones and you walking around here with a flip phone because you say I'm too old learn all that I got time to learn all that if you're going to reinvent yourself and sometimes one of the worst things that can happen is for a person to come into too much money because people equate financial security with success and it's not you are utter failure if you die with any of the potential in you that God left you may be a billionaire but if God put potential in you that you bring to the grave simply because you refuse to reinvent yourself you die a failure in Luke 537 he says it says no man puts new wine into old bottles and I'm paraphrasing now because clearly I'm right and reading from this no man puts new wine into old bottles the bottle will burst and the wine will be spilled or lost like to reinvent yourself you are going to have to open your mind to learn something new that means what you're gonna have to pretty much and to study under people who are probably much younger than you in a lot of cases some of you don't realize it but your grandchildren are the source of your new season or the reinvention of yourself Wow while people say you know my children can't tell me that my grandchildren can't tell me nothing there comes a season in your life when you need to be listening to everything they have to say because they are the key to you reinventing yourself right okay number three this is we're talking about reinventing yourself number three watch this incremental e implement the new knowledge you don't have to you don't have to watch this you don't have to be bombarded and just think that you got to change everything overnight but incremental e implement a new knowledge number one the new knowledge that will cause the reinvention of you which will cause the the the new season to come about is probably going to take you a while to grasp so you take your time and you you take it in in from Hollygrove where I come from you take it in chunks and you consume it in in chunks that you can manage and you incrementally begin to implement the new knowledge don't try to do everything overnight because it'll overwhelm you but if you if you just incrementally begin to implement the new knowledge what happen is you'll begin to see the the results that will begin to create watch this a momentum for you in a new direction you'll begin to see a new a new identity new capability new potential beginning to you know manifest in your life as you implement that that new knowledge you know like this steadily trying to teach me all of this stuff about social media and I'm like okay give me this bit and let me digest this let me take this and I incremental II implement it now I have people around me who are so expert they're like pastor you ready to move all this let's get to the next thing then ah let me get let me just work right here and that mean let me you know somewhat get this mass to this and then I'll then I'll come back and then you give me some more and and sometimes watch this when we start talking about incrementally implementing the new knowledge sometimes you have to be wise enough and and I guess this goes back on the point number two opening your mind to learn something new sometimes you have to be wise enough to know when you need to pay for knowledge there's some stuff that you learn through experience there other there are other things that you will learn through counsel through through guidance trying to find the word I'm searching for word through instruction so you have to be so forward think what was now I got to figure out what will be that it's okay this is where I'm going I got I got a new focus on on my vision a new vision so I need to learn this I'm not gonna sit around here praying for God to open doors that I'm not prepared to well but I know I need to learn something about this so let me find out who's who's an expert on who's an expert on this and I'm not looking for the hook-up I'm not looking for the the cheapest one on the thing I need the best person that can teach me how to do this and let me invest in myself because I'm doing what reinventing me and as I learn it I implement it incrementally the things that I've started learning and I'm still implementing it you know in increments okay now a number four I don't know if I shouldn't mention this one when you're reinventing yourself and a lot of people especially church people well let me just say overly religious people probably won't like this one but as you reinvent yourself you have to simultaneously adjust your dress code because your dress code is your personal commercial to the world and just about everything in life involves people you know purpose in life involves people attracting people and then impacting their lives if you're packaged the wrong way people will pass you by okay now let me give you let me give you an example nobody loves suits more than I do I love suits that was my generation I love so I love very good suits I love you know very good shirts and wonderful ties and all of that but the reality is I'm dealing with a different generation that even what we call dressed up now corporate dress code now for the most part is is probably a suit maybe a suit with an open collar shirt but most people if if they're gonna pay attention to you you can't be three down everyday would you know like I used to win a day alligator shoes and big old night round it's 120 degrees outside and and all this kind of stuff you have to dress a court you have to dress for where you plan on going and you have to also dress to attract your audience so this is why you see me only with my baseball cap you see me chillin like this which I have really I really love this this is the way I love this is where I like to roll we all come as you are Church some some churches have come as you are day a month we are a come as you are ministry because any Sunday I'm subject to be wearing tennis shoes and jeans because it ain't about all that and I'm sure I'm not trying to reach a bunch of old people like me and older who come from the three-piece suit era and all that and the alligator shoes and and all this kind of stuff I'm trying to reach these youngsters I want these Millennials I want to own them say man you know my Millennials running up said pop I like them I like the True Religion you got on little nice ones right down maybe buying me shoes they keep me up on my shoe game and everything because you have to dress like your future if you plan on having a future you got a dress like it I'll say this you know pastors that want to reach if you want to reach young people some but some don't you don't need to put out no no promote with no suit in town and all this kind of stuff you you just don't need to do it you definitely need to be putting on all and Bishop stuff all and robes and all them layers and all that kind of looking hot and everything you don't need to do that not if you're gonna put that out on a promo where you trying to reach young people if you trying to reach them now maybe you're not trying to reach them maybe just trying to reach the religious people maybe you're not even trying to reach the lost people maybe just trying to reach religious people so you do your thing so let me leave you alone but you got a dress like you future there's some of you who are trying to reinvent yourselves but you're looking like yesterday you're looking like yesterday and then finally and that may let y'all go you got to find someone who models what you want to be you got to find someone who models to reinvent yourself you have to find someone who models what you want to be now watch this this is what happens usually we get to this level where everybody's looking up to us and then the times pass by and watch this we fail to evolve because we got conformed and so now we've been the standard and everybody's looking up to us and then the times change and then we become irrelevant why because we fail to continue to grow we fail to reinvent ourselves and so now you're in this place where you got to reinvent yourself you got to forget about all of the status and all of the popularity and all the money and all of the success you had yesterday that don't matter that money spent that popularity isn't down the drain it's a brand new generation that don't know nothing about you they know nothing about you they don't care emember what you did in the eighties in the 90s nothing do they care about you they got that you need to introduce yourself to this audience now so watch this though you rose to the top of the heap in your season in your generation now you wake up and realize that all of that is over now I have to reinvent myself guess where you are even though this is the top of where you you know where you come from it's the bottom of where you're going so now you got to stop looking down and you got to start looking up at the people who are in this season where you desire to be and go you know I'll take Bishop Jake's far far for an example it's amazing to me how people can pay attention to all of the things about a man that have nothing to do with what caused a man to be where the man is everybody wants to preach like Bishop Jake's everybody wants getting ready to get get ready to get ready to get ready get ready get ready to getting ready to get ready to get ready to get ready to get ready everybody wants to preach like him you know to the point that people steal his sermons and actually go and preach his sermons and thing people don't know where that stuff come from people know when you'd stole somebody else's sermon well let me get away from that I'm being petty now okay now back to my point if you if you go on YouTube and you you you follow Bishop Jake's is ministry over I don't know the part that we've seen because a lot
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 49,362
Rating: 4.8739305 out of 5
Keywords: Dating Advice, Relationships, Christian, Narcissist
Id: jGNQgB5qSho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 0sec (2100 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2019
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