HERE IS THE GAME LADIES- Sit And Let Me Teach RC Blakes

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hey what's happening hope everybody's doing great this is r.c blakes and um i have something on my heart that i want to share with you sitting in my office and just doing some um actually i was filming for some of my cyber services you know you may not know i am a pastor this is your first time here i'm a pastor i'm a man and i have a lot of opinions on a lot of things relative to life and one of the things that is very dear to my heart is um womanhood i i'm i'm a i'm a man that believes in protecting womanhood now that doesn't mean that women are always right and it does not mean that men are always bad or that men or all men are evil but it does mean i'm a man i believe that the first one of the first test of of manhood authentic manhood because there's a lot of false masculinity i believe one of the tests of authentic manhood is his willingness to um his desire to protect womanhood if um if it's me another man and a woman in a burning building and i can only save one it's no question for me you know because i'm a man and i believe all men protect women doesn't mean that women are always right it doesn't mean that we don't share truth with women but it does mean at our core as men as classic classical men as kings at our core is the best interest of women and so with that being said um this is this is really a recap of an old message that's driven by um ongoing events in society where i see women are being broken down where i see women are being drained of their self-confidence where i see the consciousness of women intentionally being broken by men and unfortunately because no one's really shared with the woman she doesn't have a clue as it relates to the trap she's in there's a chapter in my book from the father-daughter talk this is this is um an old book but it still sells every day around the world because the message is timeless it's everything a father should have told his daughters or his daughter and in the second half of this book i dedicated to it's called part two let me introduce you to game 101. most women are taking a lot of men seriously and the men are simply playing games while the woman's heart is in it for real the man is just simply gaming and um i want to show you i just want to kind of expound a little bit nothing really organized but in in in the book uh let me see around page 135 i think it is uh i deal with um let me see i deal with the three phases of the game how does a man how does a man take a woman and break her down to the point that she's about uh to lose her mind how does a man take a woman break her down to the point that she accepts any kind of abuse from him and she continues to pursue him even when he rejects her over and over and over again well it's intentional and there are three basic phases and then i'll share some other thoughts that i have with you phase number one he penetrates the woman's defenses through calculated conversation he finds out exactly what the woman likes desires what what are her dreams what what does her dream man look like and he then proceeds to act he becomes her dream he becomes her knight in shining armor and the woman has no clue that the person she's experiencing is an actor so once he once he breaks through and he penetrates her defenses with a calculated conversation saying all of the right things doing all of the right stuff that then breaks the woman down and then the woman is lured into a sexual relationship with the man and then we move to phase two the man then works to become the woman's emotional addiction he he he he comes by every night he whines and dines uh he he he has sexual encounters with her that are unforgettable and once he knows that he has her to that place where she is um strung out for lack of a more a more sophisticated way of saying it where she's like a junkie strung out on on a drug um he then knows that he has her exactly where he wants her number phase two the man works to become the woman's emotional addiction he consumes all of her time uh he flatters her and the and the key ingredient to deception is flattery he tells her everything she wants to hear and then he begins to push the sexual relationship beyond the woman's limits you know she'll say okay i'm comfortable with going to three well he'll push it to four and then she'll say okay i'll settle for four but don't go any more than that and then he'll push it to level five and then six and he'll keep pushing her limits and the more he pushes her limits the more addicted she becomes to him the more she the more of herself that she gives away to him the less of herself she actually possesses anymore and then there's phase three where he has her strung out he's um he's he's deceived her with calculated conversation said all the right things did all the right things he became intentionally became her emotional addiction he created a soul tie and then level three is where he avoids making any real commitment she's doing all of this backwards she she thinks that well if i give him uh if i give him this and if i give him that and if i if i become this to him and if i become that to him uh somehow this is going to encourage him to marry me no ma'am no ma'am 95 of the time if not more he never marries you he avoids commitment at all cost and then if if it boils down to him um being somewhat of a narcissist and marrying you maybe for financial gain and he's just using you for whatever it is whatever supply he needs uh filled he's still never faithful to you so that's you know that's the game a lot of you all are caught up in where you're dealing with uh a generation of toxic men it's called i think the the newest term coined is toxic masculinity and it's defined as uh it refers to the socially constructed attitudes that describe the masculine gender as being violent unemotional sexually aggressive and so forth and so on toxic masculinity it's what society says a man is now here's the unfortunate thing all of that stuff i just read it refers to um attitudes that describe masculinity as violent women call that he's able so he's able to protect me a violent man you think okay well because he's violent it means he can protect me unemotional you know uh that's masculinity you know i can't crack him for nothing he he don't even smile sexually aggressive all of these things here are um toxic qualities that a generation of women with broken consciousness has been conditioned to believe is attractive and because we have toxic women you you tend to attract and be attracted to the same thing as you are that's the right way to say that sometimes i messed english language up when you're toxic you tend to attract and and are drawn to toxic men and so though this stuff in the context of my discussion you can see it's clearly these these qualities are clearly not healthy a lot of you have to admit that these have been some of the things that have attracted you to men and you're continuously attracted to toxic men and you wonder why you keep getting poisonous results um the bible kind of describes a generation of men in second timothy three you kind of read verses one through seven where it talks about this generation or certain generation would become lovers of themselves lovers of pleasure more than lovers of god uh traitors heady high-minded describing exactly what you're dealing with today in terms of toxic men now toxic masculinity the kind of masculinity that brings a woman through what i just described uh in this book those three phases toxic masculinity feeds on the marginalization of women for a toxic egotistical narcissistic man to exist in his world requires the subjugation of women toxic masculinity speaks to the patriarchal systems that condition systems that condition males to narcissism i see all the time and i must add as i always do i'm no therapist i'm no counselor find a professional to give you further information on this these are my opinions but there are social constructs that condition men i believe especially in the united states of america to narcissistic behaviors and tendencies and this is why we have such a population of men that degrades defames the means um women because a real man as i said in the beginning is not one that will ever break a woman intentionally a real man is one that would protect a woman even if the woman has no respect for herself he will respect her enough to separate himself from her presence now um let's see i jotted some things down here you can see i'm looking at this tablet here um so the woman is intentionally repositioned psychologically and emotionally into this place that i describe as broken consciousness i talk about broken consciousness in queenology um i talk about broken consciousness quite a lot it's where broken consciousness the visual is this there's a queen asleep that's broken consciousness where a woman is unconscious of who she who she is when a queen is asleep she cannot rule while sleeping she cannot reign she cannot um dictate the course of matters while she's asleep well that's a visual depiction of the the consciousness of women today women today are as sleeping queens you have all of the power in the kingdom but because you're unconscious there are things that are going on that you have no that you're not privy to because you're you're asleep broken consciousness broken consciousness is manifested in a woman listen to this statement very carefully broken consciousness is manifested in a woman unwillingly and consciously participating in our own dishonor broken consciousness is manifested in a woman unwillingly in other words it becomes like a reflex you know toxic masculinity breaks the woman's self-perspective to the point that she uh unwillingly participates in this broken consciousness but yet she's consciously participating in her own dishonor and her own humiliation you know like you allow a man to talk to you any kind of way and you keep showing up for the conversation you allow man to abuse you and you keep opening the door or you keep going back you allow man to cheat on you over and over and over and over again and you keep showing up well you're doing that as a reflex but at the same time you're aware that you're actually participating in your own dishonor it's kind of like a drug addict that knows i don't need this this is killing me but give it to me you see now the woman is i'm just reading my little notes here the woman is conditioned to be attracted to emotionally unavailable men who seek to break the woman that's what you're attracted to that's that's that's my biggest issue that's that's my biggest issue and it's one of one of the reasons why i steer away from too much um counseling i don't know if that's the right word because i'm not a counselor but giving advice to women relative to personal advice relative to relationships and i just kind of package my stuff for you know public consumption because when we get when we get locked into a one-on-one personal interaction uh it always boils down to you don't want a good man you want the man that is going you know i mean i said that way i won't hurt nobody's feelings but you're attracted to this emotionally unavailable men who seek to break you you call that swag a man that seeks to break you now let me just go through this and this is this is just uh revisiting what i wrote in the father-daughter talk but just kind of looking at some some current events relative to how women are being managed by inferiors how women are being managed by people who do not have their best interest and this happens how letter a the toxic man conditions the woman through indoctrination fact toxic manhood conditions womanhood through indoctrination to determine her value and worth based on the acceptance of toxic men in my book the father-daughter talk i talk about how i ask the question how is it that a phd woman is manipulated by ged man it's because society with all of its structures from religion to academia to uh entertainment you know even technology teaches the woman that she is of no value unless she has um a significant relationship with a man she has to be engaged or married if she if she's if she doesn't have a man she's of no value that's what society teaches you and of course i believe in marriage i believe in marriage i'm married i have a wonderful marriage i have a wonderful wife i would that everybody desires to be married could really be married but just because you have a wedding doesn't mean you have a marriage a marriage is where two people equally respect one another and support each other but for a man it's interesting how a man cannot be married and have no children feel no pressure but you flip the coin and you take a woman and you bring her to a certain age and she has no children and her husband society puts such a pressure on her it becomes a psychological vice grip on her mind that i don't have a man i don't have a man and so what happens is she begins to look at the clock and so now she begins to settle and and the philosophy is it's better to have a piece of man than no man at all well that's that conditioning through indoctrination to teach the woman from a little girl to determine her value based on the acceptance of toxic men so so it doesn't matter from the from the the phd the doctor all the way down to the woman that's on drugs in the gutter you you you feel it necessary to parade yourself across the the stage of society for men to say i approve uh you talking to me yes i am talking to you go and check out your instagram and look at how many shots on your instagram you got of body parts that nobody should be seeing in public that's your broken consciousness doesn't matter how much education you have you still went in that bathroom at the club and turned around and you with all your education and all those letters behind your name took a booty shot put it and put it on instagram because you've been conditioned you don't even realize you've been indoctrinated so you're like here's the illustration that came to me you're like the dog that's chasing his own tail dog running around chasing his tail never catches it never catches it and doesn't realize that what he's been chasing all of his life is really within him and while you're while you're chasing men for value purpose identity status the reality is you like the dog chasing the tail everything that you're chasing everything that you're searching for is not in him or them it's within you and see what what goes what what goes on is um society promotes toxic men toxic men are commercial you know that's that's what we promote in the movies and music and videos that's what we promote we promote toxic men that um uh you know it's not it's not cool it's not a blockbuster to have a man that's gonna be faithful to his wife necessarily a man is not cussing and and physically violent and all of this kind of thing you know society promotes so you develop this addiction to uh toxic masculinity while you abort at the same time you're addicted to it and you don't even realize that that's what i'm attracted to and so then you you just keep on getting what you what you're attracted to through your broken consciousness and then you get to a point where you become so bitter with life that you say ain't no good men in the world not true not true not true you're kind of like the guy that's sitting in a in the middle of a field full of broccoli and cabbage and carrots and because he can't find a mcdonald's or wendy's or popeyes he says ain't no food out here no no the kind of food that is toxic and poisonous that you've been conditioned to love the food that's killing you is not there but you're actually sitting in the middle of everything that you need and some of you are like that you're surrounded by the kinds of men that would make great husbands and kings but you're saying ain't no food out here because you've been what conditioned this is a part of the game and then i wrote letter b um the man becomes the toxic man becomes the dream he becomes the addiction and the bible talks in second timothy 3 and 6 about how men will creep into houses and lead captives silly women laden with sins and many kinds of lust yeah it becomes your dream you see um this is why you have to begin to exercise something other than um your sexual your sexuality let me put it that way you have to begin to exercise your spirit so you gotta stop running bouncing around and trying to be sexy and and uh trying to rush to the bed with every little man that comes along looking good and talking good just because a man pulled up in the ferrari doesn't mean he can afford it i set a mouthful right there you need to go further you need to find out if this brother is beneath the surface what he appears to be on the surface too many of you get too excited about surface level um presentations you know is it is it is it real value or is it just um profile anybody can get on instagram and create a profile to make himself make herself look like this or that you have to be you have to you have to begin to dig deeper because there are a whole lot of bombs that will impress you that they're your knight and shining armor if you get closer and you investigate that arm you fi you'll find out that's aluminum foil that ain't normal as as a clown has wrapped himself in aluminum foil because he's going to be he's going to do everything to what become your dream become your addiction he already knows that society has conditioned you to believe that you got to have a man so he already knows he has a leg up so he slides he acts like i'm the one i'm the one and he convinces you to give give him um husband benefits when he hadn't even claimed to be an exclusive boyfriend and then let us see and it goes back to this is bouncing off of what i taught in the book the father-daughter talk he withholds your desire so that he can break you intentionally he slides into your life to become as though he's going to be your dream he's going to be the answer to your prayers and then he withholds your desire what is your desire i want to be a wife what is your desire i want i want i want i want the picket fence and the two point whatever children and all of this i want that and he he makes you believe that he's going to give you that in the beginning you give him everything he desires and then he never gives you what you ask for what he knows that you desire and the purpose of a man withholding the thing that he knows you desire from you is to intentionally break you the more you wish for it and the more he withholds it the emptier you become and the more control of your soul he has because it moves to a point where you begin to operate from a place of shame because you've promoted this you you give you've given more than your data to you should ever give you've given more than you learned that you should give in church you've given more than you really felt comfortable giving and now you're discovering that this guy is uh backing out on the deal i've given you all of this and you're basically handling me like i'm just a member of the team there's no exclusivity here and the bible says in proverbs 13 12 hope the third proverbs 13 and 12 says hope deferred make it the heart sick that's that's an intentional move the more i build you up to hope for it and to want it and to know you deserve it and then withhold it from you i make your soul sick the sicker you become in your soul the more capable i am of manipulating you and watch this pushing you further and further and further and further down i have to traumatize you that i might manage you and then watch this and i'm done so he withholds your desire for commitment and exclusivity so he never commits and not only does he not only does he never commit he pushes he pushes you farther and farther just keeps on keeps going so now it moves from not only am i not only are you in a position where you're giving a man that's not your husband and doesn't even have the qualities to commit to you not only are you giving him husband benefits you sleeping with him you cooking for him you cleaning his clothes you're doing everything for him that a wife does he's still handling you like a boyfriend now he's gotten to a point where he has broken you and emptied you so much so that he's intentionally getting caught with other women because now he wants to condition you to a point where you know the game that you know he got multiple women and you you just gonna you're gonna be so broken that you're gonna be good with it you just want him to stay so you can keep taking your instagram pictures so he gets caught and you say if you do it again if you do it again i'm gonna leave you he does it again three weeks later you say you hurt me again if you do it again if you do it one more time i'mma leave you he does it again and he does it again and he does it again until you get to a point where you just realize this is what i got to deal with if i'm going to hold on to what you thought was the dream that is really a nightmare what you thought was real which is really just a mirage and then you have somebody like me that steps in and says babe you got to choose your pain you got to choose your pain you're going to have to deal with the pain of breaking this soul tie and letting this clown go on about his business and and regathering yourself or you gonna face the pain of a wasted life choose your pain but don't ever say that nobody told me about the game i just laid it out for you i just laid it out for you let me pray for you father i thank you for the great privilege and benefit of speaking into the lives of so many people and now god i pray that you will allow them to hear my heart on this matter and god let them let them be able to discern the truth and the things that i'm sharing and god i cover them now every weapon that's formed against them i cancel it those dear god that are struggling to hold on to their sanity they've been pushed so far holy spirit i thank you now for moving into that space in that place where they are and giving them the power and the fortitude to move forward and god i thank you for healing i thank you for freedom i thank you for liberation in jesus name amen i just wanted to share that with you i just wanted to share that with you just had to share it with you so listen uh if you need counseling there's there's a link in the description for better help counseling service that we're partnered with i'm not a counsel i'm not a therapist but better help can help you and the beauty is it can be done over the phone or through the internet beautiful arrangement use the link and i think it'll in fact i know it'll get you 10 off of the cost uh whatever it may cost and don't forget we are doing queenology 2.0 part 2 the second half in december of 2020 you can you can pre-register not pre-register you can register early i guess it's the same thing register early at a discounted rate if you hit the link in the description it'll bring you directly to it you'll be able to um register at the discounted rated i think it's good for another few weeks or so i'm i'm not clear on the dates on the timeline and also keep your ear to the ground because i'm getting a lot of response and we're going to do the king ology cyber conference for men so many men from all across the world are reaching out to me and saying r.c blakes we need you to do king ology cyber so i'm doing it i'm doing it while we're in the middle of this pandemic i will be busy speaking to you so i'll have some dates on that very soon go to my website sign up for my email list so that you can know what's going on and when it's happening i really love you all i appreciate you with all of my heart and let's just make up our minds man that this is our time to get free this is our time to do better we're not going to allow life to keep trampling us and we not learn the lessons right right god bless you i love you i'll talk to you real soon thank you to all of you that support lisa and i we really really really appreciate you i promise you we do we couldn't do it without you and we are so grateful for you thank you for everything god bless you talk to you real soon [Music] you
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 272,346
Rating: 4.9403024 out of 5
Keywords: rc blakes
Id: Fh8Cvz0IDLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 13sec (2053 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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