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good evening good evening I hope everyone is doing well I'm RC Blake's and I want to drop in for a few minutes tonight to discuss this subject with you loving yourself loving yourself loving yourself is fundamental and I believe with all of my heart that the thing that drives my my ministry in my life is that when I look at this generation of people I see a generation of people who do not love themselves most men don't love themselves most women do not love themselves and are always searching for approval in someone else it's it's really tragic that it's tragic that the family the family unit has done such a poor job that we're raising children into adults who have no self-love it's tragic that the church has done such a pitiful job that even on Sunday mornings we're not teaching people to really love themselves in fact because of a lack of understanding we're teaching people some sometimes directly or indirectly that there's something wrong with you if you love yourself and when you see all of the people that are manipulated and managed by sick and diabolical people all over the world and then we we dare teach people that there's something spiritual about self-loathing the Bible says in Romans 12 and 3 for I say through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you not to think of himself more highly listen to the wording not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think soberly according as God has dealt to every man the measure of faith we take this text then we we will use this text ignorantly to say you shouldn't think highly of yourself but the text says that a man should not think more highly of himself then he ought to think what is the what is the text suggesting that every man should think highly he just should not fall into the Lucifer spectrum where he begins to compare himself to God but every man should every woman should have a high self appreciation now the unfortunate reality as I have mentioned is that the reverse is more common people think too low of themselves people think too low of themselves to make any impact in the earth the reality is that there many of you that are watching me right now that if I could just get your self appreciation if I could get your self-esteem up if I could get your self perspective up you are designed by God to shape the world with the gift God gave you but the reality is that you don't believe in yourself you don't love yourself enough to even try you can see value in everybody else sometimes you see value in things and people where there is none which in people there's always value most have just not actualized it but my point is sometimes you're looking down at people who are really beneath you in certain respects and you're steaming them and you look in the mirror and you can't even appreciate what God has done the marvelous work that God has done in you have you really taken time to really look at yourself and I'm not talking about your external shell I'm talking about have you taken time to really look at your heart to look at the brilliant mind that God has given you the wonderful and beautiful and godly Spirit that God has put in you the kind and generous soul you are have you taken the time to really pay attention to that sometimes we get so captivated by the drama in the trauma that we we lose our ability to see we're like a people that live without a mirror we can see everything else but ourselves now there's some signs of what I call self-loathing and this is a generation that self loads I think I said that right when you when you have a hatred for yourself in other words an unconscious hatred for yourself few things that that register you're always comparing yourself negatively to other people when you do not love yourself when you have a self hatred you're always comparing yourself negatively to other people you you get caught up in your body image and you you look at the way other people are built the way other people are shape you get caught up in colorism the darkness of someone else's skin or the lightness of another skin and you're always judging yourself negatively in comparison to others another thing you possess an inability to forgive yourself for mistakes when you have a self-hatred you don't give yourself room to be human you can forgive everybody else but you can't forgive yourself you're holding on to things that God is long ago let go of God has forgotten about and you're still mulling over this you're still pondering these things these negative things that that that you you you you may have done because you're human you know I mean a negative you know many horrible and just pitiful embarrassing things I've done in my life but you know I've discovered that at some point you got to love yourself enough to let it go you love everybody else enough to forgive them for their mistakes and you keep on accepting them back into your heart why can't you forgive yourself another thing signs of self-loathing always needing the approval of others you know you always need somebody to clap how do you forgive yourself you just move forward because what forgiveness is is really a focus on it's a focus on a negative point in your past that's all it is it's like unforgiveness or you know lack of forgiveness for oneself is like you know trying to drive while staring in the rearview mirror and a turn you missed two blocks ago three blocks ago you're gonna crash as long as you're focusing on your previous mistake you're gonna crash but you know what the moment you take your eyes out of that rearview mirror and you choose to look forward in that in that wind through that windshield what happens is you're focused on your future and you keep moving and what's in the rearview becomes smaller and smaller and smaller until it's unconscious you just choose to move forward you can't go back and change it you can't make yourself god you're not perfect you never will be perfection is a myth and you keep moving forward you give it you own it you give yourself you give yourself permission to be human to have made mistakes like humans do you own it you refuse to carry shame and guilt about it but you keep moving forward you get better what unforgiveness of oneself does is it locks you psychologically and mentally it locks you in that negative place in your past so you cannot grow beyond that always needing the approval of others here's another one embarrassed to just be yourself around people that you view is better than you you begin to change around people that you know now let me give you these reasons that we must love ourselves but before I do that his self-love defined so that you know that I'm not on some you know some quest for humanism I'm not trying to make you and I god or gods here's the definition that I wrote down it is to have definition of self-love the definition of self-love to have a firm and unshakable appreciation for your particular gifts personal makeup and an awareness of your potential it is the ability to completely estimate your self-worth watch this from the inside as opposed to allowing the world to underestimate you from the outside that self-love to have a firm and an unshakable appreciation for your particular gifts your personal makeup and an awareness of your potential it is the ability to completely estimate your self-worth from the inside as opposed to allowing the world to underestimate you from the outside now listen to listen to listen to the text that we were used for this it is found in Matthew 22:37 and through 39 jesus said unto him thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all that soul and with all thy mind this is the first and Great Commandment and the second is like unto it thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself now you look at that sequentially he puts the neighbor before yourself but in terms of application it is saying that you have to love yourself to love your neighbor thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself so you got to love you and based on the the measure of love you have for yourself is now how you love your neighbour so you can't when you start when you start moving into trying to create a love relationship with another person prior to having a love relationship with God and yourself you're out of order and this is why things don't work it's because when you begin to try to develop a love relationship with another person before your self love is in place you're always setting yourself up for abuse you're always setting yourself up for deception this is how you keep falling in and out of the same kinds of toxic relationships just different people but the same persona it's because you've not taken the time to do the self work you know and sometimes you all you know you know you you kind of you know like get out of here with that when I say things to you like you don't need a relationship you need to work on you you need to learn to love you you need to fall in love with you figure out who you are and where you're going before you start engaging or trying to entertain some other love relationship is because you're loving out of water you got to love God out of the context of your love for God you learn to love yourself and when you fully love yourself now you're prepared to love somebody else but not until now they're there for things I want to share with you relative to this self-love being fundamental proper number one proper self-love is only possible when you have a right love for God just kind of alluded to that proper self-love is only possible when you have a right love for how you and were see it's kind of like this is this is where this is I guess would be a good illustration of what I mean by realize your true value up and worth apart from a loving relationship with the Creator God it's because the creator of a thing the manufacturer of a thing is the one that establishes its value or it's worth a man or company doesn't create an item and then allow the public to come in and price it or value it Rolls Royce doesn't ask you your opinion on what do you think that the new phantom should cost they build it they price it from the inside because they are the creators of it and so for you to really identify self esteem self worth it requires your having the proper intimate relationship with the creator this is not religion talking I'm not talking about religion because in a lot of instances religion serves to drain the self esteem I'm talking about a real right relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and hopefully you find a church that feeds and nourishes you spiritually but you've got to have the right connection to the Creator now Romans 8 36 through 39 says as it is written for thy sake we are killed all the day long we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter nay and all these things we are more than conquerors through him that love with us if I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus meaning what that relationship with God the love he has for us gives us what clear self definition and self-confidence from loving and being loved by him we know that we have everything we need in him our true potential is never realized apart from God acts 17:28 says for in him we live move and have our being in him we live move and have our being so you you proper self love is only possible when you have a right love for the Creator number two you cannot love others until you love you you got to love you because you can't love others effectively until you love you if I don't love me I will lack the capacity to love you a deficient self love watch this a deficient self love is a social cancer that impedes harmony among brothers a deficient self-love is a social cancer that impedes harmony among brothers what do you think jealousy comes from jealousy is just the lack of self-love and because I lack self-love I can't appreciate your progress I view your progress as a reflection on me that's all jealousy is it's a social self a lack of a deficient self love is a social cancer that impedes harmony among brothers if a person is not appreciative of his/her his or her own personal gear own personal gifts and aware of his or her own potential it makes it nearly impossible for them to celebrate others you know what was going on at church when we go you know I'm a church I'm a church guy I've been in church all my life what goes on in church from people to feel the Spirit of God know the Bible and all of that know all the scriptures and all of that kind of thing and can't get along what's going on something wrong with God ain't nothing wrong with God something wrong with them there's a lack of self-love when I see people that come into the context of church or workplace or family and can get along with nobody there's a lack of self-love you cannot love others until you love you you cannot love others until you love you and a lack of self-love is the biggest contributor to sinful living it is you know you start thinking about all of the sexual immorality that most of that is the lack of self-love because when you love you there's certain things you ain't gonna stand for but when you don't love you there's certain things you settle for because you don't feel like or you don't realize that you're worth more are you better than better than that right watch this just write down Genesis 469 and that says and the Lord said unto Cain why art why are you angry and why is your countenance fallen if thou doest well shalt thou not be accepted he goes on long story short he kills his brother because his brother brought an offering the Lord he brought an offering to the Lord the Lord rejected his accepted his brothers he got mad rather than celebrating his brothers and learning from his brother he kills his brother because a lack of self-love impedes your capacity to celebrate others now when Cain killed Abel watch this when Cain killed Abel he really was not attacking Abel as much as he was attacking his own self dislike God says to him simply correct you actions and you can have the same results but rather than do that he got angry because he did not view himself as capable jealousy and envy of others is really a demonstration of your own personal dislike for you Psalm 139 14 and 15 I hope raised if I'm fearfully and wonderfully made listen this decoration marvelous of that works and that my soul north right well my substance was not hid from thee when I was made in secret and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth you got to know who you are in him you got to love him and you got to love you to be empowered to love others Luke 6:31 Thank You Jerry Luke 6:31 and as you would that men should do to you do you also to them likewise number 322 minutes I'm gonna do this in the half hour watch this you are you are you got to learn to love yourself because you are a priceless original God only made one of you there will not be there is not and there will never be another you you got to learn to appreciate the work that God wrought when he made you I must love myself because God has put a most precious and unique gift wrapped in my person now he able to appreciate me they stopped me Wow twice he says there in he says our praise I'm fearfully and I'm wonderfully made marvelous all that works you are a priceless original we make our greatest mistake when we desire to be good copies of another we devalue the innate wealth invested in us uniquely first Peter 2 announces but you are a chosen generation watch this a royal priesthood an holy nation a peculiar people that she should show forth the praises of him with called you out of darkness into his marvelous light you are a chosen generation vested in you uniquely and then finally you have to love yourself because your future is tremendous your future is tremendous a person who sees no bright future has no hope today you got to learn to love yourself I have to love me because God has big plans for me I have to learn to love me because God has big plans for me Wow the world me the world me tried to devalue me but the voice of the world matters not I have to learn to love me because a creator has big plans for me Jeremiah 29 and 11 he says for I know the thoughts that I think towards you say if the Lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you and expect it in I have to love me because my future is tremendous God has big plans for my life this is why you got to pull yourself up and when we have a negative self hating it you got to correct your thinking you got to correct your language you have to correct your language Thank You Stacey you have to correct your language because God has big plans for you if you don't learn to love and appreciate you your unique gifts and abilities you will miss the ultimate plan of God most people Myles Munroe said bring everything that God is uniquely invested in them back to the grave because they never had an appropriate self appreciate and look what Philippians 1 & 6 says being confident of this very thing that he which have begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ but God starts in you he will finish but the key is that you have to be able to agree with the plan and of God let me pray for you before I let you go tonight father God I thank you for this time I thank you for this word I thank you God but just giving me the unction to share this with your people now god I know that there are many that are watching this live and there some that will watch the replay of this let this word sink into and soak into their hearts let it facilitate change in transformation you said you say in your word don't be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds God I thank you that this word will be a mind renewing revelation to me and God we give you the praise now I thank you Father for uprooting all insecurities all sense of deficiency uprooting it God uprooting it by the power of the Holy Spirit uprooting it god I thank you that all of the pain from the trauma of yesterday God I thank you for empowering your people to let it go and to see who they are in you God and to focus on the thing in front of them give us a self-revelation father we can see everything and everybody else but God let us see ourselves tonight and not just the negative we can focus on the negatives all the time but God let us see the value that you placed in us and teach us their God how to love ourselves how our uniqueness our differences God teach us to love ourselves in you in Jesus's name Amen listen I promise you and I want you to hear me in I want you to hear me an each other just listen to me for a second here I promise you the Spirit of God is moving in your life in your lives in a special way tonight there many of you that are going to cents a piece arrest in God tonight you know how normally your mind is is frantic and it's all over the place and it's like wheels spinning out of control the Spirit of God is getting ready to assure in a peace over your life and it's gonna be assigned to you that things are shifting in the spirit and all I need you to do is to change your language change the way you describe yourself change the way you talk about yourself when you start thinking these these these these negative and debilitating thoughts about you shift it to something focus on your positives and you're gonna see God bring a mighty deliverance into your life there are some things that only God can do now I know that a lot of y'all that watch me on this thing and I know you know you gave up on church and all you know you don't trust none of the preachers where you listening to one right now there's something there's something fresh that God is doing in your life that is beyond the church building God is God is proving himself to you God is proving himself to you he's ministering to you Thank You Michelle he is ministering to you prophetically and he's proving himself to you beyond the organization of the church or of religion and when God gets through with you God's gonna bring y'all life to a place of freedom liberty balance and strength like you've never known that's my prayer for you that's my prayer for you see that's my prayer for you that the Spirit of God will do in your life but only God can do what only God can do that's my prayer for you that the Spirit of God will touch you and change your life and shift you in ways that only God could do and I love you all I love you I really do hey if this is your kind of thing subscribe to the channel I'm 30 minutes in 34 seconds in I said I was gonna be done at 30 subscribe to the channel and go to my website RC Blake's Calm subscribe to my email list don't forget to stop by Amazon pick up my books queen ology father-daughter talk wisdom for women in ministry so ties in perfectly holy those of you that are struggling with some things that you're trying to come out of I haven't talked about imperfectly holy it is my personal testimony of how God changed my life how God's you know just took my life and changed my life for those of you that are searching for Thank You Kitty those of you that are searching for a biblical blueprint for shifting your life into a place of righteousness and a whole holiness and sanctification I dare you to read imperfectly holy it'll bless your life it'll bless you because it's really my testimony alright I'm done those of you anywhere around Orlando well anyway in the country really August the 30th and the 31st 2019 is when I'm recording this we're gonna be in Orlando with queen ology Alisa and I will be there and we'd love to see you we release this date a lot later than I'm normally comfortable with but we thank God that you guys are responding in the seats are moving the seats are moving RC Blake's that come to reserve your seat for queen ology Orlando looking forward to seeing you in Orlando Yvonne thank you somebody is all the way in South Korea god bless you hello from Canada in England were coming to England we're coming to London next year are we going to London right Lee yeah the boss said we come into London so we're coming to London next year and we're coming to Canada next year so I need you all to you know keep you into the ground because we're on our way to the UK and to Canada next year and saw the International next year's gonna be our international travel with Queen ology so it's gonna be amazing I think Orlando is gonna be my last one in the States for this year and I look at the rest of my schedule you can go to my website and you can look under live events and you can see everywhere I'm gonna be towards the end of the year and I'm gone a lot of places so hey there I'm going for other people all of these events are not mine Queen ology is gonna discipline for 2019 and I'm looking forward to what's going to happen next year what about Trinidad and Tobago or tobacco I don't know how y'all say it come to Los Angeles I love you all I love you all I wish I could go everywhere actually I wish I could go everywhere I love you all thank you so much for tuning in tonight and know that we're praying for you seriously we're praying for you God
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 79,322
Rating: 4.9404788 out of 5
Keywords: Dating Advice, Relationships, Christian, Narcissist, RC BLAKES
Id: Bqie1I2DlbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 15sec (1995 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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