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[Music] [Music] okay let's get into this um I've been here a little while I've been here a little while you know I'm not not an old man but I ain't no baby I've been other while 53 is a long time and I've learned some things and one of the things I've learned is that there are clearer times in our lives when we have to let people go even when or if we love them there comes a time when you just simply gotta let them go period it may it may hurt probably will hurt but it will hurt more if you hold on to people who are supposed to Gold and this is where a lot of you all lives I listen to you as I read your emails your text messages or whatever you may send me a message in in boxes or whatever you're trying to hold on to people who are clearly supposed to be gone I was looking at Luke chapter number if you have your Bibles if you have your Bibles if not I'll read it for you but in Luke chapter number 15 the parable of the lost son in verse 11 starting at verse 11 it says then he said a certain man had two sons and the younger of them said to his father father give me the portion of goods that falls to me so he divided the father divided to them his livelihood in not many days after the younger son gathered all together journey to a far country and there wasted his possessions with prodigal living squandering living in other words but we Nantz been told there are rolls of severe famine in that land and he began to be in want okay you know the rest of the story here's the interesting thing pay close attention pay close attention right here here's the interesting thing if you read from verse one of Luke chapter 15 you'll find three parables you find the parable of the lost coin you find the parable of the lost sheep and then you find the parable of the lost son now the interesting thing that you'll find is that with the coin the person swept the house until the woman swept the house until she could find the coin and she found the lost coin she went in search for it with the Sheep the Shepherd left the 99 and went and found the one and brought it back but when it gets to the son the father actually gives him what he needs to leave got to catch that now the coin was swept for the sheep was found but when it came down to the son the father divided what was his and gave it to him and empowered him to leave did the father not love the son as much as the man loved the coin or the woman loved the coin or the shuffle of the Sheep he loved the son more but there were some things that were resident in his son's character that made the wise father know it's time for him to go and there are a lot of you who are trying to hold on to people who are supposed to be gone God told Abraham do not bring your family he brings a lot lot causes him all kinds of problems he is his men started fighting with Abraham's men he got a lot got Abraham into Wars he wasn't supposed to be in Abraham eventually had to divide up his land and give a lot of portion that he didn't even deserve God didn't even intend on him having and and it wasn't until it just came to head and then finally Abraham said look man take what you want you go your way and let me go mind just go he realized that having lot was costing him more even though he loved lot he realized it was time for a lot to go the blessings on the other side of letting go he realized it was time for a lot to go and then some of you why did the father why did the father let the boy go let me see if I can get situated here the woman swept for the coin the shepherd went out in left a ninety-nine and found the one lost sheep but then we get to the parable of the lost son and the father gives him the money to go sometimes the only way a person can find themselves is for you to let them go it's hard I know it's hard but you know what when you know it's time to let go and you don't let go it gets harder it gets harder and it gets harder and it gets harder and you lose yourself trying to hold on to someone who you're supposed to let go divorces you from yourself especially when it's a love affair when you know when you're in love with somebody that you know you suppose let go and go off and you refuse to let go because your emotions or whatever may be caught up in it and you hold on to them and you try to hold on to them you divorce yourself you eventually lose yourself and it's not until you have wasted your life your best years and now you're realizing that what you held on to was nothing all right why did the father okay let's look at this number one the father said okay McGee McGee some money so you can get up out of here number one he had to let him go because the boy dishonoured him see when a person okay let me say this before I get into these three points unlike the boy the son the father that go on like the Sheep of the coin the son has had a soul he had a heart and whenever a person's heart turns you cannot adjust a person's heart the only one that can deal with the person's heart is God and or the person so when a person's heart has turned from you the best thing you can do for yourself and for them is to let them go and leave them in the hands of God God is the only one that can adjust a person's heart you try and hold on to it you try to make this thing work you gonna make a marriage work you're going to an angel no believe your spouse don't go tell allow me you're trying to make this engagement work you're trying to make this relationship work you trying to do something that only God can do and then you wear yourself out in the process when you should have just let go let go and let your heart hurt for a month two months six months if you take a year it's better let your heart hurt for a year and heal then a waste of a lifetime holding on to someone who's supposed to be gone so it's hard to turn father what the boy said wait a minute oh no oh no you hard astern and the Bible says he divided unto them his living he gave that boy some money and he gave the boy that stayed some money he was a good father now number one he had to let him go because the boy dishonored him for you to set up in my house to have been fed by me protected by me educated by me covered by me and now to get up to a point where my grandmother would have said you smelling yourself you want to go and you want something different you want something more you want to do something you want to do something other than what I got you around here doing it was dishonor and let me tell you something when you have lived honorably with a person and that person dishonours you you cannot get them out of your life quick enough a person that will dishonor you when you've been honorable to them is a person that has the potential to kill you you gotta let them go this boy was dishonorable in other words he should have esteemed his father here but in his in his spoiled mind he saw his father here he saw himself as above his father it really it really was that Lucifer spirit man you know a prophet Idaho brought out something powerful Island Golf oh man but he brought out something powerful he said Satan you know he's the only one we know is going to hell tell me for he trying to get some people go with him but we know him and knows that fell with him are going there says their residents he said the only reason Satan is gone here yet is not because he had sex not because he had a daughter and not because he committed fornication not because he did drugs did none of those things he's not that kind of being he's going to hell because he dishonored the Father he rose up in Pride and wanted to exalt his throne above the father and God said and in Hell you will lift up your eyes he's going to hell because of dishonor when you tolerate people who dishonor you you are playing with fire when you begin the dishonor me I release you I release you I release you I release you there's nobody in my life so important that I'm going to let you dishonor me not when I've lived honorably towards you it can be children if my children to the point where they go to dishonor me I'm done promised I'm done I promise I'm done you cannot tolerate a person that will dishonor you and there's some of you who are living with people and trying to hold on to people who are dishonorable goes out and cheats on you repeatedly repeatedly repeatedly and keep come back to mine I'm sorry I'm sorry yes you've proven to be sorry but now you've got to be sorry somewhere else because you dishonorable and the Bible says look what Jesus says in mark 6 4 and 5 I'll just paraphrase paraphrasing Jesus says in mark 6 4 4 and 5 says the prophet has honour everywhere but at home everywhere but at home a profit has honor it's the people who have access to him are the ones that dishonor him they take anymore they want to miniaturize them and bring him down to this that's what this honor means it means that you take a person who's really all of this and you squeeze them into a miniature version and you handle them like they're lightly when they're heavyweight is when you take a person that has meant the world to you and you treat them like they've done nothing for you that's what dishonor is but Jesus says the monk 6:45 says prophet is without honor you know he got out everywhere but when he get home then the Bible goes on to say and in his own hometown he could do not many mighty works there his power was restricted because of their dishonor and there's some of you who are trying to hold on to people who are dishonouring you I would stay nowhere where I'm dishonored if I walk in a room and I feel the spirit of dishonor in there I'm gone I'm not dealing with no dishonor now if I live dishonorably I need to repent and correct my wings but if I've lived honorably if I've been a good father if I've been a good husband if I did a good pastor you honor me and I'm not going to make you do it I'm just going to separate myself from you or separate you for me number two the boy was disengaged meaning he lost you know his heart left he was already gone when he had the conversation and let me have let me have whatever night whatever you got for me give it to me now and not many days the Bible says uh and not many days the boy gathered everything he had and he went on and he found himself in a fall country he was disengaged you know when you walk into a situation and you feel somebody that's really not interested anymore why are you hanging around why are you holding on the people that are not interested why why are you holding on the people who are not interested as a pastor you know getting members that just get disengaged and I just you know I mean I don't know man I just don't have the time to just be going around veno Chile I don't have time for it I've got too many things to do now you either know you supposed to be here you're not if you don't feel like you're supposed to be here mean eh I really would love to have you here but I don't need you here disengaged your mind somewhere else you know you constantly telling the members by what they did it you'll form a church well it is you'll form a church for a reason and as some of you that are trying to hold on to people who are disengaged you know especially in these relationships a person used to call you three four times a day now they called you three four times a week and you still they're trying to come on man you used you smarter than that a person when a person gets disengaged you got to let them go it's disrespectful for a person to not respect the value that you bring and to make the investment that you should require in a relationship you know I respect y'all I don't take this lightly that y'all sit here and you get your phone or whatever and you use up your data to listen to what I got to say and when I call for you to come here there you come and you buy my book sometimes I don't feel like getting on here but I have people on the other end of this thing that you know a listening for something I gotta say so I got to do what I got to engage you because I what I respect you because I what I appreciate you because I would because I love you anything you love respect and appreciate you engage this bar was disengaged and a lot of times people become disengaged because they are carrying listening it's very carefully they are carrying a hidden offense they're offended by something that they've not even talked about because most people who are offended never even address it at least not with the person they're offended with they'll talk about it to everybody else but they won't talk about it to the person they offended with they want to turn the hearts of other people and so they're disengaged because they have something in their heart against you that did not mature enough to come to you and talk to you about so they'll let that stuff just fester and they'll let the devil play with their imagination and drive the person that they need that's the thing about offense it always separates you from the people you need and the Bible says in Proverbs 1819 a brother offended is harder to be one then uh you know it's like a city let me let me go and read the tsaatan I don't want this be saying the wrong thing here proverbs 18 and one I've got a new Bible here so be patient with me proverbs 18 and 1 look what it says a man who isolates himself seeks his own desire he rages against all wise judgment now that is is that the right one oh that's a good one but I don't know that's the one I actually want SC 18 19 actually there we go look what it says here that was the one who there's well a brother offended is hotter than the thought of the Cata to win than a strong City and contentions are like the balls of a castle says a brother offended when a person gets offended they are harder to be one then are then a city that's walled in a fortress when a person gets offended they become disengaged it just you know they become indifferent they don't care anymore and when a person takes you know go to Hades attitude with you you're not supposed to be there lapping up behind a big and never to engage now you reach out you try to come to some kind understanding but when you discover that a person is just their intent on being disengaged you know what you got to do you got to disengage for real kind of let them go I have I have learned how to let people go and I mean I've had some people that you know did a lot of things for me that were very important to me that I really counted on I thought they were going to be a major part of the future they decided I let them go and you know what I get over quickly - I don't grieve over it sometimes and my heart hurts a little bit aches a little bit I can't see my heart hurts any more aches a little bit because I'm a firm believer if you do right and if you mean right God will when God takes people out of your life it's for your protection when he brings people into your life is for your blessing or your elevation so our really cry about people that God takes out of my life especially when I searched my own heart and I know that I've not done anything to them that I know of nothing intentionally and and God removes them I view it as God removing them for my protection and the first sign of that is when people get disengaged like in a church when the person is disengaging the first thing they do is they start showing up a little later the next thing they'll do is they'll start sitting a little further to the back or closest to the door the next thing they'll do is they'll start missing a service missing a Sunday missing - son is missing three Sundays they're disengaging and and and sometimes you know I don't know praise the Lord by step number three and I'm done the boy disrespected favor the boy disrespected favor this ball was in a favorite position living in his father's wealth any disrespected favor by asking for something different something better he disrespected favor and when you find a person that disrespects your favor it is the equivalent of them spitting in your face it's no different in terms of the disrespect he disrespected the father's favor and the father said okay take this little change and get on up out of here now like something here's is the interesting thing let me go back to the book to the to the Bible y'all be patient with them trying to work through a lot of stuff here and Luke what I tell y'all 15 watch this let's go back to the Bible y'all with me still don't don't go nowhere watch this Luke 15 minutes okay let's go down to verse 14 I read I started eleven again then he said a certain man had two sons and the younger of them said to his father father give me the portion of goods that falls to me so he divided unto them his livelihood and not many days after the younger son gathered all together journey to far country and there wasted as his possessions with riotous or prodigal living I'm reading from New King James Version and it goes on say but when he had spent all there arose a severe famine in that land and he began to be in what this is why you have to let people go sometimes you are in abling a person by keeping them in a sheltered environment you just you just pulling them and you sometimes you got to let them go because sometimes the best thing that can happen for them is to experience the family sometimes people don't know how good they really have it until they don't have it anymore but when he had spent all their rules of severe famine in that land and he began to be in war so now he discovered that he went as smart as he thought he was there's no money ran out and now he's finding out what the real world is like then he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country and he sent him into his fields to feed swine he made friends that that wanted to belittle him now he just left a father he just left a father father that favored him and made him a prince but now he's joined the friends that want to make him out of a slave and sent him into the field of feed swine and he would gladly have filled his stomach with the pods that the swanee and no one gave him anything he spent all of his and now no one's giving him anything but when he came to himself that is verse 17 when he came to himself he said how many of my father's hired servants have bread enough and the spare and I perish with hunger many people cannot come to themselves because you won't let them go my wife was on here but when my wife and I were dating I said to my wife I'm not getting married so you may as well move on now I'm a custom at that point you know I was young good-looking okay I'm expecting my wife to fall out and say please please please please I'm expecting her falling on me or hit the blow bed fall out roll on the floor tell me please don't leave don't say it all I said okay now where you go from that she said okay and she left she didn't called and she didn't call and she didn't call and she didn't call and she didn't call and she didn't call and the and she didn't call and she didn't call her she called she didn't call she didn't call she didn't call she didn't call and then home it finds out my wife got you know a brand new man who Jesus you talk about me my nerves bad and I went to my mama's house my mama said to me she said I noticed I haven't seen any sir I said well you're not totally so going my cuz I ain't getting married and my mom said to me in no uncertain terms you're making a fool out of yourself you get into a point in life where you need to be settling down and stop making a fool out of yourself and that girl was your wife and you mess around him let your wife go you're making a fool out of yourself and I came to myself and I cold that woman I said hey what's going on Jonah I said uh a little baseball boy gone and this man was a professional baseball player big league into my big league I'm calling him a little bit hot a little baseball player daughter say oh he's fine he's fine I said well you know telling the baseball boy going about his business cuz you my wife ain't know what she was gonna say cuz you know I wouldn't have left all that money messing around with a little broke preacher like I was yes I would have laughed at me I would have laughed at me my wife said something to the effect okay we'll talk and next thing I know he was gone and I say you my wife and I married my wife but if she had never let me go I might have played around I'm gonna played around played around and we stood up a whole lot of time and we might not be married today are you hearing what I'm saying sometimes you got to let a person go until they come to themselves now watch this verse 18 says the boy says now my father got surfaces even better than me then verse 18 says he's come to himself since I will arise and go to my father and will say to him father I have sinned against heaven and before you now he's getting he's getting his mind adjusted and I am no longer worried that if he calls his son make me like one of your hired servants now he's humbled and he arose and came his father but when he was not watch this this is the part you got it you got a catch but when he was still a great way off his father saw him and had compassion and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him just because you let him go Tommy you don't know but sometimes you got to love a person from a distance the Bible says his father saw him a great way off which indicates it is highly possible that his father had been looking for him every day unlike the man or the woman that swept for the corner of the Shepherd that went and searched for the Sheep all the father could do for the lost son was praying that the Lord would show him himself and the Bible says the father saw him a great way off and had compassion and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him sometimes you got to love a person from a distance sometimes you got to let them go so that they can find themselves and when they come back they come back a different person some of you are preventing people from having their self-discovery experience because you won't let them go and then the father goes on to call for the service again Emma rang a robe and kill kill a calf we're gonna have a party tonight my son that was lost is now found so there are times in your life that you you have to just let people go it'll hurt it doesn't mean that you don't love them but sometimes loving them is to let them go and if you can't let a person go you have to ask yourself now listen to this before I close this I think you need to hear this if your person that cannot let a person go you can't let another person go you can't let him go her go them go you have to ask yourself where have I placed this person or these people in my life have I deified them to the point that I've concluded in my own mind I cannot live without you what person is that you cannot live without who other than God is in a place in your life that you cannot live without if you have anybody in your life that you say oh I cannot live without you you get you've abused perverted that relationship there's supposed to be no one in this life that you cannot be in it without because it's a boy you don't have to live without them are there gonna have to live without you even if it's by death most relationships have expiration dates on them most relationships are not designed to last a lifetime and if your person that is so clinging needy that you can't let people go when it's over you won't be in trouble emotionally hmm now you own how much I love my wife y'all Norma tell anybody anybody wants me for 15 minutes not much a lot more but y'all know if Lisa came up in this house tonight and say hey man look I got I got Julio down in Mexico and I think I'm in love with Julio mm-hmm we'll get my affairs in order I'm gonna plug this just periscope up that Facebook live or even blastema until she calls mass blast emailed my congregation to him hey Lisa say she got Julio Mexico she in love with him is over I'm a crier sincerely for a little while but then I'm gonna cry my last tear one of these days sooner than later and I'm moving on cuz ain't nobody in this world that I conditioned my mind I can't I just I can't live without you man please y'all got to stop trippin man I don't know what this is y'all got to my darling love I don't know what kind of love that is yoga that's some crazy stuff y'all got going on I don't ever want to be in no situation where I feel like I can't live without somebody and I don't know never nobody much I can't live without you cuz this up as a kid you ain't I'm just not gonna do it only one I got to have got to have is God much as I love and I love a lot of people because a lot of people love me I mean I love a lot of people personally I love everybody but I have a personal relationship with a lot of people there ain't nobody in this world that I cannot do without but him some will be a little harder to release than others I might need a therapist if Lisa went over and Julio down in Mexico alright need a therapist for a couple weeks but I'll get over are we over you got to learn to just your mind you gotta learn to just your mind Anthony Hamilton Zaire can't let go you better learn out [Music] with my feet [Music]
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 223,194
Rating: 4.9275236 out of 5
Id: L0mvaKo9AjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 34sec (2074 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2017
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