IT’S DEAD - Let It Go! by R.C. BLAKES

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[Music] [Music] how much money you wanna make a man is supposed to have his mind so don't take talk I mean this you know this this may be a bit crude but I mean I don't know the little waves say it I want to talk about booty calls [Music] but there's this there's this word that I delivered in the new home churches on last Sunday and it's clearly entitled it's dead let it go and what this particular what this particular message deals with or dealt with is the fact or the reality that many of us find ourselves in situations that are clearly coded flatlined they're dead and we find ourselves in a posture where we're making in life investments into something that is clearly done and you can't reverse it it's it's kind of like I guess it would be the psychology of a person that sits by a gravesite hoping for a loved one to rise it's dead let it go because one of the most destructive behaviors maneuvers is the word that I used when I delivered this message one of the one of the most destructive maneuvers in life is to hold on to things that are clearly done and we find ourselves doing this in relationships there's some of you that are watching me right now who are investing everything you have and even things you don't have into relationships that have clearly been done been dead for the longest and yet you're still there hoping wishing praying it amounts to a waste of time and when the thing is dead and you refuse to let it go it amounts to a waste of life there's this there's this biblical character I don't remember the exact book chapter in verse but a man that lived in the grave and when Jesus got there they concluded that the man was possessed with demons the community thought he was insane and one of the main reasons you could conclude that this man was insane is because he chose to live where the dead dwell when you find yourself living in the midst of death you have to question your own balance your own sanity when something is decaying before your eyes decomposing and you yet sit there and you yet hold on to it insanity can quite often package itself as faith and this is something we do in the church a lot we we blame our lack of decisiveness in certain situations on our faith I'm believing God I'm believing God I'm holding on the faith I'm believing God for something that has not had a pulse for years we blame it on faith we blame it on diligence you know I'm gonna stick with it until something happens but the reality is that this many times just boils down to futility in futility is just simply a waste of time and there's some of you that I'm talking to right now who are involved in situations that you're making precious investments into and it's simply futility now there's a powerful passage of Scripture in 2nd Samuel chapter 12 verses 20 through 23 and I'll give you the backstory I couldn't read the whole thing because it would have just been too long but you know the the popular most the most popular biblical character King David one of the most popular pivotal biblical characters King David has an affair with a man's wife the woman gets pregnant he tries to arrange for the man to sleep with his own wife so that he could blame the child on the on the husband of the woman the man refused to sleep with his wife for honourable purposes so then David has the man killed David marries the man's wife the woman has the baby and the baby is on the brink of death this is the baby conceived during the adulterous affair the baby's on the brink of death and David is praying for the baby David is fasting he's wallowing in the dirt he's laying before God begging God to save the child's life he wanted the child to live but the child dies and watch this is where we take up from that point second Samuel 12:23 23 then David arose from the earth this is apt he gets the news that the child has died he arose from the earth and washed and anointed himself and changed his apparels clothes and came into the house of the Lord and worshipped and he came to his own house and when he required they said bread before him and he did eat then said his servants on him what thing is this that thou has done doubt it's fast and weep for the child while it was alive but when the child was dead died its rise and he bread and he said while the child was yet alive I fasted and wept for I said who can tell whether God will be gracious to me that the child may live but now he is dead it's out of my hands wherefore should I fast can I bring him back again I shall go to him but he shall not return to me I'm how died and go to him and eternity but he can't come this way again it's out of my hands David gave it all he had while there was real hope but once he concluded once it became clear that the baby was dead he got up and moved on and there are some of you that are watching me right now it's been clear that the babies died and you're still there begging God for something that God is actually finished with when you know that a thing is done that God has taken his hands off of a thing it's time to move on they're three things I want to share with you really quickly number one you have to recognize when Providence has prevailed in other words what does that mean that means that there are some things that God just takes into his hands that we can't control when God has taken his hand off of a thing you have to just let it go if you look in First Samuel chapter 15 through verse 35 or 15 and 35 all the way through chapter 16 and verse 1 you see the record of the prophet Samuel begging God or crying out to God for King Saul who was rejected by God and listen to this and it says in Samuel came no more to see Solon till the day of his death nevertheless Samuel will mourn for soul and the Lord repented that he had made Saul king over Israel God was done with soul but Samuel loved him and in chapter 16 and verse 1 it says and the Lord said unto Samuel how long would thou mourn for soul seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel filled an horn with oil and gold I will Cindy to Jesse the Bethlem 8 if I have provided me a king among his sons God says I am beyond soul he says there's no sense in you mourning for so I have I have made the sovereign call that he's done and the best thing for you to do is to move on and do what I have for you next sometimes you're holding on to stuff that God has allowed when you realize that God has allowed certain things that happen the best thing you can do for your sanity and your well-being is to accept what God has allowed number two you must move away from the scene of the pain you cannot stay stuck in a in a place that is dead that has been drained of the life because there's too much pain there it it would be the equivalent of living by a grave site we must be wise enough to look at a situation and recognize when it's dead how do you know when it's dead when it no longer responds to you how do you know when it's dead when it no longer produces life for you there's a reason we walk away from a grave site you notice when a relative dies one of the things you'll hear a lot from people the family the remaining family members is I can't wait to get this funeral over it's because they need to bury and deposit that body and once they deposit that body they walk away from that site and they move forward it would kill you to sit in hope at a gravesite you cannot continue to invest your hope and your prayers and your faith into things that are clearly finished the Bible says in Proverbs 13 and 12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick to break that down in everyday language it simply means to keep on hoping for something that is clearly done can make you sick in your own heart in your own mind many people are depressed because they are investing their hope and their faith and their confidence and trust in things that are never to be again sometimes it's called a new normal when you have to move on from a relationship that you thought would last a lifetime if it's done it's done it may hurt but you have to accept what it is you have to move on you have to move away from the scene of the pain as long as you stay there you remain married to the pain there's a statement that I made on Sunday where it goes like this bit and unforgiveness even our subconscious moves to hold on to a dead thing when you find yourself in a position where you can't seem to get past the bitterness you seem to hold on to the unforgiveness subconsciously what you've done is you you have marriage yourself to a dead painful past and the real solution for your best life is to let that thing go and to move forward moving away from the scene of the pain we all owe ourselves closure and the way we give ourselves closure is to move on there's some things that have just died you have to accept that and you have to move forward in in Isaiah 43 verses 18 and 19 and this is the amplified it reads like this do not remember the form of things or ponder the things of the past listen carefully I am about to do a new thing now it will spring forth will you not be aware of it I will even put a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert God says stop worrying about stop contemplating the things of the past I'm gonna do a new thing but will you not be aware of it you have to move away from the scene of the pain stop talking about it you know stop revisiting it stop be living there psychologically learn to begin to push yourself away from the scene of the pain of the pain it's the past it's done you have to accept that and you have to move forward and then watch this thirdly and finally you got to move on with your life at some point you got to move on with your life you know even when people pass and death is a very difficult thing to process and deal with and I've had to deal with it many people know how close I was with my father who died six years ago in fact the anniversary of his death was last week from the time that I'm filming is and it was one of the most painful experiences of my life and I remember so vividly as a young man saying to my father I don't know what I'd do without you and it was my father who was also my pastor who instructed me at the time never say that he says because at some point you're gonna have to learn how to live without most people some people are gonna live so long that you're gonna have to learn to live without everybody that you know he says so to never say that and the morning he died he trends you know he transitioned about 1 1 something in the morning and that Thursday night would have been Bible study first mine some people said well don't worry about going to Bible study you know this is too much but I remembered his words life has to go on you never stop living because someone else has died and so that evening I got myself together just hours after he had died and I went and I did Bible study I cried for a little while but then I got into the swing of things and I did Bible study as normal and I kept the church in the ministry moving in the right direction because somebody taught me that you got to move on with your life that you can let nothing and no one stop you from living and there some of you who have given up on life because somebody else walked out of your life there's some of you who are trying to give up on life because someone's died somebody's transitioned but you got to move on with your life how long are you gonna stay here and mourn how long you're gonna stay here and grieve over someone how long are you gonna run behind somebody that's been running away from you you got to move on with your life it's dead let it go if you keep trying to resuscitate a dead situation that will avenge to kill you hmm you know I watch a lot of the doctor shows and when they're there doing the the resuscitation thing where they breathing in the mouth and they're compressing on the on the chest or whatever you might call it there's only so long that a person one person can do that without the dead person killing the person that's trying to revive the dead person sometimes you can spend so much time trying to revive something that is clearly dead that you end up killing yourself could that be what's going on with you right now in this relationship scenario that you're putting everything into a situation that the other person has invested nothing it is dead clearly dead and you're there compressing and breathing and it's it's been dead and you're about to kill yourself trying to revive something that really never lived in the book of Joshua and I'm done chapter 1 verses 1 & 2 he says now after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord it came to pass that the Lord spoke unto Joshua the son of nun Moses as minister saying Moses my servant is dead now therefore rise and go over this Jordan thou and all this people unto the land which I do give to them even to the children of Israel hear it here it is paraphrased in plain English God says Joshua Moses the one that you all revered and honored and respected so much is dead period now what I need you to do is get the people life goes on go across the Jordan and finish what Moses started there are times that you have to just accept that a thing is dead and you have to pick up the pieces and you have to move on with your life and so I pray that something that I've said has resonated with you because I know that I'm talking to many of you who are you know in in the grips of all kinds of scenarios from grieving over health crises that have changed your life you know things that you couldn't control things that you can't reverse it may have changed your life but it didn't take your life it just simply means that there's a new normal that you need to embrace now and move forward with your life let that go and move forward with your life for some of you it's a financial situation you had something that happened that has changed your whole economic picture framework and you sitting there grieving over what was but what was is gone it's dead you got to let it go God has a new plan a new vision new strategies for you that you can recover all of that you you think that you lost and more besides I relate to that because after Hurricane Katrina New Orleans I had spent 18 years building my ministry and overnight it was gone and that 40 years old I had to start all over again for the longest I I was in depression because I just couldn't imagine that I was in a position where I had to start all over again at 40 years old I couldn't accept that there was a new normal I kept waking up hoping that today things would get back to normal things would feel the same and things would click back into place they never did things never went back to the way they were things evolved and changed and once I accepted that there's a new normal I began to look around and I started embracing all of the new opportunities and the new blessings that God was bringing in and the new direction God was bringing my life in my ministry into now stop mourning yesterday and I moved on with my life then the depression lifted then the joy came back then the creativity returned for some of you that's what's going to happen I want to pray for you I want to pray for you if you don't mind father I thank you for just a revelation of this word I know you gave it to me and I know that it's a hard word it's not so much a head word as much as it's a hard word and now Holy Spirit I ask you to just move upon the people of God and do a do a work in their hearts bring healing to those broken areas and bring relief to those areas of pain and I thank you for giving us a self-revelation but then giving us your ability the courage and your strength even to move forward with life and accept what you've allowed to understand when the thing is out of our hands and to to get up and to do it you know to wash ourselves and to anoint ourselves and to worship and to just get back into life and I ask you now to restore those things that have been lost restore them with even better in Jesus's name Amen hey III really pray that you heard what the Spirit of God was saying to us today through this word it blessed the people of God at the new home Family Worship Center and I pray that it blesses you today if this is your kind of thing I'd love for you to subscribe to my channel don't forget to stop by my website RC Blake's that comment and sign up for my mailing list I'm really working on trying to get a consistent news that a real newsletter that will go out to my to my database so you know and all of my meetings and everywhere I'm gonna be will always flow through my database first so if you've not subscribed go and subscribe to my email list and of course follow me on all social media outlets from Facebook to Twitter to you know Instagram and all of that kind of stuff and and of course stop by Amazon and pick up my books you know man I'm just so excited about everything that's going on in my life and in my ministry and I thank you for being a part of it your big part of it thank you for supporting me and thank you for helping me to grow my family in my community well I think I'm done I think I'm done I'm looking out of the window over Las Vegas and I think I'm done I'm looking at all of these people and I'm gonna take a shower and I'm going to bed have a good one people god bless you now I love you I'll talk to you real soon remember you're on top and you're going higher God has more in store for you [Music] [Music]
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 57,441
Rating: 4.9541774 out of 5
Keywords: rcblskes, emotional.healing, relationships
Id: oTn8XCC5Y8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2019
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