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good evening good evening everybody hope you're doing well hope you're doing well I wish there were a way that you could invite people to come into this but maybe one of these days I have something I want to share with you I have something I want to share with you a few things I want to say to you before we get started I'd love for you to go to my website at Arcee Blake's comm I'll say these things while a few people come in with us go to my website at Arcee Blake's comm and sign up for my mailing list I'm almost I'm moving towards 20,000 on my mailing lists but that's not enough that's not even 10% of my following on YouTube I need you I need you all on my mailing list second thing I want to say is that I'm going to put a link in the description for those of you that might need counseling I get a lot of email about counseling and there's there's a sponsor that I've come into partnership with called better help that they are an online counseling agency and they can do it over the phone so I'm gonna put a link in there if you use the link it'll get you I think 10% off of whatever the cost is and it's supposed to be very affordable for most people also don't forget to sign up for my queen ology cyber conference that's happening on July the 28th Inc the 25th and the 26 may be the 24th 25th but it's cyber and it's the cost of it is $39 it's going to be two days or Saturday and a Sunday about three hours or more of content each day I'm going to facilitate the whole thing and since I can't go in and appear physically we're doing it in a cyber fashion so I'm inviting the world to be a part of this and I've not talked about it because I was you know hammering out the content and we're talking about all kinds of stuff this is the next conversation we're calling a queen ology 2.0 the training for raining I want you to go to RC Blake's calm look under live events and I want you to register for that cyber conference and now you know it's on it's on a cyber platform so it can only accommodate so many people I don't know how many people that is yet but you know when when that when we maxed out we've maxed out it's not like you know so I need you I want you there and I want people from all around the world that's why we put it at 1:00 p.m. Central Standard Time in the States so that you know those over in the UK can access it at a decent hour thinking to be around six or seven o'clock in the evening there those over in Africa someone even out of Australia is registered they're gonna be up at some ridiculous hour in the morning but they want to be a part of it and I haven't talked about it a lot that I want you to go and do that this you know this is important to me also my book King ology is available on Amazon very soon we'll be doing I'm believing that we'll be doing a cyber conference for King ology as well for your sons your nephews your boyfriend's those that want to hear that message but tonight just briefly this was something I'll tell you what motivated I'll tell you what motivated this session tonight hello hello hello thank you all for coming in I apologize to those of you that get distracted when I speak to people but it's just my nature and I don't I don't really mean to you know distract you but it's really just my nature and I pray that you can accept me for who I am you know I really do I pray that you didn't accept me for who I am but I was I had a a call today and I of course won't mention any names but it was from a beautiful beautiful young sister beautiful young lady that could be my daughter in fact she calls me her uncle and she was telling me she was talking to me and she was talking to me about a situation that she's going through with a narcissistic partner and she's talking about the games that this individual this guy is playing the the psychological gymnastics and I was listening to her and I said wow I have to I have to just kind of dress this and so this is not even developed as a lesson per se but it just came out of the impact that that conversation had on me because I had never when she said what she said to me relative to what he did to her I had never I had never thought of never had I I never had an idea of ever running that kind of game and I never thought it possible for a person to do such a thing and it just it took me back you know it really took me back the extent to which a person may go to break you is my signal good is my signal good before I continue I don't want to continue my signal is bad somebody talk to me is it my signal good yes yes it is yes it is thank you the extent to which a person may go to break you is just it's blowing my mind I mean back in the day when I was the guy that I always tell you your about you know the guy I was I mean I lied and I you know but to hear what I heard today and keeping confidence but giving you an idea of what this was okay I'll save I'll save this for you to when I get to a certain point but if you look in I want to talk about a particular demonic strategy that narcissists use on a person I call it the blame game I call it the blame game and it's where a narcissist makes you responsible for the mess they created and they are so prolific at blaming which you know I've always said that this narcissist thing is demonic I've always said that and and many of my mental health expert friends you know they conclude I must be on to something because they really haven't found an answer as to what this really is you know they say well it's created in parenting and I can see that you know either child was deprived and had to focus on him or herself as a child because the parent wasn't there to nurture them and to protect them and so this evolved into some warped personality or the child was overly loved and in me to feel like everything just centered around him or her and and grew up and I get all of that but at the end of the day is demonic you know it's just not natural it's not natural for a person to possess the characteristics of a narcissist a malignant narcissist it's just I just don't think it's in the human DNA to go to that extent you know without feeling anything I think to some extent this has to be demonic and again I'm no I'm no mental health expert I'm no counselor no therapist that's why I refer you to people I'm a pastor I'm a man and I'm just observing life and I'm learning and I'm sharing with you as I go so I'm learning something and I'm sharing it with you this is wrong because I just had this conversation today and it took me back now I'll tell you what it was in a minute but if you look in John chapter well let me give you the first point here's the first point relative to this blame game strategy the narcissist will reverse a situation and accuse you of the wrongdoing when they clearly did all of the wrongdoing they will reverse it and accuse you of the wrongdoing and they are so good at it that they make you doubt your own innocence and some of you have been there well you had when you've been in this relationship or you under the spell and this individual this woman of this man turn this thing around on you and before you knew it you were grasping for straws because you were beginning to doubt yourself they say reversal situation Thank You coach rod please pass the blake's the coolest pastor online I look up to you and learn from you keep up the Lord's work thank you I appreciate it I appreciate it thank you so much I love being called a cool pastor but they reversed it okay now let me give you the story this particular dear heart in a situation ship with a man and no names no part of the country none of this the man comes back and he contracts something STD and he says to her well you know if if this is what I think it is we over and and so she's like what do you mean if this is because I can't believe you did this to me Cheryl andhe thank you so much now this poor heart this poor dear heart no she has not gone out on this man sexually and he has clearly done some things that he shouldn't have done and she said he hid her from her blindside because he's talking to her like he's actually serious that somehow she did this to him when the reality was he knew that he had stepped out on her and it caught up with him but rather than having to explain how he stepped out on her he reversed the situation and immediately accused her and she was describing to me how this thing threw her into an emotional crisis where you know you just you doing what you're supposed to do in a relationship and then somebody comes up and it says well you know I think I mean we have something and I can't believe you did this to me and you're like I did what to you I can't believe you stepped out on me and I can't believe you brought this back to me oh my goodness it is demonic so their reversal situation to accuse you and see some of you are dealing with that right now some of you are dealing with that right now you have somebody in your life that has done nothing but dirt and they have an author there's an art they have a gift twisting that thing around reversing that thing and accusing you and they so good at it that you almost you almost begin to scratch your head this poor child said she started one and what what what what what happened something happened and I didn't know it you know just all over the place it's demonic and the Bible says in Revelation 12 and 10 says and I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now is come salvation and strength the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ for the accuser talking about Lucifer Satan for the accuser of our brother and his cast down which accused them before our God day and night one of the main characteristics of the demonic is accusation one of the ways the narcissist ties your mind up I hi Ari I think I pronounced it right thank you one of the ways the narcissist ties your mind up Tiye joy thank you so much I'm grateful for you is they bring they bring to bear the himmat accusation as they accuse you as though they have evidence and they accuse you with a certain emotion behind it that you believe it you begin to believe you begin to question yourself you know did I do something I didn't know this probaby say she didn't know what was going on you just seemed like it was so serious you know but we see that the spirit of accusation is a part of is at the center of the demonic now let me show you another situation in the Bible in John chapter 8 verses 3 through 9 says in scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery and when they had set her in the midst they said to him master this woman has was taken an adulterer in the very act now Moses in the law commanded us that such should be stoned but what says you what do you say about the Jesus this they say attempting him that they might have to accuse him but Jesus stooped down and with his finger wrote on the ground as though he heard them not so when they continued asking him he lifted up himself and said unto them he that is without sin among you let him first cast a stone at her and again he stooped down and wrote on the ground and they which heard it being convicted by their own conscience went out one by one beginning at the eldest even unto the last and Jesus was left alone in the woman standing in the midst but here's the thing I want you to see they say that she was caught in adulterer taken in a daughter in the very act meaning they caught her having sex with a man but yet the woman is the only one there being accused the man has disappeared they caught an act both of them are breaking the law but the woman is the only one that's being accused that is indirectly a visual of how a how narcissistic abuse functions while the narcissist hides the narcissist takes his or her victim and puts them on stage and puts them and their faults failures under spotlight while the narcissist hides Micah god bless you you have changed my life I listen to you every day the knowledge you share truly been a blessing much love pastor thank you so much that again means the world to me so they they reverse a situation to accuse you that's how that blame game starts they know they're wrong but they'll accuse you you know they hit you upside your head and then you hit them back I can't believe I'm calling the police I can't believe I can't believe you put your hands on me but but wait a minute I'm defending myself I can't believe it I can't believe it I can't believe you did it and and and they are so emotional they are so adamant that they make you step outside of your own sanity the realm of reality and they make you question yourself did I did I get first did I number to watch this after they accused you and if they drum up all of this stuff to create all of this drama around this situation the next thing the next move they'll make is they will ghost you they'll they'll reverse the situation to accuse you are they blaming you and they'll make this bigger thing out of it like you were wrong you're questioning yourself cherry cherry Ball cherry boo 65 thank you my ex-husband a diagnosed narcissist earned almost all of my friends against me with things he didn't things he did but I did them but I but said I did him even as female psychiatrists banned him from her office Wow that's serious right there thank you so much so number two they'll ghost you after they accused you so they'll accuse you letter a thank you thank you Pastor Blake's I came upon your page after searching for help and a word from God you have helped me I'm recovering from narcissistic abuse was in an abusive toxic relationship thank you I'm so glad that something was said that helped you but secondly they ghost you after the accusation see what they do in the accusation part is they elevate this thing they create such a dramatic scene and they create such emotion in you that you know your your heart is racing you trying to figure out what's really going on you know is there misunderstanding and then once they get you to that place where they know they've gotten you emotional then they will drop off of the scene you won't be able to contact them you won't they won't answer your calls you won't be able they won't respond to diems you think they won't you know they'll just go they may block you on social media like they are actually offended by what you did when you really didn't do anything but now this ghosting on top of the accusation cherry boo you back again I apologize I was so upset I typed in psychiatrist wrong there are nobody knows that you nobody knows that thank you again they bring you up to a place emotionally where they're accusing you and then once they've got you there then they pull away from you and what is the purpose of that that is to allow you to marinate in the confusion that is to allow you to map and see some of you are right there now where this person has accused you of things that are so far beneath your character you can't believe that they even imagined you to be this kind of person and so you're caught up in the disbelief and so now your biggest thing in your mind you're not thinking about this is a narcissist you're thinking about I gotta make this right and then they disappear they ghost you Iron Mike my stepfather is everything you've described thus far I just gave up on that situation and distance myself now I have a piece that I've never known before and sometimes that's necessary to be able to know when to walk away from a situation you cannot save every situation some people you got to love them on their level and sometimes that means that a far far distance but now let's look at this this number two they ghost you after the accusation you see the abandonment when they ghost you after accusing you of things that are just under if ik the abandonment now listen to this statement very carefully the abandonment is to make you believe that they must really be hurt and I must have done something and the curse in that situation is wanting desperately to prove your innocence that's that's the curse you want desperately to prove your innocence they already know you're innocent it's this is all a concoction and so they they they accuse you it creates this dramatic situation then they ghost you leaving at that place where you need the closure of being able to communicate your truth but they won't give it to you they won't give you the opportunity to address the issue they don't want you to address the issue they want you to marinate in the confusion they want these lies to soak through your soul because what happens while you're while you while there while they have pulled away from you and they're now ghosting you and they've abandoned you in this situation what's what's being reinforced in your in your mind in your soul in your subconscious maybe even in your conscious mind you're devaluing yourself because now you're questioning yourself that's a devaluation for you to question yourself if you know that you've been faithful to a person and they put you in a position where they say to you like they really believe it you went out on me and you brought something home to me and now they've most achoo and so now you left there with these thoughts in your mind it's it's like it's intended to drive you nuts Baretta thank you your teachings always be right on time a hard battle to fight when you have kids with the enemy but I'm taking what I'm learning from you to work through this fight check out this video I have only about co-parenting with a narcissist I might might get some value out of it but while they're ghosting you you're devaluing yourself it's also intended to make you squirm they won't they want you to squirm they want they want to consume your conscious mind 24/7 that's the purpose of ghosting you it's not that they're through with you it's that they want to just break you some more and they want you they want your opinion of yourself to be shrunken it's best the right way to say it the Weaver talks thank you so much they want your opinion to be diminished and they want you to squirm they want to be at the front of your mind they want to make you emotionally and psychologically sick thinking about them and in some sick way trying to figure out how you're going to redeem yourself with them and that interesting they get everything to you but they want to leave you in a position where you're trying to figure out how am i how am I going to redeem myself how am I going to reconcile and then what happens is while they're ghosting you they will they will share they won't they won't communicate with you but what they will do is they will share their version that lie that they sold to you they will share that with your mutual community your friends family people in your circle they'll begin to share with them you know I can't believe it I'm embarrassed to tell you this but yeah so-and-so went out on me and brought this back to me can you believe it you believe it and and and and that is but they want to discredit you and they also watch this while they won't talk to you they want to put this lie in the mouths of other people who unknowingly are being used by them as puppets to deepen your wound because every time somebody comes to you that you have respect for and they say that you were so and so told me I you know no need my business but also told me that what's up with that now now you're having to constantly defend your your dignity and your character and the person that is causing this mess Thank You Aaron isn't is nowhere to be found Jeanine Thank You pastor god bless you and yours I appreciate you Jeanine thank you so much nobody to be found and that's intentional and so what is this doing this is wrecking you emotionally this is this is intended to wreck you emotionally that's the purpose of it some of y'all are there now you've been calling all day calling all week they won't answer they won't answer they they got off the phone hung the phone up on you like they were angry with you by something you can't even understand you don't even you don't even know what you did they're accusing you of something and now you can't catch them and then a few days later you start discovering your siblings telling you about so I'm so called told me you your friend said so-and-so told me that you did you you did that and you trying to defend yourself Thank You Jacqueline you're trying to defend yourself but the person you need to talk to is intentionally avoiding you that's that's not a mistake they're not angry they're calculating they are manipulating ms j j-- triplet I think I said it right thank you so much watch this and then it brings me to number three they'll accuse you of something that is so far beneath you that it's unbelievable number two they will then drop off of the scene for a week two weeks a month and in number three watch this and some of you all have been here they pop back up they popped back up what is going on when a person accuses you of something that is so low so horrific they drop out of your life like they want nothing else to do with you and then all of a sudden usually around the time when you kind of getting adjusted to things and you accept them things for what they are they pop back up what's going on why do they pop back up if I did what you said I did why didn't you stay gone why did why why did it why does it why do they pop back up okay I'll tell you what I think about it I'm no therapist I'm no counselor look in my description you can find better help real therapists or counselors number three they return to cement the trauma you see when they accused you they put a knife in God's anointed Thank You Bishop you're helping me recover from a demonic soul tie literally it is hard but God is keeping me and you're helping me continued blessings in favor to you and first lady Lisa thank you so much I appreciate you and I'm so glad that God has delivered you from that you're gonna be all right when they accuse you they put the knife in freedom [Music] freedom rings thank you so much 28 by 20 hi can you talk about narcissus mother please one of these days I will cuz there's a reality I will talk about it in fact thank you for asking when they accused you they put the knife in when they when they go stood you watch this they left you there to bleed out but when they return they come to twist that knife in deeper when a narcissist comes back my god never number 2 thank you so much when you blast the truth the anger gets unreal I'm two and a half years out 2.5 years out thank you for teaching us how to combat the human demons growing they are growing and they are very real and they return they come to twist that knife in Depot now watch this stay with me they return to sin mint the trauma see all other stuff was just a setup now they coming to give you the knockout blow when they come back it ain't no time to be celebrating because they are not coming they're coming back to give you even a worse pain than they created when they left so all the reason they come back listen to what listen to what when a narcissist comes back ok here's something to dear heart brought up today which which watch this watch this this is gonna help some of you and I told her that I would use this and she said it was fine I would not use her identity of course she said when this when this dude came back ok he did all of that he accused her of something doing something to him he actually did something to her he dropped off the scene and ghosted her and then weeks later he returns watch this look what he comes back look what he look what he comes back saying no okay listen to this now this is gonna help somebody he comes back saying I can't believe you did that to me watch this why don't you apologize to me and we can move on from this I said wait he asked you to apologize to him when he told you a lie and tried to make you believe that you did to him what he actually did to you and he comes back after weeks of ghosting you and he says apologize to me so that we can move on from this she said yes sir and I thought about it the purpose of this dude asking for an apology see and and some of you have been there was somebody did you wrong and then come back into your life and they got that you know and say apologize to me for what you did the purpose of the apology is to make you identify with a diminished self view see if she had apologized it would have meant that psychologically subconsciously she had bought into the lie that he said that he tried to make her believe that she was a cheater so when he comes back and he says apologize he's trying to he's trying to make you cement in your mind that you are the lie he told she refused to do that and see the thing about a narcissist in most cases they don't come back again I tell you this thing is demonic if you look in the Bible Matthew 12:43 through 45 says when the unclean spirit is going of a man he walketh through Dry places seeking rest and findeth none did he say if I will return into my house of my demon spirits I will return in my house from whence I came out and when he has come he findeth at it findeth it empty swept and garnished untold thanks pastor for educating us Queens I appreciate you thank you then goeth he and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself and they enter in and dwell there and the last state of that man is worse than the first even so shall it be also unto this wicked jinora says a demon spirit err leave out wonderful wild then come back to check on the house if it's empty you'll go back and get seven more demons and come back and the second round of bondage will be worse than the first there's some of y'all that these people have ghosts at you and you sitting there trying to run them down when the reality is you need to be changing your phone number you need big diblock and you but you need to be blocking them and you need to find yourself and somebody's counseling you need to find yourself in some kind of situation where you begin to preoccupy your soul with something healthy so that when they try to come back there won't be space for them there won't be spacefill and so now when they get back when when narcissus decides that he or she is gonna come back if you're unaware pretty puppy thank you so much thank you so much I appreciate you watch this if you're unaware you will submit and your soul will be recalibrated if you in other words if you're not woke and the narcissus come back start saying stupid stuff like you know apologize to me just apologize we can move forward and you apologizing for something that that you did not do you your your soul is being recalibrated in that in that moment if you are aware of what's happening the the greatest challenge you will have if if you like the dear heart I talked to the day and you're where and you like I'm not you know I'm not apologizing for something like no no thank you the greatest challenge you will have to overcome will be that you will struggle with reconciling what they said you did with what you know is true in other words you're gonna be you're gonna have a struggle with desire and closure Missy Adams pastor Blake's God has sent you for such a time as this I must have my husband as a client my lord laughs Allah laughs out loud thank you so much your challenge is gonna be to reconcile what you know is true with the lie they told and watch this you're going to have this grand desire for closure you're gonna want them to acknowledge that what they said about you was not true and you're gonna you're gonna struggle watch this you're going to struggle with fighting to explain yourself and you're gonna want them to give you attention enough for you to explain yourself and they never will slim thank you pastor Blake's your videos are helping me get through breaking away from a demonic covert narcissist who only just wanted to destroy me thank you so much I'll be praying for you but that's gonna be a struggle you're gonna want them to listen to you because you you got user know you're gonna think that you're dealing with a normal person and I can explain to you this was a misunderstanding it was never a misunderstanding this person knew exactly what they were doing and they created the exact trauma in you they wanted to create and so when they return you're going to be wanting to kind of like take advantage of explaining it Lowcountry all of this is confirmation and I understand why I am single it's something about the name of Jesus that makes them uncomfortable you no doubt about that and so you're gonna have to just you're gonna have to be good with when they try to come back not giving them access at all or if you know if you do which I don't advise cutting it short 6:29 thank you thank you pastor Blake's for being a vessel unto our Lord and Savior send my love to the first lady Lisa I will do that you're gonna have to be cool with you know hopefully just giving them no access at all and if you do Jamie thank you so much thank you so much I appreciate you and if you do you got to be prepared to ask me are you losing your mind and I would I would leave the compass I would leave the situation with something like that you know what happened and hang the phone up always leave them confused you know what I found now you may have to go talk to your therapist after that but go talk to your therapist don't sit down and let nobody play with your mind we'll talk with kissy Rock I have witnessed countless times how you appreciate one dollar like it is one we thank you I appreciate you that means the world to me and I do and sometimes people get upset with me because they don't like me stopping but you know how can somebody be kind to me be it a hundred or be it a dollar how can somebody be kind to me when they don't have to be and I'm not appreciate that I have to I have to so I thank you for I thank you for acknowledging that because sometimes I feel bad because I can't please everybody you know I accept me for who I am because if I'm not really out of a cane you can't you know but thank you is the world to me that means the world to me so listen i'ma let y'all go cuz I've been on here with you 42 minutes and I just I just thought that was that that took me back when she told me that this dude said that and tried to run that kind of game it took me back and I sit her then I said I'm have to talk I'm not to teach there's my talk about this and I knew then that I was gonna talk to you all tonight about this because it was amazing the blame game is is ruthless and some of you all are dealing with it now and I hope that you glean something from this I hope that you glean something from this yeah now let me pray for you father god I speak supernatural covering over every one of these and those that will watch the replay of this supernatural covering God their demonic forces we know that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities there are demonic forces that are established against the well-being of your people now father I thank you for covering them every one of them in the name of Jesus every weapon the enemy has raised up against them I declared that cream now it will not prosper it will not crossbow you will not prosper in Jesus's name I thank you for the peace of God resting upon them in Jesus's name Amen amen amen I love you all listen don't forget to go by my website right now RC Blake's come and sign up for my mailing list also while you there go over to live events I need you all to register Thank You Tara you're my inspiration you've helped a lot you know he'll be back in the sore will not open thank you I'm missing it seven years past to seven years of completion I know that's right in Jesus's name tishanna that you just told my whole story in in Jamaica you wouldn't let me see something you would say this situation lick me fee six I don't know how to say that I love that though I'm gonna learn how to talk me some Pat minute let me see try Nica it's been the hardest fight of my life 20 years and I'm okay only 39 no access is the sure way that they don't suck you in we share children keep me in prayer loving the healing journey bless you for helping us thank you Tanika let me see a Ferguson thank you for you for your teaching both you and Lisa I like spiritual parents that means the world to us that means the world to us now as I was saying I want you all to go to RC Blake's calm go to live events I want you in my queen ology cyber you know my schedule was disrupted by covet 19 I was supposed to be going international with the message so we're taking its cyber it's just $39 for both days that's all I mean you ain't got to get no airplane you ain't got the hotel you can sit in your house $39 registration and it's gonna be amazing and it's queen ology 2.0 the training for reigning and as I'm developing this the Holy Spirit it's pulling the actual book this will be the third book this would be what I call the trilogy father-daughter talk was the beginning queen ology was the second queen ology 2.0 will be the third installment in that series and so we're taking the message to the next level so this is new content this is not what you this is not what you see in the queen ology book this is the training for reigning after you're conscious now you got to know how to reign that's what we're talking about diplomacy you know five people the queen meets in her life you know that's the kind of that's the kind of stuff so I want you to go and register and again all of that'll be in the description those of you that are in need of counseling for real and in the description I'll have a link so I love y'all I want you to have a great night and share this on your Facebook platforms if you have such just share the links for me I want people to hear this message blew me away blew me away I love you out what am I missing I'm not missing something I'll talk to y'all soon god bless you now have a great night
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 616,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dating Advice, Relationships, Christian, Narcissist
Id: mdz-EH7svn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 50sec (2810 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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