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a baby crying on an airplane the sound of literally two jet engines the baby would be a lot quieter if it were on the outside of the plane yeah you know that crying baby just just put it on the wing you know nobody wants that noise yeah just throw the baby out the plane problem solved greetings to all you unfortunate souls prepare to dive into a subreddit that's weird creepy and downright disturbing that's right we're looking into cursed comments and you know i'm sure you guys are ready for the video so without further ado let's go you're an aries cool i'm an aquarium nice i'm a capri sun i have cancer uh you mean you are a cancer no oh man twitch name a game that deserves a theme park like mario's discord says silent hill oh oh no that would be terrifying wanna play a game oh no this is evil eminem skittles reese's pieces all mixed together in some messed up combination you people are sick this is cruel it's russian roulette for people with peanut allergies you know you're not wrong somebody digs their hand into there they think it's like a brown m m but it's actually a reese's pieces yeah that's not gonna end well i just came out to my parents and they told me they were proud of me and brought me mcdonald's you know some people would say oh that's nice that's really good i'm glad they took it well and this person comments death row last meal oh no you see you could have just left a nice comment something encouraging but no you left this best of luck to the op call your parents do it i can't they're dead whip out the ouija board yeah come on bro no excuses our friend came over to babysit last night 10 minutes after we left he sent me this pic ah that baby does not look excited to go into the oven lax the lamb sauce yeah you know i gotta agree gordon ramsay would not approve although you throw in a bit of lamb sauce solid 10 out of 10 meal avengers civil war two world war ii veterans beat up an orphan kid with a heart problem after one killed his parents yeah no that's basically the plot 13 year old me the effects of smoking oh my god 20 year old me i smoke anyways 27 year old me uh yeah i'm in the hospital for smoking so much yeah that didn't turn out well coveted cases recorded in antarctica for the first time isolated continent reportedly registers first infections after 36 chileans fall ill at research base plague inc players at area 51 now it's time to upgrade total organ failure for just 28 dna points wait how did kovid get into antarctica they should have been isolated right like how does that even happen germs are not a real thing fox news host says he hasn't washed his hands in 10 years pete hegseth denies existence of germs saying i can't see them therefore they're not real lol his melee attacks inflict a poison damage seriously who would admit to not washing their hands for 10 years you're definitely not going to make friends at the office it was on that day that finn learnt the truth about the red dot wait so it wasn't real no no no the cat's saying do it sarah pull the trigger i'm done with your crap sarah school bully your mom my dad and his husband not so fast oh this is kind of wholesome yeah not really considering robin is batman's adopted son yeah no it's more like an alabama situation if that's the case yeah that's not a good look now this playstation and xbox dancing together nintendo they can't play while they're pooping jokes on you i poop on the sofa a uh a soggy flake yeah that's uh that that's not a brag morgue employee cremated by mistake while taking a nap funeral home investigation well i guess two people got fired that day oh come on get outta here what too soon the difference in vision between predator and prey the predator has a whole lot less vision than the prey today i learned that thomas the tank engine is a predator what you didn't know that already everybody knows thomas the tank engine's coming after your soul i made a roomba that shoots anything it bumps into so they pretty much just made a cop yeah that's about right little girl sings you are my sunshine to her cat as he passes away oh that's so sad damn bro i mean like was the singing really that bad nose i typed nose with my nose lol heart john john you okay oh no jon is fine it wasn't his heart he typed it with then whose heart was it population growth is just a formal mathematical way of saying how fast can people f you're missing an important part of this here population growth is just a formal mathematical way of saying how fast can people f and also die actually it's more like how much faster are people effing than they are dying so basically the death ratio oh god oh f it's growing mount everest grows by nearly a meter to a new height oh god more bodies were added i mean to be fair mount everest is pretty much a cemetery imagine spending seven years in college to become a lawyer and your client shows up to court like this your honor my client deserves the death penalty uh but this is a parking violation hearing yeah well look at him i've been alive for 20 years and still haven't found the right thing to say when someone knocks on the door of the public bathroom you're in i said come in one time and the person went what nah here's what you say someone knocks on the bathroom door you're in you just go oh thank god reinforcements have arrived honestly there's nothing better you could say i mean that's golden right there mall security bot knocks down toddler and breaks the first law of robotics detroit become human did the robot not notice the toddler or was it like problem toddler obstructing path solution assert dominance 1989 yoda in 2020 yoda this makes it look like yoda harvested george lucas's youth in order to rejuvenate i mean it actually does i mean come on the wrinkles were just swapped f this pandemic i'm eating out my friends with my friends what have i done no doctor joanna you you can't go back on it your friends are looking at this tweet like well i thought we were going out to dinner but okay we ain't like other triplets yeah that's because you're awesome trooplets oh that's clever the enemy soldiers are like what the f man i shot that chick two times oh no oh that's dark jeez man spent 12 years in a coma i heard everything including his mother saying i hope you die my mom says that every day and i hear it every time you can't die from covet though lol almost 300 000 americans would disagree with you actually they can't disagree yeah that that's true and uh it's it's it's just you know just a little over 300 000 now just just a tiny bit that's uh that's really sad actually rest in peace meet jordan foley the x factor usa she looks like the kind of girl who acts all sweet then gets criticism goes home and microwaves her hamster yeah i imagine those pigtails could tell some stories han yogurt with all the cows names on it notice how they named all the cows traditional girl names there's a deep connection between misogyny and consuming animals yeah i don't know about her but i don't want to eat yogurt from a male cow yeah that milk is definitely not gonna taste the best half-ton man obesity documentary real stories and he smokes too this man is on a mission nah he's speed running life what a mad lad serial killers gamers what they have in common collecting skins oh that's uh that's definitely not good mohammed fareed says there is no similarity between us and the gamers muhammad what do you mean by us pokemon go which barry did you feed your pokemon go buddy today i fed nothing to my slave creature let its filth be its food i want the poor thing to starve what was the creepiest thing someone said on the first date mid-date he placed his hand on my stomach and said my son will grow here f that no no no no don't f that technically both are correct f the situation and do not f the guy relative dating not the alabama kind lol as an alabama man me and my wife's sister find this very offensive oh i'm sure you do honestly i'm surprised you can read i don't really have any strong opinions on anything ah vaccines cause autism huh well i'm just gonna load the clip a couple shots won't hurt they'll be taking their shots one way or the other a sniper has to account for the curve and rotation of the earth when shooting a bullet over a long distance i kinda want a flat earther and a nasa scientist to have a long-range sniper duel yeah all i'm gonna say is my money would be on the nasa scientist i mean like come on human in 2019 hey look at the animals human in 2020. look at the humans why is the monkey hailing hitler oh um no monkey if beauty and the beast teaches us one thing it's that looks don't matter as long as you keep her locked up long enough oh yep yeah that's that's fair you see stockholm syndrome is better than match.com you see who needs tinder bumble or match.com when you can just kidnap your date it's so much easier they can't swipe left if they're in handcuffs okay that's messed up all right we're just gonna keep moving what does curse comments turn me into we're just gonna keep moving okay let's keep going he chose poorly so there's mountain dew voltage and then there's windex you must choose but choose wisely for the true grail will bring you life and the false grail will take it from you step one shake each step two find the fizzy one step three determine which one is mountain dew and then step four drink the windex studies say farmers have more sex than any other profession a farmer is just like oh yeah i'm getting p word tonight well yeah it's not like sheep can say no oh no those poor sheep did you know when two ears are put side by side it forms the shape of a heart interestingly the word ear sits right in the middle of the word heart h-e-a-r-t the ear is the way to the heart so if you want someone's heart learn to listen to them assassin has and then in in it coincidentally most assassins do have witches in them could this mean that two rectums inside of each other could form an assassin life really is beautiful i'm sorry what what is this person smoking and who gave them this award breaking news covet vaccine enlarges penis in other words breaking news vaccination rate jumps to 100 percent great now karen's got a bigger dong than me darn you karen's not again men are biologically hardwired to fall asleep after sex huh my wife falls asleep during sex huh i've never had that problem with her no spoilers cuttlefish or something i don't know i don't play subnautica is that you fish effor 69 fish effort 69 maybe nautical fish 200 stay the hell away from me yeah it's probably best that you stay away from the fish effort they don't need to microchip you you're literally holding a tracking device right now wait my week is a tracking device uh other hand bro other hand when you realize your doctor touches other patients balls too you effing my husband's a doctor i try not to think about how many balls butts and boobs he's seen throughout his career yeah but think about it he chose specifically to see your boobs balls and butt every day and that's really sweet he doesn't know about my balls yet oh no but i mean to be fair if you were able to keep it a secret this long you know that's actually pretty impressive wait would that mean humans are predators yes we are don't tell the vegans they're just sexual predators this is extremely disrespectful you might not like what we do but don't compare us to effing vegans wait uh hello internet police yeah i think we got a suspect verb newish ferb got the baddest b word on the show because he knew when to shut the f up i mean hey that's true i thought she was throating ferb's nose wtf oh no if you look at it the wrong way it looks like she's just swallowing his whole nose it looks like she leaned in for a kiss and just went ah that's so messed up i found this work of art at my local five guys burgers and fries i love five guys oh oh no no that i know it's supposed to be innocent but it is just it's so wrong i knew the mayonnaise tasted wrong oh no the forbidden mayonnaise and with that everyone that's our time i hope you enjoyed this episode of r slash curse comments if you did make sure to leave a like down below and don't forget to press the subscribe button and the notification bell to be notified of all our easy peasy uploads i'm your host david the baker and i will see you in the next video till then peace out and three thumbs up
Channel: EzPz
Views: 157,784
Rating: 4.958168 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, Cursedcomments
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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