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what's the worst thing to say to the person next to you in a urinal or are you gonna drink that or can I have it I mean at least you asked what's going on everybody welcome back to easy peasy I'm your host David the Baker and today we're gonna be looking at our slashed curse comments are you ready for things to get weird because I'm not let's go when the girl with the 4k webcam stands up during your zoom class hey look she came to school with no pants on if only bro if only the whole kidney garden class oh no I know right being a teacher is hard my soul needs cleansing God I made it for you in these animals so you wouldn't be alone Adam and who was that in the lake god I don't know she was there when I got here I do not recognize the bodies in the lake well when you put it like that it sounds weird it's the Queen she'll never die then why do you always stay in the same spot in the pool me ah yes the butt hole stimulator I used to love that thing now I never want to see it again you're the apple of my eye you're very cute someone put me in there but we'd make an awesome pair not sure if that's a factor Adam and either way I'm uncomfortable she just straight-up told this man he was ugly you're like this a rock unassuming on the outside but a treasure within and also low-key letting him know that she wants to harvest its innards why do people like you choose to speak their minds what's your favorite show with incest - the flash trampoline says the Bible Katie says Phineas and Ferb those heads aren't normal no no no we all know that Doofenshmirtz is Phineas his real father that's why their heads are so similar boys if you're a junior there's a 90% chance your mom has called out your name during bang bang thank you for coming to my TED talk who else is she gonna call while we screw around um I'm a junior and I don't like this post me looking at pets me looking at kids they're both edible so I don't see what the problem is yeah cats dogs children they all taste the same stop complaining Martha speaks opening title theme song PBS if that dog ever gives a [ __ ] it'll get brain damage you know it costs you $0 to say that hey look it's Gordon Ramsay's son you cool this breast milk shut it down shut it down you had one job my accents not perfect but for all we know that baby could be a demon British Columbia woodsman Frances Wharton shot a deer in the late 1960s but had no serviceable teeth with which to eat it so we fashioned dentures out of the deers own teeth and ate it and it only cost him a buck I don't think that Commons cursed I think it's absolutely true and this guy's a bad BuzzFeed video here's a riddle I have two hands but I cannot scratch myself what am i the person living in my basement uh yeah police is this guy right here yeah oblivion that's him two people screwed around back in the 90s now I gotta feed myself and work everyday me too kid well you can cancel the subscription any time you want no no no no don't listen to this guy I mean he's technically right but hey he's a drunk drug dealer you don't want to listen to him why does Japanese make everything look so delicious and we got some nice food and this cute little anime girl I too enjoy cannibalism I don't think they meant to agree I think he misunderstood the meme hackers find missing people for fun I found my dad while catfishing on furry discord servers does he have the milk growing up with siblings starter pack yep making sure that everything is even I'm still that my brother tricked me into trading my Charizard for our crappy Rattata when I was like five there are many hitman services on the dark web whoa too far my G I'll stick to hitman the video game I walked in on my girlfriend screwing around with her personal trainer me okay this isn't working out guess she was having a cheat day it's so funny but I'm still so heartbroken chicken-skin oh jeez Louise man one run into a fire to save a child from a burning building to eat your extra crispy outer skin no absolutely not two grams of anthrax is enough to wipe out an entire city's worth of people if distributed properly China is taking notes oh man I can't wait for coronavirus two to come out that craps gonna be sick did the news just teach us how to make chloroform Ferb I know what we're gonna do today there's a hundred and four days of self-isolation what are the Mario Bros views on cleaning products Mario says beware of the household chemicals as many of them can be toxic when ingested Luigi says if it's under the sink take a drink if the kids screech give them bleach sit and sip refillable wine bag chair I'm gonna put that up my butt and have somebody piledrive the bag ah yes just like my college years a very handsome native North American couple said Ibuka in cat squash Nia sorry if I got that wrong 1912 someone should colorize this oh I thought you said colonize my bad bro yeah that's gonna be a yikes for me dawg Canada USA in Mexico together they spell okay yeah welcome to the [ __ ] zone I wanna go home I live here if you feel ugly just know that there's a Japanese myth that says your face right now is the face of the person you love the most in your past life I just think it's beautiful because in your eyes back then the face you see in the mirror was the one you most adored but but but I look like my dad that sounds like a you problem my friend hey read it what is screwing around feel like get off Reddit and go find out I like this idea you are very wise never mind that the dog wasn't too happy with my attempt oh no no no no no can't come cat go dog come dog Oh hmm can't come I don't like this I don't like this either it makes me feel icky inside kind of like come friends are like condoms they protect you when things get hard they'll stay with you until you come in them Oh er boy oh jeez this is a weird subreddit laya 21 I'm dying so you don't have to worry about a long-term commitment get her pregnant and go for a double kill what is this call of duty have some humanity blur stat no I think you meant to say ear screwing and look at him he's so comfortable did it hurt did what hurt when you broke through the Earth's crust ascending from hell that took a turn that I did not see coming humans are made on beds born on beds and died on vents English teachers I was made in a McDonald's men's bathroom then you shall die in a McDonald's men's bathroom the prophecy must be fulfilled get a look at this controller over here I mean yeesh I would have to screw my sister so my kids would have enough fingers to use this I mean I hear what you're saying but please don't do that imagine being stuck in a room surrounded by everyone you've ever slept with me hey who decided to hold a family reunion in my living room you're a sick man with a sick family farmer Ernie says the only difference between a good meal and a good time is where you put the cucumber and which order did you do so uh-uh-uh farmer Ernie left that up for interpretation what is your most Awkward screwing around story our father walked in um our I hope they mean that they're just step-siblings I was talking about our Father Jesus you nasty wait I still have so many questions girl it doesn't matter whether you're six five or four feet I'll still date you me who only has two feet well she never said the feet had to be yours yeah just go collecting this is it gentlemen the fifth hole I wonder what that would sound like probably like Oh me at my funeral making sure everyone's crying this is so unrealistic a black family couldn't afford a funeral what's that supposed to mean I just held a funeral for my goldfish rest in peace Quigley rest in peace how is real-life lovemaking different than porn in porn they're alive nope nope nope nope nope nope nope I'm no pan out of here scuba diver hospitalized after his penis gets stuck in a giant clam why would you stick your wee-wee in a clam when there's dolphins around Peter I I got somebody I want you to look after gloved hand emojis that's no nail polish that's the blood of my patients uh what this girl said watching Korn is cheating because it has girls in it who said anything about girls yeah man goats are fun that's why you got to stop assuming things if all those Greeks had just stared at Medusa's breasts instead of her eyes they'd have survived they still would have gotten hard though um excuse me my eyes are up here we know when you drive past an NPC in GTA and you hear him say well learn to drive butthole you don't even have to play GTA to do this um ya know ya just know my great-grandparents were in a concentration camp so was my grandpa he died there oh poor fella fell out of the guard tower yeah I don't think you guys are a good match oh I see minecraft wait is that a gun how do you have a gun education edition yeah maybe it's good we don't go to school anymore Toy Story 5 hi I'm Andy's new toy dang right Toy Story just became interesting mom can you pick me up I want to go home lol I bet all you fat nerds and never even gone to the gym I could walk in your house slap your butt and sit on your couch and what could you do about it that's right absolutely nothing God you maybe Jim fit but have the mentally impaired strength of ten men and we'll go full chimpanzee on your face you come into my house slap my butt sit on my couch I will freak on you in a way that will mentally and physically scar you for life in ten seconds later I'll go back to eating my bag of cheesie's like nothing ever happened while you slowly die in a pool of your own excrement goodness gracious oh look it's a little Minecraft family why do they have holes in their hand that's where the baby came out well I mean it's got to come out from somewhere flat girls say daddy and Mexican girls say papi what the f two white girls say punch me harder Kyle my purity is depleting can I put your bubs can I feel your heartbeat that's strange none of them had a heartbeat when I touched them oh goodness on a scale of 1 to 10 how bad is your pain pi pi yeah low level but never-ending math teacher seeing this meme my pain is like a hemorrhoid it's in my butt and it's a hemorrhoid you know some things you can leave to yourself here we got some side-by-side comparisons of avatar characters did you just say kim jeong-hoon is her daddy no that would be me you guys are some freaks instead of jizz you now ejaculate the last thing you drink how lucky are you nothing's changed hold up wait a minute something I write you're home alone you have online classes you here screwing noises your teachers mike is the only one that's on your home-schooled oh that last one is the worst grass if we get hurt we release a smell that defends us humans it smells so good when I cut the grass grass mission failed what if the grass likes the smell of human blood I'm a scientist and I can attest that grass does indeed enjoy the smell of human blood am i a dog or a cat person I don't know man are you an inhale or an exhale person shut the Freak up and hand me a darn animal so I can talk in a weird voice at it they all taste the same to me and that's why if you're this guy you shouldn't have a pet the hardcore way to eat ramen noodles boil the water eat the block of noodles drink the boiling water snort the flavor powder and screw women is this not how you guys have been eating your noodles i but chug the water and we we snort the powder but the Robin stays the same maybe the Internet's too hardcore for me well everybody that's my time I hope you enjoyed this video if you did leave a like down below and hit that subscribe button with the note vacation Bell to be notified of all our easy-peasy uploads I'm David the Baker and I'll see you in the next one peace out guys [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 169,144
Rating: 4.9158044 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/cursedcomments, r/cursedcomments top posts, cursed comments, r/cursedcomments ezpz, reddit comments, blessed comments, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: 8P3fZJrgsl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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