How I ENDED an Entire Minecraft SMP...

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a few weeks ago i joined the lifesteal smp a  minecraft server where you can steal other players   hearts by killing them and after abusing an  exploit that gave us infinite hearts and fighting   the opposing kingdom we now had stone cold  evidence that the owner of the server was using   admin commands all we had to do now was prove  it and that's exactly what a new member spoke   and my buddy vortex dragon did there's no way they  planned a stasis they knew they were gonna win   why would you have a stasis if you knew where  you're gonna yeah they had proved that the server   owner was using commands at the end of our first  major fight on the server he had teleported out   and claimed that he had set up an enderpearl  stasis chamber however after asking if he had   used any admin commands his answer seemed simple  admin commands as in game mode no but like slash   give slash tp um i t p paul once because he  got trapped in a block and then couldn't move   but no but that's not quite what we found after  running a couple of tests on the server you see   the owner mapic claimed that he had been able  to abandon the battle because he had set up an   enderpearl stasis chamber if you don't know what  that is it's basically a floating ender pearl on a   bubble column and whenever you click a trapdoor  above it it teleports you back to the chamber   however what we found was that if you log  into and out of the server the ender pearl   disappears and in that one battle mapic had been  combat logging a lot then he's in the cowboys even if he had set up an enderpearl stasis chamber  beforehand it wouldn't matter because the ender   pearl would have disappeared it had been proven  admin commands had been used and this made us   reconsider a lot of things that had been going  on in the server but while planning everything   out i got a message from a fellow server  member named roshambo saying he had found   the jolly rancher's secret vault now i actually  trust roshambo he had helped us win a battle   and he seemed like a really chill guy but  something about what he was saying was just a bit   off so instead of walking in there and becoming a  sitting duck i instead made an enderpearl stasis   chamber and took both leowook and vortex with me  there was a high likelihood that this was a trap   so i would make sure to come prepared all right  here wait wait wait wait wait for him to get here   number three but garrett pull number one okay  all right i'm on number one okay wish you luck   i'm fine i'm fine yeah ready what ready yeah yeah   where's the stuff wait they left where's the stuff  there come here it's it's down here yeah okay   they rejoined again you're not you're not ready  for this this is the coolest vault ever here go   to go into stand on the stone yeah there you  go you're not ready for this going down this   thing i knew it was a trap but luckily i came  prepared here come come down here what the heck hold up hold on i'm sorry but you're never getting  out of here no don't do that okay my bad times and   guess what you started it three more times wait  hold on hold on okay so what am i doing in here   this is your home really i don't know about this i don't know about  that one see ya brother was the sickest thing   that was the sickest thing no they were like so  basically what happened right they they brought   me down this like little they were like this is  your new home and then i was like okay buddy and   then i and then i told smoke to pull and i just  dip after pulling off an incredibly genius play   we headed to the end to get some more experience  and grind up some shulkers but once we got there   we ran into a massive problem why can't we make a  stair the trains are trying to train trains here should i log should i log what do i do i have  nothing i have nothing i'm hiding i'm hiding   i'm hiding i'm out of here i'm out of here he  left a shulker he left a shulker i'm stealing crying obsidian tons of crying obsidian to  rain a jolly rancher member had left behind   one of the seven full shulker boxes of crying  obsidian but terrain wasn't alone he had called   the owner of the server mapek to come help him  out so we decided that using the crying obsidian   we would trap the end spawn area and bed bomb him  so what you have to do you have to place a second   you can you can hit that right that's you're  going to take no damage if that's where it is   oh no this dude he 100 knows we're trapping it in  a corner or nope this is perfect right here back   okay and then nothing with you  but like a full so dumbbell   all right um you need like do you have like  shears or like a or something is he here oh   get him get him get him yeah get him i'm fine  bro he's taking so much damage i'm looking at   the terrain right now how is he not dead how is  he not dead all right i'm walking back oh my god   we went from like guaranteed losing to killing  oh my god let's go although i had died vortex   and spoke had somehow knocked both mapic and  terrain into the void this meant that a lot   of gear had been lost on the side of the jolly  ranchers spoke had also fallen in but luckily   we hadn't lost much a little bit of enchanting  raiding and villager trading should do the trick   oh unbreakable what are their books yeah  on leggings i'm gonna i'm gonna roll that   prop four on breaking three that's beautiful yeah that's why  that's why my my theory is that   dream is going to become a boxer you  think he will once he faced your heels   we were a bit low on building blocks though so  we went on a massive mining session we still   had a fully maxed out beacon that we stole from  the jolly ranchers so we knew that this would   be a breeze what this kid just got attacked  by a spider there's a giant spider on my leg   like probably as big as i don't know maybe your  thumb knuckle to the end of your thumb it's like   oh there we go does it if it gives you regen  then it's only aced one oh my gosh oh my gosh   oh and then fortune works on every other  ore so that's like really nice yeah yeah if we were in hard mode we would  have been able to kill them at the   an area yeah but since he could reach in so  fast yeah and beds just do a whole lot less   damage and easy surprised we haven't found  more diamonds though i know where am i a lot   just oh i found them easy my diamonds a nine  vein i just ran a nine vain how many did you   get i just got 23 and after a successful mining  session we all joined together at our base because   the jolly ranchers were pressuring us to come  and fight them we were heavily underprepared   so instead of immediately heading over there we  spent lots of time preparing for the fight we   weren't going to go in and get heavily beaten  like last time but something was a bit off   some server members were in spectator mode  claiming that they were going to quit the server   one of them was terrain a player who had just  decided to go neutral but another one was a   member of the jolly ranchers who claimed he was  going to quit and get some cool action shots   we were a bit skeptical but eventually decided  that we were okay with it we grabbed our gear   and started heading to the ocean monument base of  the jolly ranchers stasis is the way to combat log   like they banned combat but stasis is how you  combat log now why are they why do they think   they can win there's another trouble they're  they 100 they're gonna eventually lead us   what's gonna happen right they're gonna engage  us they're gonna be so stacked that we can't   kill them they're gonna like notch and whatever  they're gonna slowly draw us into like somewhere   all right i don't know the uh chords  and the nethers all right guys   any damage you can do to them you gotta  do even if it's like one crossbow shot   with a normal arrow that's gonna start  tanking their saturation and when they eat   that's when we're gonna do the most damage we  decided that since a member of our nation named   wookie didn't have full netherright he would stay  back and watch the enderpearl stasis chambers that   we had set up if any of us got low on health  we would immediately teleport back to our base   with one final goodbye to our home we headed off  we're alive another worked i went through it yeah   we know we don't know if it's gonna pull we don't  know if it's gonna pull okay worse things worse   if they actually destroy us and something goes  wrong i'll just tell them to put me in prison   are you guys at the monument are you guys at  the monument yeah i'm waiting for you i've been   waiting bro i'm 200 blocks away 200 i'm right here  i'm right here i'm literally right here all right   get to get to the monument right now i'm killed  get up get him to be one of them let's get him out   watch out watch out watch  out for his poison i think   we should repot we should reply okay  okay come over here come over to me all right guys all right watch  out for jpegs watch out for jpegs   you guys get them get them out  everyone back up everyone back everyone   make sure you keep your uh stuff saturated okay   i'm actually kind of clapping  jpegs he he tried into doubt   jpeg is slow jpeg is low okay we're fine just  hold stand our ground here stand our ground here bro we're gonna break maplex's  armor and make him love this time   now reputation i got i got okay let me  go are you potting are you putting your   plan why are they trying to beat  us right now that's my question   come on pop tell me pops he's out he's out get  maybe give me he's heading back to the base he's   heading back to base go back to the monument don't  let him get a hold of the e chest i'm blocking the   e chest keep hitting him from behind him wait wait  maybe sitting on my thing's getting out yeah don't   let make it maybe this is huge this is huge i hit  him i hit him with poison i hit him with poison dude these stupid guardians are so annoying yep i  see them running they're running i'm i'm i'm with   you leo i'm with you leo i'm getting a boat  out bro i focus like this i broke this like   what's where is he watching me okay i'm on my  way i'm on my watch he's gonna i'm behind i'm   hiding try get on each side trying to get on each  side you need to okay okay come on go after him   go after him remove all the water remove all the  get rid of all the water get rid of all the water   it is luke get his own get his  sleeve he just look get his legs who's here who is here i don't know the member of the jolly rancher kingdom who was  in spectator mode had gone out and blown up our   base while in creative mode all of our hard  work had been destroyed we at first thought   we were going to repair everything but then in the  bottom left corner in the chat we saw a countdown   we immediately knew what this meant they're so  multiple gotta get screenshots you gotta get   screenshots i gotta get screenshots screenshots  from 50 to oh what's going on i don't know you know what that's sometimes how some things  end they start off doing perfectly and the next   minute they vanished into thin air although  the smp had ended our incredible memories   on the server would always stick with us forever  in our hearts but this time they can't be stolen also i really need to bring this up but  please please please don't send hatred to   other creators who are on this smp after all this  is just a block game and we're just having fun   i actually already cleared things up with the  server owner and we're all good now also welcome   to a new segment of the video called where will  you go from here youtube's recommendation system   can get pretty weird sometimes so i made a list  of a bunch of videos that you can go to instead   on the left side of the screen is a series  of me joining my school's minecraft server   and starting out war or there's other sour  patch nation members who have made different   perspectives on this whole smp check them  out in the description but most importantly   if your subscribe button is still red  you should turn it gray hope you enjoyed
Channel: Parrot
Views: 4,649,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, SMP, Minecraft Server, LifeSteal SMP, School Minecraft Server, School SMP, School Parrot, Parrot, ParrotX2, Dream SMP, TommyInnit, AJTHEBOLD, LifeSteal, Lifesteal smp IP, this minecraft smp wants me dead, i joined the deadliest minecraft smp to exist, i joined the deadliest smp, parrot lifesteal smp, Spoke, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge, minecraft smp, minecraft server
Id: yjMS5SBfVgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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