r/Crappydesign | NOOOOOOOOOOO

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it is supposed to be their chin but they just look sad as frack oh oh they all look like they have sad faces with little mustaches i mean even if you do look at it with the chin like they look like they've seen some stuff what's up sexy i'm lexie and welcome back to mk today we look at things that should have gotten killed in a meeting somewhere but uh somehow never did welcome to r crappy design let's get started great for anyone who needs to use disabled access or get between carriages oh no oh y'all only thought about the number of people you could cram in this carriage didn't you not about people that actually need to get through there ah yes a metal dog to go right through your head in case of an accident i'm sorry a metal dog oh this is less of a convenience gadget and more of a russian roulette it's time to man again or it's time to beard again or it's time to gesture broadly to the sea of weasels in front of you again it's time i don't know what this is supposed to be it's time to shine again really is this person's name shine is this like some sort of clever play on words that nobody is going to get outside of the fandom or is this something lexi has just completely ignored because i have zero interest in any sort of sports this hose cart creates water from thin air i'm sorry i can think of a few countries we should be sending that to and also california i see a side effect of it generating water from thin air is also having no shadow and also a different focal length than everything else in the picture ryanair's in-flight menu is only available in the app so if you didn't download it on the runway you can use it but you can buy their wi-fi probably i don't know i've never actually flown this airline my son's splash pad covered in animals here we see a big brown bear b is for beer no it is not for beer no it is not for beer how to make the majority group look even bigger that's not that is not how pies no that is no this is not how pies work next time i'm eating one of your pizzas i'm gonna ask for 31 of it i'm my bike ah that's cute there's a red heart there and y'all didn't think to change it to black or white or a different color to contrast against the red paint atm blue light attracting bugs to the pad oh well yeah this is just a side effect of all light i'm not actually going to call this one crappy design because uh blue leds and blue lights are just used in everything that's that's not like gee i'm going to design my atm so that it doesn't attract bugs yes let me refer to the number on the back of the card i no longer have oh i hate this i assume you can call just like the general number for whatever bank this is but still anyone want to take a picture with their face as a bird's chest i did i yes i want to have my face precisely where a bird's lungs ought to be i breathe for the bird a nice delicious cinnabon i love cinnabon hey kids use this mouthwash and lose your teeth yes uh colgate had too much drano with the factory and uh needed to get rid of it somehow i searched for phineas and ferb costumes on google and this is what i found oh no oh no oh no oh okay that wasn't as bad as i was expecting um but it's certainly scarring oh great mom's just gonna go ahead and cross the street oh oh i can't get back across too fast oh god my local dunkin donuts got a total redesign somehow this got the okay open your third eye and plug your phone charger into it oh okay all right i think they're going for the enlarge to show texture thing i think they have to put that on there for if they're enlarging the actual original source photo not that that they're supposed to be one yes okay so sort of you get half a point for this one oh god ah what happened oh it's all gone wrong please tell me this isn't like a van or ad or something for plastic surgery or like a beauty company oh that's uh that's gonna be a fun week of nightmares might just be a case of me being illiterate but whenever i walk by this sign i always have to double take to check it's not promoting childhood obesity by oh no i read that wrong too uh buy fat kids what is it supposed to be oh fit kids yeah the problem is the base of the eye is not filled in like if you put like a block or something like that like you'd have them doing a handstand on a block then then you'd get the eye but yeah the the problem is it's there's nothing at the bottom of that letter and it just looks like fat kids a public bathroom in my hometown titovo north macedonia i hope i got that right it was posted on facebook uh by the mayor as a finished project well they they they gotta start i don't think the things are even bolted to the floor like i i can't tell uh but but yeah there's no stall doors i'm not sure why the fill valves are that high but i i'm you know might be regional things uh regional regulations uh but i i yeah i'd say the most pressing problem is the fact that there's just three toilets there there's two plungers over the other side like they're expecting this to be the final layout this is design of world flag by paul carroll made in 2006. so i think i've seen this one oh no no i haven't seen this one i was expecting the barcode one you guys have probably seen that one before as well um this this isn't a flag this is a collage there's a very big difference this is just everybody's flag put into a collage maker and turned up to the maximum grid size you know i can sit here and make fun of this all day um but i will say they this guy put a decent amount of effort into like making the arrows especially in the top left-hand corner like the arrows go and they connect to other flags and things like that there's an interesting mosaic to be made here with more of the chevrons from some of the flags to be connected and stuff like that like there's some interesting stuff to be done there it will not be on a world flag and it does not make it a flag it's just interesting fun activities for i don't know a rainy day saitama what are you doing here i don't i don't sure yes the people that will understand this joke this is your your opportunity to laugh uh i'm just gonna go get a drink i'll be right back all right you all good all right let's go i scramble that's not that no you have failed to understand how scrambled like that how any of this works wolf girl you know if you'd been willing to drop the paw print that the whole wolf failing at the moon thing would have fit fine in the o and then i don't know an eye like a lowercase i with a paw print is the iron like you could have done so much better with this what is this this is just lazy what a well designed set of graphs about epileptic seizures so oh god how did you even do this like because this is one of those auto-generated graphs i have used these before they suck but but how did you get the 24 to be like flat i have no idea what you did to accomplish this but i'm disturbed now couldn't you sound less sarcastic you won zero xp you answered zero questions correctly great job yes if don't split vinyl decals across window frames or doors you end up with really weird stuff like this and i don't like it cancer makes happy no no it does not make a happy family what the hell does cancer run in your family patients guide hereditary cancer and genetic testing extractor hood installed low over the haha i i'm sorry hob okay all right fine we're gonna skip right past that um this seems annoying but i i this just seems like they shoved a stove into a location that it shouldn't have it wasn't designed to i guess it might be unsafe because like splattering looks like there's already burn marks on the wall this whole thing looks more sketch the more i look at it head of an angry bird body of a rocking horse i see the sad thing why were there little vortexes on the legs uh the sad thing is uh this thing has handlebars like this is is i why does this thing have handlebars what what the hell is this okay okay back up some this took a lot of sewing uh somebody had to sit there and sew this i'm quite sure it's not officially licensed they had to sew copyright infringement of a head and then like this horse thing and attach it all together and be like yes this is what we are selling today i just understand the marketing for the local newspaper doesn't quite understand the idiom our paper and your ad are like two p's in different pods because if it was two pieces in a pod they'd be in the same pod did you just separate out uk english and us english look i know the us is a little bit violent uh but actually um this seems like a very good idea maybe you actually just keep it like that yeah it's probably safer for everyone cardio restricted clearance area somebody hasn't figured out how to adjust their margins i also like the little like peel up things in the corner that somebody slapped this on was like wait wait no this this looks wrong open up our minds didn't nick vlasius yes that's actually the sound i would make if uh somebody was opening up my mind trying to talk during brain surgery is probably you know fairly hard i spent about a full minute trying to figure out the way back to the lobby so you have two uh you have managed service provider specializing in visual basic um i have no idea how to leave aren't they supposed to have a star on like the floor that you can leave mezzanine i know is like you know that but like s s wouldn't be subbasement p would be parking i guess b would be i have no idea i love this clearly you love money more than learning how to spell nine zero eight six five three four zero nine one eight four one two five six seven four three one and it's toilet paper what i have so many questions i have what you know what i don't want any of them answered i don't this this can exist in whatever universe it is existing in and i don't want any part of it my son's book on ocean creatures has two errors on one page the octopus is a squid and tortoises aren't found on the ocean that's that's not that has fins on it that is not an octopus also that tortoise has clearly broken its neck please please get it to a vet immediately restaurant bathroom one mirror panel on top one on the bottom no way to see myself in between what what this isn't even artsy or modern this is just dumb only very short and very tall people can see themselves everyone else has to guess the sweatshirt at walmart looks like every depiction of parenthood in movies i i why did somebody make this this is your pretty this is the contents of your stomach i i don't understand why also if your kids are throwing this much food um you might want to reevaluate your skills as a parent because that's stuff on the collar take some trajectory women's jeans i want the rest of my pocket oh god yes yes absolutely god i hate this they'll put a full pocket insert they will but they'll put the seam the seam on the front all the way through the pocket so you get like basically a double size change pocket or like a airpods case size like it's it's so stupid i gave up a long time ago and just started buying tactical pants that have like 12 plackets because screw it i want pockets all the three benefit listings on this teapot talk about just pouring easy to pour makes pouring simpler with one hand still easy to pour poor spout opens easily with push button ease still just spores easily you know you could have done this i i will redesign this for you for free you could have set easy to pour one handed opening mechanism and easy push button operation see it's still a stupid freaking teapot with a stupid freaking button but now you at least have filler text for the three images honey don't come upstairs i'm thinking of crap if you are this waiting for is it a sign so inspirational the skin doesn't match not even a bit oh was it supposed to i thought he was wearing like a muscle suit or something oh is this like a what what is this don't understand ah number one key for number one dads happy father's thursday i wonder where that other slice came from the photographer assistant was like i got a slice of cake right here don't drop your card why what'll happen is oh well that'll be gone also imagine the number of wallets like i always have change in my wallet hey see what fall down there why that's a sloth your rank is turtle huh that's i don't care if he's wearing a green shirt that's not a turtle how is your e3 experience so far good just okay but still smiling bad but still smiling share feedback and keep smiling that's not no no no this is not how you design a faucet this is why usually the knobs are on the left and right sides stop trying to be smart you're being dumb in the process pick the thickness of your bread slices eight millimeter 10 millimeter uh 12 no no 12 millimeter would be less cut 14 millimeter as the the bread gets thicker you make less cuts assuming the loaf isn't magically getting longer or their larger lobes well what is this the socks are supposed to say stitch but when you put them on they look like this such a prestigious place to live oh oh eat ask italian uh yeah no uh y'all don't know how to design a sign or outline text fireworks try before you buy oh no that's not no no no we don't we don't encourage that inside stores that's no please stop please don't do this also please stop setting off fireworks in general unless it's actually a holiday it makes everyone who makes youtube videos and voice actors and all of that very angry it's just very annoying we have to edit all of those out neighbors that are setting them off today for some odd reason we're super you grad i really hope their major wasn't in english literature because they might just walk away from that open nine days a week wait wait wait where are you going nine days a week meet sue ensign some of these belong in our slash i had a stroke don't put vinyl decals on moving surfaces it gets off people's foreheads it makes your eyes look funny why is clear a green button when enter is yellow i kept accidentally clearing my pin oh oh that is really annoying why do they do that enter is usually in that position i i think they just put the yellow and the green the wrong place because ender is usually in the bottom right i think um yeah i know that's that's peak crappy design i hate it and that brings us to the end of our slash crappy design but wait we have some very special fan art to show you today today's fan art is so locky our production manager aka the guy who keeps the entire channel running well and the fan art itself is from jayla our post collector and they say okay so for your birthday i thought i'd frack around and draw you as an ancient reddit wizard i call it a glimpse into the future i for one fully support the canon of lucky the grey and also a big thank you to jayla for that lovely fan art and you should totally go follow them at the socials on your screen now do it do it do it and if you liked any of the posts in this video hit that like button if you want more r slash crappy design and your ship shipping speed hit that red subscribe button as always my name is select kitty but y'all can call me lexie have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,006,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Crappydesign
Id: OQz0J0X7GFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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