r/Crappydesign | TRUCK

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oh no why did you get it with the mouth open oh god it's scp-001 when day breaks at an orphanage [Music] hello there happy human welcome back to mk my name is jack adding one moment in the sentence where i'm speaking in a slightly higher register so it seems more interesting to listen to and you have been humbly welcomed to join us as we experience examples that justify the need to get a degree in design but hey there's nothing wrong with being creative as long as you're not bad at it let's go the design in this fake airpod case makes it look like it's dirty but don't you know the latest fashion trashy is treasure can't tell if a kid had too much fun with peanut butter fingers or a cat kind of vomited all over it i see you always in always be you thanks what oh even the soap dispenser has something to say thank you for see in you're welcome soap dispenser now give me a slime so that was audibly meant to be someone you know aggressively pressing the pump of the soap dispenser but listening to that back it sounds something very much worse ah the classic of terrible designs that we seem to have just accepted in society at this point aerial font can you tell the difference between uppercase i and a lowercase l well clearly one is slightly thicker than the other just like you and the guy she tells you not to worry about ah yes my tempered glass has arrived finally something that is explosion proof browsing flats and i wonder how do i get into that top left bedroom three theories here one it's for your ghost housemate two it's sealed off for reasons three the first door comes with a hammer on it that you choose to bang down that wall either way really stupid but that would explain why it's so cheap anyway i'm gonna have some lunch now uh having a delicious little apple today apple pie boa natab appley etiquette artsy i mean on the bright side at least it makes them slow down ah yes the scientific benefits of chess it's true after seeing that musical i too had a normal human brain again privacy shutter on laptop doesn't block the infrared camera then what's the point oh god it's like they make the gimmick hoping you won't see through the bs of it ah yes capri sun what the frick is that animal meant to be and why do they all look like they're about to invite me into a yiff party ugh i mean like my stuff's at home right now i'm not prepared all caps except for the ll see if this was aerial font it would pronounce rgb control ir coming over folks and get your cheese tasting coffee we're a small business we cannot afford to buy a new sign oh look it's one of my many attempts to build a minecraft house and being very bad at positioning things so this is a bar i think she is supposed to smell fresh coffee seeds but it looks like she is crying blood jesus christ alcoffy is sourced from only the finest of internal bleeding victims this couplet that pinched my straw so hard that i couldn't get any soda through it damn subway you you really don't want them to drink do you does our logo say drink fresh no it says eat fresh so do it oh my god no no ymca abuse lawsuit you may have a claim dab on your abuses this is horrible why would you why would you choose this photo what happened at some ymca's in this area that there's literally a claim you can make i thought they were all about just fun exercise places to go to why are they all dabbing are they afraid to show their faces are they suitably or crying in pain from the abuse they experienced okay okay i think i can decipher this ancient language pizza snoring not having to socialize in public because you've got headphones on repeat and then have cake at some point too why not i didn't know elephants had their mouths on top of their trunks okay but for real though if there were elephants that did look like this would we find them as adorable and majestic or would we find them rather gross because they look like they have a really phallic chin ah yes i too can now look like a cyclops lion there are some designs on here that are lazily done but this one this one is genuinely stupid bravo to whoever was hired to do this i hope you choose a new career this flyer for the new taipei museum of arts oh you know what i'm thinking well i don't know what you're saying something about a new museum that farts trying to teach us french revolution instead looks like french evolution why did you white the iron why did you white them there was blue the blue worked expand the background image so it doesn't cover the rnn next time come on common sense captain america says fund me yeah this is definitely a design that would have looked better on paper this warranty card on my new prescription glasses what a great way to make me feel like these glasses don't work don't stop keep going it's supposed to say goshen oh screw yourself mate i am not trying to read that this lampshade looks like there is hair on it um furniture that looks like it's never clean just what i like perfect way to hide the parts of your house that definitely aren't clean wash your hands with eyes oh heal thy smooth ties now see you don't want to bother with large that one's pointless now x-large that's the one you want see it has better stats let the good them leave you up in the air and let times roll then brush your rock and roll hair context please i need context the way my son's alphabet puzzle has the knob placed directly over each letter well at least we know who to blame when your kid starts writing little bubbles in the middle of all his letters antarctica is way too long in this globe hey bro no need to be jealous in my problem you can't handle the length of my south pole the pointy bit at the end vibrates why the mac and cheese uh are these contact lenses they've thrown contact lenses into a bowl of mac and cheese hey steve you got that ad marketing idea for us yet um yeah yeah uh i got it the user looks very happy brilliant marketing um oh vpn shield why are you laughing this is not the time for humor oh no mate yeah i invest in kryptol no hate to my crypto investor pros out there i am one of them oh gosh i wish there was a way for me to better tell people when i know that they've had that disgusting variant of coffee the stove knobs are next to the fire and kinda melted yo i i am pretty confident that warrants an immediate refund or even a replacement that's pretty much a fire hazard at this point it has two mouths oh yes one for speaking the other for sucking out your soul would you like it on when it's muted or off when it's unmuted i would like to listen to my goddamn music thank you you have to memorize the directions before you open it the perfect microwave meal strategy leave it up to the customer to remember how to make it right so if it tastes terrible you can slightly blame them for cooking it wrong now open 24 hours provided those 24 hours these times specifically otherwise this store is open monday to friday 11 a.m and 10 p.m but on the weekends they're only open 11 a.m and 10 p.m hi this is mccart enterprises kitchens and whole homes renovating remodeling hire me when quality is not an option oh i think that's them to say it's the only thing they do like there's no other options here it's only quality you get from them but wow hey siri how do i make my slogan sound absolutely terrible now if you just want to reduce it make sure you turn it to the left but if you want to increase it make sure you of course turn it to the left my shower in bellagio italy at the metropole shower head faces the glass door that covers only half of the shower water went everywhere you can tell how they made an effort to thwart this while also trying to be as cheap as possible oh pretty no i would fall and die i would not trust kids near that thing i would not trust my pets near that thing it is literally a downward slope oh no statue of liberty what have they done to you well step best heart mother it's true we checked i can tell you spend more time on that than actually checking the spacing and design of this i had to search google maps to find what this store is actually called what move shots moonshot oh moonshot oh no you you gotta make that more clear we're substances against abuse or we're also abusers against substance so i mean you know you can have your substances if you hurt them though if you punch them no no we don't accept that no if this was a possum i'd understand this it would make sense but that is a bear there's a very fleshy bear meanwhile on paper pause the video and write notes about techniques and ideas that impress you as you view also write down any questions you have during viewing replay or rewind the video as needed sure let me just get on to that ah dang youtube the bufferings oh oh geez are you preparing to meet jesus wait what is that implying that what i'm confused is this for people who are having uh non-living interest tendencies or is this taking advantage of old people scared of the fact they're not gonna respawn very soon well done person who made this billboard you've made people hate religion more in general welcome to tutor no i just want everyone to know truck that's all you get to know good luck yeah that 60 degree angle is very useful it doesn't even fully come out what is the point of that genuinely clever design for making it slim i feel like they genuinely had nothing else to add in there to make it look more even as an image by the way here's my website thank you once again ladies and gentlemen it is 2021. how have we not evolved past the point of being aware when a video does not transfer onto paper wouldn't cheaper headphones give a thicker wallet wow incredible buying a bow 700 instead actually makes your credit cards thicker too this mug's handle is inside the cup mental warm hands but it's just scalding hot until the drinkers basically look warm oh how nice is someone to make a cup in honour of me cute to look at but otherwise useless ah yes the perfect opportune moment to display your dominance simply sit in the cubicle waiting for someone to go use the urinal and the moment they go wash their hands you strike on in and use that urinal yourself and you don't leave you don't leave until you see them properly wash their hands bring a spare water bottle bring two you will not stop peeing until they finish washing better get used to singing happy birthday pal cause that's all you're gonna be doing for a little bit ah shh a deb atta urathon theorist by ted baker oh i see it now a shade better than the rest it's still stupid though this handicap parking meter that is inaccessible to anyone in a wheelchair now i know it may not seem like it but there is some actual logic i see here unfortunately the logic is the size of an atom coming through my bedroom window after school oh sure thing meanwhile at her house oh oh god the doctor's words of wisdom for earth day people can save planets them wreck that's the choice be best of the humanity but you just you i want you to be uteful alright folks it is time for some finance shout outs and today's beautiful work we're going to shout out is dragon love x yes good choice good choice of name i approve they're not good at drawing hands so they just drew a reddit themed dragon for you all yes yes mates oh hell yes i love this yeah i approve done i'm not biased about my love for dragons at all what are you talking about get out get out of here with your accusations those eyes do be popping though like jeez what is this is the dragon on drugs right now regardless thank you for the beautiful work dragon love x and as always you too if you'd like to see your work in a future video you can always post your beautiful content on the mk subreddit and if you're someone who's already submitted their fan art and am waiting eagerly for us to hurry up and come across it well then like this video to show your frustration at our procrastination to appear it otherwise demand for kidneys is on the rise in the black market so if you haven't liked or subscribed yet i will be coming for one of those don't worry my skills have gotten a lot more cleaner you can just ask the people who didn't like the last video we posted otherwise if you do still have time we have more content on the channel for you go and say hi to robin and lexi the other lovely people on this channel now enough dibbler dabbling it is time to say farewell my name's been jack you have been a lovely person as always and if your day's not going good yet well i hope it gets better and always remember that even that little one percent of effort you make to change your day for the better is a good thing you're a good person you're gonna do great things one day bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 387,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Crappydesign
Id: rA0rdleGaHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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