r/Bonehurtingjuice · this hurts

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i want to make one of those anakin and padme memes cool you know how the meme format works right oh of course i do awesome uh no i don't think they know how it works how's it going everyone welcome back to easy peasy i'm your host david the baker and today we're going to be looking at a very interesting subreddit i'm sure you read the title today we're gonna be taking a look on into our slash bone herding juice the medicine we feed you to make your whole body hurt seriously this content is a trip but i'm sure you're ready to dive on into the video so without further ado let's go ah yeah i'm gonna ask that girl out you forgot to take your schizophrenia pills you're hallucinating again ah thank you for reminding me see what i'm saying this stuff is insane i'm going to do this meme old school and it's going to be funny right it's going to be funny right no no it's not uh uh this heater would be a lot easier to operate if it was labeled wow exploring transylvania sure is exciting it's scary but i'm glad you're here oh my gosh a real vampire haha i will suck your blood i i just i can't make sense of the world anymore i'm done with this gum ill gross don't spit i didn't think they could take this meme format and make it worse but somehow they were able to do so thank you r bone herding juice thank you for making us all suffer how i progressed in the sweating contest against my dad hey i'm gonna sweat more than you baby oh yeah dad well i'm grown up now what are you gonna do now huh looks like i win old man i'm seriously confused everyone is going to start aging fast hey screw you old man like you guys know anything nah man he's right oh please like i care about the opinions of some oh what is happening see bro i told you i'll help pick up this clock off the floor and then put it in your clock collection squidward thank you spongebob it goes in here no that's not how the meme's supposed to work where is that weird flower painting oh it's right behind you it's madness it's all madness that was a fierce battle i fought bravely and lost my arm valhalla awaits they will tell stories of my skill and bravery for years the valkyrie takes me a proper funeral prior to a great warrior i am honored send him to odin will rest in peace great warrior i still have no clue what's going on one day i will bury you with that shovel what i'm so glad that dad can't read his thoughts that that's creepy that poor baby bird was abandoned i'm gonna raise it as if i were its mother ah oh i get it it's feeding the bird that's ah when will the pain stop oh i'll get it hello madam my name is john i'm calling because your vehicle's warranty is about to expire if you like i can assist what did you hear keely oh it's just a foreign scammer oh those calls are the worst meanwhile terrible spray oh this is terrible well uh yes welcome to the museum kids my brother comedy has been imprisoned in this glass case we need to break him out without alerting the guards ah yes free my boy comedy do you know why you were created for oregon harvesting 25 years later look at this new car i was able to get from selling your hands and eyes i'm glad i'm fulfilling my purpose so well no that's not what it was supposed to be all his poor hands and eyes okay we're doing it again let's go son one day et and wally will steal our car really papa 25 years later i told you son no papa don't let them leave it's too late wally and e.t are already in the car they're making the grand escape wow i love spending time with this man i want to be with him for the rest of my life that's so nice good for you guys years later hey i haven't seen you in years how's your life going i run a very successful company and i make lots of money how's your life going that's so nice to hear i'm pregnant with my second child and i'm very happy with my life i'm so happy for you guys that's so great to hear have a nice day you see i actually like this one way better than the other one the guy who won the obama look-alike contest the guy who went in second but is a good loser ah healthy competition we love to see it wait a second what hey wanna have a staring contest sure that sounds like fun come on blink you first yeah jeez things are heating up in the staring contest oof ouch why did that man break three of my four limbs before casually walking away the world may never know i like hard rock well i like alternative rock punk what was that punk yep you heard me i said punk it doesn't make any sense i just i love it oof ow oh this shirt is restricting my breathing ah yes this is so much better now that i've taken it off what a beautiful piece what was your inspiration my inspiration snow hmm very nice yes i know right no dad two plus three doesn't equal one now lower your hand please thank you for teaching me math son i'm really grateful for you keeping up with me ah there's nothing quite like a father and son bond wow we are the only two tadpoles in history with human eyes and mouth holy crap that's right let's practice some expressions [Music] ah no someone casted an invisibility spell on my bike and i don't have enough mana to cancel the spell well maybe tomorrow my magic will be refilled difference between mana today and mana tomorrow it'll be unsafe to ride an invisible bike so i'll just walk home and leave the bike here until tomorrow geez the creativity it takes to redesign memes like this it's unhealthy alright if you have this ability you need to see a doctor so something's going on with your brain boy i can't wait to get to the costume party oh no i'm going to walk past the incinerator building better change my costume so it doesn't get smokey costume saved phew i finally got away from that vampire girl that was chasing me and now i'm alone in the safety of my car just let me check my rear view mirror to make sure they aren't hiding in the back seat vampires don't have reflections dumbass oh no do you know how to look worried no i don't can you show me hmm like this oh i see now thank you for teaching me try as hard as you can grab tight but you cannot stop the foot eater oh no the bone hurting man is catching up to me no i wasn't able to get away tis i the bone hurting man i'm here to hurt your bones ah he got my bones ooh yeah why oh i can feel a sharp pain in my abdomen it's probably appendicitis does it hurt when i press here i can make little number nines appear ah nah come on that's completely you couldn't really do that i could and here's the first one it's the circle of life what the dog doing that's a lion woof what the frick simba bark ah yes i loved this when it happened in lion king i was a little confused at first but when simba said bark everything made sense not so fast sleepy jane i've got you now villain cheer get him not the chair my one weakness and sleepy jane lives to see another day you know what i would definitely buy this comic book series any experience no sir i hope you will gain some here you're hired pretty much me working here on easy peasy i came in they were like you have any experience i was like yeah not really they threw a microphone in my face and one year later i'm reading bone hurting juice and gosh darn it i'm happy hey bro can you move that cleaver out of my way for me yeah no problem little guy ah thanks bro milk is removing my bones and it's becoming a problem oh ouch my skull is gone please stop i have no bones i can't move hey milk lives to see another day look at the cow behold with my power i can create airplanes you see i'm really good at what i do you see my powers are already working gosh i need to clean this window there's so many stains on it there fixed it now to pull up this partly closed curtain ah no i left a scratch this this is madness this it's it's just madness there's nothing else nothing in the void but madness and i can scream into it all i want but god's not listening no more oh man i forgot how to blink and my eyes are so sore now my eyes are just dots but i'll google how to blink it says here that you have to bring your lower and upper eyelid together okay i'm trying you can do it buddy you see that's friends supporting friends we love to see it i think i i don't know oh no a radioactive lemon bunk quickly get rid of the lemon so you don't transform i'll help by destroying the lemon machine there you go it's too late i've turned into my alter ego citrus man oh gosh no the united states postal service those are my shoes give them back you are a dog the dog sitting there like no i like these shoes no they're my shoes now i look good in them honey i'm going to cut my hair okay i'll go home and play with the kids i should have gone to a different barber shop and here's your receipt enjoy your new look yeah you know i don't think he's gonna enjoy that look very much at all yeah probably not i really like your small brain i think it's quite sexy how nice of you to say that thank you so much did you say you like small brains because mine is clearly smaller forget those losers i certainly have the smallest brain of them all may i have your phone number hey man i'm sorry i started this halo original soundtrack is that alan under that mask let's see alan oh yep hello alan hi i woke up sad i'm king midas ah screw it not again man i can't touch anything without it turning into gold someone help me this demon has switched bodies with me it's too late welcome back to the museum this is comedy hey kids this is a machine that says funny jokes let's try it oh i honestly don't like this one i like the other one free comedy i need to inhale deeper for oxygen due to my underdeveloped brain my skull is too small for my brain and i suffer from daily migraines ah these poor men they're all suffering my last wish before i drown is to do a high five hey let me help you with that flag oh quick we have to escape the exploding house my eyes 25 years late there this is your new car dad i know your dementia is getting bad but i'm blind from the house explosion 25 years ago enjoy the car son then you'll get to a crossroads and then i turn left right oh i see what they did i like this one that was kind of good do you know the muffin man the muffin man the muffin man do you know the muffin man who lives in oh my gosh my bones hurt the next person who tries to stand will become frozen i don't believe that for one second now you're frozen did you think i was joking oh gosh i can't move the doctor told me it'll take 25 years for my farts to be green again until then i'll have to do white farts okay 25 years later oh good my farts are green again okay okay how do people think of this stupid bullcrap how do they do it what goes on in the mind of bone-hurting jews they must be in constant pain i really need to fart please do it over there well if you say so and they all lived happily ever after hey bro i'm about to win a record for not blinking must be painful it is man i can't remember where i parked the car oh no 25 years later ah [Applause] hey well at least they found their car can you imagine being like the original meme creator for this one and just seeing all the ways that people are just ruining it it's like ah come on i'm going out to get a hair transplant and we'll be right back okay the procedure was a success but they also changed the shape of my eyes to match my glasses yeah whatever dad whoa vr is so realistic sees the ocean it's like i'm actually in the ocean i can't freaking sleep with the mosquito in the room just ignore it i can't hello have you made an appointment for a dental examination for three hours hello yes it is me excellent i think we can start show me your teeth please geez no no no i'm going insane my bones i can feel them breaking i'm an escaped felon cops are here oh what let me go let me go ah stop it sir you're under arrest you're under arrest hey i need something to say well say it fast cause there's a fat kid that interrupts you okay so this hey darn it you didn't say it fast enough i'm sorry i can't hear you oh sorry god can you hear me now you aren't a criminal i can prove it i'm gonna steal that guy's hoodie i got the hoodie run go i did not see that taking that turn but i'm i'm impressed they they did it i'm happy that i'm an individual free mind we will now take over your mind no oh man and with that everyone that concludes this episode of r slash bone herding juice do your bones hurt are you in pain well you might be entitled to financial compensation all you have to do to get it started is press that subscribe button and hit the like button as well also don't forget to hit the notification bell to be notified of all of our easy peasy uploads now i'm your host david the baker and i can't wait to see you in the next video so till then peace out and three thumbs up see ya
Channel: EzPz
Views: 79,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, Bonehurtingjuice
Id: 50zC09g-mAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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