r/Crappydesign · dehydrated patrick

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to the moon i love and you back oh i moon love and you back too what's good everybody welcome back to easy peasy i'm your host david the baker and today we're going to be looking at r crappy design it's the only subreddit that can make you say oh man i wanted blessed images so without further ado let's go just because you put a handicap symbol there doesn't make it handicap accessible i feel like i shouldn't have to say that a domino pizza and pizza hot i feel so bad for the people who live here all their life and then they move to america and they're like oh my gosh they have a domino's and a pizza hut what a knockoff new personal air cooler flying off shelves in canada not only are they flying off shelves but apparently they're flying off of photoshop as well ah yes aladine it doesn't even look like the genie's floating he looks like a big naked man about to attack aladine [Laughter] ah yes the 25 letters of the alphabet hey hold it there you two what what are you doing that's not gonna make farmer dan happy oh man these awards are ass literally ah yes top of the line security for our atm don't look up there don't look up there hey hey eyes down here eat pant yup just a random gap between the shower and the toilet yeah i don't need for it to be there but it is and we have to live with it oh man check it out uh apparently batman does have super powers apparently he has four legs that's uh i don't know how it works but that's kind of cool battle of warships and they put the notification thing in their emblem that's not even crappy design that's butthole design they did that on purpose just a nice soothing bath and oh my god there's a bear don't mind me i just want to watch the avanti pro better cut quality 2 out of 5 stars hey well at least they're honest longest time gone without blinking 5.61 seconds oh okay i could probably do that michael thomas kept his eyes open without blinking for one hour and 5.61 seconds oh never mind never mind i thought i could do it and uh i've been misled hey bud i know not everybody has enough money to do this but if you do i would just replace it just trash the whole thing get rid of it okay bowls that have painted brown streaks on them i mean you could buy these bowls or you could just not wash your dishes i mean you'll get the same result oh yeah bowser's rocking his jordans on my way to go steal a princess no way no that is not a pt cruiser oh that is the dopest pz cruiser i've ever seen in my life what kind of confusing darren elevator is this i can't curse so i had to say darn this is this is a mess i may be a kid chef but i'm always watching even when you think i can't see you my eye just kind of kind of shifts out of my body and i'm always watching [Laughter] you see this suit this is the reason why people think bigfoot exists and this is the reason i lock my doors on halloween cintas first aid center but how do i open it i need my first aid what am i gonna do hey what time is it oh yeah it's eleven thousand one hundred twenty one o'clock you're welcome yep yep uh totally not photoshopped not photoshopped at all i don't know what you're talking about hey look away from here hey i don't want to be that guy but if you're going to keep all your fire equipment in one place maybe don't put in a wooden crate i don't think the wooden crate is the best idea and while we're at it why do you have dominoes in there hi my name's andy i'm a pretty useless crocodile because i ain't got no teeth if it's true that the crosswalk guides where we go everybody run everywhere every direction is safe excuse me what's the time oh yeah it's oh okay thanks how it looks like in the day how it looks like in the night this isn't helpful one bit but here you go oh i don't know about this if i got a message saying this was from discover i'd probably think it's a scam one three two seriously how did you mess that up alright i know that this is probably really hard to get right but still with a bit more time it would have made all the difference i don't want to be too mean about this one because maybe a kid did it in that case just you know try better next time oh yeah erotic emergency equipment oh no he's fading that's okay i'll give a mouth to mouth brown to procure [Laughter] okay sure the fence might have a bit of a weak spot but only the most determined thief is gonna sneak through that little hole oh yes that's right run straight into the pits of hell firestone uh okay wait wait a second [Laughter] this emblem is a mess wherever you go first aid kits as in we can photoshop it into any situation under the sea under [Laughter] now i can see why ariel wanted to be a human i imagine somebody's like oh god my hand and the author's like this would be perfect for my book i don't know what it is you're trying to fix but that's some pretty janky foam innovative technology i'd love to read what's on the page because i'm a narrator and that's what i do but i can't because the design is not that innovative why are there so many songs about nightmares let it go more like anna and anna no that's a lame joke but full of beans tell a lie you have to okay fine the world's smallest handheld gaming laptop oh goodness i bet this thing runs on like 10 frames a second it probably has like two gigabytes worth of ram well you see we didn't know how to space out the houses so we just kind of put this patch of grass here and the house is all warped it did shut up don't judge me that moment when you want to build a garden but the people who own the land next to you are really stingy that's what you get for encroaching on my land oh a little garfield thing you just plug it into the charger and uh because the charger is on the bottom and it's supposed to stand you can't use it [Laughter] oh no it's it's like it's not even trying to be a clock 3d blu-ray playstation 2 grand theft auto tom and jerry i feel like i'm having a stroke like i'm going through some weird fever dream so you can use the handle to walk outside but once you're outside you're stuck there and you're never getting out this handrail okay hey it's doing the best it can alright it's trying to help at least it's trying happy hearth bidet to ya oh goodness i want to take this yoga class what is this the exorcist special i want it i want to be like i want to be this flexible you are a heartbreaker happy valentine's day okay but why ironman i don't understand ah yes the save is right next to the high post what could go wrong high pressure rinse one low pressure oh okay you lied to me history 101 it's just a giant hamburger all of time all of conception just a giant hamburger yeah this is totally how your bathroom's gonna look you put this shower curtain up it's gonna look like this exactly oh [Laughter] what a mean doormat you just walk into a house and like ho what you doing in here this is an instance of somebody who cares way more about their garage than the rest of the house oh boy oh geez i could just hear the people falling down they're just riding around a lot and then boom ugh terrible are you ready kids no no no i'm not please get rid of this delete it looks cool i should get this too uh no you shouldn't not this simpsons knock off iphone this darker gray is for the system data and this lighter gray is for other thanks for being super specific kid sticks i see what they were trying to do with the panda thing but just no it doesn't work how high do you have to be to put a doorknob on the wall it's on the wall you didn't even try lake view deli fried chicken slushies whoa yeah me i like my fried chicken in a slushy form what you guys don't like your fried chicken in a slushie form what are you some kind of weirdo ah yeah ninjagos with thick thighs don't anybody lie and tell me you watch this show for the story nah you like it for the thick thighs okay instructions to make lemonade four lemons okay let me stop you right there those are three i know how to count to three i can't count to four but i know how to count to three and that's definitely three if the light bulb don't fit you make it fit live sessions quizzes assignments and projects oh gosh i hope that's not an assignment long story short nope more like convoluted and unnecessary oh yes some poop stained toilets that way you don't have to clean it everybody expects it to be dirty okay weird flex kid you got a tv that's bigger than your own person that's uh that's a little crazy that's a little excessive but you know what i respect the flex max one people not only is that grammatically incorrect but i don't think that science is necessary see you know i know why they put the cones here it's it's so that cars don't drive on this path but you really did just kind of draw the lines for no reason ah yes a yellow slave why what do you call them okay this one just kind of fascinates me all right it's obviously a pedal system but you see the handle is right next to where you sit how are you supposed to drive this like i want to actually see somebody drive this this would be really cool to see momentum oh it's momentum i i see what you're trying to say here and it would have looked cool if if it didn't look like this oh yeah the dual monitor stand just drill right into the screen i got used at mtu guys they used me they just took my money and left m-u-m and dad oh what's that it's supposed to say mom and dad no no it's not it's supposed to say m m and you dad i know how to read kind of such a top-notch frame for such a convoluted picture nature's creatures i'm tapping the page but the search button's not working what do i do underestimate the of a or never power woman the message doesn't work if you want to emphasize the power of women you gotta underline the words oh geez that seems dangerous like no rail no anything you just fall that is a lawsuit waiting to happen new bird blocks yeah i don't i don't think i'm gonna give this to my children i don't want them counting up their numbers nut imagine your child gives this to you they're like mommy mommy look what i did what are you gonna throw it out are you gonna hang the nut poster on the refrigerator [Laughter] my kitchen office is now my uh congratulations i guess bottle opener open eye here ah come on bottle opener i believed in you and you you go out and say open eye here what is that even supposed to mean you see this right here is detrimental for people like me i can never decide what i want to eat in time so i have to look at the menu but i can't do that with this pool right here you want to walk on the sidewalk but you don't want to scuff your shoes by walking in the grass looks like you're going to have to olympic style jump your way across a magnetic case okay how are you getting notifications if there's no phone in there and why is the volume thing up i'm so confused i assume the same company made these two pikachu dolls but first off they're from different cinematic universes batman and iron man second off why would why pikachu why are you doing this i was about to skip this post and be like oh yeah you know the food's nice but then i realized this is a menu and boy oh boy is it hard to read meet your new play-doh pony oh god please stop looking at me with that demonic stare the power of christ compels you oh no don't tell me this is stone if this is stone i don't know what i'm gonna do with myself what no okay his face is a little lopsided especially the eyes but hey you know what we love him anyways okay you know you're trying to entertain the kid you got the tablet playing some barney you got some snacks but uh red bull you really want to give your kid red bull i don't think you want to do that well you know maybe you do maybe you're taking him to his like soccer game you know you're like timmy you got to be amped for this game i need energy i need power drink your red bull okay mom i will red lodge montana this place is awesome aw poor dude 2020's most anticipated movies video game movies ranked best netflix series and shows 150 erotic movies not only does that come out of nowhere but they also don't match the theme of the eyes looking at the camera so come on uh you know a clear ruler mixed with uh white markings so that you can't see anything you're trying to measure you know perfect design installation schematic diagram oh okay good luck trying to figure this one out cause i definitely couldn't not the most festive lights but uh you know you could still shine at a party maybe shock absorption ooh i don't know about that one that uh that looks like a lot of broken glass uh excuse me everyone this is a rest room for handicapped giraffes and handicapped giraffes only so you can walk with your child and a bicycle from here but not from there ah these poor people they're breaking the law every five paces and the faucets don't directly pour into the trough of course of course you bought really fancy and expensive faucets and this is what you get oh cool cotton candy this must be amazing to yo it's it's slime i'm you know i'm gonna eat it anyways what are you gonna do stop me what am i gonna do diet poisoning i don't care it's cotton candy this is your fault yet another lawsuit waiting to happen spear command speed of command and for some reason wolverine everything spoilers wrong duh with spongebob spongebob girls boys kids digital wrist watch strap yellow easy slap you know what aside from that convoluted name i'd probably rock this i i wear it everywhere i get all the ladies trampoline sprinkler aside from the fact that the kids are clearly photoshopped a sprinkler for the trampoline seems like an awesome idea you might think it's slippery but the more wet you get the higher the bounce star warrior yep because that's totally what this is stefan curry oh i can't believe you did my man lebron like that they you order sug i don't even know what you're trying to say but uh okay i hope this is motivational to somebody see now this is not only crappy design but it's also something you'd find on mildly infuriating the on switch doesn't actually fall on the marked label on and that can be really annoying to some people to brain k more to bubble k less oh it's saying think more talk less i i get it you know what just trash the whole thing i'm sure it was expensive and it sucks but it'll never be perfect you just gotta get rid of it uh you know i can't quite point out exactly what's crappy about this but i know this is one of those cars where you have to pay to basically use it and i hate using these it makes me feel like i'm a prisoner while i'm getting my head and shoulder shampoo cream i don't even understand why you make the usb thing so bulky this is annoying please no riding in wagons down sidewalk you know what happened here this is a care inside this isn't a state regulated sign that they put up you know for the safety of people nah a karen saw a kid having fun and they were like you know what i need to put up a sign to stop them whoever this sign is directed to don't stop writing your wagon down the sidewalk keep it going don't let the karen's win lol love goodnight washy wangton ah yes the founder of washington sir washing wangton we are all unless you in this made our clothes together then you're on your own what an odd mess like what are you even trying to say hey you know what these guys probably are just experimenting with photoshop they're getting better as they go all right i'm gonna give them a pass okay so move this piece directly down all right don't do exactly what i just said the person you heard before is an imposter whatever you do don't do the first step unleash ahead oh man unleashed it's saying unleashed ah that's so stupid by the time i'm finished reading what you're trying to say i'm probably gonna crash into the back of you fix your shirt well everybody that's our time we just got out of crappy design holy crap that rhymed and if you liked this video make sure to leave a like down below don't forget to press the subscribe button and the notification bell to be notified of all our easy pc uploads if you want to hear more from me check out my channel links down in the description below i'm your host david the baker and i'll see you guys in the next video peace out and three thumbs up
Channel: EzPz
Views: 108,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, crappydesign, crappy design, r/crappydesign, r/crappydesign top posts, r/crappydesign best posts, reddit design, reddit crappydesign, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: 6PPNxo8tL5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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