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toto washlet yeah it's kind of like that kind of like what what this has no correlation to the the image of the woman on the beach [Music] uh i i don't even know what i'm looking at here hold on pizzeria p yeah no nope yet no well i don't know is that what that was supposed to be pointing at electro world all white center oh no alterations a rep a repair amazon gift card seed ten dollars i i i'm already lost app rent ice ships oh oh apprentice ships um well the one undo this you just gotta turn it this way but just kidding you have to turn it this way but no actually this way but actually okay so this graph you can uh the percentage can go outside of the box but why incoming space rock the monster asteroid 1998 or2 will skim past earth on april 29th oh wait uh is it is it um is it supposed to be showing the sizes compared to the asteroid interesting is uh is that door made out of um the same metal that like storage units are made out of what the hell is this it's a tornado it's a tornado graph bad does nay mini rhona badgers sport team and raccoon sport team are they are they different are they the same or ah yes my favorite barcodes are the ones uh that are wrinkled and you can't even scan yeah check it out my sync has a little mini counter that you can hardly put anything on it's great step two battery charging uh i don't i don't get it that's not what our plugs look like here in america um the blanket in this look and find book is right on the crease nice expert mode ah yes a blind sign so that blind people can see it ah yes the beach body challenge featuring numbers you can't even read at the bottom oh oh that is that is awful that is bad i don't like this i i hate two-face here darkness light compensation point bright light why is bright light in the moonlight what a bus stop on the sidewalk nice one and speaking of sidewalks there's bushes on this sidewalk so you you can cross the street but you're gonna have to cross the bushes i will never understand how this happens there's a shelf or a cupboard here right yeah let's put a let's put a counter in front of it there's a footpath to carl's jr at the drive-through cats sleep 16 to 18 hours per day what's the point of the graphs chainsaw massacre salon excuse me um let's go to china [ __ ] for dinner tonight day banana banana day um oh man okay the person on the right looks pretty alright you know the the it's fine it's a cartoon character but on the left what's with the big old black eyes i have this book about humans apparently they decided to put dark red text over a black background and on top of that i'm color blind and had to use my lamp combined with the ceiling light just to read it oh no uh-uh i don't like that four colorful crochet face mask good luck blocking out any any bad stuff ah nice good opening to get dog biscuits out of oh no i don't know about the most beautiful lingerie it doesn't no log in to access your account driver rider those should be swapped eat the sheep burn the fat reset possible the word cancer is cut off end childhood can oh my god ah yes let me call you on my fap phone fat fat yeah i want a wristband that says fat on it like dude come on i already know here it is again here it is again a fence that literally serves no purpose because you can just walk around oh no is that like a what is that is this scales all over the ferrari no it just looks like this guy's flipping you off jesus christ ah yeah i love this random fire hydrant just chilling just sitting there oh no what what what happened to this race car i'm what excuse me is that a snake in the background what what's happening i took black iced tea forest fruit plus you but wait um me how are you supposed to get eye to the garage oh how you're supposed to get into the garage that's a great question you just gotta go around ge gill glill grill i would assume grill i would hope grill oh no it's a glasses case and the cat er poor cat glowing in grease is that what i supposed to say i thought i said growing in cheese like cheese rtx off rtx on well i guess i've had rtx on the whole time what is up with that bear uh happy i know it says happy birthday but let's just let's just read it hello happy if uh ah yes i can totally read this white text on the bright yellow plastic um i i don't know if you're aware but um the hdmi cable is upside down it's not going to go in if you try and push it in like that i can't open my bathroom cabinet all the way because of this heater well how does this always happen how does it guys it frustrates me here comes the flowers also look at that good boy in the background i'm a a yort what's your superpower all right look jbelvin your design's great you know the the it looks cool and all that but come on that hat literally just has a png of your design on it uh you didn't even make an attempt to warp it or uh you know make the perspective correct uh you know oh my god what is this keychain what is that supposed to be i don't is a is it a windmill it's a windmill king kebab pizza what's with the king did they couldn't they couldn't just reprint the king part they had to like do it themselves and paint it t is for turtle k is for night n is for night time these are very confusing to look at also in the top right peepee i'm confused so this is like a it's a ladybug action figure it's just like a crappy mcdonald's happy meal toy or something lay immated edition letter elevator oh it's not even an order at all at all why switching the trigger orientation on a product we tend to blind fire oh cool album but it cuts into the lyrics page and you can't read some of the words oh yeah what the hell make money from home uh that's a that's a big 100 bill that's a that's a big benjamin right there mountain warehouse sizes things as two to three years when they're for seven eight year olds and don't tell you until you receive your gigantic oversized items that won't fit your infant wow no bikes if only i didn't have to like really look at this to understand what it was trying to tell me when you can't draw hands yeah i just i do this too when i want to hide my hands i just kind of like shove them in my stomach no parking fire lane yet there's a bunch of parking spots there what do you what do you what are you giving me mixed messages here no phones or food don't even think about it no is that you what dude they turned ocd into a game what order ahead and receive one of each three plane two cinnamon raisin two honey whole wheat two blueberry two sesame two asiago bagels but one liz's luxury looks independence consulate for paparazzi accessories wow this i'm sorry liz but this is uh this is a bad design park signs can't make up their mind please clean up after your pets no pets in this area part artist part therapist part stylist all fabulous beauty hair stylist appreciation day piopio polipli r you know this graph is almost okay except for the fact that the 50 and the 70 are like the same size pisd say no to drugs and alcohol what the hell does the pisd stand for 30 second plank ground yes it's one day you will be as strong as this man where you can just lift his legs off the ground like that oh god these are never not frustrating how how do you do that how do you mess up that badly and put the light in the road what is this machine portal ti plus is this is a bank machine atm i'm confused oh yeah good idea have the uh have the power near the water pipe good thinking i've never seen such an awful tv guide design yeah like let's let's put all these shows here right but no let's actually put two ads uh right next to each other and they're both advertising the same thing preg made test nancy t g h c h c g t s e t e g h what pregnancy test that's what it's supposed to say oh no you're just trying to print out some little designs and uh oh that's a lot of wasted ink raccoon removal what's the bat doing there oh dude i've always wanted a skittle shower like melted skittles dude yeah oh take a look at this ramp doesn't go anywhere but it's a ramp oh god that is disgusting what is on that fork uh you know what i don't even want to know we're just going to go to the next image what ricky gervais hates about flying if you crash you die what a thumbnail i mean he's not wrong though ah yes good good thinking let's put a freaking pole in on the sidewalk i've never seen a shower design like this it just dips into the ground because why not what what's up with this shower head it looks like a freaking lamp like literally what why is that in the inside the house what the beam the i thought there's an elephant in the room oh man thank god this thing's solar powered but uh i don't i don't think it's getting much solar power my guy all right the this whole image is giving me a headache so you got the stairs that are carpeted you got the tile floor below it you got an exposed pipe right there this is this is really not good so this said the perfect vacation shorts i guess they're making a joke like staycation like you know stay at home because you know but they cut out they crossed out the ac so it's the perfect vestay asian shorts dallas cowboys sneakers limited edition except they're actually for the steelers what the heck is this thing stop that's what it says that's what i want this subreddit to do i actually can't even read what that says does that say storage made ease easier that's what that says wow okay this star wars puzzle had 33 extra pieces uh not only that but jedi i could barely even tell that's what that said hey uh dude i don't i don't think that's how you i don't think that's how you eat a taco it's like more how you eat a hot dog even then i'd recommend turning a hot dog sideways that's just gonna cause you a lot of pain if your teenager is looking for a job to make extra money they should cook and that's it why is this pumpkin thick oh man i tell you quarantine's getting to me i'm about to act up don't miss the summer's hottest sale on the biggest thickest thirstiest towels on the beach no other towels can compare with this is my place all right first of all i loved these as a kid they were so fun if i had one now i would still be obsessed with it i i would i would i would mess with it all the time but uh both the trains are preventing so much space to draw awful did you know every 3 000 sheets of paper cost us a re it's your choice for this the owner needs to sign in if this is a trial game or app that expired buy it from the microsoft store close or help tripod grill and lantern hanger twinkle twinkle little star dream come true make a wish oh what the hell is that what is this thing that i am being subjected to ah i don't like this image it just has a very threatening unnerving aura to it not a fan huh cool fallout watch i guess but something about it it seems off uh is anyone going to tell them that the webcam is uh backwards no i'm not going to we're here you westwood barber and hair salon haircut for men women and children what's with the stretched images oh boy more white text on a bright yellow background wine poor vine cork i'm i'm utterly confused you know these images almost worked but then the boots had to block uh the rest of the image oh that's a pothole i gotta imagine whoever put this here must really hate bikers because whenever they ride over this they're definitely gonna break a bone hey kids come play with me cause if you don't i'll haunt your dreams introducing america's fall the destruction of america brought to you by sc johnson a family company a elk land old folk asked is this a nursing home is it a prison is it a school i don't want my kids going to old folks ass uh yeah man just put a balcony over that second floor but sir the balcony wouldn't even be accessible no no this is exactly how i wanted to be oh cool you got yourself a beach life golf cart no wait a second that doesn't say beach life that says life what does that even mean yeah bro i'm living the blair life it's stupid it's stupid it's so stupid but he who you are and not who the world wants you to be i think i did a good job reading that sewer cover on the bicycle track wide enough for the wheels to get stuck ooh that is that is a lawsuit waiting to happen for a second i was looking at this kid like why are they making that face but yeah if you're gonna hold the skates by the blades you're gonna make that face too like oh my hands are bleeding introducing the granny x in the blue arbol uh did i get the names right did i did i read them right that that's what i saw so yeah here are some references to help you identify where certain things are in japan we've got sumo wrestlers we've got the mountains and we've got oh god this is terrible these sandals with bottle openers at the bottom so you can walk in dirt all day and then open a beer bottle just hope you don't step in any dog poop oh what are you kidding about stepping in dog poop that adds to the flavor of the beer cock-a-doodle-doo the cow says moo [Laughter] is that creepy enough for you great good let's keep going look in to see the grand canyon tourists wait why would i want to see the tourists i want to see the grand canyon this walkway isn't made of bricks and slabs but poorly drawn bricks and slabs on concrete oh you weren't kidding about the poorly drawn this this is just awful you see i would like to read the ingredients but uh you know you know i can't see them so i guess next meme thanks for your crappy canned design matter of fact no that thing could have like all types of drugs in it like they could say 20 cocaine and you would have no idea this is like the biggest scam i've ever seen i don't know what this product is but if it means i get to poke through the eyes of whoever's modeling for this product sign me up oh what beautiful censorship just fool asterisk forex yeah just brilliant censorship wait what does that say ham ion well to be fair i didn't know ham could come in ions but yeah if you were trying to spell champion you you failed remember everyone stay original and change wait wait a second what do you want us to do stay original or change it's madness it's all madness this is the sit youth dreamers you darn right it is i think okay so this is just a big old bundle of words that you really don't want me to try and spell out what has really caught my attention is like the very first line it says up me up what is that supposed to say when i put my game cards in the game card case it can't close anymore well you took something that was mildly interesting and turned it into mildly infuriating congratulations you crappy designers i don't like this i don't like it one bit i can imagine going to this restaurant for the first time they'll just be like hey take a look at the menu i take a look at this monstrosity of a menu and just have a full-on panic attack like i can't read it i just can't it's too many colors too many fonts i just it's too much i'll just i'll just have the dirty black cherry chai why does that sound like this why does that sound like the name of some type of porn introducing the dirty black cherry chai all right that's enough tangents for me next meme a razor blade holder and a bottle opener not a bad way to slice your hand while cracking open a cold one can you imagine just going up to your significant other with a bloody hand like honey i cut my hand open using the razor blade slash bottle opener seriously harold you gotta get rid of that thing uh yes the famous company ryoup thank the creamery you is it supposed to say thank you the creamery i ah just get it out of my face oh they knew what they were doing what with the long tee and the [ __ ] cooper sneaky little people but we know you knew do you have hep c now get hep c i i mean cured nice try now you meant to say you get hep c twice welcome to stabby the barber we cut girls we cut men we even cut children he's stabby the barber he's gonna cut you up today is day a so even if this were to say today is a day that still wouldn't mean anything you could say that about any day in every sense of the phrase it's just a crappy design by took took chai right now dick me i refuse to believe that says click look at it closely that that that does not say click i thought it was dirty but it's just the design oh god what am i looking at here it looks like dried up cereal chunks are just embedded into the bowl just throw it away just get it out of the house to be womanly is always to be discouraged never what what is that supposed to mean oh goodness it looks like whenever hello kitty is filled with liquid you know it gets dispensed through the cup in a in a method that looks like peeing actually now that i think about it i bet there's a lot of people who'd want to buy this i mean all i'm saying is that there are a lot of creeps on the internet dr joe and burka ah doc your hand is not supposed to go there i mean really though this is a mess what is this a surprise prostate exam just yeah hey you should put a bumper sticker on your car i don't know maybe something about how much you like the beach oh i got a perfect idea i dog the seaside yeah it's perfect i love it beware dogs of thee you know you could actually fix a sign by just adding another word like if you added underworld to the end of the sentence it'd say beware dogs of the underworld which is something you should probably be aware of to come to an end don't is to create beginning uh i still don't get it this door handle attachment to combat coco 19 at the place i'm working hey guys instead of holding on to the door handle how about you just hold on to an extension which is essentially the same thing as holding on to the door handle i'm so smart i'm gonna get a promotion ah two door knobs touching nope i gotta treat these doorknobs like it's a middle school dance keep space in there for jesus frisky doorknobs oh god it's worse than i ever imagined crappy design and mildly infuriating coming together to attack us easy-peasians this is an outrage i tell you is that earbud massive or is that hand very small hmm that's uh that's a pretty good question what if and this is just a thought what if this is actually a speaker and it just looks like a giant earbud like you could imagine trying to put it in your own ear and it's just like and you immediately go deaf take it e-a-c-a wow and i thought we were the ones who didn't know how to spell easy well this is just perfect you can't see through the rear view window have fun crashing i guess wait a second no what are people supposed to do if there's a fire you try using the fire escape you're gonna have to still jump about two floors this is this is just awful oh it looks so good except for that one eye you know they just can't get it together what a shame this has got to be the weirdest bodyguard i've ever seen stop right there cynthia where do you think you're going fanta orange it's a classic iconic flavor inspiration in a bottle passion for life share every moment because embracing what makes you unique makes you cool thing ah shut up you're not even making sense hi welcome to the fart gym you know even if this had just said art gym what what the heck is an art gym what are you bench pressing mona lisa's i i'm just so confused you see if you have ocd i would totally recommend you don't use this bathroom it's just it's gonna make you so furious it makes me furious too i get it just just avoid this bathroom at all costs ah yes norway and finland are both located in africa canada is in south america italy is where canada should be and america is alaska perfect bam bam is that you what happened to you man it's so hard to say goodbye to you easter bunny santa claus and this one guy we will forget you god is ooh all the time oh god i didn't know you were so so frisky me and all the embarrassing things i said and did in my youth oh wait i'm supposed to read it like they wrote it okay me and all the i things embarrassing said and did youth in my nailed it welcome to harley's room no girls allowed see that's why punctuation is important you wanted to say no girls allowed but you ended up saying no girls are allowed specifically specifically only girls are allowed in my room which by the time you're a teenager might actually be a true cinnamon grape tea everyone look at it it says grape tea there's a g before the r i promise you that the bar on the door really changes the website now these guys can fix your gutter and provide protection for your gutters but the bar changes it to which is a porn site okay that's not true it's actually a competing company but that's still not better this plastic handle with a metal part is connected to the metal handle arms which is connected to the pan so i can't hold the handles looks like somebody didn't take a class on heat distribution because yeah you're just going to burn your hand if you try to grab that no imagine giving this plate to your kid here you go ho mom why would you say that about me okay so this is even worse imagine putting this up a sign that says there's no hoe like me please [Music] it's so awful that's like the worst thing i've seen today there's no hoe like me just just cut it off we're done wow people are really just failing today this is just this is a weird way to spell homo but you know what i'm down for it the imprint of commercial grade weakened the hose enough for a hole to easily occur huh talk about irony the one thing you brag about it being you know commercial grade up to par with the standards and whatnot and the one thing you use to brag about it is the one thing that weakens it to make it worse congratulations you played yourself hey hey hey everyone there's a huge kid sale on the fairgrounds friday saturday and probably not sunday because the fbi is going to shut us down but friday and saturday fifa 21 looks like a high schooler's class show and tell on their idol yep i i just looked it up that's the real cover and i'm just i don't i thought ea couldn't disappoint me anymore but they they managed to do it again help the toucan fly down the waterfall you know i would but the maze is rigged so that i can never get to the finish line sorry toucan looks like you're gonna have to drown you know for a sign that's supposed to say information their display is not very informative haha yes i'll put the nutrition facts on the inside of the label so that they'll have to drink it before they know what they're drinking by the way 30 of this coca-cola is urine enjoy movers usa please get us out of here hey hey quiet down you stupid family uh yeah movers usa where we don't kidnap people wait are these lego instructions 2x 66 67 what i can't make anything out of this this is a mess you know for a smartphone advertisement the marketing isn't that smart irony lives hot perfect but your nails can be is it supposed to say life's not perfect but your nails can be or is it supposed to say vibes not perfect but you're what what are you trying to say here man to people who love eat are always the best people oh you know what i think i know what you were trying to say you're trying to say to people who love to eat people are always the best people brought to you by cannibalism this map is so disorienting i don't even want to give it a lot of mental energy because i'll collapse on the floor i tell i will this bathroom mirror that completely blocks your face while standing in front of it not a problem for me i'm 5'5 i'm the height of a child so this can never affect me joke's on you tall people not interested in joining today well you can buy it now for the discounted price of zero dollars and zero cents now pay for the dang game we've got the mom the kid and the monster she married have fun at laser tag welcome to new jersey you know what this is a fitting place for new jersey a crappy design for a crappy place boom take that new jersey you just got easy peasy so many shoes only two feet oh sorry i read that wrong so many shoes two only feet oh that's it looks so much stupider now you know i don't think that this model is actually wearing the pants something tells me that the editor just kind of photoshopped the pants onto the model i don't know about this one how am i able to talk so high i gotta stop doing this proud to be paper free we've gone green and replaced paper towels with hand dryers thank you for your support like a wise and invisible man once said are you sure about that dixie di emilio's great photoshop oh would you look at that that beautiful photoshop there i love it my mario themed bath bomb makes it look like i'm bathing in pee yeah no that uh that definitely looks like pee ah the photo must be terrible quality i mean look at that logo oh wait what's that they printed the logo on all pixelated and messy is just so infuriating pokemon sword and pokemon shield yeah but that's smash so what are you doing here oh for the love of god let there not be a loose wire that'll turn this fun day at the lake into a complete massacre ah yeah i love this game it's pomon po home on gotta catch em all somebody clearly had a panic attack and just started putting tiles wherever they could because this is a mess whoa whoa coming on a little strong there dude i don't think you need half of what's on this picture it's just it's way too jumbled is it race week or raw keek i don't care what anybody says this is definitely raw geek yeah we did such a good job with handicapped parking just you know right up the ramp up oh you can't do that y'all dang it uh wow i hope you guys feel good about yourselves you're like oh we did this handicap parking thing and we're so nice and then then you block the ramp so yeah congratulations you played yourself all right guys here's our emergency evacuation plan got it good have fun surviving the fire rich is her last name but i read it keep the politician rich keep keep sonja wheeler rich yeah nope that's exactly what it looks like oh and they got their three r's relatable reliable and responsible is it just me like i really don't like it when people call themselves relatable it's like no you gotta have other people call you that like if somebody called themselves humble it'd be like no you're not humble somebody's gotta call you humble you don't get to it's a mess i don't like it you know why even put a road here if you're just gonna create obstacles for it there's no point this stove is roasting the wall oh no that is a fire that's waiting to happen i promise you that this rubik's cube on a book oh no it's not even a completed rubik's cube it's all messy i i don't like it miss you uncle miss you uncle engraved memorial stone buy any two and get a third one free geez how many uncles are you gonna have to kill before you get your money's worth like this is a terrible deal you can drink ice-cold pepper or drink ice-cold salt your choice a noob's phone looks like this while a pro's phone looks like this wait these these are the same graphs what are you trying to prove here introducing sand use your imagination to create more shapes handfuls of fun these babies look like they're having such a good time but they shouldn't have a good time because it's only allowed for people above the age of three and i'm gonna take a guess and say that these babies are not above the age of three oh man i love this game wait wait what did they do to the case oh my god this is ugly progressive is second place in their own ad that's right because company b is better than progressive this meme is brought to you by company b company b they're better than progressive guess what i thought these were when i walked into the bathroom their sinks oh yeah yeah that's a mistake waiting to happen yikes introducing eva puzzle maps look at the kids aren't they having so much fun if only they could have advertised an actual size well then again those kids might just be really really tiny yeah i'm gonna take a wild guess and assume that this toilet is uh it's gonna be clogged pretty often wishing you a very happy christmas i just wanna go home they couldn't get the kid to smile for the camera they're just like you know what he's crying just just take a picture send it to grandma she'll love it anyways let's see hot dog sausage hamburger veggie dog online ring what the heck is an online ring an onion ring with wi-fi i'll take your whole stock this marvel spider-man poster has no spider-man on it well of course there's no spider-man he just got outed by mysterio he's in hiding this cup that has a hole in the handle that spills liquid all over you if you're not paying attention oh that that right there why why would anybody design a cup like this it's so stupid are you ready kids no god no i'm not ready please just leave me alone i feel bad for the poor unfortunate soul that accidentally slips down the stairs and then hits a tree on the way down feels bad man feels bad oh gosh you know i've seen these statues like all over north carolina's restaurants and stuff but these these are definitely worn out like they should probably go into retirement oh just uneven stairs i love how each step depicted is a different height from one another yeah this is definitely a way for somebody to fall up the stairs i accidentally pressed the stop button on the bus several times because it's the same height as my leg well you must really be annoying the bus driver they're like gosh this guy wants to stop everywhere i got this as an ad and there's no animation it's just the static image download today this is a text wow do people really not care about the ads they put out anymore they're just like yeah you know people will download it maybe they will maybe they will i don't care that's so annoying maximum occupancy for this room is two well ikea if we're following your rules then the picture is already breaking the rules kid stops bully yeah i mean technically if you just murder the bully that's technically stopping a bully but then it also makes you a murderer yeah it seems like an even trade yeah this this picture is not going to make father time happy introducing introducing that's such a stupid slip up all right keep it going introducing tushy you know i wasn't quite convinced with this product not only because i don't know what it is but also because it looks a little weird until that is i saw grandma's smiling face like look at her she's just loving the ride this 21 day tracking stamp has only 18 days wait a second 3 6 9 12 15 18. oh come on how could somebody mess this up it should be so easy instead of this saying not without canadian beef farmers it instead says no without canadian beef farmers and that's what you get when you don't capitalize your letters correctly look i i don't know what show this is i don't know why david dobrik is like choking out this woman in the picture but but i want to watch this show the car volume is currently unavailable wouldn't it be terrible if this error occurred during like its highest max volume and you just couldn't turn it off it's like blasting music and you're like god shut up car volume is currently unavailable capcom took an image from ign for the box art for okami for the wii and left the watermark in it's kind of hard to see but they really could have just bought the photo and then put it in the game you know what i guess they don't care you know i look at this website and it just screams at me virus virus virus virus you're about to get a virus alright son say cheese mom i don't want to be a whale i don't care timmy say cheese ah yes pre wait what what here wha here yeah i don't think i'll be buying this merch i'm sorry just this ain't it hey uh which house do you live in oh you know the one that makes the neighbors angry oh no i stand corrected this is the one that makes the neighbors angry they basically just put windows wherever they want no regard for aesthetic the architect is basically oprah just like you get a window and you get a window everyone gets a window hey i know this road this is the road from the first cars movie you know the one where lightning mcqueen completely ruins the road yeah that one make your own bead tattoos look at mine mine's invisible color yeah good job taylor good job haha we meet again luckily for you i'm not even gonna try to read this not only because it's extraordinarily difficult but also because i don't want to fail trying next meme hey babe i got you this bear oh you shouldn't have what does it say wait you apostrophe are sweet yeah do you like it oh i hate it come back to me when you know how to spell all right so we got some nice sauces here looking pretty good pretty good uh however it would appear that all of them have zero percent sauce perfect hey um you got the time oh yeah it's just five just five that's it oh my good god uh actual size yeah i don't i don't think so i feel awful for anyone who doesn't like swallowing big pills oh i hope that is not a promotional image on like like a billboard or something that is disgusting oh wyoming has aids we are wyoming oh no oh the bear looks so happy you look so pleased with it oh that chair looks awful uh i i hate it but you can't deny that design rocks okay i'll see myself out okay i don't know what this graph is representing uh however it would appear that brazil is in the lead with three two million and america's uh below with 37.2 million uh no i i don't think that's how that works this is not a traffic circle as some people think it's similar to the one at fifth and clay well fifth and clay and this need to knot that is that is the worst oh rock sandals why are they so shiny and also look at the the black rock on the on the far right on each of them it like it arches how do you stand in those are you're not supposed to stand in those that yeah crappy design confirmed nothing says home like the smell of baking people who loves to eat are always the best people what i i don't even know how to read that correctly okay so say you're the guy who's building this right and you're looking at the plans and you or was that even in the plans why are there balconies on the top when you can't even get to them yeah crappy design will design print for you beer money fame will design for money print you beer fame uh i don't i don't want you designing anything for me okay what am i looking at so we got a bench which is like white in some areas brown and the others with actual crayons on it you're not supposed to actually sit on that are you like that's just like an art piece i hope i i don't i don't know ordered a phone charger from amazon and it came in this box all right well let's take a look yes uh my favorite quote from forrest gump you know my mom always said life a box is chocolate you never know what you're gonna get next that's what he said that's from the movie okay so this is braille on a scooter braille which is made for blind people on a scooter you know blind people's favorite activity riding scooters duh job seekers can use yahoo search to start their job hunt search for job posting sites uh that is a burglar breaking into a house you can't say that's anything else that's what that is ah good old santa barbara you can see the moon it's all beautiful the ocean and then the town is on fire everything's on fire please help oh god oh oh i i i to to the garbage and beyond with you yeah i i dislike this very much uh why is there a okay so not only does this bathtub have carpet on it but it's also not in a bathroom and it looks like a bed and it's like legit there's a shower head and everything i don't understand what the concept behind this was no i don't nope next oh i hate this even more why does that mattress of a face and why is it looking at me like that i'm moving on next ah everyone always asks what happens when you die come and find out come and find out sunday's 10 am made of june let's find out together pull it cartoon flush flush label png and clip our the toilet and wash your hands don't forget kids right so i don't understand what this is is okay so the seats on the bottom uh you got what like little blocks on the wall what are those i i don't understand sorry but if you want to scan this qr code you're going to have to remove that thing and if you remove that there's still going to be a hole through the qr code can confirm crappy design okay so either this is just a compass that's wrong or it's a very fancy way to spell news because if you look at it clockwise it's news no i'm just kidding it's it's just so ever made this was dumb oh i've got some cute little fruit magnets here well i got a question for you do you guys eat your corn with or without the peel teachers make kids apple aunt yeah you might want to make some revisions there oh this this hurts my head so you got it okay so it's supposed to spell dad but the d's are like backwards uh and it doesn't help if you look at upside down because then the a is upside down and i'm gonna move on one day day two three days four days except for spelt like a full word five days with just the number five the sixth the seventh the eighth the ninth the tenth eleventh no thus we got rid of the thus uh twelfth the thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth day sixteenth seventeenth day the nineteenth the twentieth this is more confusing to read than the fast and furious titles chronologically hey yeah diaz leather um so your stairs when they go up there's no railing at the top and uh correct me if i'm wrong but they're not going anywhere they're just touching the ceiling what the heck is this oh boy more stairs okay so if you exit from the top of the roof you go down the stairs where does it go is there a secret entrance we can't see uh you can't you can't go from the bottom up that's for sure my head hurts okay i'm gonna give whoever made this the benefit of the doubt and say that they were trying to make palm trees but those don't look like palm trees do not press okay please do not press the ok button and log into windows while bulb 64 installation is running the windows logon screen will appear automatically when the installation is complete is this some kind of some kind of cruel test what are you trying to do here bill gates oh no her face it's just been chopped in half and look look at the guy he's just been cut right down the middle that is a not good design oh my god this is like something out of the shining it's like that is very confusing and also hurts my eyes uh i don't want to look at it anymore riddle me this uh is this a guide on how to get around a hotel or an eye doctor test close one eye tell me what you see eat sloop it looks like it's a sloop eat sloop travel repeat yeah no not not a good design i feel sorry for the janitor here who has to clean up all the water from that damn sink hmm yeah so that that cabinet seems to be getting in the way a little bit uh i can definitely say i'm not a fan of this design i'm sorry ah yes the family advocacy program fap no in case of fire leave the fire area i mean is this a crappy design it's not the worst advice you could give oh oh no what doesn't help is that wood on the side says dry yeah this is a disaster waiting to happen we need to get that fire sign on this thing oh man these these are the best seats in the house i mean look at that you see everything okay so uh maybe some uh 2d characters shouldn't be brought to 3d you know ladies please note you are standing on a glass floor and guests can see up from below yikes yeah that's definitely yeah she definitely should not have worn that dress today ah spot the difference i sure can't can you america the huffle what sorry what the the yeah the huffle okay see the sound hear the color no that's not how that works okay what happened here there's like is that a red light thing i'm trying i'm literally i cannot tell what this is uh what happened to the wall why is it burnt oh my god it's a gremlin stop looking at me like that hell lemon hell from this point forward it's just lemon hell oh maker what is homemaker and why is it using the spiderman font from the first movie oh my god i've never seen this technique used before they must be a master artist hmm okay so what are those yellow squares and why are they just randomly like put okay so you got those like blue beams on the top left and there's like the squares in between them but there's one missing on the last one and they also just suddenly stop and then there's the windows with the yellow squares under them and these benches are spread out my head hurts i want to move on let's go oh my god those are those manhole covers why are there so many of them okay so we have this nice little area for you to sunbae that uh you know on a hot day uh you should lay on these leather seats oh my dear god i hope that's like like a floor that's had its carpet removed and it's not like an actual carpet design because that is disgusting and awful looking i hate it ah yes every good stall should have a clear door on the side so you can just so you can make sure what's going on in there you don't want anything uh suspicious happening not only are those lights not nice looking but they're also hung from ropes that look like nooses and what's the deal with the ceiling why is there like weird triangle patterns next stay back 600 inches 600 inches exactly or else bad stuff's gonna happen why is the laundry machine at the top what is it on that does not look safe oh yeah just a beautiful loving family i don't i don't like this oh my god those are some big ear buds jesus christ it's like those are headbutts well you know what they say late better never then uh late never better than and that ladies and gentlemen is why you should not skip leg day or else they'll just shrink oh don't tell me that's final like like i hope this is like still in construction because one those stairs look awful and two there's like no flooring on the top i but there's like shoes and stuff at the bottom so it's like people are living there already i fear for this house magic in the making restrooms yup there sure is magic that happens in there medical malpractice it's the only thing we do that's not good hey fellas you ever want to see your ding-dong while you're taking a wii well there you go this image gives me a fight or flight response not only is it does it look like she has a very long arm but that hand is not the same color as her skin this image also gives me a fight or flight response and i want to move on no consent why is there a heart there no no we put the s in comfort wrong easy open uh no i'd probably give that a medium open oh my god what kind of sick drift you have to pull off to get into that parking spot good god are those polar bears why do they look like that and why are they oh that cup that's um i don't i don't want any of that in my cup that penguin that that doesn't look that's not right those eyes are very low hmm our slash crappy designs are r slash bad photoshop you decide oh philosoraptor come on why why are you doing that why are you standing on you're standing on it not in it is like frozen i don't know i don't want to know how that happened that is not in any way shape or form mickey mouse do not like it and we're moving on right now hey teach um you kind of got a light in front of the projector that yeah no oh uh that wall nope that just paint over it right now get rid of it i had a knife with a red plastic sheath and a red blade nice and sharp too one day i was cooking grab the knife out of the drawer and pulled the sheath off except it wasn't in the sheath uh the red i saw in my peripheral vision had been the blade itself slice my hand open real good oof can you say a lawsuit on your birthday you can get away with doing anything like making this crappy design and having it be approved sample text what is this a is this a suitcase is it birthday present wrapping no it that how did that get approved so i see that the red text on all the different environments is hard to read but what i want to know is why is the s in suitable red that's what i want to know let's see here which atomic model is depicted by the image below the root of remodeled easy just yeah just mouse over it duh idiot uh shrek and donkey are really looking the same ever since they stopped making shrek movies hey does not have carpet on it uh bad design yeah confirmed oh my god yeah so like switch games are you know 60 they're just as much as a disc uh like but you have that little tiny cartridge and all of that case no booklet and you also have a very meh design oh it's my favorite cartoon characters spongebob and gary question mark i would have got here a spray bottle okay screwing it on tight gotta really make sure it doesn't uh come apart and he's going and there it goes nice yeah i see the problem here there's a sprinklers under the bench crabby design the lid is like strangling the straw someone please help it alright so we have a path uh here on the right which goes to the building whatever that is and uh on the left you have plant just plant includes pocket pop not actual size well damn right it's not the actual side it's a little tiny tiny bit smaller over here either way i kind of like this oppa it's pretty cute bad for a barber shop in switzerland how would you like the haircuts i'm too busy gaming bro dude's legit holding a ps4 controller adobe just updated most of its apps to be all the same color i use adobe flash and adobe animate or whatever you want to call them now and every time i open them this bothers me this isn't just this bottle either i legit saw like eight out of 15 gator eggs in my local dollar store with this exact problem and that sucks for you serena williams ah uh anal oh it's anal welcome girl comes come join me at anal magazine it should be asso but the o should be the heart but heart care news i.t ah it's so it's so great that you care for my butt so much my bathroom door no locks and the only door in the house with a window that's kind of funny i live in a house with no lock on my bathroom either and i live with two other people so you know a lot of people see me pooping so i know your pain this right here is how you slip and die in a bathroom and i had a bathroom just like this once and it sucks cloth pilling machine battery requirements uh it may be piling i don't remember but this is to get rid of the fuzzies on your clothes am i the only one who thinks it's really fun to like run these over your hand it feels really weird but yeah that's a bad design you need a big battery and a little battery oh yeah that right there is gonna be a lot of fun just uh taking that kid out straight with a bowling ball to the head who needs to have a birthday party when you have had trauma ah yeah your shoe's untied you're throwing more than one ball how exactly did you throw that third ball there bud oh no he probably used his penis you know when i rented my apartment here they said the view was one of a kind it really is one of a kind of the back of the billboard i'll pay you a wow price for your car i want to buy your baby i mean some people's cars are their babies like my 97 honda accord which is clean but uh yeah don't say you want to buy that cat selfie what's wrong oh it's covering up the camera otherwise this is a pretty good idea but that cat's just like don't take my photo lisa ah buzzfeed going downhill since the try guys walked away and took their intellectual property with them the material on the mesh back of the chair is abrasive so it acts like a cheese crater and wears down my shirts dude that's really gotta suck look at the piling up of his damn shirt fabric that sucks dude okay you got some nice uh cigarette curtains there i guess if you wanted cancer that's one way to do it this useless clock at a german train station where the hands don't light up but the hours do hey man you'll see what time it is when the uh hands are covering the hours i guess hey sensa i got a little hint there for you maybe use some different colors than different shades of blue and it'd be a little bit easier to tell making a difference um yeah i bet you are sure you are i love that the quotes are there because just reinforce my thoughts about you oh sweet i'm pretty sure this is a bts cup and i totally want one for 25.25 it's totally not cursed at all looks like uh the girl from splice look it up i'm serious before after you become white the perfect color no no no no it's just bad photoshop this guy's either humping half a circle or he's got a real big wiener that he likes to wrap around notice to occupants of flats coronavirus curved 19 precautions to help with social distancing please walk on the right hand side of the stairs going up and walk on the left hand side of the stairs coming down thank you yeah you see there's a little bit of a problem there bud when you're going up right is on your ride when you're going down your left is actually the right you went up with your dreams come true come true your dreams come dreams true damn it ah this right here is my favorite holiday east tet with the east hat bunny who brings you easted eggs one way trail do not enter enter here it's a trip to nowhere except for death hello i do construction i am human what you talk about all right there's a lot going on in this photo that i don't want to unwrap so i'm just gonna skip on to the next one ah our customers will never use our fan on a hot night so let's put bright freaking led indicators on it that can't be turned off i had to put on electric tape over them or they'll light up the entire room now you could use a sharpie that probably would have worked too but yeah bad fan design chocolate delight naturally flavored with other natural flavors i love me some natural flavors and other naturally flavored what's going on here what's going on here this photo gives me a stroke f mine freak my life god bless america that's america's story right there dinosaur century all right then there you could just slide him out if you bend his dorsal fin a little bit more okay it's kind of cool uh fnaf art fat freddy's fazbears pizza art whatever you want to call it but uh the blanket's eating the kid's arms alive it's eating his arms alive look his arms are just being swallowed by the blanket run kid deseleccia friendly beating equality no you were not dyslexia friendly i can't read it and i'm not dyslexic at least i hope i'm not six sigma training showing process with gears that don't mesh with each other but they're meshing they're meshing they're meshing perfectly fine thanks a lot training video it's a gert ah yes i've always wanted to have a gert forget a boy or a girl but a gert is my way to go this bottle of hand sanitizer is made of hard plastic so it's nearly impossible to get the gel out hey man they're just helping you out now no one can steal it because of the uh shortness because of that cough cough sniffle sniffle oh no the last of the panda bears killed himself when he saw what humanity had done legally why i don't even need to read it what's wrong that plane don't belong in world war two there bud a-10 warthog first produced in 1972 pictured on a book about world war ii it's just so bad it doesn't look right and for a clear ice maker that shows people drinking with cloudy eyes ah yes perfect perfect perfect poor semen that's the jacket i want right there baby open that bad boy up never zip it and be like yeah that's right i got some horse semen on me you know what's even greater for me about this i did the actual voice over for one of the characters in this game and this is what the freaking merch looks like okay i appreciate that but if you're not like five feet five nine you're not reaching those things and i know a lot of people on so they're staying dirty is this uh is this a button some former dryer vent why is this here why do you gotta screw with my ocd like that this light is impossible to clean and ugly as heck it is not ugly as heck it just looks like your uh your light fixture vomited up four or five eyeballs at once like i will light the room baby born o love you da riddlin that that's a sign for the ages right there i'm buying this shirt face mask with smiley face that is made of non-breathable material right over the mouth making it impossible to breathe well at least you'll look happy when you suffocate to death did uh did you spill some paint on your blankets or is that just the design i can't tell over here measuring spoons and cuffs labeled with ink that washes off the first time they come in contact with water boy that really sucks hey at least a one spoon is still good and the one-third spoon yeah you're still good text cook mex tales ah delicious i love some tex [ __ ] mex tales i read this tax cut thanks tex [ __ ] milf moro islamic liberation front hey there hey there uh moro islamic liberation front i got some news for you that actually means mother i'd like to be friends with even though befriend doesn't start with f i'm just gonna say it is cause youtube oh cool shoots and ladders and now they're snakes and ladders um there's a lot going on that uh that makes this game look very hard to play netflix had to ruin the nice cover art not a sticker blood of the elves such coolness until you see netflix and netflix original series is this on netflix so far what is it why'd you have to ruin the art netflix just like you ruin every live action anime adaptation i'm not gonna lie i kind of like this clock i hope the times are correct but if if they are which i'm not a hundred percent accurate with roman numerals i'd buy it i'd buy it still pretty cool you you have to open your other eye no he doesn't it is his eye it is his eye i am a monster do not disturb i'm playing ortnite ah yes i love my socks that say do not disturb i'm playing ortnite perfect for my footsteth hello i am sponge star and i am patrick bob kill us wanted to charge my apple pencil while on the go hey this isn't bad design and it's adding mugging to it you got a nice shank right there like oh you want to take my wallet yeah i take my apple pen i never understood there are so many colors in the freaking rainbow in the color spectrum why do you only use like three every time you people make pie graphs there's plenty more colors jesus christ pokemon pikachu's got three eyes pika pika kill me you know my clothes only counts in two things horseshoes and hand grenades not infrastructure do it over and fix it damn it if the water's not gonna get in there it's gonna cause erosion problems damn it ah this right here this actually a smart design because then you never have to clean those plates for the family dinners yeah it's part of the design over here gotta catch em all pooker mons okay all jokes aside this is probably some family who doesn't exactly understand pokemon but still supports their kid love for it and probably can't afford like a super nice cake from walmart or like wherever you get custom cakes made so i really appreciate this 10 out of 10. found a ghost dog while looking for dog pools also this pool is supposed to have a diameter of 160 centimeters 63 inches yeah yeah that's a ghost doggo all right hello can i hunt your dreams with cuddles yeah yeah that's one scary-looking six-year-old nothing else when it rains too hard the water pours down over the sheltered pathway this happened in my school and i have a feeling this is my old school because it had the exact same green tin and this exact issue happened and it sucked and they never fixed it ah this right here is the perfect handicap ramp they don't need to get inside you make them work for you they really gotta fight to get over under those bars i've accidentally hit these buttons with my sausage fingers so many times and i hate that i can't customize them well sucks for you coronavirus restrictions are very generous now only 63 customers allowed in the shop at a time ah it's a bookstore see they're trying to say you can all come in there because they're probably going out of business ah yes when you want your music to fight itself hit this button non-scratch this product may scratch oh you don't say damn girl looks like not only you pooped your pants but you pooped up onto the back of your shirt too you got all that cake but really it's a real messy chocolate cake now a shower designed to be hard to stand in as possible it looks really cool and i really like the design but that rock is gonna be slippery as hell when it's wet ah yes you take the road to the right then you go straight then you go back right again then you go down and you start over where you began damn girl that waist trainer not only gave you a man's stomach but a change your skin tone i'll take one right away along with whatever's giving you that cleavage okay skip skip back all right then all right then maybe just switch the two buttons and there you go it's a good design man that's gonna be one rough slide and some kids are gonna find out they like butt stuff pretty early on and yes i know this is meant to be climbed up let's face it some kid's gonna go to slide down it and realize they like butt stuff train your brain [Music] i don't want to be this guy but this doesn't work yes it is me lightning mcqueen kachuga kachuga i'll learn to race from the delaware bumblebee [Music] thank you for the m.c escher-esque stairs thank you so much ah here we go again with some useless mc asher stairs over here thank you watch your step while you're riding your wheelchair and defying gravity a disabled toilet and shower with a step hey man some of those things should be all terrain vehicles is all i'm saying uh what a great stop sign st ah speed trap i see what it really is island bells that's a pretty dope street name though this possible subway map for the world looks worse if you look at the labels uh yeah yeah it does because i can't read a single thing going on here this four dollar swan pool float from the dollar store i actually kind of want to buy this just because it's messed up but i'm pretty sure you can fix this if you roll the tube 180 would that fix it i think it would i don't know i don't have it so i can't tell you a light switch inside the shower ah that's totally safe totally not going to get shocked to death or nothing oh yes exactly what i need when i'm sitting down to pull reach up as high as possible and hope not to get poop on seat while reaching for putt paper you can see the men's bathroom through the mia from the outside oh you're going to be seeing some people doing some pps and some poo poos your one stop do shop die shop i don't know i get i get it it's artistic but it's bad there's more to prime a truck owed more ah thanks amazon doing a great job making 28 million dollars a day during lockdown so now i need a guy cutter to not kill turtles with bottle rings jesus man are they trying to kill every sea turtle on the freaking planet over here huh guess you shouldn't have cheaped out on the uh book printer slash publisher there because uh you can't exactly play the video damn it audio ttx volume volume switch them switch them switch them jesus i have the same remote and just switch them ah cool you got the lavar burden beats if you don't get that joke he's the guy from star trek who wore the visors over his eyes well oh me yeah i get it beach life whatever but uh the starfish is not the equivalent of a sea ah dude sick i can't wait to play my wii and kill some people in fortnite that makes sense and uh it was this day the property value went down about a hundred grand okay then that is a badly designed system you got going on there i love how the sun just goes directly into the window too worked on your out on your term your terms work yes yes they do x-men weapon x i am the wolverine no i did not hit my head i get it out of the antenna thing uh this looks like target add for shipping add to cart ad for delivery what's the difference can you escape the 100 room x but the the icon says 50 rooms and then there's a 10 at the bottom right what does this mean ever wanted to see the difference between 144 hertz and 90 hertz there you go that oh god not only is this a crappy design for uh an elevator but um that's that's just nasty i can't win in africa that's uh that's not africa african wildlife family at the jungle pool full image on side of box so this isn't the full image ah my favorite spot to go to a nails press allow to verify that you are not a robot to wants to send you notifications no thanks wait okay so this kid's looking at the the the woman on his phone but it's on the other side wrestlemania watch end time on demand the ap's infographics against the dark themed background oh uh yeah that's not very good astonishing a real pooping human wha what all these reviews say they want to return it what even is this what's once upon a time that's that's what they say in the beginning what avid gamers could look like in 20 years researchers made a model that depicts what avid gamers would look like in 20 years if they kept up with their daily habits the hunched model has pale skin bloodshot eyes swollen ankles from lack of movement and an indented skull from headphones uh i don't know about this one wait okay for one that box doesn't look like it's actually in their hands in two baking vitamins you just bake vitamins into whatever you're making balobaby can be read as unintended baby in french an online french child care store uh oh this basketball hoop with a gravel court at a skate park that's not very good for bouncing the ball oh god why does ugh no this doesn't this does not look good at all learn from the star the best bowling physics ever real time multiplayer yeah this is definitely the most realistic bowling game ever made look at that look at that detail look at that look at that head and how it's so much bigger than the body oh i don't like this thing i i don't even know what it's supposed to be but i can already tell you i don't like it at all oh what happened to its eyes oh poor doggo youtube twitch myra box uh i don't think this is how it works i don't think that's how streaming works catfish a young photographer becomes involved with a gifted eight-year-old artist's family until he realizes something's not quite right i'll tell you what's not quite right um why is the mouth facing us but the eyes are looking to the right huh oh she looks like she's suffering what mom what are you making you read come on hmm i don't think cleveland's in the right state here hmm clues clues america's hunger problem more than one in eight people in over half of the u.s counties don't have adequate food uh more than one in eight ten percent to twelve point five percent and less than one in ten this okay i get it i get what you're trying to show but come on that's a lot of counties ah don't worry uh our ear camera cleaner thing is compatible with these devices are you ready to be horrified uh oh count down i i mean at least i eventually got what they were trying to go for but i'm already horrified by this this poster design girls who think about pizza the most or boys wait what girls who thinks thinks about pizza boys or the i don't know why is the cupboard above the stairs this doesn't make any sense how do you get up there you got to get a ladder out every time you want to put some up just don't put anything up there easy city commons parking uh zero to one hour 300 bucks each additional hour 300 daily max 20 20 lost ticket 20 entry after 5 pm 14 oh oh wait there's a period there okay i was gonna say hold on wait 300 for an hour of parking what this amazing piece of user interface at my dentistry office oh my god what is with those oh at the bottom the well just all over actually the letters why how to tell when a slot is close to hitting a jackpot uh those aren't the same image that's not that zoomed in dollar tree where everything's zero zero dot one dollar so ascent the elevator button's in my apartment building what hold on what you got g two three four five six seven oh entrance not an entrance all right well which one is it then oh you gotta love when things are printed like this and oh what happened to their faces sorry an error has occurred please try again but there's a check mark next to it is that supposed to happen on god family for all mine i'll lay yours what i don't even know these are all supposed to say it doesn't matter if you are a woman or child who this this is awful i can't even tell what it's supposed to be wish stop met evil battalion in the winkles then dagged the top fifty to ninety percent court engine op vers ending swipe up to view app details no thanks food aid dropped into afghanistan was the same color as the cluster bombs oh no during this time of stay at home we ask our parish family to support our advertisers as often as we can those small businesses make our bulletin possible funeral homes inc now occupying furnished models portland to worman week over week change in consumer spending by platform doordash grubhub ubereats yeah this this is confusing as hell ridiculously expensive tommy bahama glasses self scratching ooh uh al cool get out cool gel 70. this does this looks like water if i if i was dying of thirst and i saw this i would start chugging it happy hunting eat happy eat hell spring hell flower spring more homeless hate we are support home services here together okay hmm hv's looking a little uh hiv instant pot seven in one multi-use programmable pressure cooker why is the o like that invisible door oh god i want to see like security camera footage of everyone who's bumped into that this is pretty awful why would you put i get it okay you know maybe you want a speaker for your phone maybe you don't want it to be bluetooth well this is not the way to go okay also the the jack on the old iphone is not in the dead center middle of the bottom of the phone so this is this is bad died jesus for you 24 7. okay this is a tv mount like a like an adjustable mount why would you need the tv to rotate like that you're not driving just if you're drive driving distracted wait you're not driving if you're driving distracted just drive okay i i see now but i did not read it like that the first time white star power oh no engraved cat photo keychain that is not a cat that is a dog crack decode what uh oh come on why would you this is this is one of those situations where it's like what was there first the power line or the or the path did they take out a part part of the path to put the power line there i doubt it i'm going to assume the power line was there and they started the path we're just like you know what screw we can just leave the power line there and just go around and continue it stupid oh it's a track pad on a laptop but it's missing do does it have clickers surely it has clickers right laugh watch free right now addict stand up comedy robin williams well he's not alive anymore veterans film funny sad heartwarming recovery film ptsd trauma colonic hydrotherapy machine what i've never heard of one of those oh no don't tell me that's a door that hits the light every time it opens awful pizza town is that what it's it looks like it says lisa lounge i mean i get it you know it's a pizza cutter on top but guys you might want to might want to redesign this one uh i i think the thing that's a crappy design here is the the fact that the compass has an n in the middle but you know a compass has more than just north right women maximum occupancy 146 men maximum occupancy 54. hey wait a second the uh that logo looks like the snapchat logo was that on purpose we're trying to get some we're trying to get some eyes some clicks all right no alcohol be yo and this paw no alcohol on this point i i get it wait a second you can share via facebook or via gmail but they're swapped um hmm guys no entry entrance only which one is it though you know i really do want to complete this frog but there's no k what the hell is this what okay hold on what's wrong with her nose first thing oh god these are these are awful the big the word collage images stupid uh that's that is not a 90 degree angle sorry but that's just not that's just not what that is the fact i have to scroll through every postal code is infuriating oh god yeah that's uh that would that would tick me off oh that's a that okay yep that's a bad oven design come on why would you make the dial look like that that is so inconsistent why is the paper towel thing so low put it like higher up where people can actually reach ah yes make the kitty toilet piss colored great pizza pizza that's i mean at least it tells you what's there right american airlines oh that's a that's a usb but the wing it keeps another usb from getting plug that's stupid oh what happened to this why are plants where a path should be who did this would be an easy thing to fix too i mean come on guys search result for playstation pants on amazon uh for one that's not playstation and two those are shoes inflatable swimming pool kid you have inflatable kids i maybe maybe make it um inflatable kids swimming pool i think that's what you're looking for fellas this anti-drinking poster at my office that just looks like a menu and makes me want to drink yeah yeah that does not look like an antique drinking poster scan with your phone or visit for planning instructions you can't even scan that qr code that's why they have a white background ah yes put the recipe on the inside of the cup great thinking fellas you know there's a lot of things in life i do not enjoy um but bathrooms with carpet that is a very big one uh that's this is russian comic sans amazing tallest celebs ranked i don't think i don't think that's how that works modern wall lamp that is a very big wall lamp select call by the art the artist the art i my brain hurts trying to comprehend this shiddur shadow okay uh i don't know about this pants design fellas that doesn't look very stylish at all you'd be better off with just the white pants all right oh man look at all these apps and notifications incoming call oh i don't i don't like that spongebob bouncy castle um i'm i'm i'm all right stems and soul solutions transformers transformational life coaching i can't even hardly read this this is this is definitely a bad design oh why is it so hard to just make elevator buttons that make sense it's really not that hard tennis training tool tennis trainer rebound single tennis racket trainer huh uh hey kid i don't know if the photographer told you this but you're uh you're holding that backwards oh i'm not a fan of this this is uh that is not tom's the tank engine that is uh an imposter a scary one at that uh why did they mark saved as red and lost as green that kind of gives uh the wrong message right you know you think the saved would be the green because it's good right share vote find out who's like you to me we me too hmm not me me we me wait a second that pouch doesn't even fit the paper properly what's the point then we open our come on guys we are open in in in order this ad looks like an optical illusion like this stands the right one is behind the left one but it doesn't make sense at all w he nifo und the one my heart loves what where when i found the one my heart loves i think i cracked the code guys watching is that what it's what is that what i'm supposed to say things are starting to look up wait a minute what's up with that guy's hand and why is it so big your turn hears more this is who designs these i want to know church yielding for jesus oh god giving for jesus loving for jesus church what all right well i've got a headache now that thankfully brings us to the end of our slash crabby design thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to that subscribe button and the bells to get notified when easy peasy uploads and until the next one i'll see you around [Music]
Channel: EzPz
Views: 570,169
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Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories
Id: 09hjpmmzruU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 34sec (4594 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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