YOU Ruin Pokemon Snap

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just some a delectable fruit to others live ammunition these don't hurt not the way i throw them [Music] picture pizzu come back here it's all run for me my name is trash tweedom i come from cloudlet town and my goal is to get on trending so i gave the live stream viewers a goal photoshop my photos however you like and tweak them out best one goes up on the fridge let's ruin this game pretty can't wait to throw an apple through that window greetings hello she's got a stare on her pod yeah that's a car don't get a scratch on it if you bang it up i'll poke him on snap your neck oh good luck you got this wait did you set it to slow mode no why i just get beamed off into the sun it dies on impact it just collapses crushes my spine pidgeou come here pidgeo pichu i don't take a photo of his butt that feels weird i take it back i think it's funny if i do this stop giving me these shots we shouldn't give you this camera is this where the magikarp dies spoilers by the way it's gonna die i know it kill the magikarp kill the magikarp i need likes on twitter no one's gonna come and kill this magikarp that's a free meal you stupid birds oh oh hello y'all work it work it move it hold it shake it pop it twist it pull it welcome back i had a good time i'm sure i was getting a live feed of your camera as you were looking around you have a fetish or something these are some strange photos wait where where's the bit of yeah that's the one yo check out these nuts what i can't submit the nuts why professor look at the nuts i don't i don't care about pokemon it's a good photo all right chat these are the photos for you to work from go crazy i want to be disgusted i'll review your photoshops at the end of the next segment [Music] next the target oh yeah right i have a scan now what i have a scan sign what's this for the the nuts now you want to see the nuts what's wrong with you i'm not in the mood now professor pick your battles wait that's when the birds come by don't gaslight me i notice when the birds come by [Music] i know it i hate this game oh that's a good photo again good yeah that was fun are you doing anything what do you do do you just watch me on my trip and laugh i bet you just take my hard-earned photos and post it on social media yourself you're a parasite nice work that's a two star have you ever seen a photo in your life okay trash tweet em time put your photoshops in the bag this one just might go up on the fridge anyway it's sometimes it's the simple things what is that oh that one's clever and hey if you're not subscribed already 56 of you have the ability to punch that tail in the face and also to subscribe i mean that was a little bit of a violent turn oh look at him dead he definitely just hit his head on the wall at night oh yes did it turn on a flash so i can disturb them in their natural environments oh it's scorpio look at me look at me oh i got that fire set that's a sick photo 10 000 likes on twitter look at me look at me again look at me again don't wait for me don't run for me that bit of gold where'd he go did he run into a rock and die oh buffalo 7 000 likes 20 000 likes canopy oh pincer don't you kill the caterpie caterpie stay safe oh i love you i love you i love you whoa tortura god i can't wait to throw apples at things sassy moody nasty 30 000 likes 40 000 likes yes work it love it move it move it move it you're going to be run over now oh my god never stop working it never stop working it they make it look easy they make it look effortless this better be a three that's a one star you're giving this a one star what's wrong with you he's never seen a good photo in his life but he gave this a two star oh i'm so sorry dude i'm still mad about this one that's the best that should be on like the title card for this game and the star rating is decided by what action the pokemon is doing what so getting a sleeping photo it is just not good oh man guys i just found the worst website look at these terrible photo awful photo who would even want to take a photo like that if i were to tweet this it would it would get too it would get minus likes i would owe twitter likes what's wrong with the photographer for even thinking someone would smile looking at these other things i might like oh i'm sorry you critiquing my taste in photos 15 pictures that'll make you feel better if you have no taste that's a two star why is that two stars take a pic of them posing at the center of the camera that score bunny one was like ideal like bring out your protractor that thing was one to one in the middle you guys got some great ones going here wow this one's striking you killed the vadoof in this one oh no it's a bikini i thought that was bled to be blood never mind cow that one's stunting no no why you ignore mine i don't dare you fail though i will destroy you if you wanted to how about this one i call it bold and brash what oh my god that's an angry tale oh oh what the heck someone on twitter just said pokemon tweeted your photo and i was confused pokemon literally tweeted i'm so angry look at this look at this look at these look at these people hypocrites one star right taking a better photo next time i don't know what to say they should just try tweeting better photos who who hired them disgracing that twitter account am i salty actually a little yes an aluminum pokemon i didn't see anything weird i saw the nuts you want to see the nuts now a luminous spot oh do you see or hear anything are you yeah i see a really ugly face and hear an even uglier voice i don't i don't oh sorry you meant around you made it outside the car my bad my bad oh no the flowers get out of there it's poison smog wow what a cute here we go nope it's moving too quickly it's got to stop moving oh look at this grass it's actually a beautiful photo oh one star photo one star photo one star photo sorry he has his eyes closed it could be sleeping one star chad brings up a good point this is a grass-type pokemon eating grass should we be concerned about that oh bad photo it's sleeping could be sleeping might as well give it a zero star just to make sure look at it go oh my god this thing's hefty and off it goes off it goes no the energy reading is gone too did it die is it not just moving away it's just straight up gone was there not ground off of that cliff from what it should jumped who started to start is there not a what does this not count i'm so troubled by this game this photo isn't even allowed to be submitted i think i was joking about how you should give this one a zero star just in case it was sleeping i didn't think they would actually do it don't laugh at me don't laugh at me dude no one tell this professor to look up at the night sky he might be startled when he sees more than two stars in it let's just get let's make sure we get a two star photo in there you know really submit something quality what are these you guys have such weird photos see now that we've taken a little bit of time the really good ones start coming out adorable i'm a fan oh i want to do some different you do be sleeping oh is sleeping i'm sorry one photo one star yikes bad bad bad try making me awake next time absolutely disgusting oh what the heck thank you thank you for this this little guy up here a little bunny camera it's perfect when the photo is only one star despite being a banger it was a banger what this was beautiful the sonic edit keeping it low quality with the movement and the feet this one's this one's hides here can i use this one for the video when i bring up them eating me that'd be really funny i hate you all no no oh yeah there we go now that's a good photo beautiful job people beautiful job let's keep going i have something for you that will come in handy oh baby yes just some a delectable fruit to others live ammunition it's called a flat fruit no it's called a bludgeoning weapon come on a little bit higher a little bit higher but these won't hurt it'll be fine these don't hurt not the way i throw them [Music] does it not hurt he definitely looks like he took some pain from this some pokemon might not be interested please stop the assault all right all right that's enough practice stop finally the playthrough can truly begin you have an idea okay i have an apple punk hey did you teach him well yeah bunk she's sweating professor we should have given him the apples research level i guess we're up to level two now now the pokemon attack you take photos of them as they bite off your arms pidgeo pichu p shoe come back here it's all run for me hey buddy don't smile oh get him whoa what was that mogan has dive bombed me like the forest is in danger we need to stop this invader i never get good photos of them look at the birds like hollering who living carefree lives until assaulted by fruit long shot nope oh god got the flick shot friends i bet that one turned out great well hey there buddy oh yeah oh he's angry he's angry retreat is this a photo of a pichu where's the pichu did he get turned into an apple this corpse plopped down onto the dirt as a fruit is it time for some more trash tweet them oh no oh god no i don't want to be a sandwich oh cover girl man get featured today on the fridge strong clashes it's beautiful you sleep though storming in oh what the heck i'm just gonna keep on scrolling you guys are ruining this game and i love it shockingly well done now you want to see the nuts professor come on man just throw me a bone please photo photo photo photo oh no they're sleeping bad photo wake up wake up and give me clout i'll tuck you in don't worry pichu sorry if you guys are getting like whiplash trying to keep track with my adhd camera by the way oh better make this shot better gonna raise the star count somehow buddy yeah there we go perfect don't let him sleep don't let him sleep if he sleeps i lose clout two star so you look look it's literally like we have like a control variable we have one where they're sleeping and it's a one star and the one where i've bothered them i have disturbed them like like an invasive species he wants me to punch the animals i don't know what else to say this is really a three star this is a three star buddy that's a that's a blade of grass well look who it is todd who is it todd todd hey professor it's been a while no wait a second no way they did bring him back yo let's go what apple you bring what i asked you to you have more apples yeah i remember back in my day i went through those things faster than a horse hey huh what back off kid get your own no what the hell are you are you like a pokemon dude this kid's all acting all high and mighty but what will he say after losing an eye to an apple where are you wait a second you guys are amazing you guys are so good all right hashtag trash tweeting what we got what a beautiful moon out tonight babe what is this oh is that that's an apple that's clever that's a clever edit badoof was tired of the mockingbird took matters into his own hands no my apple throwing arm i need that luckily i have another and also two feet i will not be stopped whoa this is worthless it's a great photo i'm still troubled by the way i should mention for the last like 30 minutes i've been hearing my switch fan going if you drop my switch fan into lava it would cool over into obsidian instantly oh bella bellus lava where am i going here [Music] oh oh a nice new area that i can invade with apples get her oh what what what that was like a trick shot i want to see a whooper that's i just want to see a whooper wait wait let me take a photo let me take a photo of a whooper please stop it that's bad for the environment what the heck oh i can see the sky texture caving in on itself up there where's your son where's whooper look at the fish swimming through the world nothing can stop them except the apple that's been hurled let me go in there let me go in there no this is a two star that that's a two star huh why does it look like just one giant eyeball it doesn't look like a head that looks like an eyeball hanging from a stem it looks like a breath of the wild enemy i showed you my proboscis please respond you missed the real photo opportunity oh my god why would you even think to edit this there are no memes only a happy lad on the contrary oh [Music] i'm gonna stab him oh no hello my friend i see you have experienced things too unfortunately for this world stay strong my friend i just want to see a whooper that's all i care about stop stop your noise oh not you why'd he make us sound like a clown car horn he missed a whoop he missed whoop where's whooper what you missed like three my eyes aren't good enough you'd be napping it's a sleepy whooper i can't believe i missed the sleepy whoop so obviously we're gonna get the next area what maybe we should we're gonna get i literally just want to see whooper um no rip whooper they died [Laughter] exquisite absolutely beautiful that's lovely that's perfect equally lovely equally perfect oh trash tweet them baby pov you are asleep check the ponds or near ponds i'm aware of that much someone says there on a tree that's not a wolf perhaps a butterfly literally circle it in the photo thing and tweet it some behind there i want to go i want to go there people are saying there where you're lying to me you're all lying to me it's under the waterfall i'm being baited i'm 100 being baby don't say almost done i'm almost done with you i'm looking at the waterfall you're all lined you're you're 100 lying to me the real whooper was the friends we made along the way it's definitely not in a tree there's no way the whooper is in a tree you guys know what a whooper is right i'm just angry because i want to see this whooper and chat is gas i'm i'm getting gaslighted i'm actually being gaslighted well we unlocked the new thing which was all i cared about god damn do it you're blind it's check the pond in a tree you're like there's no way check pond in tree check pond intrigue i'm gonna freak someone better tweet it at me if you guys are so right oh oh oh here we go no no you're right oh there's the whooper i looked right over it how did i miss that i swear corbin needs you to find a difference between the picture that see people like in the tree that's a beautiful fly i knew that was a beautiful it looked like a whooper for half a second i loved it i'm like oh i can use conductive thinking no we're not going to the night we're going to the day day level two i think this is the level two day i'm not sure okay we're on level two if there's no whooper i'm done [Music] what the hell was that that was not a pokemon scream that was just a dude screaming no get away from him get away from him get away that's my friend that's my friend yes i saved you come here eat eat my son eat my son yes yes yes we saved you from the armhawk how dare he assault my son i'm angry i'm pissed i'm fuming our box are dead to me oh friend friend friend inbound friend inbound closing in t minus potentially now father and son going on a walk i saved you yes bless photo excellent you always get the best shots i know dive in father have a snack i won't hit you oh except except no promises to the quagmire i got 20 photos left i got to make them go where did they go where did they go what's the point what's the point what other pokemon are they even available in this game yes i hate arbok we all hate power box everyone in my live chat hates our box how do you only provide me six three stars sorry eight every photo of whooper is a three star what's wrong with you oh that's a one star go to church professor you need a god got that nice three star quag style four we got a four the legendary belly flop never mind professor you're back on the good list although that's a blessed shot i i just don't think we had the whooper in frame otherwise that would have been a four for the whooper as well nice and calm where's it going in the water baby straight to 30 thousand hundred likes free snap oh what i i love it i love this my that right there that right there ten out of ten banger i just couldn't be happier you guys are the best there can only be one winner who goes up on the fridge and that winner is dude but now what goes on the microwave
Channel: Failboat
Views: 1,058,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, pokemon, pokemon snap, new pokemon snap, switch, but some funny stuff happens, new, 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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