Meet the WORST Gaming YouTuber...

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yo what's up okay i'm gonna be 100 honest with you i did not know that gaming on youtube was this bad but trust me it's getting out of hand when i think about gaming on youtube i think of the good old days of call of duty or maybe even some old fortnite videos but i do not think of this like seriously what is youtube turning into a place where people can just poop out a video and get a million kids to watch like this needs to stop it's time to stop but if you think that's bad it gets even worse this youtuber is doing something that is so messed up and if this kid got caught his channel would definitely be deleted instantly and that's what we're gonna be investigating in this video there's actually a secret that not many people have figured out about this certain youtuber and i'm gonna explore all of that with you today but we also need to figure out a couple of things what is the true identity of this guy why is he doing these videos will he ever stop and if i somehow find him on social media i don't know if i will be able to will he stop doing this and will he become a better youtuber if i try to convince him i know the perfect person to call to help us figure out those questions detective dj is back and he has another case to solve with you but this one is different this case is way deeper than any of my other videos so we're gonna have to dive deep into this we're going to watch this youtuber and then try to talk to him and see why he posts these videos it's gonna be super juicy and we kind of have to solve this case to make gaming on youtube great again i hope you're ready to help me clean up youtube welcome to the worst gaming youtuber ever on my channel we try to clean up the bad content on youtube if you want to help me make youtube a better place click subscribe and if you don't want to subscribe that's completely fine just sit back and enjoy my videos i also have merch now the link is in the description or on the screen if you want to wear some awesome clothing before we go off on the most horrible gaming youtuber i'm gonna help him out a little bit filmora 10 is a video editor that has pretty much everything you need to start making better videos on youtube have you ever thought about doing youtube but your channel just didn't get subscribers having quality youtube videos is probably one of the biggest things you can do to help your channel with filmora 10 you get awesome key features that every big youtuber uses like keyframing motion tracking and keyboard shortcuts so you can make your videos look as good as you want even i use these same features such as keyframing to move my edits around to make them pop and even keyboard shortcuts to make the process overall faster filmora 10 is definitely one of the easiest video editors to use in my opinion and it's definitely awesome for any type of video editing it's great for gaming informative videos or even videos like mine create your own video with filmora and tweet it at me using the hashtag createwithfilmora and wondershare will be choosing one person to win a year free license a video editing software is step one to creating awesome videos and now you can do that after this video check out the link in the description to get filmora 10 and have fun making awesome videos the reason i really wanted to do this video was because i used to love watching gaming videos on youtube and i know you did too but after seeing this youtuber and how youtube didn't even notice his channel i knew i had to do something instead a couple weeks ago i was scrolling through my comments because like i always say everybody knows i read my comments and a lot of people were telling me about a youtuber named dole i was so confused because i thought that was like a brand of soap or something but i just looked at his channel anyway and that was a mistake i was cringing dole does something that i've never seen any other youtuber do and it's really weird and there's also a creepy background to this guy that not many people know about so he has a live stream that says fortnite item shop countdown and that looks normal right a lot of people do that well that's where you're wrong it's not normal we're gonna look at this and uncover all of its mysteries soon but first we need to see what type of videos he's posting and just a warning there's a lot of cringe coming up how to get imposter every time and among us i really want to see what he says in this video because we all know this is fake make sure to like and subscribe in the next five seconds or else this glitch will not work for you and yes also i'm doing a free pets giveaway so if you want any pet in among us for free all you have to do is drop a like subscribe to the channel and then comment down below what pet you want 10 times 10 times there's no way anybody is actually going to comment 10 times to join your fake giveaway oh my gosh all right this is the tricky part you want to click the scout four people two imposters so it brings it up to seven next you wanna click polis ten people three imposters next you want to click mirror hq one imposter the scaled seven confirm what what this dude is clicking random buttons making it up as he goes this is the funniest part he starts changing the language like that's going to do anything next what you want to do is put it to 10 2 3 1 mere hq change region to spanish polsky arabic the whole rest of this video he's just switching up settings and then at the end of the video he doesn't even show him becoming the imposter he just says it works and ends the video now that you see what type of videos he's posting we need to get into the part of his channel where it gets horrible so he has a fortnite live stream that goes up every once in a while and it's literally a 30 second clip of him begging people to subscribe and like the video and it keeps repeating it's literally on a loop over and over and over and the kids don't even realize and oh let me tell you the amount of two-year-olds in this chat just spamming and begging for free skins is crazy i don't know how they don't understand it's fake it's literally looping over and over but that isn't even the bad part he tells people to subscribe to him and like the video over and over right but he also does something else that's really horrible he says that if people want free skins for fortnite and among us click the link in the chat and i clicked on that link and it leads to a scam website you type in your fortnite username it says you're gonna get free skins but you don't you have to go through a bunch of ads and then who knows what happens it might steal your whole fortnite account and all of your information on there or it might just be a huge sick lie to make money off of kids it's also an unsecure website so it could be tracking your location right when you click on the link this dude is seriously weird and if he's actually stealing those little kids fortnite accounts those accounts might even have their parents credit cards on it phone numbers on it and even worse their home addresses on it so you're telling me that there is a dude on youtube brainwashing kids into clicking a link that does who knows what that is so disgusting i honestly think he might get these accounts and sell them to random people for money if we ever end up messaging him in this video i definitely am going to ask him what he does with that link i just hope he doesn't steal people's accounts now i had no idea where to go with this video because he didn't have any social media linked up to his account so i couldn't really message him but i found something that helped me out so much i was getting closer to solving this case i went on one of his videos and it said this video was uploaded by charizard freak's mom and dad this is just an old trick that fake youtubers use they say someone's mom and dad uploaded the video so youtube doesn't ban their channel joel fornite did the same thing with his channel if you remember back when we exposed him but you guys know what happened to that channel so who's charizard freak in the description of dole's video he said that the video was uploaded by charizard freak's mom and dad so is charizard freak dole's secret youtube channel i was ready to figure out this mystery but i did not expect this to happen so after finding out that valuable information i searched up for charizard freak's youtube channel and i came across a channel called chari this might just be dole's second channel but i wasn't sure doll's description says charizard freak but this channel is chari i looked up and then i saw the youtube channel url for this channel was actually charizard freak so i found him but who is this he's making among us creepypasta videos this had to be dole's channel i mean it's the same type of clickbait videos for kids i decided to click on his videos just to make sure it was dole and what is up everybody and welcome back to he sounded nothing like him at all wait a minute who are you this can't be his second channel so now i'm just wondering why dole is talking about chari in his description if this isn't even his other channel are they friends or something i needed to figure this out i didn't know what to do so i looked around for a way to talk to chary i wanted to ask him if he was friends with dole or if he actually was dole so i ended up finding his instagram and i messaged him he didn't answer for a while but when he finally did he said i don't own dole he's a youtuber that steals from me oh so that definitely helped out but even he didn't even have a clue who dole was i asked him and he said he didn't know who it was this dole guy was a ninja so with chari out of the investigation i still had no idea who this dole kid was i really wanted to message dole and clean up youtube but i had no idea how i could do it i couldn't find any of his social media accounts and i was just stumped i felt like i failed and i feel like i let you guys down i threw the video away completely later that night i logged back onto my computer and his fortnite live stream was still on there from earlier when i was watching it so i decided i wanted to have some fun i started typing in the chat trying to tell all the kids that they're being brainwashed by this dole dude and i was just having some fun after that i closed out of the tab and planned on taking my l and finding another video to make later that night i got a message on instagram and it was from a random account somebody named aiden he was telling me that he scams his fans um that's pretty weird and then he sent me a screenshot of a post by priesty who in the world is priesty the screenshot that he sent me showed a picture of dole's live chat with the messages that i was just talking about so who is priesty and who is this aiding kid that told me he scams his fans i just decided to search up priesty's youtube account and maybe i could find something that would make this video work out because remember i threw this video away when i couldn't find any evidence on dole and i figured out that this is dole's other youtube channel oh my gosh and he's doing the same exact thing on this account too live streaming for kids but don't get too happy because i had another problem once again this youtube account had no social medias attached to it just like dole's main channel so i couldn't find any way to contact him i was thinking and i decided to go back to the last possible thing i could have done this was my last chance i decided to message that aiding kid who sent me the screenshot earlier i thought this could be dole because he said we love scamming kids so maybe him and dole are best friends or maybe this is dole but this did not go as i planned it i said so you're priesty or dole i really wanted to figure out who dole was and just talk to him and this might be him he said no i'm not priesty and i didn't believe him it could have just been him acting he then said go message him i'm not him see the problem with that is i didn't know priesty's username on instagram he told me to go message him but i didn't have it in the picture that the kid sent me earlier it actually showed priest's instagram but every time i searched it up nothing came up so he must have changed his username so i was stuck i was gonna ask that aidenkid what dole's instagram name was but he was taking years to answer i was waiting and waiting and waiting and then i got a message from somebody else somebody named jesse messaged me and said yo i had no idea who this was but i was hoping it was dull so i was trying to act cool and i said hey i know you let's talk that would have been extremely awkward if it was just like a random fan and i was like hey i know you i decided to ask if he was priesty or dole whatever you want to call him and he said yes he owned both those channels but should i believe him almost anybody on the internet could say yes i'm dole this could even be that aiding kid from before just messing with me i asked if he owned the channel dole just to make sure priesty and dole was the same person and he said yes and then he said something i never expected him to say he said i'm trying to change my content i did not know what to say but i was so happy that was the last thing i thought he would say but honestly i didn't even believe him yet like i said earlier anybody on the internet could just say yes i'm dole with no proof so i did exactly that i asked him for proof that he owns those channels and he actually sent me proof this was his channel and we finally got to talk to the person that i'd been waiting weeks to talk to this ninja that had been avoiding me for so long was not a ninja anymore i finally found him well i guess he found me because he messaged me first but still i almost threw away my video a couple days ago but now i was feeling better about it and i was ready to clean up youtube but i heard from plenty of people that if you try to message dole he doesn't listen to you at all and even sometimes he can be extremely rude and he doesn't care if i want to clean him up off of youtube i might have to do something crazy so i asked him a question that almost everybody wants to know the answer to remember when i said that he posts those links that ask for your fortnite username i wanted to know if that stole people's accounts he said that all it does is shows them an ad which gets him paid i literally thought it stole accounts that would have been horrible so i guess it's good that it just shows them ads but still it's very weird lying to kids and then getting paid off of them that sounds a lot like eli so cray to me i made dj cook we use you know what i'm saying i then asked him another question that we all wanted to know why are you using chari's name in your description like what's the point of that i even messaged chary before this and i asked him if he was dole and he was saying no i'm not dole so why in the world does it say chari's parents own dole's channel so i asked why is chari's name in your description he told me that he copied chary's whole description and forgot to take that part out seriously dude i then decided to level up and dive even deeper into this i wanted to help him change his content and i wanted to really clean up youtube this time so i told him that he needed to change up his content and guess what he said he agreed with me he said he knows he needs to and he plans on doing it soon he told me that he's tired of making these fake videos and fake live streams for kids and it's just not good for him and i'm sure we all agree everything was perfect i helped him clean up his channel and i felt great but then i got another message that threw this video right into the air somebody told me that dole and his friend aiden you remember from earlier in the video they've done some pretty bad stuff in the past so i messaged him about it dole told me that he used to talk to aiden a lot but he started being weird so he stopped talking to him he also said that aiden is an 11 year old that scams kids smokes stuff and sends weird pictures to people on snapchat seriously bro this kid is a school threat here's another picture of him after seeing this stuff and hearing about it i tried to message aiden but he didn't answer me i'm pretty sure this kid does not want to talk but i'm not the cleaner of personal life so i'm just the cleaner of youtube and we solved our case thanks to dole he's actually trying to fix his content and he's planning on making better videos soon i'm glad i got to do this video because a lot of people have been telling me about dole and how he's extremely hard to talk to and just how he refuses to change but i guess he changed his mind and he's ready to become a great youtuber we cleaned up youtube and now i'm off to go investigate some other bad youtubers be ready for my next video now you can watch another video by me by clicking on one of the four videos on the screen right now whichever one seems the most interesting to you you can go ahead and watch it and if you haven't subscribed to my channel yet you can easily just click the subscribe button it's free and you'll get access to all of my awesome videos
Channel: DJ Cook
Views: 3,759,592
Rating: 4.9252462 out of 5
Keywords: worst gaming youtuber, worst gamer, gaming, gaming youtuber, meet the worst gaming youtuber, meet the youtubers, dj cook, dj cook meet, dj cook meet the worst gaming youtubers, doal, worst youtuber, meet
Id: xtvpxRYx7YQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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