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welcome to our /mi the butthole where we get to judge strangers on the Internet reddit am i the butthole for pointing out to my friends that they're not famous my friends are dating they're also actors who have had small roles on a few TV shows I'm talking two lines or less I say this not to be a hater I truly am rooting for them but to give you a scope of their reach neither of them has a following in real life or on social media they've got under 1,500 followers combined anyway last week I posted a group picture on an Instagram of people celebrating a friend's birthday everyone in the photo has got their arms around each other's shoulders very platonic anyway yesterday in a group chat between the three of us they asked me to take the photo down because they didn't want the public to know they're dating I would consider it if they looked bad two sloppy drunk etc but they don't also everyone has their arms around each other not just them anyway I asked what they meant and they said they didn't want to end up in gossip rags I pointed out that they are not famous and that they don't even have functioning IMDB pages they were livid and called me a bunch of names I think they're delusional but they've been texting me demanding it and even sent me screenshots of them reporting it nothing has happened at this point I don't even want to be their friend however and probably because I'm a butthole I don't want to delete it based solely on principle edit okay so many of y'all are right I suppose I should separate how I feel about their ridiculous delusional stupid reasoning with the fact that no one should have an image of themselves online that they don't want made public I'll take it down Opie I think I'm gonna give you and your friends two out of five buttholes for you if you consider yourself to be their friend then you really should respect their wishes and for them it sounds like they've really got their heads up their own butts am I the butthole for asking my mom's boyfriend to stop trying to parent me edit the boyfriend doesn't live with us and doesn't pay rent or bills him and his daughter spend time here and pay only further food something I do as well my dad died suddenly about a year ago and my mom found this really nice guy that she started seeing I'm 23 remember that Opie is 23 in this story and going into my final year of college my mom's boyfriend has two daughters ages 15 and 13 my mom has stepped in to be a mother figure to them and the boyfriend has stepped into my extended family becoming everyone's favorite uncle and while I'm glad everyone else is comfortable I'm not he isn't a bad guy I'm just still grieving my father and it feels like he's trying to replace him he tries to set rules for me things like chores and curfew that my dad specifically didn't because he thought they were ridiculous for an adult the boyfriend thinks it's only fair because I have siblings now I think it's ridiculous to have the same rules applied because of our age differences he's trying to get me to share my stuff with his kids they aren't lacking for anything but he thinks it's only fair because family I live in the basement of my mom's house I have since I was 15 when you come in the front door there's a door to the basement and the stairs to go into the house so it's pretty separate so last night I was designated driving for some friends and got home at 2:00 a.m. I had nothing to do until 3:00 p.m. today since classes aren't until next week and my job starts in two weeks so this has never been a big deal with my parents I shot my mom a text and went to bed tonight though man boyfriend flipped I got a lecture and sent to my room and possible loss of car privileges I snapped and laid it out for him I told him I'm leaving the city after I graduate I told him I'm glad my mom found a new partner but that I am NOT and will not be looking for a new father figure and he needs to respect that I told him our relationship won't be father-son for some time and that he needs to respect me as an adult otherwise I won't want to have a relationship with him he told my family and they think I'm about all so am I the butthole ope even if this was your biological dad that would be a bit of a stretch trying to ground a 23 year old come on man Opie you get zero out of five buttholes the stepdad gets 3 out of 5 buttholes for definitely overstepping reddit am I the butthole for suggesting my seven-year-old name his new stuff tiger TIG bitties pretty much the title my son want a stuffed tiger at the fair last night and said he had named him TIG he he asked me what his last name should be I couldn't help myself and just instantly replied bitties then I turned to my wife to share a smirk but she was pissed and quickly suggested a few different last names but my son insisted that he liked biddies so now his Tiger is TIG bitties my wife thinks it was completely inappropriate I think it was a silly joke that went over his head and will have no negative ramifications Opie you are 100% not the butthole in this scenario as a father you have a god-given sacred right to make dad jokes and don't let anyone take that away from you read it am I the butthole for not letting my friend use my umbrella in a Japanese downpour my friends and I went sightseeing aware that the weather forecast was warning of heavy rain we're from England where the correct response to rain is to not acknowledge it but things are a little different in Japan it's impossible to walk outside without getting fully soaked I warn my friends of this and stopped at a shop to buy an umbrella they were reluctant to get one either under estimating the rain or thinking they could get one later if it actually rained I warned them multiple times that if it rains I would not let them borrow my umbrella one friend had a raincoat so was mostly fine but the other didn't I reminded them that I would not share a few more times what we were walking roughly an hour later it started raining hard it was unlikely to stop raining any time soon and we had a train to catch so we walked in the rain for half an hour to the train station I stood by my word and refused to let them use my umbrella which could easily fit two people under it when we arrived the friend without the raincoat was completely soaked and the other was far from dry neither were particularly happy am I the butthole for standing by my word and not saving my friend from the rain Opie let me rephrase this story for you while out with my friends I warned them that I was gonna be a total butthole then when the time came I stood by my word and was a total butthole so reddit was I the butthole yes dude you're the butthole just because you warn people that you're gonna be a jerk doesn't make it any better reddit am I the butthole for asking my brother not to bring his boyfriend to my wedding okay this is the worst I'm losing sleep over this I'm getting married in a week to an awesome woman and I cannot wait to be your husband we are so excited my brother is gay but my family doesn't know only me and my parents know I come from a very old-school traditional family so the old part of the family grandparents and some aunts and uncles still have last century's mindset and the younger portion the cousins and siblings are open-minded and are living in the presence so my brother has been dating his boyfriend for six months now the dude is great I am so happy my brother found a great guy but it's kind of a secret as he hasn't told my family he's gay I've been telling him for years that he should come out cuz I know it stresses him a lot and I think it'll make him feel better not to hide anymore plus I bet a few family members already know anyway but he disagrees cuz he knows part of the family won't accept it and it will be a lot of drama I see the opposite I see it as the sewer you know who the idiots are the sooner we can cut them from our lives I have no interest in having someone in my life that doesn't accept my brother being gay anyway that's his decision not mine so for now he won't say anything until a few weeks ago when he said he wants to bring his boyfriend to my wedding I was not expecting that to be honest so he went from zero to a hundred pretty fast if it was any other occasion I would be supportive obviously but I don't think my wedding day is the day to do that imagine all the drama and gossip and BS that would happen and I don't want to get the attention away from my fiance that's her day and I don't want to have to worry about that on my wedding day and I think it's a pretty good reason I asked him why my wedding day he said it's because he wants to celebrate love with the two people he loves the most me and his boyfriend this is killing me I would fight my whole family for my brother and never speak to them again if I had to but my wedding day is supposed to be a celebration not a family fight and I can't do this to my wife that might ruin our future I didn't even tell her she is already stressed out I don't want to make it even worse with a heavy heart I asked him to please come alone to the wedding and that I hope he understands me he started crying and left my house without saying anything next day I got a text and he said don't worry going alone I tried calling him but he didn't answer me and my parents don't seem to know what's happening because they didn't say anything he eventually called me back a few days later we spoke he said he understands my side but things are still weird between us this is the worst situation of my life am I the butthole for handling it the way I did Opie zero out of five buttholes at the end of the day there's only two people who need to be at the wedding the bride and the groom or in some cases the bride and the bride or the groom in the groom everyone else is optional because it's your day it's your wedding keyword your dear reddit am I the butthole for ruining both my parents marriages for disowning me I'm the byproduct of my parents extramarital affair both of them had spouses at the time my birth mother got pregnant and had to tell her husband as he was overseas when I was conceived so there was no way I was his a few months after I was born they decided not to divorce I was given to my grandparents on my mother's side to raise with my birth father secretly paying child support without his wife's knowledge both my parents had other children my dad's side knows nothing about me but my siblings on my mom's side were told that I'm adopted by my grandparents recently I decided that I wanted to know more about my dad's family and I sent a friend's request to one of my siblings and my dad so I could get to know him well he freaked out and contacted my birth mom and they asked to speak to me over Skype they both told me that they couldn't risk staying in contact with me and told me that they were going no contact and to please respect it and move on with my life well I did pretty much the opposite I contacted my dad's wife and shared screenshots of our conversation and told her everything she is now divorcing him while on my mother's side I told both my siblings who then went on to tell extended family including her husband side so now they're separated and my siblings hate my mother currently my siblings on both sides lives have been upturned and after the satisfaction has worn off I feel like i unnecessarily hurt them through my parents am I the butthole for ruining my parents marriages um no absolutely not you didn't ruin their marriages they ruined their marriages when they decided to cheat zero out of five buttholes read it am I the butthole for kicking out my girlfriend because she said my relationship with my brother was disgusting I'm a 22 year old male and a legal guardian of my 15 year old brother we're very close and we have always been like that he lives with me now obviously he often gets really sad we recently lost our parents so I comfort him as best as I can so about my girlfriend we've been together for two years she doesn't live with me she stays over really often though so she has house keys two days ago she came over without warning me me and my brother were asleep on the couch he wasn't wearing her shirt because it was hot and he was laying on top of me she woke us up and made us scene in front of him she said that our relationship was weird and disgusting and it's extremely concerning that he's so affectionate towards me my brother was in tears and he even apologized to her I brought him to his room and calmed him down I went back to the living room she was sitting on the couch watching TV and acting like nothing happened I told her to get the F out she got defensive again and that she was just stating her opinion without hurting anyone I grabbed her wrist and brought her to the door I didn't hurt her she was following me I didn't use any force she left she called me a few times but I didn't answer update thanks for all the comments I talked to her she still said she didn't do anything wrong she didn't hurt my brother and it wasn't her fault that he started crying I broke up with her Oh P zero out of five buttholes you did nothing wrong and honestly you sound like an awesome brother I'm glad you ditched that woman cuz she seems nuts I distinctly remember when I was like cheese I don't even know eleven years old or something I was over at my buddy's house and his mom was leaving for something and when he said goodbye to his mom he kissed his mom on the mouth just like a little peck and it blew my eleven-year-old brain wide open what parents and kids kiss on the mouth my family didn't do that so I literally didn't even know it was possible but then I thought about it and I was like you know I guess that's just how their family operates it seems a little weird to me but there's nothing wrong with it so I guess it's fine so your girlfriend is literally less mature than an 11-year old boy and as we all know eleven-year-old boys are known far and wide for their maturity Redditt am I the butthole for catfishing my underage sister on tinder and humiliating her in order to teach her a lesson last week I was using my sister Ashley's phone because mine was dead and I needed to call a friend to confirm plans dialing my friend's number I saw a tinder notification of some dude and messaging her immediately I asked why she's on tinder she's 17 and she grabbed her phone back and said none of your business I decided that I wanted to have a little fun with this I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt maybe she's just wiping for fun so I didn't want to go straight to writing her to her parents to test if she was using for fun I decided I was going to make a tinder profile of someone else and message her and see if she responds I asked a good friend from back in college who happens to be a male model Kevin if he'd mind if I used his pictures and explained the situation he thought it would be hilarious and told me to go for it I created the account sent my age to 20 to set my swipe radius to a mile and quickly found my sister's account her age was set to 19 why she's still in high school so I was definitely more suspicious of her now I super liked and less than an hour later she matched and messaged me I decided to set up a date to a fancy restaurant downtown for Sunday afternoon and told her we could head to my place afterwards she was completely receptive and said she'd meet me there she told our parents she was hanging out with one of her track friends and spending the night at her place after she left I told our parents everything and showed them all the messages they were pissed and I suggested we all go to the restaurant my dad and I just went instead and saw her sitting at a table alone all dolled up waiting for Jim my dad went up to her and said Jim's not coming and she screamed and asked what we were doing there I told her that there was no Jim and that it was effing stupid of her to be trying to meet grown men on tinder at her age my dad harped on to that and lectured her on lying and meeting strange men on the Internet and being so willing to go back to a stranger's place we were a bit loud so people were starting to look at us and my sister eventually burst into tears and ran out I told my friends in a group chat the situation and they all agreed it was hysterical except two of my female friends who said I was an effing dick and cruel to her my other friends defended me and said she needed to be taught a lesson wondering who's right and if I went too far Opie I'm gonna give you four out of five buttholes I'm gonna deduct one butthole because at least you are trying to teach your sister a valuable lesson but the way that you did it was awful what you did was kind of cruel a bit excessive and bringing your friends into it was just awful you can pretty much guarantee that your sister is ever gonna trust you with anything ever again and now she's just gonna try even harder to keep her private life private there are a thousand different ways of how you could have taught her the danger of that situation without completely humiliating her so yeah four out of five buttholes for you that was our /mi the butthole and if you don't like this video then you get five out of five buttholes
Channel: rSlash
Views: 844,958
Rating: 4.7731633 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, prorevenge posts, prorevenge funny, prorevenge fails, pro revenge, funny pro revenge, amitheasshole, r/amitheasshole, amithebutthole, r/amithebutthole, aita, r/aita
Id: KvvdIivj3m4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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