r/AmITheA**hole For Making My Young Daughter Live On The Streets?

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welcome to our slash am i the butthole where opie forces her daughter to sleep like a homeless person am i the butthole for refusing to meet my sister on christmas after she called child protective services i'm a 37 year old male and i lost my wife of 10 years and it was devastating for me and my daughter it's unfortunate but life goes on no matter what happens my family knows how much i struggle as a single dad and my sister doesn't really get it she had issues with my late wife in the past but now she started helping with my daughter she redecorated my daughter's room without my consent she'd insist i let my daughter go spend days at her house but my daughter is comfortable at her home she then started calling my daughter by another name and i'm still trying to understand her logic behind this i told her to stop doing those things and be respectful and supportive and she defended herself by saying that i'm lashing out due to grief i recently started teaching my daughter to do stuff on her own like brush your hair clean her room wash your cups and make sandwiches while i take care of bigger stuff my sister said that what i'm doing is wrong that i'm giving her more than she can handle she's just a kid and although i told my sister i'm teaching my daughter to be more independent she said that i'm clearly doing this for my own benefits and avoiding responsibility i got into a fight with her about this i told her she has zero say in this and the next day a cps officer came to my house and took a tour around my house my first thought was maybe he got the wrong house until he started reading the report to me saying that i'm never home and that i make my daughter do things that aren't her responsibility neglecting her education by the way she's homeschooled and that i'm not taking care of basic hygiene and whatnot i told my daughter my story and i explained that i'm adapting as a single parent and he proceeded to ask my daughter some questions it was clearly a false report however i was told that i'll have a permanent record with cps and i was shaken up by this i told my family about it and my other sister told me that my sister was the one who called cps after we had that big argument i was so mad that i confronted her i called her immature and stupid to pull this stunt she's in her 40s and that she's no longer my sister then i cut contact it's been months and now my dad started bringing her up knowing how uncomfortable i was he said that my sister feels sorry for what she did and wanted to talk things out on christmas dinner but i said no he and the others insisted saying that i should be the bigger person the family will be incomplete without me and my daughter on christmas they said that i refuse to be a civil adult to solve the issue that's dividing the family i yelled and said that my daughter and i don't have to go to dinner after what she did it doesn't matter if she has issues on her own and didn't mean it and was just concerned wtf was she so concerned about they demanded that i at least let my daughter go be with them and her auntie on christmas look alright sometimes family members fight with each other but calling cps on a single father them's fighting words op your sister completely crossed the line and i don't blame you at all for reacting the way you did it's completely unfair of your family to put all the pressure on you to be the good guy op you get zero out of five buttholes your sister gets three out of five buttholes and your other family members get two out of five buttholes am i the butthole for making my daughter sleep in a tent i'm a 34 year old woman and i'm a single mother of two girls jasmine who's 16 and jessica who's 14. their dad died when i was pregnant with jess and i had to work hard we hit rock bottom and i was barely making a paycheck to paycheck but i managed to get a degree become successful and we live well the point is i know how effing hard it is to be at the bottom of society and my daughters know this which is why i was livid at my daughter's actions yesterday jasmine showed me a video of jessica cussing a homeless man out and telling him stop asking me for money you done it yourself if you weren't so effing lazy and spending what you earned on substances when the homeless man complained about the cold we live in northeast england jessica responded yeah people came for fun even in december you can't complain you're living someone's holiday fury was an understatement for what i felt as i thought that i'd raise an empathetic daughter along with finding the homeless man and making her apologize and help pay for a hotel room for the night for him she paid him 20 pounds as well as signing her up to volunteer at a food bank i decided to take her up on her offer of sleeping outside i locked her bedroom door so she couldn't go in put a sign on it that said clothes for the holidays pitched a tint in the garden and filled it with blankets in the sleeping bag i used when i was camping in norway on a family holiday as a teen i slept in the room closer to the garden for that night so i was nearby if anything went wrong she was reluctant to do it but chose that over the option of not having access to her phone until the christmas holidays were over in the morning she was crying about how horrible it was to wake up on a cold mad and get disrupted sleep due to birds after comforting her i asked her if she would like to do that every day like the homeless man it struck a chord with her and she was crying over her actions meanwhile when she gave the guy the 20 pounds she was rolling her eyes and her apology wasn't sincere this afternoon i came home from work to find jessica making a big meal to donate to the homeless people who live on the road near my house i was proud of how she turned over a new leave and after taking the food to the people my sister came over apparently my nephew and jessica were talking at school and he asked her about her plans for the afternoon and she said that she was going to cook for the homeless my nephew asked what triggered that and just told him everything which he relayed to his mom my sister said that the punishment was too harsh and just the 20 pounds in the food bank would have done the trick and i was acting irrationally due to my past now i'm second guessing myself am i the butthole nah opie you get zero out of five buttholes you were just showing your daughter some tough love i mean yeah it was pretty tough but emphasis on the word love clearly the lesson worked and your daughter's becoming a better person because of it am i the butthole for celebrating my anniversary despite what happened at my wedding my husband and i had our wedding last year the venue was beautiful and bordered a lake unfortunately during the reception one of the young children snuck away from their parents and decided to go for a swim despite not knowing how to swim this was tragic and devastating and obviously cut the day short we haven't really spoken to the parents since then as we weren't close to them aside from seeing them on holidays which haven't happened this year we're still facebook friends though when our first anniversary came i made a post celebrating our anniversary with a few wedding posts i didn't think anything of it until the comments came flooding in i woke up to 30 comments and 15 missed calls the top comment was from the mother of the child who was outraged about it she wrote a very long comment about how my post was disrespectful of the tragedy that happened that day and how dare i post that and not mention her child and of course talking to her first 30 comments later and it was clear that the entire family had clearly started to take sides in this battle that i didn't realize that i created as of today we're at 150 comments my friends and my parents are involved too half of his family is screaming for me to take it down apologize to the parent and show more respect possibly by even celebrating our anniversary on a different day some of the family think that we should still be able to celebrate our anniversary on the actual day but just keep it offline to keep the peace i don't think i did anything wrong with that post and i feel like we should be able to celebrate our anniversary just like anyone else i'm not celebrating the tragedy i'm celebrating my wedding am i the butthole and then opie posted an edit i've changed the post to only be visible to me and deleted all the comments to try to stop the arguing but from the email that we just received those comments were just a symptom of a larger problem my mother-in-law sent us an email with from what i can tell roughly three-quarters of my husband's family cc'd on it his parents grandparents and the parents of the child not only think that we should pick a different day to celebrate our wedding but they're also demanding a second wedding according to them they've kept their silence for so long due to shock and being distracted by everything else going on this year but they feel that because of what happened we aren't really married yet in the family they understand that weddings are expensive so my husband's parents offered to completely pay for the second wedding that will be the real wedding in the family's eyes and because it may be a year or two before this can be done safely they will tolerate us living in sin indefinitely due to the circumstances my husband hates arguing with his family and i'm not sure how i would even approach this with my family without being laughed out of the room so we need to talk about what to do with this down in the comments i'm gonna read this post from super fast mama which i pretty much agree with everyone sucks here but for crying out loud take the post down on the one hand is a family with a dead child facing the one year anniversary of their loss it's unimaginable pain on the other hand is your need to have people comment on how pretty your wedding was until you happy anniversary their pain far outweighs your need for likes why you didn't block the family of the dead child from your post is beyond my ability to comprehend as soon as you saw it was causing pain you delete the post of course you can celebrate your anniversary all you want just not visible to these people who have a dead child show some compassion also what's the deal with your in-laws they've basically decided on their own that your wedding doesn't count and you're living in sin because they just don't like the way that you're married what a bunch of jerks i think i would say that just about the only people here who aren't the butthole is the parent of the dead kid am i the butthole for deciding that i won't give any christmas gifts this year after my mom canceled a transaction on my card i'm a student i have a student bank account where my college gives me money for transportation or scholarship these kinds of bank accounts have no fees but are age restricted you can't have one if you're over 25 years old so it needs an overseer when i asked the bank about it they told me it's just a security thing so i chose my mom because she's more tech savvy than my dad well through some incredible luck i managed to get top grades last year so i was awarded a study scholarship great i've been saving up my money looking forward to black friday eyeing an amazing drawing tablet i do digital art and the tablet that i was eyeing is as big as my monitor and is all around amazing black friday rolls in and amazon has it in stock at an amazing price a price that i could afford i was so freaking happy and i ordered it then i got a notice that the bank refused the card i emailed amazon and we went over the card details and such making sure it was right it was and they advised me to call my bank it was odd i had purchased things online in the past with this card and it went through i had enough money for the tablet even extra so i thought maybe they had technical difficulties but it was too late in the day to call and they don't work on weekends so i left an email i found out today that for big transactions they asked for an agreement from the overseer and that my overseer cancelled the transaction i was like wtf and confronted my mom about it who throughout the weekend acted oblivious and she told me that of course i couldn't let you throw away money on something that you don't need and she also said you wouldn't have money for christmas presents if you bought that then she had the audacity to ask me what i was planning to get my family this year i told her they won't get anything more than a shadow from me and i went to my room and cried on the carpet i missed out on the black friday deal i can't afford that tablet anymore and it's all because my mom wanted christmas gifts and no i'm not going to get her anything last year she got me a blouse that was too small for me and that she later took for herself she can gift herself this year too not the butthole op your mom sounds like a controlling douchebag if i were you i would remove your mom from your bank account immediately am i the butthole for selling my family home because my pregnant sister-in-law ate my dinner before i start this story i want to point out that me and my brother have two different fathers i'm a 19 year old girl and i lost my father last year due to cancer he left me 90 of his stuff including his family home that was left to him by his dad it's been in their family for over a hundred years my older brother who's 34 and my dad didn't have a relationship but he did leave him ten thousand dollars my mom was pissed at the wheel reading but since she got ten thousand dollars she couldn't do anything about it for the past year me and my mom have lived okay together my mom went on acting like my house was hers which i had no problem with until in may my brother and his 30 year old girlfriend moved in without even asking me they're messy and titled and rude and i told them in july i want them out by september because they don't pay for anything or wash a dish in august they announced that they were pregnant and my sister-in-law smugly said guess we won't be moving out now that didn't go down well but when i told them i wanted them out my mom and brother basically laughed in my face well the past few months have been hell they've basically become worse than before and my mom enables it then demands me to treat my sister-in-law like a princess because she's pregnant i once had to wait outside mcdonald's till they open to get her a mcmuffin well this is where i might be the butthole because my sister-in-law is pregnant she eats everything she sees like the cupcakes my friend made me for my birthday she ate all six and i didn't even get to try them i can't even make my lunch the night before because when i go to get it it'll be gone and she'll have a smug look on her face while rubbing her belly then laugh and say i couldn't help myself blame the baby if i put stuff in my room my mom will open the door with a spare key so sister-in-law can go through my mini fridge well a week ago i was running late to college and i didn't have time for my breakfast or to make lunch and i had to go to work straight after so all i had that day was a bar of chocolate when i got home i was starving i made myself dinner and while it was cooling down i went to use the bathroom i must have been in there 10 minutes at most and by the time i came out my sister-in-law had eaten 70 of my dinner and i lost my cool and of course my sister-in-law started crying so my mom and brother started screaming at me for making her cry making excuses like how she couldn't help but it was my fault for leaving food around her well i had enough but here's the thing back in october my uncle offered me a life-changing amount of money for the house so i called him up crying a few days ago explaining the situation and he said that he'd buy the house and would evict my mom and brother they of course didn't take it too well and had to stay with a friend i've been receiving texts and i'm being tagged in multiple posts on social media i'm starting to think that i'm the bad person now so am i the butthole for making my mom and sister homeless op what on earth is wrong with your brother and your mother they're not treating you like family so why should you treat them like family your family sounds super toxic and i wouldn't trust a word that comes out of their mouth i have to wonder if there's an r slash raised by narcissist situation going on here because your mom is obviously toxic and it seems like she might be treating your brother like the golden child so while i would definitely recommend kicking them out of your house i don't know if selling your home is really the right decision right now selling something that your father gave you that's worth presumably over a hundred thousand dollars is really risky when emotions are high i mean you'll be homeless too and you might regret letting go of something that your father gave you so a victor family yes sell the house probably no are you the butthole definitely not that was our slash am i the butthole and if you like this content check out my podcast where i publish the exact same episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 337,084
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, prorevenge posts, prorevenge funny, prorevenge fails, pro revenge, funny pro revenge, amitheasshole, r/amitheasshole, amithebutthole, r/amithebutthole, aita, r/aita
Id: IgebjpGVrcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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