r/Insaneparents "My Kids Want You to Pay For My Boob Job!"

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welcome to our / insane parents where parents are so nutty that even entitle parents start to look normal my hyper-religious grandparents think there is an evil spirit living in my xbox my grandparents are staying with my family for the summer and it's been torture I'm 16 and I play a lot of Halo yesterday while my parents weren't home these mother effers barged into my room yelling at me to get off my xbox because quote the spirit of Satan is tempting you through these devices this is the second time they've done this in a week and this time they tried to effing hide my controller in my mother's bedroom I wish I'd recorded it because it was funny watching these old turds go mad over a gaming console I guess this is what I get for using Xbox and not a PC lull o P you need to stop playing Halo and start playing doom am I the butthole for forcing my son out of his first relationship because his girlfriend is overweight I grew up in a very strict family where we were all on strict diets had a basic exercise routine and were active at least two hours a day my wife and I had decided to enforce those rules on our kids it's been that way ever since they were born my son is 14 years old and my two daughters are seven and eight of course I let my kids have their free time but they seemed to not have a problem with our daily routine to stay in shape my son recently got his very first girlfriend I've told him before that he needs a healthy girl to be his partner I completely understand that he loves her and I want my son to be happy but he is completely going against our rules and how our family functions I truly do want my son to be happy but health is the number one most important thing to us I was afraid that his girlfriend's body weight would encourage the same negative behavior onto my son so I ended the relationship I do kind of feel bad but at the same time he broke the rules of our family I cannot tolerate something like that so tell me read it am i the butthole insane parents health is the most important thing to my family also insane parents mental health what's that text message from mom your uniform will be outside on the lawn you want to make me suffer by not helping me with shopping for food and smokes then I will make your life unbearable all you had to do was transfer me the ran four days earlier and now your cost of living per week is going to double because of a selfish righteous decision your rent will and could be up to three hundred dollars per week that's without food power water and all other living costs and she wanna effing preach to me about what I buy I knew I was never meant to have a baby and if you're wondering what the kid is preaching to the mother about her buying it's drugs she's buying drugs we have been unschooling for going on five years now with that said my older two ten and eleven years old have completely stopped trying to learn anything I also have a five year old and so far he's been doing great learning things on his own but my older two just stopped progressing altogether they don't help clean at all they won't do anything to further their education or knowledge and have fallen far behind their peers in most aspects when they had been advanced five years ago I'm due with my fourth in February and have tried to convey that I will need their help once the new sibling comes and also tried to explain the importance of them becoming independent and furthering their knowledge of whatever interests them but all they seem to do is play which I have no issue with it all video games which causes a lot of frustration on the parts of my five and ten year olds because when they don't succeed they have full-on meltdowns that include hurting themselves and destroying things and fighting / bickering my five year old has started hitting all of us and screaming when things don't go his way despite us never using physical punishments of any kind and explaining how much it hurts us when he hits or screams at us my boys are severely under way because they refuse to eat most of the time unless it's covered in sugar they would rather starve and eat any food I make or suggest all three of my kids have had most of their teeth either pulled or needed fillings because their teeth are rotting from not eating enough eating too much sugar and not brushing often enough I work part time and my husband is currently working two jobs when my kids are at my parents house when I work they even behave according to my parents but my parents also ask they do school work at their house because they don't believe in unschooling and prefer we homeschool with curriculum etc it's been extremely difficult emotionally and I'm worried what might happen when baby comes if we can't get everyone in the same book let alone on the same page in my house my husband is becoming very upset with our kids lack of caring about their health or want to further their education despite weekly trips to the library for them to get whatever books and videos they want I'm not sure what this post is for other than needing some advice and reassurance my kids won't end up unable to take care of themselves as adults we have endless resources for them to peruse whatever their interest may be but if I let them to do as they please every day it would be a non-stop YouTube marathon of my kids watching other families enjoy their lives or play video games thank hobbykidstv FG TV dantdm Dennis cookie swirl see our /etc honestly the problem is really obvious you can't let your kids watch YouTube YouTube is a black hole that destroys lives anyone who watches YouTube videos is a complete loser and they need to get off line immediately do you think you can lend me and daddy $600 until next Friday we're approved for a car but we have to put down $1,100 we only have $500 won't have the rest until next Friday 600 bucks I don't even have 600 bucks oh you should have a lot of money stops pending the most I have is 300 boy how you gonna ask me for money and tell me to stop spending that conversation roughly went as follows hey give me money I don't have any money I can't believe you aren't more responsible with your money so that I can spend your money I have a big prayer request my husband and mother-in-law have my oldest daughter with him at their house they got her four vaccines today without asking me I am anti vaccines please pray she will be okay heavier kids always been okay after vaccine shots vaccines don't cause autism vaccines cause adults in this next post Opie is going to an Iron Maiden concert and he's almost 30 I just looked at the Iron Maiden website and a video it is straight from the devil my heart just keeps breaking over and over mom it's just an 80s metal band dad has their cassettes in the basement from when he used to listen to them it's fine he said he didn't know but I don't know I will look I just know that I watch the video the number of the beast and it is sickening it is not fine just the picture alone on their website is sickening praying for your mind eyes and ears for what the concert is going to do to you I can't believe that Iron Maiden is corrupting completely innocent 30 year old men to the lady at Costco with her son on a leash I'm sorry that I asked if he was a rescue the profanity wasn't necessary but thank you for not sticking him on me no no you misunderstand I'm not leashing my child because I'm lazy this is my seeing-eye baby dishes done by 3:00 p.m. okay I get home at 3:00 is 3:15 okay if I look on the cameras and they are done by 3:00 there will be consequences I can't have them done that fast it's 3:00 now and the dishes aren't done that's a day of no tech lady of what the heck how is he supposed to do the dishes if he's not even home yet if you want to be my mom friend you got to vaccinate your kids fine I don't want your friendship I only want my children around intelligent kids anyways not eczema OCD ad D and the multiple spectrums of autism including nonverbal I think I'll be just fine so will my healthy children the user John wick University said it best in regards to unvaccinated children they won't stay healthy but they will stay children in this next post Opie paid his mom between five hundred and seven hundred and fifty dollars a month to live at home and then he got sick of it and left inter these text messages a lot of people in this town know why I kicked you out and how you ruined my Easter just remember word gets around in a small town oh right you smart but mother effer I already know that truth you're not giving your laptop back I'm getting rid of it's good luck getting financial aid for college because you need my personal information and I won't give it to you and you or nobody can make me I wish I wouldn't have done anything for you your whole life because now you ain't nothing but a piece of garbage a waste of time and a waste of God's creativity you'll never get anything from me the rest of your life does anybody else find it a little bit disturbing for someone's mom to call them a mother effer on this post Opie went for a walk at 10:00 p.m. and this is a text message from his mom I want to go out for a walk I need some fresh air what I want to go for a walk to smoke drugs can I go out for a walk no for a bloody walk to get some fresh air you don't ever walk I do drugs alcohol or fast food lady maybe he just wanted to get away from you I could really use help raising the money for my boob job I am saving every penny and buying myself nothing until I reach my goal if every one of my Facebook friends donates just two dollars I'll reach my goals thanks in advance and then this lady has her children hold up signs please help our mom get boobs she looks like our dad lady you don't need a boob job you need a psych evaluation my dad just slapped me effing hard because I didn't cry at a relative's funeral they were never a close relative but I'd spoken to them a couple of times I went to the funeral all that and I was a bit upset but I didn't cry I just tend not to a desk for some reason it's just how I handle them when the funeral had finished and we got back into the car he effing slapped me with all he had and went on a rant about how disrespectful it was my head is absolutely throbbing even now a few days later it's still hurting quite a bit update he got home from work and I talked to him about it he said that most people were crying so why wasn't I that was his reason so I replied I didn't know them that well and now I'm barred to my room for the rest of the day hopefully my mom can talk some sense into him I've sent her a text so to the dad in this story may be the reason why Opie doesn't cry at funerals is because he's been fantasizing about your death for years on this next post this is an insane contract that parents made their kids sign before going to college i blank promised for the 2019 to 2020 year to 1 maintain at least a 3.5 GPA each semester to refrain from drinking any alcoholic beverages for any reason except communion 3 no smoking Julie are vaporizing any substance of any kind tobacco weed or any other organic or inorganic substance 4 attend church weekly at least a 90 percent attend rate per semester 5 refrain from having passionate of any type oral etc if I am found to have violated any terms of this contract I will forfeit my loan and you are released from continuing to fund my education I will be asked regularly whether I am fulfilling the obligations of this contract and any lying will also cause me to forfeit my loan in funding as someone who's been to college I read this contract a very different way i blank promised to lie to my parents throughout my entire college career to the lady living at this address I also live in this neighbourhood and have a problem you have a kid that is mentally handicapped and she consciously decided that it would be a good idea to live in a close proximity neighborhood like this you selfishly put your kid outside every day and let him be nothing but a nuisance and a problem to everyone else with that noise polluting wailing he constantly makes that noise he makes when he is outside is dreadful it scares the heck out of my normal children when you feel your idiot kid needs fresh air take him to our Park you dope we have a nature trail let him run around those places and make noise crying babies music and even barking dogs are normal sounds in a residential neighborhood he is not he is a hindrance to everyone and will always be that way who the heck is going to care for him no employer will hire him no normal girl's going to marry slash love him and you are not going to live forever personally they should take whatever not our word body parts he possesses and donate it to science what the heck else good is he that anyone you have an R word kid deal with it properly what right do you have to do this to hard-working people I hate people like you who believe just because you have a special needs kid you are entitled to special treatment God do everyone in our community a huge favor and move vamoose scram move away and get out of this type of neighborhood setting go live in a trailer in the woods or something with your wild animal kid nobody wants you living here and they don't have the guts to tell you do the right thing and move or euthanize him either way we are all better off sincerely one pissed-off mother so this lady says nobody wants you living here and they don't have the guts to tell you and then sign the letter anonymously what a coward that was our / insane parents and if you liked this video hit the subscribe button for more daily reddit videos
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,314,313
Rating: 4.8992214 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, insaneparents, r/insaneparents, insaneparents posts, insane parents, r/ insaneparents
Id: 20MhDdAQ2GU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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