r/Revenge - Steal My Wallet? Enjoy Getting Caught LITERALLY RED HANDED!

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revenge you've heard about it we've got stories about it on reddit today we're going to be covering r revenge now sit back shut up chuck a prawn on the barbie and enjoy some bloody good content thanks posted by user scarlett absol 13 titled steal my wallet enjoy getting caught literally red-handed and losing your job so i work at a supermarket and for a while a few years back stuff would get stolen out of people's bags in the break room it was mostly cash phone chargers headphones little things like that we did have little lockers in the break room but there may be 30 centimeters by 30 centimeters or one foot by one foot and too small to hold anything larger than a medium-sized purse so if someone had a larger bag or even a large puffy jacket it wouldn't fit i usually carry a messenger bag big enough to fit a notebook or sketchbook in its i like to draw or write while on break which was too big to stick in one of the lockers without having it get stuck and i usually stashed it under a coat rack i hardly ever keep money or anything more valuable than a mechanical pen in my bag while at work i keep any money or my debit card on me at all times except for one particular day before work one particular sunday i had to go buy a new television since mine had suddenly stopped working the night before i must have forgotten to take my wallet out of my bag before heading to work because the following day i discovered that it was missing however whoever took it only took the wallet because my debit card college id and mbta boston subway system fare card had been thrown in my bag the wallet in question was a small coach brand wallet so i can see why they took it but i had only spent about 14 bucks on it since i got it at a coach outlet store so it wasn't like i spent a lot on it as annoying as it was to have my television die in the middle of playing an online video game thankfully on the switch so i could at least finish the match that i was in because i had to buy a new television i had spent the 150 cash that i had been keeping in my wallet up until that after meeting with the management and our loss prevention guy lp for shorts the consensus was basically we're sorry that happened to you but there's nothing we can do about it keep your stuff locked up from now on which i did i started locking my bag to the coat rack with a bike lock the market i work at is union so management isn't allowed to put cameras in the break room so i talked to our lp guy about it a little more and asked him if i would get in trouble if i would have put a prank wallet filled with glitter and powdered food coloring in my bag and he said not at all i also went to the union steward about it and he also said that i wouldn't get in trouble but also told me to be careful so i put my plan into motion i bought a fake coach wallet that cost more than that one that had been stolen go figure some edible glitter and powdered red food coloring i sewed a strip of elastic into the opening of the wallets the wallet had a zippered pocket for money and cards then stuffed it with as much of the glitter and food coloring powder as i could so that when the wallet was opened all the glitter and food coloring would pop out all over the hands of the person who opened it i then planted it in my bag and waited i didn't have to wait very long a few weeks later i heard from our lp guy that a cashier had been going through people's bags again and fell for my glitter bomb wallets hook line and sinker tried to then wash the glitter off her hands which activated the powdered red food coloring she then freaked out when it stained her hands bright red and went to management about it she wanted the person who planted the wallet to get in trouble for it but since it had been within other workers personal belongings and the wallet wasn't harmful or illegal there was nothing they could do to the worker who did it the girl ended up getting fired for openly admitting to going through people's bags for money and other valuables and ended up throwing two other cashiers under the bus for stealing from people as well they were fired shortly after i did get spoken to by management after the fact since they knew that i had planted the wallet in my bag but the discussion was more or less we know the wallet was yours we didn't tell the person who tried taking it that it was yours and we're not going to tell you that you can't do that again our next post is by user internal researcher 8 titled park in two spaces enjoy waiting to get back in your car so i went out to eat at a local fast food place before going to work when i arrived the parking lot was full except for one space but some inconsiderate buffoon had parked across the line i wasn't about to make myself late waiting for another space to open up thankfully there was enough room for me to pull into this last space which was next to the driver's door of the other car my driver's door was next to the curb so i had no trouble getting out while i was inside waiting for my food i'd already ordered a woman came inside upset that someone had parked blocking her in the management went outside with her to look while they were out there my order was cold so i took my food and sat down to eat my table was right next to the door they came in i heard the manager tell her that there is nothing he could do because the other car is clearly parked in a single space and she proceeded to go table to table asking whose car that was because she needed to leave for some odd reason she never stopped at my table after asking at a few tables she gave up and went outside and sat on the front of her car after i finished my meal i walked out got in my car as i was walking to my car i heard her on the phone talking presumably to her boss and telling him that she was going to be late i just drove away without even acknowledging her edits a common question in the comments was why didn't she just get in the passenger side and slide over one very large woman two compact car three as i walked past her car i saw that it was rather full of clutter so no room to even get in the passenger side let's alone move across and our next post is by user the cunthunter6969 titles unwilling to pay let them eat semen cake ew so i'm a 17 year old web dev who can make basic websites and stuff to earn money for video games the job's pretty easy for the pay i get picked up by some local bakeries so people could pre-order cakes and stuff online i took a few hours to puke out a functional back end and a day to make it all pretty thanks bootstrap i had agreed for rs 700 basically 10 bucks which is insanely cheap even for india but all i need is video game money so i'm good with that when i'm done with the job they needed to purchase the domains and the server which i explicitly told them you pay me 10 and i use another 10 to buy a domain and 5 to rent servers they give me 15 so i could set their stuff up once the website was fully operational i asked for my money but apparently they didn't want to pay because if i wasn't hosting the server anyways why do i need compensation you know because apparently time has no value the thing was i could still access the server as i had the credentials for the server so i go home log in and make one tiny change the way the website works is that there's a customer page which shows you your orders and there's a page for the store owners to see orders payments etc here is what i did i added a small inconspicuous may contain semen warning in all product details in the page where it shows your order confirmations to the customer some options are changed with semen so like semen frosting by random the website went down in about a week and they're back selling on facebook lol guessing someone complained or something our next post is by user chicken fashion show titled i did to my neighbor what they did to others to start i bought a house with the intention of doing a flip when i moved in the self-appointed block captain let me know who they were the first day sadly they were my next-door neighbors i tried to be friendly but listening to them i realized how horrible they were and tried to still be civil my significant other kept saying just wait for it to be our turn they bragged about through their contracts with the city forcing people to make improvements on their houses getting undesirable renters out of the houses and just harassing people in general as i worked on flipping my house the wife became a worse the one in my side to start she demanded i put up a fence so people would quit cutting through my yard and scaring her then her and the husband demanded i take care of the weeds in the yard or they will do it and bill me after a storm a tree scraped their shingles and they asked for one thousand two hundred dollars to replace them the tree was there before i moved in and by co-ed they are responsible to cut back the branches to the property line when i wouldn't pay they had a relative jump my fence and cut the trees down did someone say tree law dude you could get like treble damages for that that's crazy god these people don't know what they're doing cutting your trees down like that that's gonna cost them like a hundred and twenty thousand dollars dude treble damages are you in a treble damage state that's crazy anyway needless to say i began to ignore them so she became a constant gnat and moved on to another target then one day as i was tearing down my deck for a patio i realized she put a feral cat colony on a section of my property i had wondered why all the stray cats were around and i finally found out i reached out to the city and demanded it be removed but they said she followed the law on getting it in place as i tried to get it shut down she began unhinged behavior from standing in her windows staring at me yelling out the window at me to hitting the fence with items to scare my dog here my revenge started i started by filing a hro slash harassment restraining order against the wife and had a granted ex part with the evidence i provided of course she contested as it was defamatory to her character before the hearing the husband tried to physically intimidate me so i filed one against him and it was also granted ex-parts in the hearing it came up that there was an hro against the husband as well they dogged being served until i had it published as a means of service i started to make complaints about them and their house also i made police calls when necessary as i did this the other neighbors began to realize they could do to them what they had done to them and others for example as i was having my front door replaced needing a building work permits i knew they were doing internal remodeling so i called a city inspector and they were fined for not having a permit as she ranted at the inspector he looked at my window and saw that i had mine displayed their back porch became hoarded so i made another call to a city inspector and they had to clear it out then they had a broken window on the porch door so i called an inspector and they had to replace the door next the paint on their house was peeling so i called an inspector and they had to repaint the inspector also found the wood underneath was rotted along with their front porch was sloping so they needed to fix the front porch sections of wood and repaint through all this they had up cameras to prove that they were not doing the things i said i.e hitting the fence they also pointed a camera at my backyard as it was legal to point a camera into my yard and as part of my hro was her intrusive watching behaviors i gave the camera the middle finger on the way to and from my garage when she complained with the city tiring of her their response was that she was admitting to intrusively watching me the fight over the cat colony came to an end when i realized one of the cats had a serious disease and i began to capture them and turn them into animal control don't worry animal control was part of the feral cat program so they would not be put down but the neighbor would have to pay a fine to get each cat out or have the colony closed finally i caught the sick one and it had rabies part of the program was for her to capture each new cat and have it vaccinated something she admitted to willingly not doing on her gofundme for the colony i soon had the go fund me shut down when i provided the evidence that she was not using the funds as she stated they were going to be used the city now had to act to close the colony the person at animal control who wouldn't respond to my complaints was fired the neighbors called inner city mediator who we met with and presented all the evidence and said we would not meet with them and provided extremely racist tweets they made about neighbors the city cut ties with them as community leaders with their power to bully gone and having spent what i can only imagine in fines and repairs like they did to other neighbors after 14 years they sold their house and moved out way out to the suburbs where they only have one neighbor about 50 yards away they knew i was wrapping up my flip and would be out in less than a year without being able to bully their neighbours with people having their back they seemed to have no further reason to stay needless to say i did several more things to wear them down finally when i listed my house it was sold while theirs was still on the market as a final fu to them i reported to the county that they had both the new house and old house listed as their homestead meaning they were paying less in property taxes so they got hit with more fines on my way out marshall mello says you flipped the house you flipped them off and you flipped the tables on them what didn't you flip ll cool l jesse says cut down your trees where are all the amateur tree lawyers at i know right that's a lot of money you could have gotten it's treason then and our last pose today is by uzika metallica can't die two there's two of them titled neighbor likes to park in front of my house okay then so this happened a few years ago my neighbor started parking on the street behind my car like literally inches for no apparent reason my neighbor has a driveway which is empty and also lived two houses down the street i don't have a driveway so on-street parking is a must for me so after a few weeks i asked if it was necessary to park so close when there was literally no cars on the street for over a quarter of a mile he said no but there's no law against it with a big [ __ ] eating grin on his face a few weeks pass by and my car gets hit because someone thought there was enough room to clear as his truck blocked the view of my car entirely i see this happen but unfortunately can't get a model or license plate number i find my neighbor's email address because i didn't really feel like talking to him and asked him again if he could just park further down the road closer to his house he replied nope suck on it okay i had lived there for quite a long time and never had any issues with him or any other neighbor i keep to myself never make noise don't have any noisy pets or parties etc his truck has his business name on it i google it and find out it's his own business lots of yelp reviews triple b rating etc all these links point to his website i go to check out his website and it doesn't load up i head over to who is and see that the domain isn't even registered i snag it before i think of what to do with its i googled the owner's name and find out he's been convicted of murdering a child 20ish years ago i find a handful of links that details his story rather explicitly i copy slash paste all those links into an email to him a throwaway account so he can't just reply to me as i deleted it afterward said something like well if you want to be a jerk for no reason i just bought your business domain here is all the links i plan on posting on it i don't have to list your business name because all of your business listings across the internet have this url pointing to it keep parking like a jerk yes it's legal but you are willingly doing this just to annoy me i legally bought your domain and can legally link these articles park behind me again and i'll launch it within an hour his truck was moved onto his property he asked me for the domain and i told him when either you move or i move i will hand it over until then it will remain offline and edits only thing fake was the time frame this happened last week not a few years ago he was originally charged with capital murder but his lawyer convinced him of a plea deal for manslaughter because they have way more than enough to convict you of capital murder edit two for those saying this is fake i'm putting my house on the market in two to three months when it sells i'll come back and post all the news articles as i won't be anywhere near here so doxxing will be much more difficult well if any of you guys want to keep up with that go check out their username and follow their profile on reddit if you want to see this very real thing in two to three months you are more than welcome to posted by user anonymousanny5523 titled i help someone get revenge on their gold digging ass of a significant other this happened some years ago but i was just reminded of it so here you go reddit i worked as a front desk agent in a large luxury hotel chain for some years one particular hotel i worked at was located really close to the downtown area and so we got a large number of young very wealthy business people who loved to party i usually worked the second and third shifts which meant i got to see loads of drunken hookups breakups cheating hookers and more this particular one though this is one i will never forget i was working at the desk when a group of young well-dressed men come walking in they've all clearly been drinking but aren't so drunk that they can't walk right and hold a conversation one of them comes up to me and tells me that while he and his friends were at the bar a woman was hitting on him and even though he told her no multiple times she wouldn't stop so he and his friends left and it wasn't until they got in the uber that he realized he didn't have his room key anymore he thinks she took it and he's concerned that she may come up to his room he asked that i deactivate his keys and if she does come up to the hotel to not let her in when he was telling me all of this it didn't sit right with me he and his friends were all grinning about it and snickering amongst one another then he gave a clear description of her without being asked told me height body shape hair colour and style the kind of dress she was wearing all while seeing it in a mocking tone now this could have easily been because he thought the whole thing was ridiculous or was too drunk to take it seriously but it really didn't sound right to me either way i did as i was trained in that situation i pulled up his reservation deactivated the keys as requested made him a new set when he showed me his id and david offered to move him to a new room if that would make him feel more comfortable he and his buddies all laughed a little at that and he declined took the keys and they went to their room about an hour or so later the woman he described showed up now by this point my relief for the night had also shown up and was sitting at the front desk while i was in the back office counting down my cash drawer i hadn't had a chance to tell him about the woman just as i'm walking out of the back office with my bag and about to leave i see my co-worker buzz the doors open and the woman comes rushing in cuts through the lobby and down the hall to the elevators she was barefoot holding her heels in her hands and knew exactly where she was going i rushed up to him and told him that the man from before had told about her my co-worker looked at me confused he then pointed to the screen that had the reservation pulled up and told me that when the woman arrived she went to use the room keys and they didn't work so he asked for her room number and last name she gave birth and her name is on the reservation i looked at the reservation and down in the notes there was a woman's name listed the man from before was listed as the primary but her name was listed as a secondary with his consents to be in the room i was confused i thought maybe she wasn't the same woman that he was talking about but to be on the safe side i called the man in his room and told him the situation and that we allowed a woman fitting that description he gave to enter the building because she confirmed her name was on the room he laughed said he forgot her name was on the room and asked that i remove it i was now super confused i asked to make sure i said sir just to be clear the woman you met at the bar tonight was with you at check-in hours ago and was allowed keys then but now she's not he laughs to all his friends in the room and says ha ah guys i confused the poor girl he gets back on the phone with me and he says yes sweetheart she's banned from the room don't worry about the other details just take a name off i say hmm i see then if she isn't going to be on the room anymore would you like us to call the police and have her removed from the property he's like whoa whoa whoa that is too far there don't worry she'll get the hint soon enough we ended the call there and i got really suspicious of this i told my co-worker to not do anything and that i was going to stick around for a bit to see if anything happens a short time later the woman came off the elevator pouring tears sobbing while on the phone with someone she sat down in our lobby and my co-worker and i tried to look busy while eavesdropping hard on her phone call she was sobbing on the phone to her mum and sister from what she told them she was invited out to spend the week with her boyfriend meeting all of his college buddies this being their first night they had all met up for dinner and drinks after a bit she went to the restroom and when she came back she caught her boyfriend hitting on another woman his friends all bet that he wouldn't do it when she confronted him ticked off he called her a bunch of names and humiliated her in front of his friends and the entire bar all of his friends joined in on the mocking her and he threw in her face that she was nothing without him and dumped her right there he and his friends then took an uber back and left her stranded at the bar with no money and no way back she then had to use her phone's gps to walk back to the hotel from the bar barefoot she had heels and walking two miles in those was not gonna cut it she was asking her mom and sister for help as he wouldn't let her in the room to get her luggage or her wallet my heart broke i felt horrible i helped this guy treat this poor woman like crap and now all he and his friends were up there laughing at her while she's sitting in our lobby sobbing and with nothing i went over to our snacks area in the lobby i grabbed her a bottle of water and brought it to her i told her that i couldn't help but overhear the conversation and was very sorry for her situation and asked if she would like us to help i informed her that if he was keeping her from getting her things we could call the police and have them force him to hand over her things so that she could leave if she would like or if she wanted to let her mom or sister pay for a room we would be very happy to give her a very low rate in a room far from him she thanked me took the water and tried to calm down and talk to me about what was all happening and what her options were eventually we decided on her staying in the hotel for the night and figuring out the rest in the morning as we make it to the desk she asks me to try and run her credit card to see if it has enough on it for another room i asked her what she means by another room and she tells me that she's actually paying for the room he's in that his name is on the room because he booked it but it's her card paying for everything this intrigued me i asked why she was paying for the room if it was in his name she told me that she's the one with a job not him that he hasn't been able to find a job in his field since graduating from college and is essentially living off of his parents money but just after they started dating his parents cut him off so he's been living off of her money that's why she was so upset and confused by how he had been acting all night he was sweet and doing everything for her back home but since he met up with his friends he did a 180 and hasn't been the same guy the entire time i wanted to tell her that it was obvious that he was using her for the money and that he probably would blame his friends for all of this and then try to get back with her later on but i doubted that she would have listened to me or cared for a complete stranger to bud in on her personal life like that so instead i offered up a sweet piece of revenge i informed her that considering that she's the one paying for the room if she can confirm that it's her card on file with some sort of photo id and verify the last four digits of the card number that's honestly all this hotel company required then she could if she wanted to kick him out of the room and keep it all to herself but considering how poorly her night has been if she were indeed able to prove that she is the one paying for the room then i'd be more than happy to provide her the biggest luxury upgrade we offered at our property largest suite we had full hotel amenity access i would even have my co-worker fish out a bottle of champagne and some fresh strawberries for her to have her sent to her room all free of charge she was taken aback by the author and was very sincerely tempted she looked like she was about to say no then i told her that since she would be upgrading her room that would require moving her things from that room into her new one which meant the room that she's currently listed in would need to be vacated immediately if anyone were to remain in the room after we had demanded it be vacated we are required to have them escorted off the property or they pay for the room their choice she then thought about it pulled up her card's banking app and showed me the screen it had a photo of her her full name the card's full number and the hold from our hotel for the room she asked if that worked huh it was good enough for me so i quickly upgraded her moved everything over in the system and before i could say a word to my co-worker he was already grabbing a set of master keys a bell cart and was asking her what her luggage looked like since he would be the one retrieving it for her to deliver to her room he didn't want her to have to deal with her ex again she smiled and told him which ones were hers and that she hadn't unpacked yet my co-worker runs down to the elevators and up to fetch her things all the while i make her a new set of keys and send her off to her new room once she's on the elevator my phone at the desk starts ringing it's the ex-boyfriend and he is very angry about why my co-worker has entered the room and is taking her things i calmly explain that i cannot give out the private information of any of our guests and that if he would like to remain in his room he will need to pay for it as there is no longer a method of payment on his room he blew up he's making a ton of demands and at the same time yelling at my coworker to stop what he's doing but it's obvious from the way he's yelling at him that my co-worker isn't listening to him i can even hear the guy's friends telling him to chill out and just pay for the damn room i then explained that we will give him a courtesy 10 minutes to make a decision at which point if he doesn't have payment ready then he must vacate the building or we will be forced to call the authorities and have him evicted he continues to yell at me he screams swears threatens and yells for a solid minute before taking a breath i then tell him he has nine minutes remaining and asks if he has come to a decision yet he hangs up on me nine minutes later i call the room and he doesn't answer i call again no answer i call a third time he picks up then immediately hangs up i call the police and i tell them what's going on and they said that they're on their way the officers arrive i tell them what's going on we go up to the room together and the man and his friends are all white as ghosts when they see the cops the cops explain to the ex-boyfriend and his friends that they are being evicted the ex-boyfriend starts trying to talk to me but the cops stop him and tell him to only talk to them i told them about his attitude on the phone before the friends are all offering to pay for the room at this point and the cops look at me and ask if that would be acceptable i smile very sweetly and say no and the cops nod and start rushing all of the guys to grab their things and leave the room the ex-boyfriend is the last one out of the door carrying his two bags and complaining that he isn't even given a luggage cart and has to carry his own things his friends all looked pissed at him i go with the offices to escort all of them out of the building and i run into my co-worker in the lobby he waits until they're all outside in the parking lots to tell me that the woman is in her new room loves it and said no to the champagne she just wanted to sleep i didn't get to see her before she left town the next day but the ex-boyfriends did try calling our hotel to complain a number of times and even tried leaving some bad reviews of us online and lied through all of it i hope she doesn't have to ever deal with him again edits just wanted to address some things that you guys brought up in the comments one i have no idea why she didn't use uber instead of walking probably due to the distress at the moment and didn't think of it honestly if you're ever in that situation despite being publicly humiliated like that ask the staff for help either they think of something you're too panicked to think of or they'll be nice and pay for an uber for you i've done it for people plenty when working in hotels there is no shame in asking for help and two the credit card company is capital one i wasn't going to mention it since some subs immediately flagged your story for listing major company names and i didn't want to fuss with that but yeah their app lets you post a picture on your profile and on most banking and credit card apps you are able to pull up the full card number by clicking on the account information yes technically i shouldn't have accepted this as a form of id however given how crap her night was i didn't care and our next post is by user von adler titled fired are you sure okay note 1 this story was told to me by a friend and is about her father i won't be able to answer many follow-up questions it takes place at around 2005. i believe the story to be true but i can't verify it of course and note 2 this happens in sweden where there's no actual employment once an employee is passed the initial month probation period you can't fire them without a cause which also requires an established paper trail and note 3 i am not a native english speaker and professional terms may be wrong i am happy to take any corrections so my friend's father since retired was a mechanical engineer he was around 55 when this happened and very experienced in his fields in fact he had some skill sets that were close to unique to the extent that you might be able to replicate them but at extreme costs we're talking multiple people from multiple companies from multiple countries taking weeks if not months to get up to speed with specific projects to do the same thing he was also a no bull crap kind of guy who did his job did it well but also pointed out problems and expected others to point out problems to him he was extremely solution-oriented and had no time for office politics or keeping a positive attitude at work basically your everyday grumpy old engineer who really knew his thing and was always ready to help you if asked but not very forthcoming in team building exercises and so on he also ran his own business on the side doing minor projects in so on as was required by his employer he had reported this and was sure to not cause any conflicts and interests so his employer knew and accepted this he was considered a valuable employee and got several awards that he cared little for but anyway during his many years with this all accounts they paid him well respected his knowledge and accommodated his style and he returned the favor by working very hard and making sure to mentor younger and newly employed engineers to make them effective co-workers then his firm was acquired by a larger firm and a new management team installed initially everyone was promised that things would remain the same but with the new management came a new office culture the new management pressured for unpaid overtime for a more american corporate culture with cheering and clapping and so on and so forth he considered it extremely cringe and refused to participate his status as a long-standing and knowledgeable employee kept him safe for some time before the new management realized that resistance to the new culture centered around him and started pressuring him to play along when he did not they turned increasingly hostile realizing that he held a lot of soft power in the company having mentored a large percentage of the engineers and resistance to their leadership centering around him they started ordering him to work overtime he answered that he was on time with his projects and that if they had identified an emergency requiring overtime they would have to bring it up with the union to negotiate the overtime and make sure that it was an actual emergency the contract with a union said no overtime unless in an emergency they tried to force him to participate in the cheering and clapping by making it mandatory for him to attend and yelling at him to participate and he did but so unenthusiastically that the event turned even more cringe and people started laughing the workday turned more and more hostile and he knew that things would come to a head sooner or later being an experienced engineer and knowing how to document things he always had his ducks in a row then it finally happened they caught him answering an email for his side business on his work laptop brought him in and fired him on the spot for theft of company resources he sat at the conference table and looked at the three managers in the eyes one after the other and asked are you sure you want to do this they all said yes are you really sure you want to do this he was escorted to his desk by security to leave his phone his badge and his computer at the desk and then escorted out once out of the building he phoned his union representative who immediately cancelled the firing claiming there was no just cause which meant that it would go to the labor board for arbitration you see the company had an i.t policy that it was okay to use the company laptop for personal business including a side business as long as you were on a break and compliant with it security protocols and the company was aware of and had approved his side business and he was on break of course he had his declaration of a side business signed by his former manager and the i.t policy available and sent both to the union representative then he called his lawyer and asked him to send the pre-prepared cease and desist on two patents he held patents that were not that significant and nothing he could make any serious money out of since they were mostly for very specific things used by the solutions he designed and used at his employers but still his that he had brought with him into the employment and allowed the employer to use in exchange for a slightly higher pay which of course was all duly documented in his contract then he went home for some vacation and tending his side business he was always a man to prepare and had enough money saved up to last him for a good time to the extent that he considered retiring entirely my friend said that he had two job offers from competitors that had looked to sniping him for some time within the week basically as soon as they learned that he was available he was gracious but declined but offered them to consult with his side business now that he had the time which they eagerly accepted at twice the hourly rate he had made at his earlier employers his colleagues started ringing the day after for advice since the projects he had managed could not go on without him he was perfectly polite but denied any information and help saying that he had left everything he'd had with management and to contact them as he was no longer employed there several clients that phoned his private number were told the same thing since his private number was not on a public registry he suspected that both colleagues and clients spent some time and or money to find it it took two weeks before a manager phoned him and asked him things he politely declined to answer god yelled at and replied with something like i'm sorry you must have mistaken me for someone who works for you and hung up this happened a few times and the next week hr phoned him and stated the firing had been a mistake and he was welcomed back to his job he again politely declined saying that he awaited the labour board's decision but until then he was happy to consult for them at six times his hourly pay after taxes and administrative costs of course after a few days of wrangling and trying to negotiate they had to accept and then he sprung the patent tissue on them forcing them to pay for those too less than two and a half weeks after being fired he was back at his desk after roughly three months the firing came to the labor board the employer stated that they believed they had handled the issue correctly but they were still willing to offer my friend's father his position back in the interest of goodwill and reconciliation my friend's father and the union simply stated that he was now employed elsewhere his own company and was no longer available the labour board ruled in my friend's father's and the union's favor and he got the normal damages three months pay damage and 20 months pay severance package including pension and of course the lawyer costs of the union paid by the employer according to my friends her father continued to work there until he retired working 20 hours or so per week and 10 to 15 hours for other companies making a pretty penny continuing to charge them three times what he charged their competitors as an [ __ ] tax the managers were not fired but they were moved into their own group apart from the rest of the departments when it came to bonus calculations and the costs of their father's consultancy fees and the costs of the labour board arbitration were budgeted there meaning that they were constantly over budget and thus ineligible for bonuses for several years which was a decent percentage of the incentives at that company making at least one of them quit my friend also said that her father usually met any management complaints with a big crap eating grin and said what are you gonna do fire me after that i really liked that one i hope you guys did enjoy posted by user forest cabin one two three k titled bridezilla karen ends up looking like a pauper at her own wedding i female48 have known pat's female48 for decades as far as i can remember she was fixated on having five children and a picket fenced dream life i slowly cut ties with her in college because she was an opportunist and i didn't trust her she is both manipulative and forceful her idea of cute rubs me the wrong way pat likes to walk like a penguin when she wants to elicit pity and she usually does this when she wants to evoke the underdog narrative i have never seen someone act so despicable and ridiculous at the same time i moved on with my life happily got rid of her for years pat eventually found me on facebook i accepted her friend request out of politeness pat has become the epitome of a permissive mother her five kids do as they please and she never calls them out she tried to force a relationship between me and her daughters and made them call me auntie pat tried to drop them at my house uninvited her phone calls were insistent she tried to monopolize my time and she began to show up at my job i created some boundaries so she tried to find loopholes it was a nightmare my husband and i hosted a party for the community center not the real name and its new members the community centre is actually a very informal initiative and my husband and i mainly serve the homeless population we prefer to help strangers instead of catering to potentially narcissistic acquaintances we don't mind lending a hand but we have encountered truly dishonest choosing beggars there are other services like one of the members who helps women get their wedding and prom dresses for free the community center location headquarters is actually a farm owned by an elderly couple there is a barn a venue and a very nice green field with an artificial lake and some fowl they charge us for the use of their facilities weddings etc but not for community-oriented staff pat had always been salty at her husband for demanding that she go back to work after baby number three in the meantime he worked three jobs she demanded he get her pregnant to fulfill her dream of having five kids he didn't agree because he was already nearly 45 and felt like he might never be able to retire she got away with bringing new babies into this world anyway her fascination with being pregnant comes from all the attention she gets she had at least one miscarriage in between each kid pat latched on to our group she never missed any of our activities i hated having her in my house but it was an open invitation that included virtually everyone and she was very active as an event organizer i didn't like the way her kids behaved we have a designated area for parties and entertainments but her kids ended up inside my bedroom we ended up having to keep watch of them and enjoyed zero of our own party i called her days later to get my point across regarding their overall behavior but she completely cut me off and began talking about herself and said her kids wanted to come visit again and use our pool i never answered that i didn't want to say no i will not have your bratz over she also called me as summer was approaching specifically to let me know her middle daughter was bored and wanted to spend a week at our home i politely declined citing that me and my husband have to work and cannot entertain guests pat paid no heed her kid called me on the weekends calling me auntie and attempted to coax me by saying mom says you invited me to spend summer with you i quickly clarified and offered an explanation to avoid hurting a kid's never mind her daughter just hung up on me pat's facebook also showed some red flags some cryptic rants here and there were visible along with friends comments and complaints on how she asked a particular person to watch her kids only for a couple of hours and ended up leaving them all day another of her friends criticized her girls night out because pat had just asked them to be patient and wait until she could pay back some money that she owed them yet she had money to spend on friday night outings i thought that those very public comments on private matters were more like a cry of lost patience unpleasant things began to happen like the time she volunteered to wrap the christmas presents for underprivileged kids we all wanted to create a mix of less costly gifts with really nice ones surprisingly some nice and eye-catching toys and games were missing but turned up under her christmas tree courtesy of her mother-in-law's facebook posts no one could prove anything but it was hate inducing or the time my daughter called me in tears to pick her up after she attended pat's birthday party casey my daughter had been ignored all night because she didn't gift her the expensive gaming stuff casey practically demanded my daughter did ask but i said no we would buy her a very nice and thoughtful present according to her taste so when i went to pick her up my daughter was sitting alone in the living room while casey and her friends stayed outside stories about pat and her family multiplied the owners at the farm of the community center decided to keep their gates locked until they had guests or events because pat got in the habit of driving in whenever she pleased and it was either her kids screaming and disturbing ongoing weddings throwing rocks at the koi in the lake or harassing the geese in the yard or how she stiffed another soccer mom with a lunch bill and then pulled the struggling financially card or how other parents hated her because she created unnecessary hostile competition when my daughter turned 13 i allowed her to wear my grandma's ring it's not an expensive piece of jewelry but it's vintage and girls nowadays want to look boho my granny gave it to me when i became a teenager so i passed it on to my kid so she could wear it on her birth week it was weird that she became quiet and distracted after that she also didn't want to go to school and my husband and i became suspicious she never opened up and my kids had no clue we went to our school but her teachers assured us nothing had changed in her environment my husband and i suspected she was being bullied but our kid gave us no tools to support her my kid is very sunny and very compassionate she has never had any problems with other kids so i called her best friend's mom natalie my kids bff told us what was going on casey pat's eldest and my daughter had become close i knew this and wasn't too thrilled i found the age gap casey was 17 not exactly inappropriate but i'd rather see my daughter spend time with friends in the same age range casey is very beautiful and a gifted student she is also very conceited to make this short she asked my daughter if she could try on the ring and refuse to give it back she later claimed that she lost it but would look for it so my daughter was distraught my daughter kept asking for her ring and as a result casey shunned her and spread the right that my kid was trying to steal her ring some kids at school took casey's side so now casey just wore my kid's jewelry to school like nothing happened if that doesn't qualify as taunting i don't know what does my guilt comes from not being able to get my daughter to open up and feel safe telling me the truth i talked to her and she burst into tears i was both pained as a mother and furious that some teenage bear was doing this under our noses i went straight to pat's car after school i asked to talk as casey was about to go in so i grabbed casey's hand and asked to see her jewelry casey froze and she tried to make a fist so i became relentless casey yelled mum and pat struggled to get out of the car i slid the ring off casey has tiny hands and wore the ring on her index finger first pat yelled at me after i confronted her with the engraving on the band my grandma's maiden name she argued that it was loaned to her daughter by my kid then she said she bought it i paid no heed i did warn them that i knew casey had become an abusive friend to my daughter pat called me to tell me off she said she was trying to raise an assertive young woman and i had just messed that up by being overbearing she never apologized for her thief of a child pat's husband hank is what can be described as a doormat pat wore him down to a knob he had no choice but to obey her to keep the peace she was a bully who actively withdrew affection when he didn't follow her wishes even in public so she got kids number four into number five after a relentless campaign that included leaving him for two months her pregnancies were a nuisance because she expected to be treated like the only lady who has ever been pregnant she strolled around in a wheelchair almost immediately after getting pregnant and she would get very sick on weekends so her kids were often sent to friends and family so that she could rest pat systemically bullied hank she would leave town and take the kids with her poor hank would look destroyed drinking on his porch or just looking really lonely this is how she got off the hook and was able to leave her job hank had virtually no voice so he struggled to keep the marriage together everyone liked him but hated her equally hank loved to talk to other people but seemed concerned that pat would be upset over time according to my husband hank began to show signs of depression and mental distress our friend lena runs the wedding and prom dress initiative it's not complicated dresses are sourced from donations ebay trunk shows etc unusually beautiful dresses are retained so that more than one bride gets to wear them in some cases a bride will pay 50 bucks but most of the time the dresses are donated to the bride pat was involved in this lena kept her in because they never had any issues and her task was limited to just shipping the dresses out pat decided to renew her valves and her bridezilla karenzilla attitude became the icing on the cake for starters she bullied another couple into giving up their wedding date at the farm because she needed her renewal to match her exact wedding dates they were not impressed with her harassment so they booked another venue as a result the farm owners were ticked because pat was already costing the money after she had successfully negotiated a cut in their rates because she couldn't afford it but will repay by doing maintenance work around the venue she never made good on her word patch became attached to a particular dress that was already assigned to another bride lena made it clear that she would need to pay for her own dress so pat played it cool and shipped the wrong gown instead she was adamant that it was the right dress despite all the notes on lena's agenda the other bride was truly gracious about it she was obviously disappointed but she never made a scene what bothered me the most is that i picked that dress and bought it for 40 bucks at a garage sale not my money lena's money it was a vintage dress ankle length white with lots of lace and a huge bargain again when confronted pat did a casey and used the this is mine strategy we felt so bad for the other bride that we did our best to get her something nice to wear the other bride was a true fighter she had pulled out of welfare earned her high school diploma and was working on getting on her feet by trying to earn a certificate as an acrylic nail technician so her reward was to have some karen steal her dress pat never admitted to messing up but just by the fact that she claimed it was her dress we knew lena never allowed her in her warehouse again their last phone fight ended with pat bringing up the other bride's past like it mattered and this conversation is over it's my dress and you are mistaken that was weeks before the other bride's wedding pat went all out on her wedding decor she spent way too much she hired a caterer for some food mainly mimosas and appetizers but the wedding invitation included a request for specific dishes for her sunday brunch wedding either she ran out of banquet money or was on a complete moocher mode i picture the penguin walking upon practically asking everyone to supply her wedding reception grub and i cringe there is nothing wrong with potluck weddings in fact they can be a nice addition to a very cozy and family-oriented wedding reception but don't you need to at least be close to your guest in order to ask for such a thing even i got an invitation i told everyone i wasn't going because i was very uncomfortable being told what to bring and was probably expected to give them a cash gift on top of that some of the older ladies in our group agreed some said they would not decline in advance because she's a bully and they didn't want a confrontation lena called me the night before pat's re-wedding lena was there to close the saturday night bingo and pat was awfully friendly but that's what she does whenever things are going her way lena peeked into the garment bag and saw the exact same dress while pat was caught up supervising the wedding decoration the thing with cairns is that they expect everyone to suck it up or make their dreams come true or they simply underestimate everyone and think we are all fools lena is a very straightforward person with a so suey attitude she told me that she would just ruin the dress after all it was hers so she could do whatever she wanted if pat wanted to take legal action and should things get ugly she needed to prove ownership however the dress was the same the marks inside the hem and the tags were the same even the tag numbers that were punched to identify each dress for logistics purposes matched pat had the dress altered with some extra beading and died to a deep cream color but it was obviously the same garment lena and i snuck in before the venue was closed for the nights all brides are allowed to stay in a small bedroom for a small charge so that they don't need to drive in on their wedding day honestly the makeshift chapel was gorgeous i don't know how she paid for it but it was full of flowers and presumptuous details i naively brought in some ink to spill on the dress but lena said she wanted something more awful like a nasty surprise ink would be too obvious and if she saw it ahead she may be able to snag another gown from somewhere no the ideal thing was to have her trust the dress was fine so lena locked herself in a bathroom stall and completely cut out the back panel she patiently put it back on its hanger and zipped the bag we left through the emergency door with the back of the dress stuffed inside lena's purse i completely hate people who target and steal from anyone they pat and her kid calculates to be in a weaker position the wedding was scheduled at 9am pat called me at 7am but i ignored her calls i picked up by 8 am both curious and wondering if she suspected anything pat was frantic she was crying that her dress was missing by half i purposely made her explain being annoyingly dense and continually interrupting like she does and stalling the conversation she asked me if i could lend her my wedding dress i said no sorry she then asked me if i would help her get a dress i was satisfied to remind her that the town's bridal shops were closed on sunday and the others that would be open were almost an hour away the farm is already almost one hour away from our town if pat could get a shop to rent a dress she would need to try the dress on and get it seamed even if the dress was ready to wear it would easily take more than two hours round trip she tried to ask me to go pick a dress who would pay for this even if a shop were open and i bought her a dress it would add to the cost also these shops were open at 10 or 9 30 at earliest by the time they got to her it would be time to wrap up the wedding because she needed to clear the venue by 12 o'clock for the next event she broke down and mumbled some stupid stuff i didn't understand so pat hung up on me and called lena instead she asked lena to bring her anything she had available lena and i ended up delivering the most outdated moss-smelling oversized dress pat's disappointment was a mix between angry and emotional she also tried to wear her knee-length silk bridal slip as a wedding dress but it was too obvious and it really looked cheap she tried to get her daughter to give her her own dress to wear with an open back zipper due to the fitting issues but casey refused asking if she was supposed to attend the wedding naked she's got a point plus casey is petite the dress needed a petticoat to plump up the skirt which wasn't available so it dragged all over the floor and pat had to keep pulling it up pat walked down the aisle with one hand on her bouquet and another one grabbing her dress the dress looked limp and weird with the arrangements of pins they didn't show that caused the sleeves and neckline to pucker into messy rims she spent the ceremony looking uncomfortable and out of place very few people attended but that was not part of any revenge that was just how people reacted to her entitled attitude the dress looked awful the reception portion of the wedding had all this princely decoration a very nice cake and a bridezilla with a dress from hell i didn't stay but i was told that she was so disappointed she spent her wedding sulking there was no dance no actual speech she had to change into a shirt and leggings because the dress was too uncomfortable everyone talked about how pat put on her flip-flops and walked around aimlessly until she ordered the ushers to start folding up the chairs within one hour of the reception so she practically kicked everyone out and the cake was never cut pat wasn't the same after this she was not as loud and devoided everyone i think she was disappointed that no one ran to her rescue not even her family who came from out of town her husband finally cracked under all the pressure and sought some help he was slaving away and coming home to clean the house while pat used her kids as an excuse to spend like crazy hank also had to do his kid's homework because pat never had time or never had patience she also refused to get a part-time job so her kids could attend an after-school and get help with their school staff therapy seemed to help hank because the last time pat left with her kids he didn't seem destroyed he would be riding his bicycle and could be seen more relaxed while mowing his lawn hank told my husband that he had contemplated suicide after their third kid when pat returned he maintained the routine but was interested in going out by himself and doing things for himself we began to see pat alone all the time hank was seen less and less in the same car and eventually moved in with his parents he filed for divorce on the grounds of emotional cruelty and i don't think he won instead i'm not sure of this because this is what i was told there was some sort of a settlement or agreement that she would not get close or interact with him unless it has to do with the kids i also don't know if pat even actually suspected who or what happened to her dress she slowly pulled away from the community center and became less active in social gatherings pat also removed me from her facebook as well as mostly everyone else from school and the center posted by user the leader side titled mock my mother's death i bankrupt you so this could be a very very long story i'll try to summarize where and when i can my now ex-wife kate and i moved into an apartment in 2010. the house as a whole was a renovated townhouse split between two sides with two apartments on the bottom and two apartments upstairs addresses ending in one two six to one two eight accordingly i wasn't the biggest fan of the apartments as it was a much older building that i had ever lived in but i quickly adjusted to the woodcreaking throughout the night on the initial walkthrough we noticed that the only problem was that there was a dip in the bathroom ceiling the landlord jay promised us that he would get it fixed asap one year to the day that we moved in there was a loud crash at 4am the bathroom ceiling had collapsed and there was tiling and wood all over the floor and in the bathtub now kate was typically the aggressive one while i was more passive and laid back and she kept calling jay throughout the day when she got in touch with him at around 9 pm she explained what had happened and insisted that it be fixed immediately jay rebuffed yelling that his girlfriend was a lawyer and he didn't need to do anything now this is where i got mad i went outside to have a cigarette and call him myself i feigned a relaxed demeanor and at first he began trying to talk to me as a bro and kept saying dude i'm gonna get someone out there but it's gonna take a few weeks when he couldn't sway me that way he began yelling about his girlfriend and her knowing the law what he was unaware of was that i had read the tenant laws in my state and so as he tried to lie i waited until he was finished and i then recited the law stating that if an apartment was considered uninhabitable then the landlord needed to pay for the tenant to stay in a place until it was resolved meaning he would have to pay for us to stay in a hotel of our choosing every night until the ceiling was fixed he tried to say that our upstairs neighbor phil was the super but he wasn't sure if he could get him down there that night he placed me on hold then came back a few minutes later and said that phil and his girlfriend were out of state i rang fills doorbell and asked with jay on the speakerphone if he was assigned as the super he laughed and said no dejected jay said that he would have people out there the next day previously he said that they were busy for at least three weeks there is more to this incident but it leads to two conclusions one if you're going to lie then there has to be a consistency in your lie and make sure that the people you lie to don't communicate with each other and two this is where a feud started between me and my kate versus him and his mother she was the original landlord and gave the house to him so he could begin to make a side profit fast forward to a year later jay stopped coming to the house and his mum began doing the pickups around this time my ex and i had been laid off and we were working with social security for food health and housing insurance we were approved for all three in april but we would not get the check until may when our typical check wasn't in the landlord's mailbox he immediately gave a summons saying that he was taking us to court for eviction the day we went to court he had no lawyer and going before the judge here is the summation or rather a non-verbatim account of how the case went judge says does the defense have a means to pay within 90 days of non-payments and we say yes your honor and hand over the paperwork showing that he will be reimbursed for april and may judge says i see no problem they are breaking no laws why are we here and jay says well your honor they have been bullying but i don't care unless they are breaking a law then this case is dismissed suffice to say jay and his mother were not happy around this time in my life things were tumultuous my mother who had been battling cancer for four and a half years succumbed to it in june this happened at roughly the same time his mum came knocking looking for payments i explained that i would leave the check in the mailbox when we got back from the funeral home and to please just respect my right to mourn she took her fingers and began rubbing them together pretending to play the world's smallest violin i will never forget what she said next oh my mummy just died whoa is me she probably had it coming i don't care if your entire family is dead i want my money she smiled smugly proud with what she had just said i saw red and my heart jumped into my throat i went grabbed the check and handed it to her in absolute shock that anyone would say something so screwed up she had finally managed to push a button that very few people i've known throughout my life have gotten close to pressing i went into rage mode but not in the way that you would expect the revenge we were always told that if a health inspector came by to not open the door i waited until august since that was the month before the lease was going to run out and we knew that they would not extend a renewal i walked up the block to the town hall to ask for a health inspection of our property it was scheduled for several days later now it's important to know several things one i was friends with all of the tenants phil had moved out with his fiancee but the new tenant was a really cool girl around my age named dany tom and hannah on the other side of the downstairs floor had moved out in july and jay was still looking to fill it the only one who wanted to stay out of this was rose on the upper right apartment two i had gotten permission and her spare key so i could let the inspector in daddy's apartment and i knew that i could use the back stairs on the right side to let him in on tom's now vacant apartment and three i also knew that danny was moving out in september a month after kate and myself the inspector came and it was glorious he checked the exterior of the house first noting that wires were exposed there was an old empty dryer along with other odd clutter in the backyard i brought him inside the shared entrance and as i was counting on he noticed that the last inspection dated back to 1994 18 years this meant that for each year he did not have an inspection there would be appropriate fines for our apartments we had black mold growing in our bathroom and the bubble in the ceiling had begun to regrow to problematic proportions upstairs dany's apartment was suffering from leaks in the ceiling and it looked like her bathroom ceiling was also on the brink of collapsing we then went to the basement the boiler was on the verge of exploding there was flammable items along with gasoline and a pack of matches sitting right beside it two things that i did not know was one the fire door that separated the two sides did not close all the way rendering it muts and to be honest i had never heard of a fire door until that day and two on the right one two eight portion basement side there was a toilet a toilet that had blown up it had coated these surrounding walls and the leakage prevented us going up to the floor via the right side the entire time the inspector was photographing and riding constantly we stepped outside and he said he needed to come back when i asked why he said he had run out of space to write down all of the infractions he had filled the front and had written an entire page on the back portion i kindly and coyly asked well how much will it cost right now he scratched his head and said hmm around 20 to 30k from what i can see but it's probably gonna be higher as this house was never licensed to be split into apartments i thanked him and he was going to come back with the county inspector we were gone when that took place though i did ask him to send me a copy with a list of violations to my new address so we moved out at the end of august but i got the updates from rose because he was the current owner he owed all current fines and no one knew could move into the empty apartments until everything was up to code because three of the four were vacant he was losing 4 500 in potential rent he handed the property back to his mother and had to file for bankruptcy now here's the other thing every time an old tenant left and a new one was coming in an inspection was supposed to be done now that all of the financial burden fell on to her they looked into the records and she was fined for each time that she had broken that rule 750 per by the end of the year rose had moved out so that place was hemorrhaging money i sat back proud of what i had done and left it be no if that i wasn't close to done yet i felt like i had destroyed jay but my real target had always been his mom i learned that she had eight properties throughout three towns in my county i went to each one spoke to the tenants and said that i was a concerned tenant from another property and asked if they had any problems in their apartments every person i asked described the apartment in very poor to intolerable levels and that the mum was effectively a slumlord she would ignore problems unless someone turned to litigations she was threatened that they would summon the inspector or more often than not the people would move out she would refuse their deposits and sink those into cosmetic repairs so that the apartment looked nicely furnished people rarely fought back because she knew that the occupants were upper lower class minorities so being the concerned person i was i went to the inspector of the other two towns and asked for an inspection to be done with at least one tenant if not more and would be awaiting the inspector when they came turns out that she faced pretty much the same infractions on every apartment she owned it turns out she actually had 12 apartments but i initially only knew about the ones that fell within my county the remaining properties in the next county over were given a mysterious heads up to perform a surprise inspection from what i can tell jay's mom had been in the landlord business for about 35 to 40 years and that collapsed quickly since we moved literally one block down the road from our old one 54 i got to see jay lose his primary source of income and have to claim bankruptcy but also saw that his mother was also trying desperately to find a buyer for all of the apartments so she could pay off the fines i learned two years later in 2014 that she too had to file for bankruptcy jay and his mother camped out in front of our next apartment two days in october of 2013 before she filed for bankruptcy i'm guessing that was to scream at me and arcades so i called the cops and said that there were strange people standing in a no parking zone and they kept looking up at the second floor a cruiser swung by and told them to leave i know i should have used the two months i spent monitoring everything to find a new job but this was the one and only time i wanted to [ __ ] a person where they hurt the most their wallets i think i got my point across none of this would have happened if you were just fudging fixed the ceiling before it collapsed jay edit i did some editing for clarification purposes but i wanted to thank you all i never expected to have anything i posted get anything other than a few hundred likes i'm especially grateful for those that gifted me awards thank you so much i wanted to clear up a few things that people have frequently left comments about 1. i was always taught to use wit versus physical confrontation what she said to me was a sucker punch and i was already in a state of shock from holding my mom's hand when she took her last breath asked to write a eulogy and create two memory boards i was already on autopilot when she said what she did and the way i reacted was more me disassociating than anything else if it was after the ceremony i may have punched her until she was unable to stand up whereupon i would continue to pummel into her until someone pulled me off she reminded me a lot of professor umbridge from harry potter both in her mannerisms and attitude two why did i not go outside when they camped in front of my new address well two reasons the first one being that the full brute of my revenge had not fully played out yet and secondly because i hoped that the cop would give her a ticket if he did it was a little bit less money she would have and she would know that i was the one responsible three did they know it was me yes they did i called jay for the deposit back after the 90 days were over you need to allot the landlord 90 days to pay you i knew he wasn't going to though when we left i went around every room and took photos of every angle i also had a friend justin who did the same with his camera like a good tenant should i also asked for the inspector to take photographs to show that we had caused no significant damage when jay told me that we had messed up the walls and the wood was warped i responded with that's not what the inspector i called in said he immediately hung up and blocked me i lost the deposit but it was still completely worth it and four on an unrelated note and on the much more petty side before i moved out i would go to the front lawn where he had put the sign saying that there was an open apartment tom and hannah's and put down his phone number each night i would use a marker to change the last two numbers the modification was noticeable if you walked by during the day but since i had the same marker and color then if you were driving by you couldn't really tell every few days the sun would be replaced and by the next morning the modified number would be back even once we left jay was still not taking the hole cannot rent until building is up to code seriously and so he was still putting up the signs since i was still in vengeance mode and i lived on the same block i began to not only change the number but i also began printing out signs that read you do not want to live here trust me signed your friendly neighborhood tenant that lasted until he took down the sign for good around november posted by user ae2 aw titled hippity hoppity this is no longer your property to manage after graduating college my girlfriend and i moved to a new state where she was accepted into an engineering program we found a lovely garden apartment style complex that advertised 100 megabyte per second internet speed which was included in the price among a few other amenities when we met the property manager he seemed strict but well-mannered nothing out of the ordinary until we signed the lease the first problem suddenly walking into his office was not allowed without an appointment i had to come by to ask a question i saw him browsing social media and figured he was as available as he made himself to us when we first came by unannounced to view a model apartment nope he refused to answer my question and asked me to make an appointment via email the second problem the terms of our lease included an attachment to complete within 48 hours of accepting the keys that details all discrepancies within the units we submitted the attachment via email around the 40th hour the property manager responded that the terms recently changed from 48 to 24 hours and since we had passed 24 hours we would be held liable for all found damages when citing our copy of the lease which explicitly stated 48 hours he informs us that we signed an outdated copy and would need to make an appointment to come by the office and sign a new lease the third problem the internet speed was not 100 megabytes per second as advertised it was less than 15 megabytes per second off peak and about 5 megabytes per second on peak we again contacted the property manager to complain but we were referred to make an appointment the fourth problem we made an appointment to address the previous three problems during this meeting and after i finished voicing our issues the property manager leans forward and says there are other communities in this neighborhood that may be more accepting of people like you and your girlfriends you're welcome to break the lease and leave people like you and your girlfriends i had thought he was referencing our no-nonsense response to his nonsense daily communication scheduling multiple meetings to address these issues etc but my girlfriend believed that he was speaking towards our skin colors her a black woman and myself a white man my girlfriend jokingly told me to check my privilege before getting serious and explaining to me that we were experiencing discrimination at the very least the solution i did some research and discovered the property manager worked for a larger organization that owned several complexes throughout the country i found their director of human resources on linkedin and made a connection i then emailed her copies of all email correspondence screenshots of the lease pictures of the internet speed flags advertised by the road and more screenshots of online speed tests we further noted this comment and the implications behind it the human resources director replied within a few hours and promised us she would look into the issue about two days later the property manager called and asked us to come by his office at our convenience we showed up near the end of the day and sat down across from him he then proceeded to ask us if we would be willing to write a letter stating we accepted his apology despite not yet offering said apology and in return he would credit us a month's rent accept our damages attachment and promise to have the isp on site within a week to assess the internet issues we declined he got personal with us and revealed his job may be at stake and asked us to reconsider my girlfriend leaned forward and said there are other communities in this neighborhood that may be more accepting of people like you you're welcome to leave the property manager was replaced in a week with a super sweet older woman who not only gave us all the things the original property manager had promised the one month credits accepting the damages attachment then further scheduling maintenance to fix said damages having the isps and upgrade the internet to promised speeds but she also made it clear her office was always open for anything we may need i looked up the old property manager about a few months ago on linkedin still unemployed posted by user mikey audrey myers titled boyfriend cheats on me with my step sibling so i get him kicked out and destroy his relationship with his parents hi reddit people i've been wanting to post my story on here for absolutely ages but i just never got around to doing it so then i figured since i have a reddit account now i might as well post it when i was around 17 i started dating a guy who was 19. i'll call him jake for the sake of this post also age of consent where i live is 16 so nothing illegal happening here we got on well spent a lot of time together and cared for each other a lot we even started talking about living together once we both moved out we were a perfectly happy couple or so i thought you see after we'd been dating for a few months something in jake changed he was getting a lot more distant whenever he was with me he'd be checking his phone constantly we stopped spending as much time together and he started to get really funny about public affection regarding things like hand-holding and stuff he also seemed to start caring less and less about my feelings i used to have a bit of a thing for humiliation in the bedroom nothing too far and we'd spoken about what jake should and shouldn't say but he started to get more and more degrading he'd tell me how no one would ever love me and would pick on my insecurities i actually broke down crying a few times when this happened to give him a bit of credit the first few times he did stop everything he was doing and apologize and cuddle with me until i felt better but eventually that stopped too and he just began rolling his eyes and telling me to grow up he was like a completely different person the insult started to seep into our everyday life he'd pick on my appearance a lot bring up my family as i was dealing with a lot of family issues at the time bring up the fact that i slept around before we started dating a sort of rebellion caused by the family issues etc if i got upset by it he'd just leave the room and let me cry by myself i started to feel like it was my fault our relationship was falling apart maybe i just wasn't good enough for him i knew deep down that he was cheating on me and that was confirmed when i got a message from a guy david on facebook telling me that he'd been sleeping with jake he apologized profusely and told me that he broke things off with jake as soon as he found out that he had a boyfriend i couldn't be mad at david it wasn't his fault we spoke for hours and i reassured david that it wasn't his fault and that he had done nothing wrong david also helped me stop making excuses for jake's attitude and the way that he'd been acting he was a godsend the thing that truly broke me happened not too long after the cheating was discovered we'd been arguing a hell of a lot more then he decided to do something absolutely unforgivable you see i had a strange relationship with my father for years he would cheat on my mother constantly and eventually he settled down and had kids with a girl he'd been seeing behind her back he did try to have some sort of relationship with me till i was about 13 14ish and then decided that he didn't love me as much as his other kids and we stopped any and all contacts it broke me and it still hurts to think about to this day anyway jake went out of his way to find one of my step siblings online and slept with them he bragged about it the next day and my step-sibling actually posted online about what had happened and i received a bunch of messages from their friends telling me how i had deserved it this was probably the lowest point in my life and i hated myself partly for allowing it to happen and partly because i had started to believe what they were saying my only solace during this time was david i didn't want to burden my friends with my problems and david was one of the only people who knew firsthand what jake was like we spoke for a few weeks and eventually talk turned to revenge i had tried calling things off a couple of months prior due to jake's awful behavior but he started with the apologies and telling me he didn't mean it he'd never do it again he even spoke to some of my family members who unknowingly pressured me to get back together with him as we were such a sweet couple i hadn't wanted to tell them the real reason that we'd broken up so i kept the details pretty vague though i'm pretty sure some of them had seen my step-siblings post and knew why i didn't want to be with him after weeks of talking and planning i had finally had enough and decided to do something about it my father wasn't exactly a rich man but he worked a pretty well-paying job and earned enough money to live fairly comfortably he had begun spreading rumors around when i was younger during a custody battle with my mother that he had set up a trust fund for me and there was enough money there to get me set up in my own place when i was 18 plus a bit extra i knew that this was absolute bullcrap he tried to get out of paying child support all the time of course he'd never set up a trust fund for me however jake didn't we had never spoken about it a lot but he'd heard the rumors and i just always say what i told you folks my father was an appalling parent who grudged paying my mother child supports so why the hell would he set up a trust fund but jake wouldn't listen he even did his own research into the type of job my father worked and came up with an estimate of how much he thought my father was earning though to his credits he did drop the subject whenever i asked him to for a while anyways i decided to use this to my advantage jake and i were still dating though i avoided him at any chance i got until one night where i sat him down and told him that since i'd be turning 18 in a couple of weeks i'd started thinking about us getting our own place with the trust fund my father had set up for me he immediately cheered up at this and honestly i think that night was the first time in months that he'd said anything nice to me when we weren't in public or with friends and family this very nearly made me want to call the whole thing off but i spoke with david later that night and he reminded me that jake would go back to his usual degrading attitude in no time we started looking at flats though jake was kind enough to let me have the final say and handle the paperwork because how could he possibly go out and cheat on me if he had to sort out the paperwork for a flat i was a little surprised by this to be very honest as i had always thought that he'd want his name on the paperwork and everything so that i couldn't kick him out but by this point he'd slept with my step-sibling degraded me smashed my self-confidence to pieces and cheated on me regularly i think by now he thought that i wouldn't kick him out no matter what he did anyways i started taking up extra shifts at my work to save enough money to actually move out not with jake though oh no i was moving in with my friend emma we had both been thinking about moving out for a while anyways and thought why not just be roommates we found a cute little one-bedroom flat that was close to our college and work and started getting stuff sorted to move in i also didn't want to bring any trouble to my mother's door if jake started kicking up a fuss emma had no issues with clawing the face off him if need be and told me not to worry about him coming to our front door then came the next part of the plan i waited till a week or so before jake and i were supposedly moving into our own flats and stole his phone for a few minutes he had stopped caring about leaving his phone unattended and would sometimes flat out brag about how lucky he was to be able to sleep with whoever he wanted and come home to a little [ __ ] who would make him dinner so that day when he went for a shower he wasn't all too bothered about taking his phone with him perfect i went onto his phone deleted my number from his contacts and changed the name of his mm's contact is mine pleased i went to the kitchen smashed one of the plates it was my mother's but it was a cheap one from a local shop and i did replace it as soon as possible i left for work once everything was done my mother had left for work a couple of hours prior so she was safe i just needed a reason for him to get ticked off and oh boy did he get ticked off his first reaction was to text me calling me all the disgusting names under the sun except it wasn't me he texted it was his mum i texted her in advance and told her that i hoped she'd forgive me but she had to see what her son was really like she had never tried to defend him as much as she just hadn't known quite how bad his behavior was she'd actually called him out a couple of times where he'd slipped up and been harsh with me when she was there she went ape crap i never found out exactly how their argument went as she phoned him to scream at him and call him out for his crappy behavior finally seeing how horrible her son was it didn't help that she had been sent screenshots of some of the times where he'd admitted to cheating she was absolutely disgusted by her son's behavior and phoned me to apologize on jake's behalf it wasn't her fault though he's old enough to know how to act like a damn adult he wound up telling his mom essentially that her opinion didn't matter as he would be moving in with me anyways needless to say when he called me on facebook after i deleted my number from his phone i took some satisfaction in telling him that we weren't moving in together that the trust fund wasn't real i had already told him that in the past he just refused to listen and that i'd moved in with emma i was called all the tramps and bears under the sun his voice sort of turned into white noise after a while i told him we were over and hung up blocked him on everything he had to run back to his mum and dad his tail between his legs and they took him back for a little while though after a bit the arguments became too much and his parents kicked him out he stayed with a couple of friends for a few months before he managed to get his own place his parents especially his mother have not been the same with him since i still talk to his mom on occasion lastly david and i took the liberty of sending screenshots of jake's abuse to as many people as he'd been hooking up with is possible a couple of sleepless nights were spent trying to track people down on facebook part of it was to get back at jake but most of it was just to make sure that none of them got roped into a full-on relationship with him and had to deal with all the crap i'd gone through so there it is my little story of pro revenge i know this is really long so there's a tldr below i wasn't ever planning on posting my story but i was scrolling through facebook the other day and one of jake's new accounts popped up on my the people you may know section after talking with emma about it she suggested posting it here i hope it fits in this subreddit bye posted by user cinderella cookie titled i recorded a co-worker loving himself at work for eating my chocolate before we get to that part i need to clarify that yes i have a video but i would never post it or anything because i would get in trouble for it and because it's a ridiculous story it's up to you to believe it or not let's name everyone involved in this john is my boyfriend the designer jenny is me i did mostly video sarah another co-worker she was the best photographer there mario to say that he was useless is in understatements he's the reason i'm writing this donna is the director's assistant and amy is the accountant years ago i worked in a government institution where i live it wasn't a good job it was basically volunteer paid work that was an excuse to not give employees any security a real job would offer but i accepted because i needed the money and i had just finished college i used to work in the communication department with four other co-workers one of them was my boyfriend still together to this day and the youngest one mario was a guy who was still in high school and got his girlfriend pregnant his mum worked in other government institution and she got him that job that's one of the reasons the boss couldn't fire him we had to make designs take pictures do video post on social media check on the press when they wanted an interview with one of our bosses and many many other things mario was supposed to know about some photography and design because he told us that that's what he was studying at school but we later knew that he didn't attend school often so he was very very bad at almost everything and we tried to show him how to do his work but he was really stubborn and lazy he never learned completely how to do the basic work he always had problems with many people not with us at the beginning because he acted polite that changed later he was disrespectful when taking pictures he was late almost every day and he used to post in social media about governments and fight with people who didn't agree with him sarah and john would talk to him about how working in a government institution you couldn't do that it's simply not okay however he never changed and told his mom that we were against him mario went to work around two to four hours a day usually john and sarah would be the only ones to see him because they worked more hours than the rest of us but he would stay in the office around one or two hours alone or they would send him to take pictures for the same time one day he had to take pictures of some event practice everyone else was off the clock it wasn't a big event and he had been working there around a year by that time so he thought that he could go by himself the accountant had to go there and decided to take him with her and one co-worker of hers in her car he was late again and that's why he couldn't go in one of the work cars the accountant left her purse open in the space that's in the middle of the driver and the co-driver's seats when they went back to the office she noticed her wallet disappeared she instantly knew that mario had to be the one who took it they began to search him and our office and found nothing somebody found the wallet under the vending machine at first we took his side because they admitted they never found anything and because it wasn't right to search in our office without anybody else there mostly because we had photography equipment that wasn't exactly cheap however when we knew how the wallet was found and when we talked to him we knew it was him more money and stuff disappeared when he was there but nobody could prove that he took them the bosses didn't want to create a scandal so they let it happen our office used to be the conference room so it was attached to the kitchen and the director had beverages there for visits we could use the kitchen but not touch those beverages but mario couldn't even get in there anyway the sodas began to disappear and the director's assistant complained to us we said we didn't take them and she wouldn't believe us one day john noticed that our door to the kitchen was broken and that you could take the lock off easily with a pencil we used to find pencils without tips he took it inside the mechanism and the door opens it took its time but he proved that mario was getting into the kitchen when nobody else was there however that didn't make a difference since nothing was done not even talking to him one day john and me were on our way to work but i didn't have breakfast so we stopped at a store i bought something to eat and a chocolate i put it inside the fridge and forgot about it the next day i remembered it and went to check it wasn't there and i got mad john and i checked the trash can it was clean and empty and we just watched and we found just little pieces of that chocolate so we asked for a video camera that someone offered us before it could record for long hours i want to clarify at this point that we didn't take that decision of everything you're about to read just because of chocolate the chocolate was the last straw for like a year we had to put up with our bosses scolding us because of him he never wanted to learn how to do his job and things were always disappearing including personal things the first day donna left money in one of her drawers and left it slightly open so he could see the money we put the camera in the other building that was in front of ours we had big windows floor to ceiling and you could watch donna's desk the hallway some lady's office our door and the director's office the other building just had empty offices then but had big curtains that's why mario couldn't see the camera we went home that day and left the camera recording the next day there was money maybe because we left one bill equivalent to five dollars and he knew we would know he took it i checked the camera and watched him getting in the ladies office i don't know what she did there and he took some of the cookies from her office but he looked suspicious again with this we couldn't do much so that night john found an old cell phone that could record for two hours the next day donna left the five dollars again but now she left one dollar bills and the same drawer slightly open we placed the camera in the other building and john disguised his old cell phone with a binder and some sticky tape that day he got left alone for a little less than two hours and left john and me had a car so we were in the mall close to there just killing time and then we went back for the cell phone oh my god john watched a little bit of the video before the battery died he said he saw something weird but wasn't sure because the screen was very damaged and we were in the car i was driving when we got in john's house we could watch everything he had done inside our office not the other camera because the building was closed and we didn't have access to it until the next day first we saw him getting in the office watching some youtube everything normal then he went out and when he came back we saw him putting something in his pockets but it wasn't clear what then we saw how easily he took a pencil opened the kitchen door and took something like a yogurt then he closed the door then we could hear that he was watching something like a channel that's very famous in our country but then we heard noises yeah those kinds of noises we were supposed to have blocked those kind of videos and websites i mean those were government offices and the it team had checked recently everything but somehow someway he was watching porn on the computer that i used to work and if you're thinking he did what you were thinking the answer is yes thank god the cell phone didn't record his hands but you could see his shoulders moving in him licking his finger i know very disgusting well he ended and didn't even wash his hands i was so shocked and disgusted when i saw that that i wanted to cry the next day the first thing i did was to call the it department to clean the computer we didn't say why because of obvious reasons john took the camera and we could watch him when he went out of the office and checked carefully if somebody was around then he went to donna's desk and took one dollar he went inside the woman's office and took something but we couldn't see what then he went into our office we called donna to our office and she was shocked then sarah watched the video as soon as she got there then the director arrived and we asked him and amy to go to our office we showed them the video the director was very young and trusted us a lot so he didn't hold his laughter when the self-love patch began amy was a young and delicate woman so she just turned around and covered her eyes while letting a small scream out we finally get the proof we needed to fire him when he got to work they didn't let him in i don't know how the conversations went but i know some of the words exchanged amy says you stole again and we told you and last time we told you it was your last chance mario raising his voice says i didn't do anything you're always blaming me we have proof you don't have anything all of you hate me don't make me show you oh well show me then amy called our office and says john could you bring the videos john the first one the video camera one or the second one the cell phone one the second one when he heard that he was defeated and very nervous john took his time downloading the video into the computer because it was in mine and he went to the office that amy was talking to mario in john told me he was about to show him the video and then he asked mario mario do you really want to watch this video mario couldn't even look john in the eyes and says no i don't want to amy says play at least the first video for him and john says i don't have that one let me go look for it i admit that i just wanted to see mario's face so i went to that office to give them a usb but he didn't really watch me amy says to jon and i okay thank you that's going to be all and we left the office we know she said something like after playing the video you always said that it was us and even told your mom that we wanted to get you in trouble all the time you even told really bad things about this place you are fired and we don't ever want to hear about you complaining to anybody else in the central or we're going to show these two videos to your mom and he just left then we heard that he actually told lies to his mom like they hated me and told lies to make them fire me but no one ever told his mum not that i know well this story made me realize that someone could be recording me anywhere i go i mean even i did it to someone posted by user not a bad guy three titles ruined a crap housemate's life so i moved into a four bedroom uni house i knew two of my housemates let's call them abby and ben due to unfortunate circumstances our previously planned housemate didn't live with us so we found a new one chloe chloe is a horrible housemate this becomes apparent when they never paid any bills or rent on time smoked like a chimney inside against our agreement leaves home for a few days leaving a big pile of washing up for us to do including our pots and pans scream gaming on their laptop all the way till 5 am walls are thin just to name a few things basically they suck so it gets to about four months in we cannot stand chloe so we have a house meeting basically we sit there and try to explain how we would prefer they don't scream at their laptop i'm assuming gaming until 5am every night as all of us get up early everything we bring up chloe denied it we have each lent chloe a month's rent and bills too and chloe hasn't paid any of us back over a grand between us chloe denied it saying i don't owe you this points me ben and abby are all pretty ticked then a few weeks later was a saturday night and being students abby and ben and me invited friends around for pre-drinks we asked chloe first and they said they would be out so that's fine turns out they finished work early so they came home and were shocked to find people there and went up to their room they kept coming down and turning the music down it wasn't even loud in the first place chloe got so angry and threw my speaker out the window i didn't see chloe do it but loads of people told me so i had had enough i went to go get my speaker and chloe came with me to my surprise and as chloe left in full visibility of me keyed my car parked on the driveway i got up with my speaker and shouted at her as she walked off luckily we have an automatic light on the side of the house and a car was driving down my road at the time and the driver said they had a dash cam and probably caught it out the window to me i stopped shouting in disbelief and gave him my email address and went about by night enjoying the party when it was time to leave a lot of us hadn't finished our alcohol so left it on the kitchen table and left when we got back the next day and had sobered up in the morning we found all the alcohol had been taken along with the speaker some headphones and my laptop now i was really pissed the revenge i logged into my housemate's laptop on my email this guy had pulled through sent me a small clip of chloe keying the car along with several close-up stills showing the key in contacts i first confronted chloe asking if they knew where my stuff was while abby and ben secretly recorded on their phones things got heated and they looked like they were going to fight me i'm a big guy six foot four and i'm really not scared i'm basically just pissing chloe off chloe then swung her fists at me a few times making contact i didn't fight back i put my hands and arms over my head and face chloe then stomps off thinking that she won let me remind you abby and ben were recording i call the police they show up i basically say i have good reason to believe chloe stole my alcohol and other possessions they go up and knock on chloe's door and she says go away they can't go in without a search warrant so i file a report about assaults and the things stolen relating the two the police are very nice and basically tell me how to fill it in they come back the next day with a warrant for chloe's arrest for assault and battery they then search a room and find all the stolen alcohol bottles my headphones which clearly were mine as they only paired with my phone and my laptop and damaged speaker i sued chloe in one i had indisputable evidence along with witnesses for all the events i got around three thousand dollars for car speaker and rent chloe odas and an additional five thousand chloe went to prison for resisting arrest assaulting a police officer assault destruction of property theft and battery chloe still had to pay rent for her room which we used as a gym posted by user mediocre fisherman titled wasted a scammers afternoon and gas money using a fake facebook account for insulting me weeks earlier back in september i went to look at a pair of moose antlers on facebook marketplace that my dad was interested in he lives in a small cabin on my property and thought the antlers would look cool over his front door we get there and the dude is clearly high on kirk jittery keeps wiping his nose etc we met him at a storage rental place so he had to let us in with his code and we were stuck in the facility until he let us back out we get to his rental units and he gets the antlers out they were very clearly fake he'd said he'd spray painted them brown to make them look like they were still in velvet it was obvious he'd sprayed them to try to make them look real the wait was off the collar was off there were several large cracks in them and you could see they were white inside not bone colored there were also several points broken off and the material inside was white and powdery again not bone he kept insisting that they could be fixed with some epoxy finally tapping your fingers on them made a drum noise so they were hollow inside at this point i hadn't said a word at all i was just along for the ride with my dad dad politely tells the guy that we're going to pass he thinks they are fake thanks but no thanks this guy goes off the deep end screaming at us calling us all sorts of names insulting us our mothers etc then he starts screaming at us that we were locked in there with him and we weren't leaving until he was ready to go dad and i get in the truck and luckily another customer was coming into their units and we were able to get out of the locked gate when they came in we both thought it was hilarious how off the wall this guy acted and how fake the antlers looked in person i stew on this for a few weeks and finally come up with a revenge plan i didn't say a single word to the guy and he insulted my entire family tree wife intelligence etc i create a new facebook account with the dumbest old person name that i could come up with then i use a bunch of hide the pain herald photos to populate it with then start adding as many friends as i can posting dumb crap about old black and white movies my prostates etc spent a few days craploading this account as much as i could then once the account was two weeks old and i could get on facebook groups i go to a few of the groups that i knew this guy was on and find some of the items that he had for sale luckily he had two large bookcases for sale great something big and awkward to move around next i do some research and find the most pain in the ass location in my city to get to i pick a place that has no highway on-ramps so it takes at least half an hour to get it off the highway i message him and i ask if he would deliver since i only have a sedan and he says yes for 50 bucks to cover his gas into helper because they would take two people to move around we set up a date in time and i tell him i'm going to meet him at a nearby grocery store since my house is hard to find finally the time arrives and he messages me that he's at the grocery store now i come up with every annoying old person slow thing i can think of i'm putting shoes on my wife is in the shower and i can't leave in case she slips then oh we've not gone anywhere in so long because of this china virus my car battery is dead mr scammer finally asks for my address and says he will find the place i get on google maps and find the most pain-in-the-ass street to get to knowing he's driving a full-size van and towing a trailer with the bookshelves so i find a street in the very center of an old badly laid out neighborhoods got on street view and look for where the house numbers stop and pick a number a few above that one i tested in google maps and google maps isn't smart enough to know that the house number doesn't exist it just points you at the end of the dead end streets so i relay this address of course i make sure to mess it up a few times and get him lost in the process after about 90 minutes he messages that he can't find that house number but he's on my streets can i please come outside i reply back with no thanks he says no thanks what i walked out there and saw them not interested in buying my facebook account blows up for the next hour with him trying to call me video chat sending all kinds of horrible messages about how i'm a liar and a cheater i never respond back i check it occasionally and about every two weeks he sends me a nasty message still dude had no idea who it was that messaged with him or why it happens i'm kind of debating about doing it again posted by user mjd little nick titled self-inflicted petty revenge question mark this happened in the late 80s early 90s i worked in an office that had a fair number of young secretaries there were two secretaries named bella they were the same age and started at about the same time one was very laid back incompetent she was also petite and slim the other was very insecure and loved playing mean girls bella 2 hated that bella 1 existed and it was really like working in a high school at some point into their employments having two identically named people in an office that did not give secretaries last names became an issue bella 2 started campaigning to nickname bella one little bella bella one didn't care and bella felt good for tagging her competition with a condescending nickname yes you guessed the revenge and who got wounded the office went with little bella just fine and promptly dubbed the second one big bella that was her name for at least the last three years i worked in that office she just could not bully her way out of that nickname posted by user rubik's chaos titled mother-in-law thought she paid for what she usually got so i've been doing my boyfriend's mom's hair for probably a year or so now and it's been going pretty well i work for a corporate salon and our prices are comparable for those around town but we aren't cheap unlike other salons our chemical services are a flat price and we don't charge for extra color mixed or length or density this means everyone pays the same price for say an all-over color where at other salons someone with thick hair would have to pay more all of our services are technically supposed to be a la cartes so if you want to root retouch highlights and haircuts you are paying for all services however we are to charge it our discretion so if we have someone who has very little hair and there are good clients we will occasionally give a break i had been doing a route retouch 70 bucks on her for most of the time plus a haircut 55 bucks and most of the time i was giving her free conditioning treatments 10 bucks any time i highlighted i basically just charged her a full highlight 145 bucks and didn't charge her the additional 70 bucks for her root retouch sometimes i was even only charging her for a partial highlights 125 bucks even when i've done a full so she's been getting almost 80 bucks off her services pretty much every time last time she came in there was a hiccup in the babysitting schedule for my boyfriend's kids and she had to bring them with for her appointment which was fine but i told her it would be a quick appointment she stated that she felt like she didn't need all of her roots done so i suggested just highlighting to which she agreed i told her it wouldn't cover all her grey and she said that's fine that was almost three weeks ago i get a text from her today saying i think we missed a step i have roots i said no we highlighted and that's all we talked about she replied that she thought she paid for what she usually got 180 bucks her normal root retouch and cut is 125 bucks and we definitely don't highlight every time i offered a free root retouch to quell her and she declined because she doesn't want to sit anymore so she basically texted me to complain and stress me out two days before thanksgiving my petty revenge the next time she comes in i'm gonna explain our menu to her explain all the discounts she has gotten and from then on out she will be paying for every service a la carte posted by user whiskey in teacup titles she keeps saying i'm fat like it's an insult this one is nothing glamorous so i'm 48 kilos or 106 pounds and five foot one i often tease the line between normal weight and underweight yet every time my aunt sees me she says you're getting fats even before she says hello she who got weight loss surgery to be functional keeps telling me to lose some my petty revenge every time she says i'm fat i beam like a christmas tree squish my cheeks and squeal really thank you auntie i've been trying to you should see her face then it shrinks and pinches like she swallowed year-old [ __ ] oh posted by user hunt the wind 1971 titled pick a fight so you can cheat enjoy looking for a new place to live not sure if this is petty or pro but here goes i saw a post on another sub that reminded me of something that happened years ago and how i dealt with it back in the time before cell phones i dated this girl we'll call her heather after about six months of dating she asked if she could move in with me she was having issues with her parents and they were kicking her out and her brother's wife didn't want her living with them for some unknown reason things seemed to be going well for us so i said sure why not for a while things were great after about a year of living together i was having thoughts of marriage i hadn't proposed yet but it was on my mind then things started to change we started arguing she would start a fight and after a certain point in the argument she would get pissed and leave she'd tell me that she was going to her brother steve's house she'd come back the next day and things would be smooth again for a while the third time she did this i was a little more pissed than usual and went to the bar that we frequented fairly regularly for a drink i belly up to the bar and guess who i bumped into steve he acted a little standoffish but that was his usual treatment towards me so i thought nothing of it he leaves the bar and i turn around to ask him about heather but i didn't get past hey steve before i saw her across the way she was sitting cowboy on some guy's lap with her tongue halfway down his throats i have to admit i saw red dave the bartender saw the look on my face and was like man i figured you'd be over her by now she's been seeing that guy for months now we're living together i told him to which his only reply was ouch sorry man before tending to another patron there were several things i wanted to do but i thought better of it i waved a bye to dave left my drink on the counter and headed home on my way home i swung by scotties a local hardware store akin to home depot or lowe's and they were closing shop but i told them i'd only be a minute the kind lady told me to make it quick and i was back on the road in less than 10 minutes pulling up to the house i half expected heather to be there and prepared myself for the drama but nope so i pulled my bike into the garage and got to work i installed the new door locks and began packing her things in trash bags i placed the bags in a nice neat row along the porch all the while expecting to hear heather coming up the drive but no spent a little time writing a note to place on the door and then went to bed the next morning i wake up and the bags are still there and the note is still taped to the door i figured old steve hadn't said anything to his sister about seeing me at the bar and that she'd be home any time now thinking nothing was amiss around noon my assumptions are proven correct when i hear her at the door what the f is this and she starts screaming at me to open the door i opened the door said read the notes and shut the door as she was asking what note there was some crying and pleading but i was done i had nothing more to say to her and i surely didn't want to hear anything she had to say when it got quiet i pulled the curtain aside to see her stuffing the garbage bags into her car the notes bumped into steve at the bar hope you have fun with that guy last night we're done good luck finding a new place to live posted by user steve with clow titles disrupt my classes i'll disrupt your sleep so this morning when i was in my online classes my mum and her boyfriend were smoking weeds when they get high they are loud as f i couldn't hear my teacher over them talking so i messaged my mum asking her to quiet down she texted me back saying lol no way she kept being loud for another hour or so later today while she was asleep i went into the kitchen got a bag of chips and sat outside her room chewing them as loud as i could and ruffling through the bag she woke up and told me to shut up and i just told her lol no way
Channel: Markee
Views: 37,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aita, amitheasshole, r/aita, r/amitheasshole, aita reddit, markee, markee reddit, markee aita, markee amitheasshole
Id: 23PO8xTyof8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 42sec (7842 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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