PTE Writing | Summarize Written Text in Real Time - with Jay

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hello Petey people my name is Jay I'm one of the expert teachers here at e2 language in this lesson we're going to look at one of the writing tasks in the PT called summarized written text you know the one where you have to read the big block of text and write a single sentence and what we're going to do is I'm going to actually do it and I'm going to think aloud so I'm going to I'm going to tell you what it is that I'm doing so you can sort of get inside my head and hopefully that will help you with your reading skills and also your ability to write that sentence and get a high score so let's check this out writing summarize written texts okey-dokey so this is what you see on test day right you see text here that can be up to 300 words I think this one here is about 280 right so you obviously have to read that then what you need to do is you need to synthesize that or summarize that into one sentence that's it just a single sentence so there's a lot of ignoring of content here because there's obviously a lot of detail what you need to do is find the essence of this text here you're going to have ten minutes to do this including the reading and the writing and don't ignore the reading because the reading is critical okay so how are you scored you're scored on these are criteria so you're scored on content zero one or two points that means that you have actually read and understood the text and you've summarized it well you've chosen all relevant aspects of the text you're also scored on length that is you'll get a 0 or a 1 that means you've written more than five words and fewer than 75 words so that's pretty easy just write six words or 74 words but we'll talk about in a minute what the optimum length is you also scored on grammar zero one or two so your sentence has to be grammatic the accurate articles and nouns and prepositions and plurals and all that sort of stuff there and vocabulary zero one or two and this is how good your word choices or how appropriate the words that you use are in your sentence now all of these criteria here contribute not just to your writing score it also contributes to your reading score as well so if you have been having trouble in your PT with your reading score you might want to check that out so we're going to do this together and I don't want you to just skip through in your phone I actually want you to go through the pain and torture of actually reading and writing because the more that you go through this and you experience it now in preparation on test day you're going to perform a hell of a lot better it's like going to the gym you can't just watch somebody at the gym and think you're going to get big muscles you actually need to lift weights as well so let's do this together the first thing I want you to do is to read this text I'm going to give you one minute to read it through quite quickly to get an overall idea of what this text is about your time starts now all right how did you go reading that in the one minute hopefully you did what you should have gotten out of that is an overall understanding of what the text is about and because you have ten minutes to complete this task and you should use all of the ten minutes my suggestion is that you don't read it just once but you'll actually read that text several times to make sure that you have really understood it because then after and only after you have fully understood it can you then begin to write out your sentence okay all right let's get started in writing the sentence so what I want you to do is to write your sentence into the comments below and don't forget to subscribe to the channel let's start with the first paragraph okay and what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to write this sentence but what I'm going to do is I'm going to write it in parts remember there were three paragraphs right so I'm going to take the the essence or I'm going to summarize this first paragraph into one phrase then we're going to look at the second paragraph and I'm going to summarize that into one phrase and do the same thing with the third paragraph so I'm going to be left with three phrases or three short summaries then I'm going to combine them together into a single sentence and this is a good approach to a text especially if it is broken up into paragraphs so you've summarized each part of the text and put it into a single sentence okie dokie let's look at the first paragraph okay so let's just quickly read through this paragraph the basic components of chewing gum are gum based softener sweeteners and flavorings gum base is what makes the gum chewy when gum was first discovered it was made from tree sap scald chicle or something like that from the Sapodilla tree however today's gum base is usually fabricated from a mix of rubber and artificial materials it is then that gum manufacturers will add a softener to the gum base to prevent it from hardening lastly they'll add sweeteners and flavors to the base to make the overall chewing experience much more palatable so what is this part of the text about let's write down some main ideas okay so I might just say something like there are a variety of ingredients that make up chewing gum right I think that's bad practically it I'm going to ignore a lot of the details I don't need to mention specific things I could say something about a combination of artificial and natural substances I could mention something about sweeteners and flavors maybe I'll just add that sweeteners and flavors so there are a variety of ingredients that make up chewing gum including sweeteners make sure you get your spelling right and flavors what else what else well as well as a gum base as as well as a gum base now you can see here that it's actually telling me I've spelt this incorrectly of course when you take the test you will not get a wiggly line indicating incorrect spelling this is just British English spelling so what you have to do is choose one choose one and stick to it okay so I've got the first part of my overall sentence there and that basically summarizes that paragraph let's now do the second paragraph okay so this paragraph says when chewing gum the saliva begins to digest the sweeteners and flavorings embedded within the gum itself unlike the gum base the other ingredients can be broken down and digested these are swallowed during chewing and the digested sweeteners and flavorings moved down the digestive tract towards the stomach eventually the only thing that is left behind following this process is the base and softeners resulting in a hardening flavorless mass okay let's pick out the main essence of this what is the if we summarize this down what's it going to say so I think that something like something about digestion is critical here so the gum base is not broken down undigested while the other ingredients are okay so let's let's let's put that in let's just say something like okay while the gum base is not digested or not digestible the the what what is it they're the flavorings and sweetness the sweeteners and flavorings ok digestible is a word I don't know why it's telling me it's not let's leave that cool so I've got the second part there remember I'm going to combine these into a single sentence okie dokie the third part the spent gum should not be swallowed of course although it is generally not harmful if ingested folklore suggests that swallowed gum sits in your stomach for seven years but this is not actually true swallowed gum will move relatively intact through your digestive system to be excreted in the normal manner okay so let's summarize this into a phrase now hmm how can I do this so the gum base oops the gum base hmm well let's say something like contrary to popular belief and I'm taking this part about the folklore suggests and I'm paraphrasing or changing the way that I say this contrary to popular belief the gum base is eventually discrete 'add sorry discrete it excreted that's the word excreted you've swallowed okay now I've got the three parts of my sentence this is where it gets a little bit tricky and this is where on test day you're going to probably write Delita try again deleted try again and my suggestion is on test day you use your note board booklet thing oh and you write down those three parts then you try to type it into your type it into the screen here and you're going to have trouble you're gonna have to move certain clauses and phrases around until you're satisfied that you've written out a nice coherent sentence that accurately summarizes the content there so let's do that okay now I need to combine all of these so there are a variety of ingredients that make up chewing gum including sweeteners and flavors as well as a gum base or the gum base is not digestible the sweeteners and flavorings are contrary to popular belief the gum base is eventually excreted if swallowed okay let's combine it now so what I'm going to do is try to put this sentence within this sentence and also this sentence within this sentence here to create one sentence that contains all the information so there are a variety of ingredients both digestible now I spelled digestible wrong before so let's make sure I get that right both digestible and in oh oh oh now see I don't know if undigestible is a word so what I'm going to do is rewrite that there are a variety of ingredients that can be digested or not that make up chewing gum including sweetness and flavors as well as a gum base okay so I've sort of got rid of I've got got rid of that one there but I haven't got this one in here that the gum base can be excreted okay so there are a variety of ingredients in chewing gum that make up chewing gum now I'm gonna move that actually that make up chewing gum that can be digested aha including sweeteners and flavors as well as a gum base that cannot be digested but can be excreted okay cool I think I've done it sometimes it just comes to you actually you don't really know how you're going to write that sentence but then you sort of you move stuff around and all of a sudden you think AHA that's what's going on there so Millia now let's take a closer look at this full sentence there are a variety of ingredients that make up chewing whoops chewing gum that can be digested including sweeteners and flavors as well as a gum base that cannot be digested but can be excreted cool I think that accurately summarizes that text into a single sentence so let's just count the words now so there are 1 2 3 let's just do this can I do tools no word count there 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 cool so 33 words will pop onto the screen here so I've written 33 words in fact that's fine so you just have to write more than five fewer than 75 but ideally you want to write about 32 35 words so I've written 33 words here and that's enough words to accurately or two to summarise accurately I think cool so that's about it what I want to show you before we move on is something quite interesting cool so if you have taken the Pte test before and you didn't get the scores that you wanted or you haven't taken the PT test yet and you're a little bit concerned because you might need some writing or speaking feedback or just some general test simulation practice check out our PT mini mock test on e to language comm you get to experience what it's like to take the PT e so you get that sort of test simulation experience but more importantly you get feedback on all of the different skills so reading writing listening and speaking including teacher feedback on all of your speaking skills like read aloud described image retail lecture as well as writing including summarize written text which we just did today right si and summarize spoken text cool bananas thanks for watching my name is J I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: E2 PTE Academic
Views: 66,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PTE, PTE Academic, E2 PTE, PTE E2, E2 PTE Academic, E2, E2Language, e2language, pte speaking, pte academic, pte reading, PTE Writing, High, Score, E2 Language, pte exam, pte mock test, pte class, pte describe image, pte retell lecture, pte reorder paragraph, describe image, pte e2 describe image, pte course, e2 pte course, E2 PTE Reading, PTE Reading, The PTE Reading Test, The PTE Writing Test, pte writing, PTE writing, Writing, in, Real-Time, Jay, Summarize Written Text, Real, e2
Id: 4Z-PC8nIXxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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