Predator, Mistborn, The Expanse

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from booster packs to booster gold nerds like a lot of things but there's something they love above all else and that is correcting people this is um actually [Music] and joining us today we have returning shane crown happy to be here we have brand new luke field very happy to be here and also returning danielle radford i feel okay well good uh two goods in an okay that's two out of three ain't bad hey if you're a baseball guy i'm not but sure yeah that would be a good average two out of three you know being a baseball guy yeah one of those baseball games i feel like no one watching this has any knowledge of what you just said about this i don't i think baseball is the nerdiest spark yeah there's a lot of fractions it's like it's like do you like math and people in button-downs baseball well now that i've pissed off some of our audience probably only a small amount though danielle you've played before shane you've played before uh luke you're brand new and maybe you're watching for the first time the game is very simple these are incorrect statements but the things that you know and love it's you define what's wrong buzz in and correct me uh all your corrections must be preceded by the phrase um actually uh if you don't i won't give you the point i'll feel very bad about it but it's basically the only rules i have to do very bad about it heartbreaking when someone loses something when even something that they know and just like did didn't remember that and you can interrupt me whenever you want so as soon as you spot what's wrong you can you can go ahead and buzz in well we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna we're gonna jump right in here we're gonna read this uh this first question the world is flat we may live on a globe but narnia middle-earth disc world and the world of the neverending story are among the many settings portrayed as flat or close to it luke um actually i'll guess narnia ain't flat narnia's flat yeah yeah they go to the ends of the earth uh yeah yes danielle um actually the world of the never ending story is not flat incorrect oh sorry yes shane um actually i believe discworld which i absolutely know what it is is not flat shane you would be wrong in that capacity discworld is uh the name is discworld even the name itself implies that it is on a disk uh it's not a disk carried by like a bunch of turtles yeah it's it's a turtle flying through space with a couple of elephants with a disc on top of it and they just expand um actually it's that other one that you said yeah can you do you remember what it is uh um you're correct that the other one i said it's the wrong one i'll i'll it's hard to remember i'll just give it to you unless someone can remember what i said and say the other thing that shane uh um actually middle earth is not flat that is correct so it's got elves but it's not flat yeah those two things can co-exist uh yeah middle-earth is round at one point it was flat um but then it was made round uh uh it was reshaped into a sphere to prevent humans from sailing into the undying lands well that is a point kind of for shane i'll take it you know what you'll think it's not the most honorable point but a point's a point at the end of the day so there you go uh this next question is a wrestling question five-time world champion booker t is the most decorated wrestler in wcw history and the first african-american wcw world champion he's known for repeating the phrase five time in reference to his five world championship titles going so far as to say five time five times on more than one occasion for emphasis uh shane luke and danielle were both parsing every single word of that slowly together i have no stake in this i don't know anything about wrestling but i can maybe back into that all right uh um actually not all five titles were uh wcw uh incorrect um uh and actually he does not say five times five times he says five time five times five time five-time world champion uh no uh i mean maybe he's said in four before but no no i think it's more more of the the five-time five-time yeah uh luke um actually his wins span wcw and wwe were from like the when they when they combined uh so it's actually more than five that is correct uh or at least partially so he's uh he has more than five uh world championships he's actually the six-time world champion even though he still says five time uh well played for luke there point for luke when author james s a corey began working on the expanse he had imagined it as an mmorpg or tabletop game setting instead it became a series of novels nine in total are currently being planned and a tv series oh and of course an expanse tabletop rpg is slated to come out later this year took them long enough uh shane um actually it really didn't take them that long at all all this happened in about six months time is relative and who can say what a long time is uh no no that's not our question time is also flat yeah uh there's uh i'm actually they're not gonna do a tabletop one cause there's just too many of those already when they're not gonna beat dungeons and dragons uh they are doing uh they are what a waste of money yeah um actually it is not nine books that are planned it is ten books that are planned they've said that it's naya that is i'm going to say no one got that the um actually here is that james essay corey is not one person it's actually a writing duo writing under a single pseudonym uh so it was wrong to say that he was doing anything because it is in fact two people it's daniel abraham and ty frank i wonder why they did that like why do they think two is like worse well it's the same way as like you know oh god i can't believe i'm gonna use this example el james decided that she couldn't do 50 shades of gray under her own name because she wouldn't be taken seriously i'm sorry people obsess about 50 shades of grey that's that's totally you know what as far as i'm concerned we should have a 50 shades of grey question in here at some point well we'll move on to our next question which is a fan submitted question uh so this is from one of our fans here and this is about magic the gathering uh this question comes to us from damp uh that's dimp with an exclamation point there are many elder dragons at magic the gathering like nicol bolas chromium ruel and arcady sabbath among them is also 15 000 plus year old nib mizut an arrogant but brilliant inventor who even has his own metal name for him mizzium um um actually niv mizut is not one of the elder dragons he is a very old dragon but like the original elder dragons was like a five card cycle from like antiquities or something like that um but he was not part of it he came in later in a different set that's correct yeah yeah yeah he's from ravnica uh yeah that's uh that is correct uh that he is he's an extremely old dragon but he's not an elder dragon yeah does that officially have that time and actually uh i'm actually when he can he does lie on his idea about how old he is come on guys i'm only 8 000. but thank you compliment oh yeah what what's that oh yeah i do well you don't look a day over 7000. he is part of like the the is it guild i think or at least he has the colors of the is it guild who are very like uh tinkerers and experimenters so i imagine he does a lot of like experiments to be like aged age-defying dragon makeup and like things like that it's so funny to me to that of like a of lore where where dragons are also like tinkerers and inventors like you're already a dragon it's like yes but i've got machines build hands work how do they how are they like like they can cast fireballs and do all sorts of magic but they can't figure out how to tighten yeah they only have three fingers yeah it's tough i'm just gonna answer this now with three fingers let's do this let's do this for the rest of the sentence yeah dragon claw you know what the dragon's life is like yeah nickel bolus is constantly calling niv mizza to be like hey i can't figure out my email you're one of those younger dragons can you help me out here i'm sorry i'm 15 000 years old you can't expect me to know all this stuff what's a pdf yeah [Music] here's our first shiny question this is a game called mounting suspicion we have a series of friendly animal transports here please match the name tag with them that is the name where they should be returned to if they are lost who would ride these mounts let's flip it over let's take a look here it might be clear when you're looking at it oh bizarre yeah these are all things someone might ride who is the person riding them okay i don't think you can ride some of these oh jesus shane tell us what you got here great um this little hamster fellow is clearly bomberman's okay mount the goat there belongs to randy okay that dancing fox is go go okay the final fantasy chicken is fio the hair dragon belongs to kirby okay and the camel just a camel is the inquisitor all right luke let's see all right here we go so i think this is the only one i'm sure of cause they wear the same shoes this is kirby okay then this is the inquisitor uh randy yeah chicken uh is fio i hope okay uh go go okay and this is bomberman great pure and entire guesses all the lot of them cool and danielle what do you have wow we guessed a lot of the same things for things that we don't know okay this hamtaro looking dude i put for kirby uh theo okay i also have randy for the final fantasy mount i said the inquisitor um go go and i also said that this uh camel dude belongs to bomberman very good um well looking at this shane you got zero correct uh um uh danielle you got one correct i did it and luke i believe you got two correct um but let's show the actual answers you spotted the shoes that is in fact kirby's mount uh that is rick um no no that's really yeah [Applause] marshmallow that can like suck things up but a gerbil named rick i'm out um then we have the greater nugelope uh that is the amount of the inquisitor i'm sorry what the greater nuggalope mm-hmm um that is from uh uh dragon age inquisition uh then uh this is louie who is bomberman's uh mount um this is a chocobo aka a final fantasy chicken as i was referring to um uh that is go go we chose a slightly lesser and perhaps lesser known uh final fantasy character to try to try to trip people up there and maybe we did this is flammy uh from secret of mana uh and then finally the sv camel from uh metal slug uh who is uh that looks good hey you noticed some mistakes we made in the previous episode now we're giving out points here's some of our favorite corrections from you at e gordon m says harry dresden did not rescue the entire litter of puppies when he returns them to brother wang he says less is more better than nothing mouse is not a part of this couch but what is a part of this count is your point one point for you at brodicius93 says um actually when speaking of the drugs from different universes in the shiny question you say that it is about future drugs when the star wars series actually happened a long time ago yes this is true one point from our exclusive dropout discord both black says um actually the image we showed in our shiny question is not the original covered art for tetris that is tengen tetris an unlicensed version that atari ported under their tengen brand to nes from their license arcade title however that cover art does precede the tetras art that you're familiar with so the real question is is tengen tetris still tetris now i don't have a good answer for that so instead of giving you one point i'm gonna give you four blocks arranged in the shape for one we'll move on to our next question here this is about uh predator predators also known as yaoutja follow a code of honor when hunting for instance predators are expected to hunt worthy game which means prey must be capable of defending itself this excludes children and the elderly and must not be too closely linked to other lives i.e no pregnant women failure to adhere to this code is punishable by death um actually in the most recent predator movie uh the predator decides one of these children is actually a worthy foe because of their mental capabilities jacob tremblay's character is like really really smart and figure [ __ ] out like how to use its mech and stuff interesting that's not uh that's not what we were going for here but um we'll get our fact checker on that um actually it is not punishable by death it is punishable by um exclusion so like they cast them out and you no longer get to like hang out with your predator deal that's correct um uh sounds very good um so luke if you're right then uh i'll give both you a point for this one i can't totally tell where it fits into their code of honor but i'm going to go ahead and say he's right on okay all right cool well we'll we'll give you both a point for that then first uh because part of that was a wording problem on our point it would typically exclude children but you know what in this uh it didn't uh and you identified what we intended to be wrong here which is that not adhering to the code yes excommunication not not death uh you don't get to hang out with your predator buddies sorry dudes you don't get to go to the predator salon and get your predator dreads oh man i love imagining just a row of predators with like just chatting with everyone in this doing like the apple cider vinegar rinse and being like i just don't know smell keeps getting trapped inside of them look i haven't done a rinse in a really long time i just need this time for me all right uh well that's a point for both luke and danielle uh this is a question about brandon sanderson's mistborn series mistings use a form of magic called alamancy which uses metals to fuel magical powers mistings choose which metal to burn for magic based on the kind of magical effect they produce there are physical metals like iron enhancement metals like aluminum mental metals like zinc temporal metals like gold and god metals with unique powers like magnesium the enhancement metal is not aluminum it is aluminium yeah it's uh it's based in a british world uh uh no no that doesn't know and and and grandmas just call it tinfoil uh that is incorrect uh sh shane yeah go ahead um actually you got the sly look on your face like you have no idea what the [ __ ] you're about to say you're gonna i'm gonna back into this one watch all right um actually they do not burn the metals to get their uh properties from them uh they it is referred to as burning although that's what they're doing is they're eating it and then using it up within their like sort of like they're they're digesting it basically but it is referred to as burning uh um actually didn't read it uh i'm actually there's probably some guy who can do other things with metal uh and he's just like how are we gonna defeat him um that is true but that's not that also does not disprove anything that is here but yeah they're you're right there are uh there are like other things that they use uh i'm gonna say no one got this one luke you're you're surprisingly close uh to what we're going for i'm very surprised yeah um we said that uh mistings can do any of these things uh in brandon sanderson's world mistings can uh can only do one of those things for each particular metal except for the mistborn which can do all of them yeah uh and then there are some other characters use the middles in slightly different ways always another iteration well uh uh no points for that one although luke you were on the right track that that was i read the other sanderson books and i was just like yeah it's probably some [ __ ] like this uh okay our next question is a star wars question princess leia organa or leia amelen skywalker by birth is force sensitive just like her brother luke leia famously displays her abilities on screen in the last jedi using the force to survive and escape the vacuum of space however there are on-screen glimpses of her powers in the original trilogy on two separate occasions she uses the force to confirm if luke is safe or in danger luke um actually that's just like twin sense it's like a tweet thing right all twins know exactly where their other twin is at all times there are two great forces that govern our world one is the force and the other is just like twin psychic abilities tweets are weird it's just obi-wan kenobi we should be like weird right right anyway you want to fly away from china i should get back to my moisture if i'm like no listen twins [ __ ] freak people out right they're creepy and they're weird you know that they're like yeah when do i get to go to tashi station uh shane um actually i think you made that birth name up the full birthday that is close enough to correct that that i'm gonna say it's right leia's middle name is amidala uh named after her mother emilyn is general holdo's first um actually that is weird it's weird to give your daughter your own name as her middle name uh i i have no i feel like i know a fair number of people who have something like that where it's like where like the parents were like i don't want to do a junior but i do want to be immortal this is our second shiny question the game uh and this is a new game we're gonna try this is called needs more pixels so we're gonna put an image up here that is extremely pixelated perhaps even unrecognizably pixelated but we have different stages that will get gradually more clearer um the first person to buzz in and tell us what image this is will get the point we'll only give you one guess for this so everyone can pass on a round we'll move on to the next clearer one or you can guess and use up your guess so let's take a look at that image so here is our extremely pixelated version you can either take a stab at it and use up your guess um or you can collectively pass luke is going for it jurassic park that is correct that's [ __ ] correct yeah i see it let's go through the minecraft because i thought it was being funny holy [ __ ] i watched a lot of tv with my glasses off that's [ __ ] crazy i thought it's like we'll go through this we'll wait for the third one let's see that original one again just so we can compare this here's the image as it should be and here's here's what's luke of course are you human yes uh no no i just i love the movie and i don't know why i just was like all right movie it's a movie it's not animated right there's trees and grass i'm like what what thing could have trees and grass there's only so many movies i was like that gets like yeah i don't know i just saw it i squinted and i saw it that is why i'll tell you this because like we looked over these images and and i was sort of like okay first round of pixelation that's basically impossible and even just now when we put that up there i was like whoa that's way more pixelated than i thought it would be uh and i was like wow this is gonna be hard luke uh finds a way so uh uh the proudest moment there's a point for luke um wild that's crazy crazy as [ __ ] hey did you notice something that i got wrong you can correct me by tweeting at um actually show or by going to our exclusive dropout discord if we like it we might feature it on a future episode and give you a point our next question is a star trek question star trek tribbles are small furry round non-intelligent life forms with a tranquilizing effect on the human nervous system a single tribble is not dangerous but they are hermaphroditic and capable of self-fertilizing as soon as they're born they begin the process of asexual reproduction and a single tribble can potentially lead to the spawning of one hundred thousand tribbles in just two days danielle um actually it is not one hundred thousand triples it is a thousand triples and it is a hundred thousand in two days so busy busy triples are triples like an std they kind of are right is that the metaphor of that episode yeah this is like hey careful out there hey kids we've had a lot of fun this episode but this was about space herpes uh i'm actually you really shouldn't get them wet uh after uh you know what i mean like that's thinking of mogui i think i'm thinking of tribble although i do think if you got a triple wet that would be very sad looking it would be yeah shane any last guesses here before i call it go for it just throw it in the towel all right so we said that tribbles uh begin uh uh reproduction uh as soon as they're born but actually tribbles are born pregnant according to uh to canon which what kind of crazy russian nesting doll is a tribble like how deep does that and that baby's pregnant and that baby's pregnant and that baby's pregnant pregnant babies well uh no points for anyone for that one i'm sorry to say and what is our point spread looking like right now two five one very good uh here is a harry potter question the creation of a horcrux is the darkest and most foul of all magics wherein a dark wizard hides a fragment of their soul outside of themselves through the act of taking a life while the first horcrux was created by herpo the foul they were most famously used by lord voldemort voldemort created his first horcrux while he was still a student at hogwarts a skill he learned from professor slughorn shane um actually he didn't learn it from slughorn slughorn just kind of told him what it was and he kind of did the research on his own that's close enough i'm going to uh uh uh he uh he first learns it uh from a book in the library and then and then goes to slughorn is like hey tell me more about horcruxes i read this [ __ ] thing uh so he first learns it from the book and slughorn just sort of kind of like you know helps him along there so is that book like the wizard version of the anarchist cookbook right and hogwarts is just like yeah we can keep this here this is fine like they acknowledge that it's like this is the darkest and most foul magic no one should ever do this you can find it in a1 yeah exactly like it's like look i understand like censorship where to sedan blah blah blah but at the same time like like there's not like direct instructions on like how to build a nuclear weapon in most universities i would say it's a school for children don't tell them how to do the darkest and most vowel magic [Music] well we are going to move on to our last shiny question uh this is a game called find the fake on the other side of this card will be seven drawings of professional wrestlers six of them are real professional wrestlers one of them is something that we just made up uh the first person to identify which one is the fake one will get the point these are all gonna be crazy huh and flip oh no [Laughter] who is the fake one here oh geez um oh gosh we're not counting the indies right oh is shane shayna's buzzed in first um actually this one who looks the most like a wrestler in the blue with the that looks like michelin man with deflated tires across here that is not a real wrestler that's incorrect okay uh luke i'm actually that freaking wizard another wrestler uh that is incorrect incorrect danielle um actually it is the dude in the bull helm he is not a real wrestler that is also incorrect wolf talk a shade we'll get there eventually um actually it's this friar that is what you got um actually it's the mountie no that is incorrect yeah there's a real wrestler danielle um actually it's the dude dresses a big baby it's the big baby the big baby uh is not a real uh professional wrestler there's never been a big baby it could have been a wave it could have been so the first one does anyone know this one this is oz this is a an early uh kevin nash originally kevin no shut up the great beard threw me off how did i not know that anyway it's sexy that is manatar uh which is fun because the minotaur is already but this is man he should be three quarters i know it's not vader but it looks so much like vader that it's throwing i just watched like a a a rumble that he was in and he's like a he's like a machine man or something this is this is max moon max yeah whatever he looks like a created wrestler in a video game yeah like you get like gladiator gauntlets on them and give him like a clown wig yeah um this fourth one probably that's the goblin cooker then uh you are you already said yeah that's the mountie that was uh originally william regal when he came on before he became the manly man and before he became like william regal big baby we already said not real and then the last one uh prior talk it's it's friar ferguson oh ferguson the other one yeah well those are our wrestlers good job danielle you got it i didn't took us a while but that is a point for danielle our last question as always concerns real life skills when lightning strikes it's generally safer to be in your car than wandering around outside thanks to the vehicle's rubber tires which ground it but there are some caveats it's best to pull over in a safe location and turn the car off with the windows rolled up and whether driving or not you should minimize contact with metal or electronic parts of your car like door handles window controls or even iphones connected to a car charger uh shane um actually it's it's technically safer to have the car running uh no driving just as you possibly can outrun the storm uh luke um actually i think it is actually safer to be outside of the car uh that's incorrect it seems interesting on the roof of the car maybe yeah strap waving a golf club around um actually it doesn't matter if you're holding a phone because phones don't have enough of an electronic charge uh increase that's not where we go for that i'm gonna i'm gonna go ahead and call it floundering yeah yeah yeah i claimed that um that uh the the car was a safe place to be because the tires are rubber and that's what grounds it uh and while it is true that the tires are rubber uh it's more grounded because the car itself almost acts as a faraday cage to ground you just like being in the act of just sort of like the shell of the car is what kind of keeps you safe just sort of like inside not touching any metal or electronics then you will probably if even if lightning strikes your car you'll probably be okay will i get super powers um well there's only one way to find out yeah uh so we highly got to get your car up to 88 miles an hour and then uh just exactly when the lightning strikes the clock tower then you'll be able to travel back uh back to um to become a superhero and make out with your mom yeah exactly well that is it for our game our final score here is three five two that makes luke our winner for this uh this round thanks to my baddie i saw you yeah i'm still in shock about that pixel thing um but thank you to everyone for playing with us today and thank you for watching join us next time for even more pedantic corrections here on um actually
Channel: Um, Actually
Views: 126,925
Rating: 4.9453106 out of 5
Keywords: CH2, um actually, mike trapp, nerds, um actually show
Id: -Akk6Rtt5uQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 16sec (1696 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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