Bob's Burgers, Logan's Run (Fans vs. Faves Pt. 1)

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from robo to lobo nerds like a lot of things but there's something they love above all else that is correcting people this is um actually [Music] [Applause] joining us today uh we have brennan lee mulligan get in the comments no no no i'm going to cut this off right now comments and next thing we have jess clevens hi and next to jess we have uh our a very special fan contestant for this episode from austin texas this is chris callalong hello uh chris is a fan just like you who got to be on the show if you want to be on the show subscribe to dropout get on the discord we've been we've been banging this drum for a while and it's your own fault if you haven't gotten on it uh how's everyone feeling ready to battle each other to the death over a bunch of pointless uh [ __ ] ooh to the dead oh yeah one of you is going to die today i'm sorry i should have mentioned that before you flew out here someone's going to die someone called my mom yeah uh well you uh you all know how this game works uh you've seen enough episodes and you've been all been on before um but in case you don't know these are a stack of questions that contain false statements the things you know and love it's up to you to spot what's wrong with it and correct me using the phrase um actually if you don't say i'm actually i won't give you the point and you can interrupt me at any point as i'm reading the question just like in real life uh you guys ready to roll here [Music] yes well let's do it then this first question is about comics superman versus the amazing spider-man was the first superhero crossover comic between dc and marvel it featured an array of fan-pleasing moments including a villainous team-up of doc and lex luthor a fist fight between morgan edge and j jonah jameson and a double date with clark lois peter and mary jane brennan um actually the the double date wasn't between clark lois peter and mary jane who was it between i think that in that crossover he was not dating mary jane uh that's actually there was the double date between them i just wanted to see who you would guess uh that's not what was wrong isn't that a little bit weird because in that continuity aren't they like teenagers isn't that like two professional journalists going on a date with two high schoolers yeah for sure they're journalists they're maybe they're investigating a story peter parker's journalist too he's also pretty mature for his age right yeah he built web shooters yeah so yeah he's basically an adult i'm actually yeah chris was it not a doc ock and lex luthor it was doc and lex luthor [ __ ] just want to eventually guess i'm so nervous my mom will have my head if i get this wrong why would your mom have your head if you guys my mom loves dc and marvel crossovers specifically specifically crossovers oh um um actually i think the first crossover was wonder woman oh this is i'm so wrong but wonder woman and captain marvel no what was it what's the answer tell me tell me i'm actually none of the moments were fan pleasing no one was happy with any of this this is disturbing these two older adults really hung up on me i hate it comparable very well well uh no points for that one um uh the the answer here i'm actually edge and jameson actually get a drink together they don't have a fight they have a drink together and they commiserate about how their star reporters uh uh or photographers are never around when something big is happening and it's uh they like really find common ground uh and uh just have like a nice moment you know that's genuine and we'll move on to our next question about video games the original nes game the legend of zelda started players out as link armed with only three heart pieces and a sword and let them immediately begin exploring a non-linear world packed with eight boss filled dungeons jess um actually it's more is it like nine no okay i was completely sorry i was like i played that and i feel like it was more than it lasted for a long time when i was a kid [Music] um actually link doesn't start with a sword that's correct does he not he does not start with a sword yeah he's in like a little deco he's like in the little [ __ ] deku village he's just hanging out yeah walking around strapped in the middle of your hometown it's crazy yeah i mean you know like it's dangerous to go alone take this you know yeah that's right now it like came to me i was like yep i didn't start out with a sword you just start out and like don't you start out in like his little hovel like shitty humble what a judgment for the simple lives of these i'm just saying these sweet little forest elves in these hovels maybe we're not all these big powerful hylian castle dwelling or out in the desert with the gerudo but you know what they live a simple life yeah they're in their little [ __ ] huts and links i'm so sorry uh well that is a point for brennan congrats thank you we'll move on to our next statement here in highlander 2 the quickening we learned that the mysterious immortals are actually aliens originating from the planet zeist a world that is referenced throughout the remainder of the highlander series but never actually shown oh naturally yeah is it not the planet zeiss it is the planet zeiss brennan um trap hates me uh uh um actually uh the planet zeist is shown uh we do see it in highlander two um colon the quickening we see it in highlander two but we do not see it in the remainder of the series oh we didn't see in the remainder of this series okay so you're wrong or am i just right in a different way than you were expecting um actually zeiss is shown uh that's kind of what brennan said what oh god i mean at this point do i even need to say it in the comments because you need to get it in the comments i'm so excited we do see zeiss in highlander too i said it's continually referenced throughout the rest of the remainder of the series and point of fact they tried to scrub that from the from the rest of the series they were like that was a huge mistake let's in fact they even re-released a version of highlighter to uh called the renegade version where they removed all the zeiss references because they thought it sucked they're like we made it this was a mistake we shouldn't have done this it was like a richer lore when it was just like yes they've always been on earth and this has just been they've just been beings that have been here rather than like we are from zeiss then we will go to earth to compete that's insane if you had to pull a zeist on anything like take one detail and be like let's scrub that that was a mistake let's not do that what would you do that for i guess me answering brendan answering the question noticing a difference i didn't necessarily mean your own life i meant like in in something but you can also do it for your own life there was a couple huge ones that i think the fan base would want to zeist which would be we got to make that the verb people probably wanted zeiss to midichlorians right from star wars uh i'd want to zeist the the way that the armies of the dead are depicted and returned to the king where it's like oh [ __ ] like invincible [ __ ] pac-man ghost army that comes out of no like why did the writers of rohan all just die in the battle of pelonar fields you could have just hung back for another [ __ ] 10 minutes and this [ __ ] ghost crew swept in and taking care of everything um yeah i probably sized that pretty hard um saying on topic i would maybe decide the hobbit movies or even the prequels all of it yeah we can talk about it but never really yeah frank and bass did it right the first time um this brings us to a first forum actually first thing we're gonna do uh keeping the thing with with the fan episodes uh this is our first fan submitted question uh that a fan has sent in for you to answer uh this comes to us from bitsnumber7563 bits bits bits thanks if you'd purchased the original release of dungeons and dragons in 1974 you'd have found everything you need to run a campaign but it would look very different from the dnd you know today among the differences only three character classes were available cleric magic user and fighting man and hobbit was one of the playable races brennan um actually hobbit was not one of the playable races it was halfling uh it was hobbit it was a later change to halfling because it was like the the tolkien state was like you can't [ __ ] do that and it was just kind of where like half was like oh yeah this is something else this isn't a hobbit fair enough yeah i'm actually yes was it was it called a wizard not a no it's a it was a magic user yeah jessica um actually hobbit wasn't one of the that is again what brennan said no okay maybe i just stand so hard for brendan's questions because i'm like i'm seriously not trying to steal your thunder right now you're not stealing it's not thunder it's [ __ ] i'm [ __ ] you're stealing your drizzle i leave it in the comments in the comments tag yourself i wish you would steal my thunder because i have nothing to give you i have it i wish that i had better stuff for you to take come on give me something do you want to take another go no he got it you got it it's fine uh um actually you would not have everything you needed in the original set that you would buy in 1974 because there would be elements of the game that were not included in that set that's correct there wouldn't be dice right uh there wouldn't it would actu actually what it was is uh in the original white box uh it presumed that players owned and already knew the rules to two other games called chain mail and outdoor survival right yeah chain mail yes yes yes alternatively fighting man is just a fun uh label for that class what do you do yeah me ah i'm glad you asked what fighting man also doesn't like if i hear fighting man i don't think like swordsman i think like drunk and a bomb yeah just like swinging yeah yeah exactly seriously an unnecessarily gendered non-descriptive term the term warrior is right there no we don't want that he's a fighting man we don't want a box man like not war necessarily just generally getting into scraps uh well that goes to brennan thanks [ __ ] uh okay this brings us to our first shiny quest in the game shiny questions like shiny pokemon worth the same number of points just a little bit different and a little bit rarer and this is a game called a title of words may have noticed that sci-fi and fantasy books tend to have titles that are like a blank of blank or a something of something so we've taken the nouns to six different titles and we've scrambled them all up and it'd be up to you to try to arrange them into the combination of books that are the actual titles um uh whoever can get the most will get the point for this question sound cool cool all right let's flip those over let's see what you got [Music] jess is just going to put whatever brennan puts i've only got one for sure and now i'm looking at the rest and being like do i want to take stabs at it or do i want to be finally i'm just creating fun scenarios oh gosh i'm so glad we're all in the same boat all right we will start uh we'll start at the end and work our way this way so brennan tell us about your books here uh first one is the lathe of heaven okay the courts of chaos which there's some thing in the amber chronicles i remember the name courts of chaos uh vaguely uh the coming of conan the sumerian uh which just feels like people would you know that guy's a [ __ ] nightmare he's showing up he's coming something he's constantly that guy he shows up um the next one is a case of conscience uh which feels weirdly non-nerdy that feels like it would i don't know be like a like airport like john grisham um the next one is children of blood and bone uh and the last one is one that i'm planning on writing which is the shambles of a walking tour which is you know like a long walking tour and like it it's just it was too long and you get to the end and it's like oh we lost a lot of people some people have peeled off to the cafeteria early very good uh how confident are you in in these answers i think i got one okay brennan you got five of these right [Music] but will we are you joking i am not joking but let's see let's see we got down here and then all right just let's see what you got the first one is the courts of heaven okay the coming of chaos okay blood and bone of children because i thought it was funny that's so bad okay a case of conscious because i'm dealing with that uh-huh the lathe of a walking tour um [Music] uh okay jess you got one of these right oh uh oh like chris let's take a look what you got mine are kind of a combo of the two so it's just gonna be a fun little journey okay so for my first one i had uh the coming of chaos okay uh children of heaven would be uh maybe the sequel to yours i like it let's get together we'll talk about it shambles of a walking tour because i like the scenario yeah yeah it's non-fiction guys we had a rough vacation it was bad yeah i have blood and bone of conan the same uh serene uh case of conscience and the lathe of the courts very good um you also have one correct i think you also take it you all three got the same one correct a case of conscience yes okay uh not the blood and bone of children not the blood and children but you're close because the actual title is children of blood and bone um uh and then so uh obviously so if you only got one wrong that that means that obviously that that you didn't mix two around you rather mixed the order of two things so what you got wrong you you wrote a shamble of a walking tour it's supposed to be a walking tour of the shambles oh dude you almost got awesome that was so close uh uh which is amazing so yeah the um correct titles here a walking tour of the shambles children of blood and bone a case of conscience the courts of chaos the lathe of heaven the coming of conan the sumerian uh that's it that's a point for brennan for managing to squeak out five out of six that's incredible i feel good about one i'm so happy about it [ __ ] everything forever we made a bunch of mistakes and you caught him here are some of our favorites from you the viewer at kenny noel says um actually it was actor loki played by matt damon who made the reference to the frog thor incident at ragnarok not for himself that's right i was tricked by the same loki tricks as everyone else that wasn't the real thor and goose joined our exclusive dropout discord just to say i'm actually in the book the name of the wind both first teacher is named abenthi not abernathy that's one point for goose and one dropout membership that 707 weed guy says um actually the book of three is not by stephen king it's written by lloyd alexander the dark tower 2 the drawing of the three is the stephen king novel i am wrong once again a sting made worse because i was corrected by that 707 weed guy um there's still plenty of time to catch up pretty good uh so uh don't don't get in the car uh uh cool we are gonna move right along no he's flirting with the camera [Laughter] um all right here we go in both novel and film logan's run is set in a dystopian future where people are euthanized upon reaching age 30 but otherwise the versions differ greatly for instance in the book logan eventually finds his way to the safe haven sanctuary whereas the film takes a bleaker turn with logan famously learning that there is no sanctuary um actually uh he doesn't make it to sanctuary but it does exist uh uh no that is that isn't correct [Music] yes um actually do they get euthanized at 30 or is it 28 you're close enough that i might give it to you you've at least spotted the thing that it's wrong uh the the age is what's wrong okay uh so is it 18. uh it's not 18 nor is it 28. i'm sorry i'll stop guessing but you you can you can uh um uh uh anyone else want to venture again i'll give it to jess but if anyone wants to i want to keep guessing but no keep going you guys go four this is a [ __ ] up society hey man you got you know if you have 1984 already came out and fair enough to do one you gotta [ __ ] ramp it up man if you want to cut through the white noise in the dystopian market you got to make it real [ __ ] up just put your [ __ ] four-year-old's [ __ ] [ __ ] cap they love it they love the blood little toddlers is it 25 it's not um i'm gonna go i'm gonna go ahead and give you the point though because you were able to identify oh that was good that was wrong nice nice nice blow that smoke off them fingers tag yourself i'm trying you can copy my answers not my cash flow all right that's proprietary um so in the in the movie uh they do uh people do get killed at age 30. in the book people get aged killed at age 21. um we were just talking about doing like a uh like doing like a book movie like kind of like comparison thing that's true yeah last year i read all seven or all the harry potter books the first time and then what i would do is after i read each book i would go back and watch the movie because i hadn't seen the movies in a long time either how was it reading them like because you said this is your first time reading them yeah uh you can't know what you can't know obviously but do you feel like you got like a different experience from like your peers who maybe read them when they were younger or yeah because i read them as a dude in the 30s as opposed to like growing up with them yeah but then you're like waiting for the owl to come but now i'm one of those people like it's totally a hufflepuff yeah do you experience stress or have anxiety and if so is it helpful that i'm yelling probably not but you know what might be helpful is trying feels feels is premium cbd delivered directly to your doorstep and feels naturally helps reduce stress pain anxiety and sleeplessness i'll take it sometimes if it's really late and i just know i'm going to have trouble getting to bed because 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boo when tina introduces her to boy band boys for now each boys for now members set of fans has their own nickname boo booboo fans are booboo boosters allens are alan coholics mats are matt bratz and greggs are called igregulars oh you're buzzing in but it's not doing anything i i believe you think um jess i'm actually there's no greg there's no greg do you do you know who the fourth member is uh is it griffin it is because he's the skateboarding surfer one do you remember what griffin fans are called yeah i'm going to give you the point i'm just trying to see how far he is griffin griffin see you later i feel like it's something like gator griffin's i don't know can you give it to me i'm going to give you the point does anyone have a guess on what the griffin fans might be called no great griffin ain't easy um we're gonna give you the point jess uh in case you're wondering uh griffin fans are called de griffins and i don't know what that is i i i'm trying it seems like it's all the other ones are plays on are like a play on words yeah i can't figure out what this is i would have called them maybe griff fans or something else i think there's maybe some other options but um the griffiths yeah it's not different things what the hell okay because there's the older one and i don't then there's booster i don't know but you do want someone to tell you why they're called that i mean is is uh yeah i don't know hey guys get in the comments and tell him trap know why they're called honestly and i hope you guys are having as much fun watching this episode as i am having being in it with my friends jess and chris hey jess and chris i'm not his friend hey you're in this with me i actually you know i would like for first i i truly am not getting the joke here how a griffin fan becomes a it comes dude it feels like there's something there and i'm just not seeing i feel like an idiot so if you know what the answer is please yeah that'd be tight well uh point for dress um here's another card thanks to the success of the land before time the 80s and 90s saw a boom of kids cartoons about dinosaurs one such show was denver the last dinosaur a cartoon in which a skateboarding guitar playing quarithesaurus named denver used magic to disguise himself as a human to help bullied teenagers oh foreign um actually he didn't use magic he just disguised himself that's correct yes uh he there's no magic involved aside from the time travel in the first place for denver to get there uh he was just something to put on glasses and a jacket and stuff and that was enough for people you're like that's not a dinosaur oh normal hair yeah just a normal that's so wild classic 90s it's funny that they they delved deep enough to be like we're not just going to pick up a t-rex or something like what like we're going to go with karithasaurus which is like kind of a deep-cut dinosaur honestly oh when someone tells me their favorite dinosaur is t-rex i know that they've barely scratched the surface of what dinosaurs have you're not a real dinosaur fan i feel like dinosaurs is the first lore for a lot of nerds sure yeah like it's a good if you know a four-year-old that is really into dinosaurs you're gonna know a 20-year-old that's really into star trek you know like i was deeply into dinosaurs it's the gateway nice i like it it's cute it's very cute all right everyone everyone on the couch dinosaur fans i like dinosaurs it's very anti-dynasty very anti i'm glad they're dead and this will bring us to our second shiny question oh this game called hear me roar [Music] we're gonna play sound effects for you to identify as before whoever can identify the most will get the one point for this question um this is um we've done uh sounds all different kinds of things these are sounds of communication devices um from oh film tv video games all the things that make sound uh so um uh when you hear it and if you think you know it buzz in uh whoever can identify the most get the point let's hear this first one this is from doctor who because it sounds like the production quality is so bad incorrect that's so funny any guesses for anyone else i know what this is yeah i want to guess i'm probably gonna say this guy's good is it star trek it's not starting okay the original series no okay cool yeah just clarify chris is it from uh valstar galactica it's not not right is that the bat phone it's not the bat phone oh wow okay uh i can't wait to hear that is the transponder snail or dented mushy from one piece oh [ __ ] oh i wouldn't have guessed that but that's so fun um all right uh let's hear that second sound i'm actually uh metal gear yes boy yeah that is that sound is like launching my brain i like i like i yeah some some of these i wouldn't have been able to get in that one's like you see the exclamation point [Laughter] all right let's hear the third sound third sound here [Music] uh jess going again i'm actually is that star trek no damn i thought that was the elevator that's my fault oh wait you said it's phones didn't you a communication device oh okay cool got it brennan um actually that is a communication device from a property where there's a metal door nearby i would say perhaps from the hit video game series metal door that's where middle door saw uh no no but i like the detective work of trying to pick up what that sound at the end was but that is not a metal door it's not a metal door at the end there's not a metal door at the end that's a free clue pretty clue for you guys in the comments i'm actually yeah i'm gonna go with old ballast our galactica again uh no no it's not um this looks like it's stumping everyone uh brennan this is the original bat phone uh and that sound you heard was the clunky phone getting picked up uh the big ol not a metal door my how technology has changed get at him in the comments get at him not my own phrase it hurts too much tag yourself drag yourself all right let's hear uh let's hear number four let's hear that fourth sound jess oh my gosh say it again actually is that star trek that is star trek yeah okay i knew that one baby all right so that is uh one identified by chris one identified by jess uh let's play the fifth sound fifth sound here [Music] brendan you got first um actually is that the palantir it is the palette here all right you each have one identified and this is our last sound so whoever gets this one will get the point let's hear this last sound [Music] i'm actually that's a westerosi raven that is a westerosi raven well brennan that's another point for you well you little shits think you're better than me don't you well here's the thing you probably are i don't know what the hell i'm talking about and you do you noticed something that i got wrong you can correct me by tweeting at um actually show or by going to our exclusive dropout discord and correcting me there we like it we might even give you a point and feature your correction on the show uh here we go voltron legendary defender features its own system for keeping intergalactic time a tick is 1.39 seconds a dobosh has 60 ticks a varga is 60 dough bosches a quintant is 20 vargas which equates to slightly longer than a day also a quiznac is roughly a week a feeb is roughly a month and a decaphebe is roughly a year brennan um actually this is the first statement on them actually that is 100 accurate man that's all about what what uh what a what a what a piece of [ __ ] i would be to do that i've run through everything you said and that all checks out uh no there is something wrong here yes i'm actually um one that you marked as a week was uh uh i said a quiz neck is roughly a week [Music] less than that uh five days uh here's the thing it is no but you've you've identified what is wrong in the long string of things that i have thrown out to you so i'm inclined to lob it to you anyway because i i think we're just going to be guessing things forever so i think that just by nature of identifying that the one that is a weak is wrong i'm going to go ahead and give you that point um it happened uh i said that a quiz neck is roughly a week um but uh in fact a quiz neck is an altean curse word used in a variety of fashions primarily by koran uh a a what should be the case is a movement a movement is roughly a week in voltron got it as as we all know um which is look you know like every once in a while like sci-fi stuff there's this thing i'm just like why are they using the same time system we do that doesn't make sense our time is based on earth's rotation but like when you see your [ __ ] like this like yeah just use the [ __ ] clock we got it man we don't need to hear about your quiz next and your thieves that's all we're not gonna learn it we don't care anytime you're getting into like calendar time linguistics there's like all the [ __ ] where it's like in middle earth like peregrine took's actual name was like razanar took and like it's like well we've anglicized his name as peregrine but actually in the tongue of what it's like this crazy thing where you're like well we're only hearing it in the movies millennium falcon in actual galactic standard basic it's referencing some other creature it's like you'll go insane you'll go insane you were slowly unraveling while you were repeating it's too much all right well that's a point for chris oh my god yes um all right here we go sean of the dead hot fuzz and the world's end make up edgar wright's three flavors cornetto trilogy the movies aren't connected by plot but all focus on a friendship between characters played by simon peck and nick frost set against the backdrop of a supernatural horror story brannon um actually uh one of them is not supernatural which one uh uh the cop one hot fuzz is not super nice that's correct fine very well brandon um [Music] it's a cult right it's like it's like a crazy yeah yeah yeah they're like a cabal right yeah uh god i love those movies but yeah not a supernatural one which i'd like i do kind of like it a little less even though i think it's just as funny as all the other ones because it's like i like magic and robots and things like that cool well another point from brennan uh and this brings us to our last shiny question uh this is a game called under review uh so we're going to put a review up on the screen here uh that is a snippet of a movie review be up to you to see if you can identify the movie based just on the criticism that is put forward here um uh and i'll read it aloud just in case you can't easily read it from there so there you go a diverting entertainment might have been made about the rivalry between these two muscle-bound paladins a bromance or a buddy comedy but the point of the movie isn't fun it's obedience the lead characters perpetually mistake their narcissism for high-minded public service the rest of the population or the digitally created simulacra thereof is required only to die on mass to cower and terror and to watch in wide-eyed worshipful gratitude this is from abio's chris um actually is it harold and kumar go to white castle uh no it is not it is i'm actually you're wrong the point of the movie isn't find its obedience to their corporate overlords at white castle these people die um give them a point oh my god that's real though that's real i like that i'll take it die on mastercare um actually is this batman vs superman this is batman versus awesome these muscle-bound paladins who are yeah who are you and i was like die yeah required to die on mass yeah that's bad yeah um [Music] although with that in mind harold and kumar is very funny so i love imagining harold kumar just got just described as muscle-bound palette which i didn't say in the moment because i didn't want to like tip anyone off um well our score as it stands right now is six points for brennan two for jess one for chris i don't think anyone's gonna be able to snatch uh a victory from uh brennan's mighty jaws but um we can at least try to embarrass him by making sure he doesn't get the real life skills correct question correct which is the last question i won't and i never had oh you're the inverse siobhan who's gotten every real life skills question no real life skills this is all i have it's fun to let fido play vacuum cleaner in your kitchen but there are a lot of foods that can be extremely dangerous to let your dog ingest most of us know not to feed a dog chocolate especially baking or dark chocolate but you should also avoid feeding your dog grapes garlic honey onions or macadamia nuts bread in um actually you can feed that stuff to your dog uh no please not feed that stuff to your dog hey guys don't feed that stuff to your dog yes jess i'm actually dogs can have honey right dogs can't have honey yeah that's good food well these are all food that's like grapes one monster would eat grapes uh these are all food i don't know if that logic totally tracks but you are correct that dogs can have honey um uh uh and it can actually be good for them in certain quantities doesn't but no cause doesn't honey have um was it botulism in it or something honey's bad for babies don't give honey to babies uh chocolate is good for babies great for babies you know what day one give that baby some or chocolate lost seeing stones of gondor were magical items that allowed people to see across vast distances but they're not all accountable to brennan's baby with a mouthful of chocolates do you like this dog chowing down on grapes my cat used to eat donuts what do you mean i mean my cat skipper used to we used to have a thing of powdered doughnuts up on the fridge and he would get up there and knock him down and scatter the donuts over the floor he wouldn't eat the meat of the donut the meat of the donut but he would lick all the powder that's crazy because maybe this is just an urban legend and i may or may not really see no i thought cats couldn't taste sweet i thought they didn't have like a sense of sweetness well tell that to skipper right you don't he passed away he ate a lot of donuts he had a lot of [ __ ] notice he did not look after himself again uh no points for brennan for the real life skills one point for jess for that one um that makes our final score seven three one uh sure yeah cats don't taste sweet huh they're often drawn to sweets because of their high fat hunt but the powder can't but sugar if if a cat ate a powdered donut that would have a lot of fat but just the sugar well i think he was mimicking me because i would spend a lot of time with him and i used to steal a cylinder a swiss miss cocoa powder and hide under my bed and eat it with my hands i did that with sugar yes sugar sugar well that's all the time we have uh thank you so much for watching this episode of um actually thank you to brennan to jess and of course to chris for coming all the way out here to play with us uh join us next movement for even more pedantic corrections here on um actually these guys being a real quiz knack you know i'm talking about how dare you sir you take that back how dare you i said what i [ __ ] said get in the comments
Channel: Um, Actually
Views: 152,309
Rating: 4.9555554 out of 5
Keywords: superman, spider-man, batman, comics, star trek, supernatural, pets, brennan lee mulligan, jessica clemons, mike trapp, nerds, Um Actually, poindexters, game shows, trivia, chris calilung, noisy, dinosaurs, the land before time, bob's burgers, movies, logan's run, books, sci-fi, fantasy, highlander, mythical creatures, video games, nintendo, marvel, dc comics, the legend of zelda, um actually
Id: _9BAc8SffUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 49sec (2269 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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