Awesome USA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ| Compilation | Horrible Histories

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[Music] hello and welcome to the news at when when the 1400s when the people of Europe finally discovered America which for a big place was very difficult to find and even more difficult to settle in here with more details is Bob Hale with the American report Bob thank you Sam well the year is 1492 and that right there is not quite America it's what the Native Americans call Turtle Island or now a cow or ena Macker or better still just home and they can call it what they like because they're the only people there thanks to this big blue thing the Atlantic Ocean which has stopped them from being bothered by anyone for all about five hundred years but all that's about to change because here comes Italian Explorer Christopher Columbus the man who discovered America right wrong in fact the only discovered these little islands down here which he thought was India so he's only wrong by about eight thousand miles and that's why these islands are known as some West Indies an interesting fact that can be found in Bob's big book of interesting that's available now just 1299 next up then it's another Italian John Cabot who in 1497 also managed to not quite discover America learning instead up there in Newfoundland which is also just an island followed in 1516 which isn't an island but they think it is so no points there either it's going well isn't it but who's this yes in 1587 so water round lands here in Virginia and sets of the very first English colony which promptly disappears without trace that's far Molly so what does England do well it tries again of course yes 1607 and back in Virginia Jamestown is founded and why there because there's gold there but the Brits are so busy mining for gold they forget to think about the little things like growing food and within a couple of years they're so hungry they have to wait horrible things like poo and each other and sprouts and dirty water those nuts routes obviously and before long they're dropping like the sales figures on my book which I may have mentioned earlier so by 1625 of the 7,000 Jamestown settlers more than 6,000 have died sounds like they need some reinforcements too very religious people from the British Midlands the Pilgrim Fathers who make the games down Locke just like the smartest men on earth they bring nope no fishing line no animals and one of them does bring a hundred and thirty nine pairs of shoes there are some very weird priorities luckily for the Pilgrims and Native Americans take pity on them and hold a giant feast and the pilgrims give thanks which is where Thanksgiving comes from what an interesting fact it's also in the book The Rock up then it's a Dutch who land here and then the place New Amsterdam after the Dutch city of Amsterdam until the English stealing off them renamed it after the English city of York which is how we get New York Z and the Brits aren't the only ones out stealing about 1750 everyone's at it the French the Spanish the Brits all fighting each other for land language really belongs to the Native Americans who understandably get a bit fed up with people doing this deal it often so no sooner is Britain fall off the French and the Spanish they have to start fighting the Native Americans but not like that oh no that's way too fair instead they give the Native Americans blankets infected with smallpox and let the disease do the fighting for them a plan that's as horrible as it is effective but which I mean very so now the British control most of East America and that's like hold on jump finish story over step back everyone there's nothing to see here there is nothing to see here also we thought the problem is the government what these American colonists to paint British taxes but not have any say in how that money spent it seems really unfair especially since they put taxes on absolutely everything even the one thing that no one can live without tea yes the Tea Tax really took the biscuit so in 1773 the colonists stormed the tea ships in Boston Harbor throw all the tea overboard making a big statement an even bigger statement but really some tea tea and that little Boston Tea Party was more than just a stolen tikka within two years the colonists went to war with Britain the American Revolution by 1776 it's goodbye Brits as America declares its independent with the Pilgrim Fathers you may have heard rather a lot of notion crossing the ocean on the good ship Mayflower there was true our journey turned into quite the commotion people report that we sported these hats but that's not true I mean would you anyway the main thing to say we began the USA a little band of religion fans from the East Midlands y'all believe slowly that infom was becoming less holy so set off for Holland cuz there we had friends but in the end see the Netherlands would never be the land we planned couldn't stand to remain on that terrain so again we rearranged to start a new nation with our congregation a new and cama life took Obama and a builder and his wife and a cleric are to find America it wasn't new to the name [Music] November the Year 1620 and we saw plenty of land we thank God when we found ground a Cape Cod but it didn't go as planned couldn't land on the sand by month later though we made it New Plymouth man we claimed it the native said not the brand will be shot move it proved yet that life would be tough because we didn't have enough of the right stuff did you know have no seeds we could grow although William Mullins and stacked 126 pairs of shoes in his pack that's whack a fishing rod the plow pig or a cow would have been a much better idea but now there's no cool for us to eat does this mean there will meet with defeat [Music] I'm glad we were right but will we survive yeah people were starting when the winter winds blew even fewer lived through it wasn't pretty in our new city but the natives took pity even though they didn't have to man boots worn coat showed us how to grow maize catch you for a meal bill chapter in the base tribe gave us a feast the starvation seas in 1621 what they had done turned us back from the dead to the living to this day that's why we have Thanksgiving [Music] but we can call it even let's call it new [Music] let's call this new women I got an idea let's call this new house [Β __Β ] we got from you guys can we commit you guys [Music] howdy bill why how did you hear I'm bang on schedule although I did manage to run into an ambush again and I had to ride all through the night in a storm and the horse got spooked by a rattlesnake reared up and threw me into a cactus yeah as if my butt wasn't sore enough I'm gonna spend 20 hours in the saddle just deliver the mail to you yeah this is for you bill why Thank You Kylie Jim diggity it says here they finished the telegraph line running right across the whole of America so all I have to do is connect up this here Telegraph machine and I should start receiving message it it works now bill you know there ain't nothing that can get your messages from the east coast to the west coast faster than the Pony Express it only takes us 10 days well Telegraph only takes 10 seconds I got my first message it says Pony Express out of business stop tell rider to get another job stop well that is just a pain in the butt ooh and so is that one second I got me some plies [Music] howdy you know what you need to be a genuine cowboy cows you ain't hurting cattle you ain't no cowboy well I'm a real-life cowboy just a quiet humble fella that's what we're like perform I sing songs to pass the evenings and Baku sasuser heard so they won't stand pain less Mac sings lead [Music] not like the ones you've seen on your TV [Music] on your horse 4:18 out certain soldiers occurs then feed Joe for hey yourself and you're back driving cattle that's what being a cowboy to me moving those beats from west to east horses would complain you still wanna be a cowboy join us Creek you should be aware we have some customs that are strange like saying how did not hello when you're out here on the range never touch a cowboy's hat never ride his horse to your old man I'd shoot you of course fair enough cowboy [Music] not like the ones you see on silver screens we started by this Union solo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] doji war tactics number 23 during one battle of the American Civil War the Yankee soldiers were having a real problem getting past the rebel Confederate troops but then one General had a brilliant idea why not go under them the Yankees had hundreds of coal miners fighting for them so they just dug a tunnel right under the rebels they packed it full of gunpowder lit the fuse and blew up their enemy the plan had worked perfectly the Yankee troops rushed forward to capture the bomb crater but there was one small problem they couldn't get out again the Confederate survivor shot them all like fish in a barrel the enemy lost 1,500 men but the Yankees lost twice as many I cannot believe that general Stonewall Jackson his self he's gonna be giving us our battle orders yes brilliant and fearless no matter how heavy the enemy fire he just stands there unmoving like a stone wall he's one of our finest Confederate leaders oh I hope it's gonna be a surprise attack he is famous for all right Terrell Jackson not just see what an honor it is to serve under you sir oh you have to speak up something deaf in that ear just to say it's a great honor to serve on you know I'm a bit deaf in that one too must be all the cannon fire cannon fire you have the map of the battlefield no I do sir yes you know this indicates the current location of the enemy and over sir I believe he has fallen asleep good morning right we shall attack the enemy this way huh from there with balloons no so I'm just balancing out my arms keeping the circulation going my right arm is longer than the left one anyway sir so this map shows the current position of the enemy horses are not again I cannot believe this is Stonewall Jackson Shh he'll hear you no he won't this man is not a legend this man is some crazy arm waving idiot who falls asleep all the time so the enemy guns face to the west we will outflank them to the right and attack them from the east our troops will then approach them silently using the long grass as cover and we will then surprise Yetta me and capture them before a single shot is fired really yes I suppose he does have his moments sir he is dribbling on my tunic well I think this is the spot yeah so what do we do now we wait according to the message ancient Moses four meters here break us out the plantation and arrange safe passage all the way to Canada Wow they just think in a few days we won't be slaves anymore we'll be free man yeah and this age of Moses is already freed over 60 slaves he must be quite a guy yeah I mean I can't wait to meet him so you boys got my message Shh waiting for agent Moses agent Moses is here Oh brilliant we're here I'm agent Moses your agent Moses util I'm I'm um well we just expected you to be a dashing young man yep that's what they all expect especially the slave owners trying to catch me oh that's why you're so good at this yep I'm the last person they'd expect to be free and a whole bunch of slaves besides I've got myself a few disguises in case of emergency let me guess big false B glasses and a wig always glasses and a wig no a newspaper a newspaper you gotta be kidding oh my apologies ma'am I thought you might be one of those troublemaking slain but you're clearly an educated woman reading the newspaper ain't you indeed well good evening ma'am wow that's amazing that's nothing wait till you see my ultimate disguise lady Karen chick lady carrying a chicken now you gots to be having his own mama stated just a lady carrying a dick in there now look at that funny little dick well evening ma'am that crazy chicken out oh that was amazing he was so distracted by chicken-eating even notice you maybe either you very very clever or these slave owners are very very stupid hello and welcome to the news at when when around 70 years ago when the United States of America and the Soviet Union centered around modern-day Russia decided to try and settle the growing argument over who was superior in a way that was quite literally out of this world here with more details on this story story is our very own space cadet Bob Hale with the space race report Bob thank you Sam well the years 1945 World War two has just ended and after years of having to be battle buddies America and the Soviet Union could now finally embrace the fact that they are much like each other you see these two superpowers run their countries in very different ways called chalk and cheese I mean communism and capitalism so I've grown to distrust each other intensely but luckily both of them captured some of the German rocket scientist who built Hitler's wartime missile which suggests a rather exciting way to settle whitson power is best in space yes the space race is on with an early lead going to America who to find out if it's possible for living creatures to survive space travel start firing monkeys don't slice and rhinos into outer space no not rhinos and with the Soviets following soon soon loads of animals are sent off into starry skies with many of them never coming back I guess they liked it up there oh right rest in peace guys anyway now the race really starts hooking up as both sides rush towards the next major milestone putting a man-made craft into orbit around the earth with the points this time going to the Soviets yes in 1957 Sputnik 1 a radio beacon the size of a big bowl just becomes 2 thank you really helpful honestly yes but it becomes the first ever satellite but America's not far behind and in 1958 they launch Explorer a while this is about the size of a grapefruit don't even think about I want its even-steven score wise the Soviets are now on a roll they send an unmanned rocket right around the moon launch a probe the photographic surface in 1961 after successful tests using a dummy yes very funny Russia's Yuri Gagarin becomes the first ever man in space and America starts getting pretty sick of second place so in 1961 US President John F Kennedy announced that America will attempt the impossible to put a man on the moon not because it is easy but because it is hard the exact same reason why I keep trying to set the clock on my oven so a new series of rockets known as the Apollo program are dedicated to mooning I mean the moon landing but disaster strikes when a fire during launch simulation kills the crew of Apollo 1 meaning Apollo's 2 3 4 5 6 become a land flights to prevent the design until finally in 1968 the USA gets some badly needed points when the crew of Apollo 8 become the first man in history to orbit the moon than just one year later America is finally ready to do what mankind has always dreamt of teaching a pig to tap-dance Oh moon landing that makes more sense with all this I see in an elephant so Michael Collins Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong climb aboard Apollo 11 with the aim of beating the Soviets once and for all their mission is simple fly to the moon land on the moon walk on the moon leave the moon fly home and Bob's your uncle though only if you're my nephews I mean what could possibly go wrong well since the navigation computer was about as powerful as a chip inside a molten toaster I'd say pretty much anything but the dates been set the cameras are primed in the eyes of the world watch with bated breath difficult fries as on July the 20th 1969 the lunar module beagle separate from the command module Columbia and yes the race is finally won a stopwatch chattering victory to the US of A as Neil Armstrong takes one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind the Soviets accept defeat wait the back to a moon they never reached and turn their attention to building space stations leaving America to build a moon colony with a burger bar in the coffee shop right roll in fact only 12 people ever set foot on the moon and that one's been there since 1972 a tragic oversight that I'm going to rectify rack now yes it's time to take one small step for Bob Hale but one giant leap for the good people at Bob Hale space rocket industries goodbye Sam I've always loved you will you wait for me no I'm not going in the first step toward civil rights racial inequality American policy to live kicked off a fight [Music] what shocking behavior I'll do [Music] I'll set on about watch in front blacks behind us filled up we had to give up our seats [Music] public transportation to win RESP a CT enforce new legislation [Music] Martin Luther King [Music] because I sat on about [Applause] [Music] stop dies out 8u and stone the Pont is now you'll enjoy horrible news stories
Channel: Horrible Histories
Views: 274,762
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Keywords: horrible histories, horrible histories full episodes, horrible histories movie, horrible histories trailer, horrible histories tv show, horrible histories episodes, horrible history, cbbc, horrible histories episodes in english, horrible histories songs, cbbc history, rotten romans, terrible tudors, slimy stuarts, vicious vikings, history for kids, tv show for kids, awesome usa horrible histories, american history, America, USA, cowboys, American civil war
Id: Ywiln-LUS-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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