Hearts of Iron 4 Challenge: Brazil takes America

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hello everyone I am Tauron welcome to another one of my hands of iron for challenges today my voice is Pony you know a little hoarse but we can manage and I will play as Brazil because many of you have requested that and we're going to try and dominate the Americas we don't have to earn necks everything because if we're fighting the United States getting a piece will involve all the allies and that can be problematic and so on but we will try to dominate everything this video is sponsored by Chronos Gigi I'm trying out a partnership with them essentially it's a website that sells games but they only sell one game every day but at a good discount there we can just check the daily deal and buy it if you like it today on the day of this videos released there featuring ever space you can see it on screen it's a roguelike arcade space shooter and I only tried to game out for a little one but I found it relaxing and visually pleasing so if it looks like something you would enjoy you can follow the link in the description below to check it out but the deals only valid for one day so if you check it tomorrow it will be a different game if you do end up buying every space one word of warning because that took me by surprise when I install the game it rebooted my system without asking me if it's allowed to which can be a bit of a problem if like me you were working so if you end up getting the game watch out for that and yeah that is about it back to Brazil conquering the Americas wine Brazil well mostly because a lot of you requested that so let's go I'm and mold wriggle difficulty historical focuses start I'm an Brazil one I tried it out a little bit but I don't have a preset strategy I will have to adjust what I initially wanted to do we start with seven units that switches malt infantry and produce more infantry we're going to need loads more infantry weapons political effort a couple of civilian factories of the research buff and the doctrine superior firepower is my favorite some convoys and some submarines for the future and we need to buy some steel from the US so essentially we have to attack and take all that but what is most important for us is the timing and the sequence of targets because we don't want the Allies coming down on us doing let's exercise these units we start with two generals we're going to have to make one of them if you Marshall those skills are very good and it's a pity to waste them but we will benefit more from a high-level Field Marshal as a Brazil we have a nice base of manpower in factories so it should not be too difficult the difficult bit will be timing it's right and choosing the right targets make sure we have ten well-equipped well-trained units remilitarization of Reinhard and political effort now it is time to choose one of the two evil ideal he's present in the game fascism or communism I usually go with fascism just because it is more politically viable in Europe where you can Ally the Germans but here in South America it doesn't really matter what we choose so instead we're going communist this time just for variety it doesn't really make that much of a difference communist revolutionary there we go and collectivist ëthis why do we need to switch ideologies well because we're non-aligned and we won't be able to attack anyone now we can do either a referendum or a civil war and the civil war is faster probably even like half a year faster but with the referendum we will not waste so many resources as we would with a civil war and we're not in that much of a hurry all right let's continue to being a research boosts later I'll get some infantry and industry upgrades as well Spira firepower and collectivist death is done let's also promote a higher level general to a field marshal let's see what skills you can get charismatic offensive mmm should I wait for logistics on to organize all that's the organizer will give us the benefits any other but you are supposed to lead at the arming group not the army and internationalism focus I will want to invest in our stability now because that'll give us more political power and we're doing the referendum so we want high stability normally I would save these points for the referendum and war justifications but since we're going communist and this path gives us a lot of free political power that's how a popular figurehead this is not going to give us a lot of political power but have a look it's 0.6 points per day and that's not all because high stability also effects factory output and so on so it is useful we will also want to go to free trade and war economy when that becomes available I'm trading exactly ten units right now because that's how many we can fit in a naval invasion political correctness which in real life is a horribly bad thing but in the game it gives us a lot of political power so well or let's do it so who are we going to target what we're going to target everyone but the timing matters see there are very different ideologies down here here we have some democracies some non-aligned some communists and even some fascists so we have to choose the right targets we're going to try and take out all the democracies first because they can theoretically join the Allies while fighting us and that will be very inconvenient the order is not that important but we will want to take Panama before we take Colombia visit will make it much easier and we will need to have Ecuador in order to launch a naval invasion of Chile I could go through other countries but the more we attack the more likely we are to be stopped by the Allies we are doing the referendum so we can discredit the government I suppose don't do it now open a political discourse should i discredit the government already I suppose we can that will mean we can get the boosting events faster so let's describe the government another focus indoctrination another 150 political power we don't need to save up too much pot coupon because we're getting it from the focuses so let's do improved work conditions just for some extra stability stability is good reinforcements will have the highest priority but we will also train more once the reinforcements are taken care of so who should we invade first how about Panama then we can launch an invasion on Haiti and Cuba and also do some land attacks which will be convenient yeah let's attack Panama first let's do a naval invasion from over here down to Peru we can't go around this way alright to their capital we should be strong enough to beat them up at their I will also send my fleet my fleet is not very large but it is certainly bigger than theirs that should be sufficient also have a few planes but they can't reach that far we're not doing that great which comment support perhaps I should have waited with discrediting the government until we reached 40 and only hand done it then so I'm hoping for some communist support events now I could do basic machine tools and now but I think would benefit more from weapons one not going to spend political power on anything right now we need it before the referendum this looks pretty unlucky I still haven't gotten any communist events no need for a logical fanaticism for now we do have enough war support to do war economy this is not an urgent matter however we're going to pursue the extra research slots now alright I was already losing hope but we do get a communist event wonderful which brings us to fifty and a bit which is enough for the referendum hold national referendum there you go let's embrace communism no more food for the people of Brazil now let's see who we should justify on Panama is our first choice let's see if they have a guy that makes it more difficult to justify No all right how about home Dora so this is our other tactical choice they do okay then we should do it like this first justify on under us and then on Panama this should work out better for us if we can manage the two almost simultaneous attacks started Honduras then do Panama Panama does but one unit usually so it should not be too difficult I can even split my naval invasions in two I suppose and the one that succeeds will then support the other bit oh I almost forgot we can now go to war economy let's do free trade as well and do construction of it why am i attacking them well in order to be able to attack Ecuador and also because I need to eliminate all the democracies early we will have a harder time with Cuba and perhaps ID depending on whether they build up defenses or not but by the time we run out of other targets I should be powerful enough to deal with them without too much trouble I could also go to Ecuador through Columbia but come on bears a bit more of a hassle to defeat I'll just pick off older easy targets first oh I also want to hire an infantry expert but that's the end of spending political power for now we'd have some reserved for justifications and for dealing with strikes actually I should expand my template whoa whoa whoa China has happened yeah let's expand our template to feature at 20 with group we have built up some civilian factories let's make some military ones and also build up our infrastructure I need at least three everywhere I think just so that we're well maybe not here but here yes because otherwise we won't really be able to use that territory to attack from just get too much attrition construction effort - how many troops does some doors have a three it depends on where they put them we might be able to take the port in the naval invasion I should start building cannons so that I can have the mass support artillery or ghost should be finishing up soon and yeah just a bit longer Panama how many troops one well then I want to need more than three units to defeat them you should probably readjust the orders a bit oh crap I'm redoing the wrong order okay okay let's try again and that will do the only problem here is invasion preparation we'll do that in my attack want it and we can get the extra research start what would how much time until the attack yeah it would delay us a little bit should not have done that we'll manage distribution on whom the rest is ready but my naval invasion is not so it's not declare war just yet you know we do this I should probably send the battleship over here to scout let's select the fleet they attach one battleship and just Park it here oh you can't go that far oh nevermind then I'll use you to scout Panama Panama is completely undefended well that's gonna be easy naval invasion is ready time to attack declare war on Honduras and the port is defended but weakly defended they might reinforce it but if they don't we'll win easily and it's time to declare war on as well and now I can start justifying to more war goals Haley how many truths do you have one troop and again if they mobilized themselves it could be a problem how long to justify on you because we need to not give them enough time to build troops 215 days how many factories do you have you don't seem capable of fielding of large army unless there's an event or something all right that's just a farm Haley and see how that works out I can always cancel if they have too many troops and our next target will be Costa Rica since they are democratic also just fine Torgo simultaneously is just the most viable time wise not so much in terms of political power but we are pressed for time secret and secret weapons now alright can you or can you not a defeat them well essentially if they bring more reinforcements to the port we're screwed but if they don't win easily and Panama are you going to Panama yes you are yeah alright I can always launch a small naval invasion from Van Anna as well supported them and it's ours thank you very much in order to support our current alright you guys will launch a small naval invasion here it's going to take you 21 days to prepare can we make it they seem to be reinforcing but the area but our troops have landed ok now my main objective is to take this and not let them reinforce which is why I'm attacking both provinces perfect now we win we have a port and we can easily take them out in the current situation oh you get the skill mmm you can get this all naval lays on it seems to be the better choice but I don't really have Marines so they will be useful later on the rifles they can finish and that also gives you a special order to prepare nail invasions quicker which can help as well just use normal frontlines and attack I suppose I will hire an army defense expert defense is useful as well let's use secret weapons immediately stop that construction for a moment and do computing machine they do give us great boosts to research speed which will be tremendously helpful one class is ours we can now plan naval invasions against Ecuador so Ecuador will be our next target probably how many trees do you have almost none let's immediately start planning a naval invasion least Haley oh and now I can park my battleship here to see what they're doing Oh why'd you get so many troops is that gonna be a problem for me it might it says - no no it says five to seven they must have just deployed them how long until this is finished a year I need to cancel this justification this is not gonna work not right now I need the better a naval invasion technology or Marines I was just doing new one on Ecuador we'll take care of Haiti later you guys will plan a naval invasion of Ecuador just attack the port or Navy needs to change priorities a little bit you will be patrolling these two bits and the other army takes care of an attack on Costa Rica and the new troops ooh that's a lot of new troops well immediately automatically Joan of the attack order once they're deployed oh there's no naval base here which is why I can't get there that's a pity all right let's build one quickly also I think it's time to add support artillery to our unit there you go France and Britain announced Alliance working on improved computing machine we have enough points to hire someone let's go to the minute conscription we'll need some more manpower soon what's going on in Europe the usual with China capitulates good to know let's see how many troops Ecuador has three I should be able to handle three where is that scouting battleship they are let's send you over here both is undefended so far so good productions fine I suppose I could do some more sport equipment and then and Recon company that will be helpful educational in Costa Rica is all ready let's attack immediately no reason to delay this should be trivially easy how many factories do you have not many and that's Costa Rica and that means we can do the extra research thought as soon as we have a free focus right I should probably take Columbia out the next but I could go out to Chile and see Kombi has five to nine but it will be easy to invade because we can attack them from all sides and then we can launch a naval invasion of Chile from Ecuador attack Uruguay from here we should be fine let's have a look here if we didn't miss any democracies no non-aligned fascist non-aligned right we'll take it a non-aligned once out after we deal with the democracies can I research it a bit on naval invasion yet not oh I can't actually all right this is gonna be more important to us then and the doctrine even so let's delay the doctrine in favor of this landing craft azox of instantly and fate of Czechoslovakia happens now in order to do this we need at least 51 factories but all we need to do is cancel the trade with the Americans and now we can and now we can resume the trade of the Americans and it's all good improve competing machine complete must do atomic research let's get an industrial company come on where's my war goal here there is declare immediately anokhin start justifying more goals I think I'll go after Colombia and you require and then launch a naval invasion to Chile that should work out my say-so do any of you have a guy that makes it more difficult you do and what you require you do not all right so we just found Colombia first and then on Uruguay that should be all right till he joins the axis and stuff is happening I never envisioned launches against Ecuador port is still undefended can we land I story search not to lots of things simultaneously I think now it started in naval effort and land them yes we have landed alright and this is a very easy and straightforward from now on just attack like that aggressively and so that's someone to go directly to a capital in case it's not defended it's probably defended it is defended the button will take it easily how are we doing on equipment I don't actually have more cameras than I need come on ah the other disappeared why did the order disappear continue the onslaught come on they could all give up already and they have give me how was your army has not grown but oh this is a problem they might have more ships than I can handle was my natal production shitty was my fleet not great might actually need to go after them through Bolivia this is a bit of an issue for me and their fleet being too strong no matter we'll take out your iguana and Colombia then go out to Haiti and Cuba and then if we don't build up a fleet strong enough by then we'll just go through Bolivia which is imperfect but should work out new commander please he's good investable strategist doesn't have a face though and Paulin joins the eyes german the attacks poland and have completed naval effort which will let me produce some submarines no it's time to invest in our doctrines a little bit army effort please you commander no face no skills let's invest an inventory equipment a bit we need to strengthen our units poland capital it's already let's have a look Sundberg capitulate - well hello hope is lost when there's no luxembourg and the Germans cut through of the motion of line well then the attack on defense seems rather unnecessary doesn't it you just do your thing it's not my problem Norway and Denmark joined the Allies let's make sure all the newly produced submarines join our main fleet and also that we have enough stuff to build them with Soviet Union tax Finland not my problem as an our Scout ship to Haiti I should be able to handle that because by the time I decide to attack Cuban Haiti I should have the better landing craft which means I can send to four armies simultaneously which be more than enough to beat them Tomic research is complete let's do on the advanced computing machine all of these are speeding up my research quite significantly now we are in dangerous territory now we could theoretically have have an enemy join the Allies when we attack them which would be a very big problem we have to observe the world situation but you never know I'm gonna improve relations with the Brits just to make sure they don't want to fight me and maybe even send them then release order let's see I'm gonna send them a convoy per week we do have enough convoys and I'm gonna see if that improves our relationship oh just revisions complete you know that's a tech cambia and should I start another one or wait until Uruguay is finished I should wait until your guys finished it centralized to fight control yes he ended up like that who more science is not something they can defend against and it's not gonna take too long well you guys should be going this way and the justification on you requires ready as well let's declare war on them immediately let's start with Haiti it's closer to the Allies so I think it's more likely that they'll join them and did you buy so much agency how I do Haiti quickly will be able to just launch our full invasion after that you just thought I'd joins the Aisin of my problem hungry joins the access also not my problem fortunately none of our targets have joined the Allies yet and Uruguay has been conquered to take everything please what're we done with Cuba and Haiti will only have Chile to worry about how many choice do you have should i do naval inversions on them if I get enough ships onto a naval invasion but if I general we should probably go through Bolivia come on Colombia get defeated doctrine effort 3 done let's focus on equipment efforts right our only the eyes of hey just focus on the capital shouldn't take too long you start a capitulates and so does Colombia take off state please we can use up to 50 units to invade Haiti let's do that with just two full armies when Army's gonna go straight after the report and the other is gonna be split between other two provinces around that area that should work out nicely and the invasion will only take 33 days to prepare which oh sorry this guy can prepare naval invasion sir very quickly you'll be helpful once we're moving against Cuba in a moment let's take an inventory equipment design the company know I was supposed to be checking our relationship with the United Kingdom how much do you get from the convoys oh it does stack up that's fine then just continue doing that and keep improving relations I could send an R to say to them as well the costs portacaval that's not in the Draco Pentateuch finished let's continue along this path leaned weapons are three and we need it soon should I switch to weapons two one go straight for weapons three no no one was go for weapons - we do have some time to work on them as our relationship with Great Britain good enough I hope we improve relations before we declare war haiti really don't want them to allow them into the allies and the justification is complete well as the Claire Warren hope for the best go Brazilian Socialist Republic declared war on Haiti don't join the eyes don't join the Allies we're attacking this isn't a very good but here come reinforcements and most of them come down here that's fine - I'm just attacking them from all the signs I suppose I could quickly build a port but I think we'll be victorious then we just left with Cuba and she'll come on guys no that's the end of Trotsky and that is the end of Haiti mistake all states and prepare our naval invasions will stop this and our naval invasion of Cuba let's see how long until the war goes ready not long at all 30 days all right you guys have bonuses too quick naval invasion preparation you will go as one army but the rest will be split up Cuba has a decent amount of troops so we should probably attack the port's head-on - to focus on the port let's target Havana with as a stronger army they will arrive faster and then perhaps these troops will be dispatched to protect Havana he'll attack the other port but we want you to arrive a bit later from here and here right then I won't have to wash it in many Linda should launch automatically 8 days how does the invasion take 8 days to prepare what is this value that good at this 4 days o invader yeah that one okay I forgot to select her the research no matter 76 days until we get the best guns even the first ones this is complete dislocation on Cuba is already let's renew relations with Britain before the attack three points only but those three points can make a difference yeah okay time to declare war on Cuba don't join the Allies please write Finland was puppeted not my problem alright I should be justifying more goals let's do as I said Chile and Bolivia but Chile first unless they have a guy that makes its tour and Bolivia let's see no they don't know right done Chile and Bolivia could have gone through Peru I suppose and we'll be alright and shook and all envision is on the way let's see how well defended affair neighs it seems not well defended at all we might actually be able to take them and as you can see as I expected that they have redirected some troops from here to defend Havana which gives us access to the port and we're all set now we can just invade you from here let's do a bit of manual orders and yeah but you do it if these guys can learn in Havana as well well that will make things even faster but it will not be necessary miss Arabia goes to the Soviet Union and the frontline and disappears seems like they might actually be able to well no no they were they were pushed back but it doesn't matter because I'm already here and I do have a port so we'll take care of Cuba soon they don't have a lot of supply here oh you've landed back on Cuba well that's why they don't have supply there's too many troops here now let's send you back to the mainland in Greece joins our eyes and we get into into equipment 3 which is extremely powerful and will lead us to victory quickly alright we also get the bonus from the last equipment thing let's do this so we can already have it and we'll fill up the rest later so how you guys do it almost there Cuba is almost ours some of them are green but they'll learn in combat no need to train them ahead of time oh we can do what propaganda against Germany and that can be helpful let's do that and improved work conditions mmm that's a risk if we get strikes whatever let's do it anyway come guys you're almost there and that's it for Cuba thank you very much now it's time to prepare our naval envisions of Chile let's check the Navy we have almost 30 ships and they have they have a grant 20 but there's a probably better center the Navy oh yeah are we still producing submarines we are not very quickly though those are very quick naval invasion preparations let's get you guys ready okay the port is defended but the other one is not but let's attack two simultaneous thing anyway if our Navy can manage we'll be fine if our maybe cannot manage well all those troops will die Japan demands french indochina we don't mind I am running out of money we need to go to extensive conscription when we have extra political power German Reich declared war on the Soviet Union well good luck with that the Soviets want us in their faction no thank you here is our justification was it for war and hope they don't join the otherwise and they're the last country that can do that to us I think all right our Navy seems to be winning I'm good what are you going are you on your way yes you are alright so look at the naval battle yeah we're actually doing quite well and Here Come two heavy ships we'll see in a moment I suppose well these two that are just guarding the territory let's send them to the battle they could be helpful not sure if they will be turn yeah let's just use all we can all we really care about is that our troops get to the land the Navy well it's a pity if it's destroyed but I can rebuild it easily as long as we can land properly and here we are all right essentially Chile is ours and the other army has landed as well perfect Chile will be taken care of where's our fleet has a retreated oh good I have not started just fine you're not a war gone I'll do that once I declare war on Bolivia what the hell I hate when this happens those front lines are problematic it's gonna take a little while in the meantime you can attack Bolivia from behind I mean I'm gonna take over Chile it just might take some time what may enjoy is the access hopefully it won't be a problem with me we've done fanaticism we can't do technology sharing because we're not in an alliance but if we do join an alliance well it can become problematic so it's not seems like mine guys are being attrition but we'll soon connect to this territory with Bolivia and here's the justification is declare war and get some more walkers who should we go after I suppose we could do Paraguay hopefully the Soviets don't choose to get involved though we have a guy that makes it and now we have political correctness which is even worse and what Venezuela let's deal with Venezuela quickly they could have joined the axis theoretically guys doing in Bolivia well seems like I underestimated Chile it might not have enough supplies to win this no no he'll be fine I think I don't really need any other focuses here it's not to take any we'll just be using political power for your other stuff from now on like for example extensive conscription Chuck and/or has been completed yeah that's Bolivia for you and okay no this army alone will be able to take care of the rest of Chile who was I just fighting on Venezuela and Paraguay okay slowly but surely and here goes Chile everything please mind you have a bit of air force with a tiny bit of air force I suppose I'll send it here also it's time to get some more support companies like signal companies right now the danger is that they will join some of the other factions the eyes are pretty much taken care of but they could still join the axis of the Comintern then again yeah the axe is not a common turn should come looking for a fight here unfortunately the game has slowed down a lot for me which might mean I won't be able to complete this challenge we'll see if it snows down too much I'll just have to stop playing but I'll try to at least take South and Central America but maybe it'll be I mean this speed is still alright our justification on Venezuela is complete alright this might mean a war with the Germans let's hope not yeah I finally have to invest in those support companies should have done that a while ago once we're done with the war goal in Paraguay we will attack but also start justifying to new ones the attack on of anis whele could be better but we're winning and here girls Paraguay now they might join the Comintern I don't think they will what they might let's do Salvador and the Dominican Republic first the Dominican Republic and then El Salvador Oh Venezuelan that was faster than I expected here we go let's send them over to their next target death to fascists sure and Paraguay is taken and now we eliminate the fascists then we eliminated non-aligned and then finally we turn against the democratic how much of an Navy do you have because they might do I suppose I could do a naval invasion so it all will be easy to take care of because they don't have enough room to recover we'll just pepper them with our attacks and they'll be done for the Soviet Union wants us in their faction I mean theoretically we could and we will get a bit of Germany but I suppose I do want to restrict myself to the Americas I might join to comment on the Rhind before I turn against the eyes this where we might get some support from the Soviets ah we have achieved full communism things can't get any worse my justifications complete almost missed out because I was gloating over communism let us declare war and hope they don't join any faction as always I mean they could join the axis and that wouldn't really be a problem only them joining the Allies is a problem and we've eliminated all the democracies so we're fine and we've overrun them right we're about to win here it goes dead Dominican Republic I'd send these guys on a naval invasion of Lima I'm expecting it to be relatively undefended because well we do have a large border and they will be securing that mostly justification on Salvador is complete they're right we declare war and we start two new justifications starting with Peru my spells go tomorrow Nicaragua might be the better choice strategically but we do want to start fighting Mexico soon as well Salva daughter usually has a lot of troops however they didn't have enough room to you know have a place for them to recover and thus will destroy them easily just working on various buffs for our units oh whoa I've never had this happen cool that was random okay improved artillery during a peace conference and we take everything and as always we need more steel you go have a general without the face but we'll be tough because it's difficult Iranian they have a lot of troops but we'll take them eventually and before if renewal invasion lands in Lima this might be over faster than expected I don't really have anything to do with my political power oh I forgot I'm supposed to have those support companies recon signal and logistics there you go let's see how we do in your equipment well enough my suppose I should increase this another justification is complete as declare war on Peru all right and we should be just fine another watching way just fine one on Nicaragua ok can we land our troops in Peru the naval invasion start it did start and it seems to have been intercepted body how full of Gibraltar we don't mind lots of submarines that don't seem to be doing anything they are the lowest level submarines but we have never intended to contend with someone like Britain or the United States in Navy we just wanted to beat up our fellow South Americans finally they're through ok if we land them in Lima that might end the war just attack them from behind while we keep up the pressure from the other side yeah Lima is defended but very very weakly defended come on can you land a were you intercept it again we were intercepted again weren't you have I ever mentioned I hate naval management finally we've landed in Lima oh no sorry to capitulation relatively close we still need to take this place was some territory all right let's just let everyone land in the meantime distribution for Guatemala is complete there's an army dazzles just attack and proceed with Nicaragua oh we're doing it already never mind who's next well Argentina would be a logical choice but I suppose I'll do Mexico but in 40 days wait a minute you're a guard that makes it more difficult to justify you do ah okay in that case we wait until the next warble is completed then we started in justifications or the more capitulates just quick not getting a lot of supplies and there go both aconcagua from two sides and here goes Peru okay now we just have Paraguay Mexico and Argentina left before we have to face the Allies I think two armies Mexico three armies Argentina weirdly enough Argentina is usually more difficult to conquer than Mexico you commander again without a face we'll have to switch our manpower laws into service by requirement ill looks like the actus might actually win I didn't think that would happen then in grad has fallen and Moscow is about to probably Romania is a very good ally when run by the AI there are few countries that do great as allies not the allies defection our eyes as in someone who helps you so that would be Greece Romania Spain sometimes Italy sometimes depending on what you're doing the fall of Moscow all right I really thought that the subs Union would win as usual but it seems like they won't fight in the justification on Nicaragua is ready let's declare and just found Mexico and Argentina we have a guy that makes it more difficult as well well that's unfortunate but okay Nicaragua will be destroyed in no time let's just go for their capital that's it that was a lot of equipment that's my peace conference where's my peace conference although there it is nickel states Oh a justification is complete and the Soviet Union has capitulated well that is not something I thought I would see however that means that opens up some possibilities for us because we can just join Germany in the access I know we're communist doesn't really matter we just need to attack the Allies and I should invite us in 30 hours we'll definitely have a very difficult time now the Soviets have capitulated all right let's sir hon declare war on Mexico press conference is over all right that wasn't that wasn't done it was just a current occupation let's see ya Romania did get quite a lot of land but it's not connected apart from Crimea it's not very convenient should have taken the coast as well but I did get a lot hungry didn't get anything and neither did Italy it seems was that bits of Brits all right yeah I attacked Mexico in the meantime Mexico shouldn't be too much of a challenge for us I'm also training some more troops because I need to guard my shores what if Germany is gonna conquer United Kingdom at least sometimes doesn't land invasions in Britain finally in the justification on Argentina is complete there's declare war on them as well yeah the game was running so slow that I'm just sitting waiting for my troops to do their thing and watching Top Gear in the back the old one of course and you know that's justify on Ireland why Ireland because I think they'll get guaranteed by the eyes let's do it just took it on Ireland if it doesn't work out I'll just cancel it right before the end and you'll just file in the UK if it's 45 days then it doesn't matter that much when we do it it'll be even better to do it later because we will have everything prepared and that is the end of Mexico you guys can get ready to invade the United States are the 72 divisions I was training already let's make sure to distribute them properly I wanted them to God all my ports and that's it for Argentina one army to take care of this bit one army for the rest here one with AK the Panama Canal from the the other side also take care of this tiny part and then finally enjoined and the main attack everyone will join the main attack eventually let's see if I only want guarantees buyer doesn't seem like it feels like Ireland is on its own all right you know what let's let's cancel that and just just to find the Brits or maybe France will be faster hey France that's Vichy France it would have been a mistake we France 30 days yeah that's good enough my dissolution on France is ready all right in a moment I want to see if my guys are in position first and not all of them I suppose I can wait a little bit with the world gorgeous.turkish declaration never mind there are no Americans on the border should just attack right now you know that's just attack whatever if we fail we fail well let's go United Kingdom has been called in and the United States will be about to be called in as well Switzerland has joined them and Luxembourg and South Africa Heelys la via New Zealand Australia Denmark Greece Poland Canada and we invited to the axis you know what gladly one of us be merged automatically oh you know what if I do join your wars and I'm immediately at war with the u.s. and I'll be able to invite them so I guess I will join your war enemy's Philippines Australia blah blah blah everyone attack except us or not yes you are so should I be am I now yes I am okay you guys I'm moving in hey the Americans haven't moved their forces away from the border for some reason this is remarkably easy should run with cavalry would have taken half of them already but what's my participation only 3% but it doesn't matter I just want to take the territory I don't need to own it no way capitulates good for me because now I am in the axis as a communist country they have finally brought in some troops although our situation is okay Oh another general without a face getting closer to our objective the offensive has slowed down a bit because of the American resistance but we're still we're still pushing them the United States is growing powerful and can protect us yeah not that that's plausible right we may struggle to find allies in the Americas now well that is surprisingly true because there's nobody left in the Americas and all that would just infantry would support Germany doing nothing in Spain doing nothing Brazil doing all the work yeah the Americans have like one third of their country left some of you go to Cleveland and that is it for the United States we still have Canada take how's that pronounce Ottawa not sure Kenneth it doesn't really have defenses do they you go there come on take Montreal is that enough for them to come to it well here's the victory pot Edmonton and Canada capitulate we got a lot of equipment from them all right there's a bit of the US here and a bit of Britain here yes I'll send some troops to secure that part well as expected this is taking forever and finally there we are okay so yeah I'm not gonna wait for the water and I'm just going to end it here because we control or the territory and the game is running brother slow right now it's not pleasant to play anymore at this point but I didn't want to you know finish it so here we are the Brazilian Americas okay we're gonna end it here I hope you enjoyed this little video and I will see you again soon goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 318,702
Rating: 4.8779192 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 meme, hoi4 annex america, of, hearts, hoi4 brazil, hoi4 ironman gameplay, hoi4 brazilian empire, hoi4 annex canada, hoi4 annex usa, hearts of iron 4 brazil challenge, taureor, iron, hoi4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4, world conquest, hoi4, hearts of iron 4 ironman brazil, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 fail, hoi4 america, hoi4 challenge, hoi4 brazi world conquest, four, hearts of iron 4 challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 59sec (2699 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 08 2018
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