I Attempted The Stellaris ONE SYSTEM Challenge As A Criminal Organization | Full Playthrough

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greetings you fellow lovers of pain and misery and welcome back to Stellaris with Mia lathrix and of course welcomed what is going to be a pretty brutal challenge run which should hopefully be a lot of fun even though it's going to be incredibly weird and against my normal instincts of Rapid expansion today we are doing the one system challenge versus the times 25 crisis those to say we cannot leave our system in regards to expansion and eventually the maximum difficulty crisis will arrive and it will be absolutely devastating and we're going to be summoning that in at the uh 2350 at least that's how I'm setting up so the end game crisis is also early it's gonna be pretty brutal now to do this we are going down the route of the corporate Empire I know I'm not the first one to do this challenge on YouTube and I'm fairly certain a lot of them have also picked the corporate option because it is just one of the better options here you have the ability to make Branch offices on other worlds without actually controlling them we are also going to be going with criminal Heritage so we are going to get our money from destroying the economies and causing crime on other worlds we're just going to be really annoying but first I think it's prudent we talk about the rules themselves so everyone's on the same page the first rule and the most important rule of course is to not leave your home system in regards to expansion you can of course leave the system with your vessels your science vessels your military vessels everything else but you cannot take any other system at any point throughout this game if any system becomes under our control the run is null and void the second rule is that we can build habitats that is to say we can still build habitats with our system and colonize them we just can't leave the system itself this will mean that overall the end result of our system is likely going to be one arcology project World which is going to be a size 30 thanks to live seated and then a host of small stations these will provide some basic resources to the main world but honestly won't be adding too much most of our resource is going to come from vassals and from external sources because we are criminal Heritage we can put down a lot of Branch offices and since we don't have any extra influence needs because we're not expanding all of that influence is going to go towards these Branch offices now criminal Heritage is probably not the best option here because once you have vassals you immediately have the ability to put down normal Branch offices so I think a normal corporate Empire would be better but this is going to be a lot more fun now this final rule is one I kept changing my mind on but this is a rule I'm imposing on myself we cannot become the end game crisis we cannot end the Galaxy by going down the crisis progression path I think this is definitely the smart play because it ends the game before the crisis can really take hold in the galaxy and definitely the smart thing to do here but I'm not going through it personally because I want to see if we can face off versus the true times 25 crisis that's the plan now we'll get into the game itself okay one brief thing so origin we're going with live seeded so we can have a size 30 Planet eventually becoming the arcology project I do think the shattered ring might be a better option here or even void dwellers giving more options Moving on but I like the idea of having the super world in the middle of everything else so personal preference there we are intelligent traditional and Thrifty because extra unity and research are going to be so so important we won't be able to out resource other Empires early on but we will be able to out Tech them since we're going to be such a tiny tiny little world with basically no Empire size going with the Aquatic look and that's pretty much it for our Empire Mastercraft Inc to begin with so we have more consumer goods and tried values to make everything run a bit smoother and then later on we'll move that over to franchising because we do want lots and lots of subjects now for the difficulty settings so we are going to be playing in a large Galaxy just a normal spiral galaxy the crisis strength is set to maximum the crisis type to random mid game start year is it 2275 which is of course early and then significantly earlier we have the end game start here at only 2 325. this is far far earlier than the default and I don't know if I'm gonna regret this but that's going to be a lot more fun in my opinion as for difficulty we are maximum the scaling difficulty is on Mid game so by the mid game they get all of the cheating bonuses from the difficulty they get the bonuses over time and then all of them are applied by the mid game start year I'm also turning on the difficulty adjusted AI modifiers a lot of people have said they don't like playing with this since it essentially allows the AI to cheat their Tech um Tech gives them more stuff but I think it gives the AI a really good Fighting Chance in the mid light game and I absolutely adore this so it is on even for the challenge run as for our growth I am going to have grow both the required scaling set to zero I've always done this because I like the Galaxy to seem populated and what this is is the game slows down population growth based on how many populations you have in your Empire I've never enjoyed that it won't really affect us in this run because we're going to have such a small population anyway but it might affect the AI and make them a bit stronger as for the logistic growth ceiling we leave that as it is that's what slows population growth as they get more and more numerous on the planet with less space and less resources there are less new people and that is that so lots of difficulty settings and now we go into our single peaceful happy little system hi everyone future latrics here so this was my first challenge run and it was an absolutely enjoyable one it was really weird and so against my normal nature to not expand constantly but things got really interesting really fast for this run and I've got to be honest I massively underestimated the power of the criminal Heritage I need to play around with that more perhaps making a cult in the future now a lot of you may have noticed there was a mistake in that previous clip with the difficulty I accidentally forgot to turn on the advanced start to the AI That's because I was messing around with something before recording and I didn't turn it on now I shouldn't have made a major difference in the playthrough anyway because Advanced neighbors is set off by default so the first vassals the first encounters we have would have went by normally anyway so don't think it would have changed anything but certainly something of note so this was the first challenge one I really do hope you enjoy this full playing through took me a very long time to record in a very long time to edit down but it was a very enjoyable experience so if you do enjoy these videos likes and comments are very very welcome since these long form content sense is very very bad for the algorithm especially likely as YouTube continues to try and push shorts and smaller one-off videos any interaction really helps out and helps me continue to make these videos which is the whole reason I'm here on YouTube I really do hope you enjoyed this video there's something a little bit a little bit different for the channel for my stammer remains normal so back to the past and our tiny little single system oh we're starting off in a nebula okay so we are starting off in the very Galactic core what a beautiful start in terms of just the visuals so we are starting off here and let's just talk about our game plan then realistically what we need to do very very quickly is get to things like Auto cannons the tech which will give us a significant bonus in the early game maybe even allowing other Empires to follow us willingly on top of that we just need loads of science vessels we need to find other Empires we need to start putting down our Branch offices we need to see everything so expect to see lots of science ships I'll also be going down the route of Discovery in our tradition tree with that we'll be able to map the Stars we do also want to get loads and loads of anomalies because we need every bonus we can get on our single little world here in the middle of a nebula how many worlds do we have here so one two that's an asteroid three four five six oh that's not as many worlds as I expected that's not many habitats then at least don't put habitat on this one here and then we can keep the ring on perfection did I count the one behind us I don't know either way it's a little bit of a sparse system really the Ute okay so wow this is a gorgeous system I love the nebulas that's not really the precursor I wanted uh so this gives us extra colonists when we first colonize new worlds I don't really care about that because at most we're having five or six orbital habitats not the thing to see earlier that might be a little bit too expensive for now I believe to have that for the future Masters teaching philosophical mindset I said a bit weirdly then didn't I either way plus 10 research speed but that's going to be later on right now near the unity for more science vessels as you can see we are moving out discovering lots of stuff lots and lots of anomalies because of map the Stars increasing anomaly Chance by 10 we've just finished off Discovery and of course we've gone into a technological ascendancy Tech is everything we're also getting loads of stored research because of all the events going on uh I guess our neighbors have been found and honestly athletes are looking pretty scary but sadly I can't go to war with them just yet because I kind of forgot how this works so I need to just be stronger than them now the other issue is I think once I start putting down Branch offices on them I can't actually go to war with them so that's gonna be annoying as well we'll see how it goes hopefully I can get enough Elite power to scare them off again I need to get Auto cannons system surveyed oh there we go Auto cannons are here there we go see auto cannons just have a really high base damage which massively increases the overall damage per second again early on this kind of artificially inflates the power level of your Fleet which makes the AI very scared of you which is kind of perfect for us yeah I guess let's go with that for now probably quite expensive not as bad as I thought so far honestly we're quite a scary Little Empire just that plus 10 early on all of our resources going into this early stuff so we're not building anything or really expanding for the future that is helping us a lot we will cure their anger and also our little Pirates here are just in the right place to start harassing their science vessels oh we got bubbles lovely bubbles you can go home and become an adult and a fearsome fight info as you can see we're getting so so much um stored research which normally would be burnt through quite quickly but because we have such a very small Empire size which doesn't hit 100 yet we've got no modifiers to how much our Tech costs so it's going a very long way and it is really catapulting Us in this very early stage essentially we're playing aggressively tall right now okay let's move the ground forces in yeah I can't imagine they're going to um hold off for too long once we take over their worlds and remember landing on the world does not actually give us access to the world in any way except for basket points in the war so it isn't breaking our rules we are victorious so we have our first vassal will they be loyal to no that'd be little to us uh don't worry it's defensive Overlord such it was okay so I would actually like some of these to be loyal because later on if they're so weak I would like to have the specialist vassals but for now I'll happily just be taking some of your money not as much as I expected now thankfully the Empire over here actually really likes us they're called you already we basically bribed them into that would they be oh my God that is so close they are super close to accepting us as our Overlord I did not expect that to just be like that that's really cool so what would tip them over the edge then right now they're not accepting it because it's gonna be distance ah distance is a major factor foreign mess around with that see if we can get them to accept having a second vassal in the first 25 years would be insane now putting down our Branch offices with loads and loads of Smuggler's ports each of these will increase crime by 50 which is pretty ridiculous and also increase the branch office of value so all three of them are going with that to make sure crime is a thing I've also popped down a satellite campus which you'll start giving us some research I'm hoping maybe we could become friendly with them and then that might tip them over and I'm thinking warm might be the only option I'm currently researching the next level of the auto cannons and as long as I don't take a rare resource I'm waiting until I can upgrade that also I'm currently using nanites to increase our research speed which is rather nice oh that is so close yes okay how about one hold it yes even better just about accepting that oh because they've moved towards us oh they're moving actually put that in our favor so I've never really messed around with the um specialized vassals before but this just seems really interesting so this will give them bonuses over time as long as they're loyal and it will increase more and more it basically gives them research at the cost of making them not very good at defending themselves then they'll Feed Us Tech and later on we could even try and make them pay us as well or just make their diplomacy tied to ours if we want to become the overlord of the Galaxy yeah I am very happy to accept that hopefully they'll accept that nice and quickly there we go and then for a while they will be converting during this time we're going to lose influence we don't really care too much about that so we'll just leave as it is I could start putting down some ministries of Truth which would give us extra influence but again we don't really need it what do I want energy is always good the aid agency will make them happy and give us Unity actually we do need Unity anyway uh I was gonna go with just another satellite campus Because I like the extra researchers early on but you know what let's go with that make sure they're nice and loyal forever oh thank you for the unity and that'll be pretty much that so currently we are now just finishing off Supremacy one more and then hopefully we can grab one of the first bits of Ascension either the flesh is weak or engineered Evolution we probably won't be able to go with mind over matter because we are materialists of getting that Tech is very very unlikely ask okay so the flesh is weak means we can't become synths but we can start that super early gone down the synthetic route since all of these are changed I don't know I really don't know okay so the Rippers do cast rare resource it turns out but thankfully one of the Traders nearby can sell it to us so there we go we're gonna upgrade all of our craft now with the improved Auto cannons which is gonna make our Fleet size look absolutely terrifying to others well let's see if bribery continues to be the best source of everything in this game eh will you willingly join us I would love another science one okay it's gonna take a while well we're improving relations anyway hopefully we can start grabbing some of these soon there's another Empire over here which actually does scare me they are militarists but if we can grab this system here sorry this Empire here we have this lovely block already under our control turns out Ripper Auto cannons yeah 10K fleets this early on enemies are pretty scared of that I personally think they need to be toned down a bit in terms of the military power they give because it's easy to rush this Tech and then well every other Empire is very scared of you for a long time the hierarchy is simply hate us so we are going to go to war with them the Empire's over here I've decided they're just going to be there to put down our Branch offices for the time being which is giving us so much energy it's delicious so yeah we're gonna get to war with the hierarchy to try and make them our next subsidy then hopefully convert them eventually into another science Empire then I don't really know what from there it's been a very good start honestly this is better than I could have possibly asked for so far our first habitat is finally going down athletes are in position of course in the future what we can do is change our agreements so that some of our subsidies or vassals or whatever actually are at the time will join us in Warfare for now we are still alone we are busy acting as the enforcers for our little group of friends foreign Invasion successful oh finally we found that precursor why are so many of you just sitting there and was no one why would none of you supporting the Homeworld when did that happen how did I messed up it doesn't matter it's not a big deal so 10 extra research paid are normally detected okay there we go so I wanted so we have the core now yep uh ship up keep minus 20 when active extra pops when establishing a colony plus 20 oh that's new I knew some of them were reworked recently with the bigger patch energy weapon attack speed plus 20 percent neat although we are crushing this fight still we actually lost a fleet a moment ago it seems that the enemies are now starting to catch up in fact this Federation over here is terrifying they have a 30k fleet bouncing around which I think is their Federation Fleet so they are already strong enough to take me out I will soon of course have the hierarchy here under our Sway and I'm now converting our first vassal also oh it's just about to finish being converted into Tech as well we're also keeping the plus 30 it turns out vassals are way stronger than I remember to a kind of ludicrous degree having that one straight away is just one is this now here's the question we could very much Start draining this Empire as well oh we're actually running out of influence that's weird but either way we could start to drain some resources from them but that would also slow down how fast they can improve their own worlds and them improving their worlds is a big part of us getting stuff back and they are starting to focus on Tech as well because of their specialization I'm tempted to have all three of these as Tech that may be silly but I am struggling to get techno I am starting to really stagnate in our Empire in our little system the early game this is a Powerhouse of an Empire later on if we don't keep on investing like this we're gonna have problems return the book got some more friendship from the Realms in addition to lots of money hierarchy is now under lethrixian control and boy did I dislike us it's gonna be a long time before we can get them happy with us that's a love influence can do anyway uh what do I want from you do I want something to make you slightly happier or do I just want stuff what does this one do whenever I see this one through a franchise headquarters foreign oh that's interesting Overlord managers turn consumer goods into unity and tried value for the subject and unity of the overlord clerks produce one less tried value for the subject and produce Unity for the overlord I wonder if that'll be on every single world or just the home world or that effect I do need more unity and that's actually a really interesting one you know what you're never gonna be happy with us I don't care then you're permanently gonna be our money maker okay A Farewell lighter not all that much has happened I have now got access to Cloud lightning since we destroyed some Vibe some void clouds our upgrades have been very lucky in terms of our Cruisers now we have Max Rank strikecraft and Max rank Auto cannons which is making us seem stronger than we are which is making things not really likely to attack us I'm trying to befriend the Traders over here I'm trying to turn them into Federation members they were just at War and they lost uh they're one of the weaker empires in their bias I'm hoping because of that my relative power can eventually get them on our side the problem is distance I'm trying to become friendly with them but it's a real struggle oh they've changed their ethics they were fnatic xenophobes that changed at some point I really would like them to be a federation member if not we will have to grab them as a vassal we do we do have a defensive pact with them now as well which means the other Empires nearby will probably not attack them oh no Crusaders are you that's a purifier species Ah that's why you lost the war so badly okay then well that's uh something to consider for the future the humans just became a true Empire oh but I really want you as a minion oh it'd be so silly to grab you know what too bad we're going over there Fleet please move over we are going to pay a visit to the humans like just entered Spice in a year or two they'll be one of ours if I don't even have a true station I thought when they got uplifted they at least got a proper station sorry humans hello disloyal and always gonna be disloyal I think I'll keep them as pets uh I'll change them drastically later on I won't be taking anything from them I'll change them to a protectorate I might even pay them I'm Keen to see what happens if we flood them with resource now it won't even be much because they're just so little and they're going to grab two systems well it is what it does I suppose uh return home our perfect world is now getting a little ring around it are about to attack this here I want to free up some space so let's go after their FL actually now let's make sure they're all together first laughs actually did a smart after doing a dumb LED initiating invasive Maneuvers yeah let's clear these out not only does this give us some research to quickly grab it also means we're then free to enter this territory nice and easily rather than going all the way around in addition to that it stops this particular group from being able to become the great Khan says one mid game crisis prevented if we can completely destroy them the rest of it's strong though so has that helped at all distance wise no still minus 100 I wondered if because they couldn't get through that was doing something but no it's very annoying it's very annoying we might have to war with them to climb them they've even broke the defensive pack there's just no one friendly for me for me to make a federation with and it's getting a bit light now in the game I need a federation it's going to help out so much I knew it it was bugged I knew that 100 was wrong because when I proposed subjugation suddenly it was saying minus 500 from distance as well which is just ridiculous because we're not far away at all I don't know what was causing that bug but I restarted the game and as soon as I did Tada we can make a federation I could have been in a federation maybe for like the last 10 years but I haven't because of that I think it happened when they changed their ethics because they were really close to becoming a federation member then suddenly the distance modifier increased I just thought it's because of the borders changing with one of our vassals moving in or something else I just assumed it was something I didn't understand okay so we want the research Cooperative that's what we want I tried leg would be nice but now we want the research Cooperative there we go happy days we have a federation 2270 our Tech is still only at 2K our fleets are good and neighbors fleets are also very very decent they're just a little bit weaker than us even after losing all the wars um our subsidies are also getting actually pretty nasty this is the weakest of the three and this one alone has in excess of 20K and again they're constantly feeding us research and resources so it shows how how powerful they're actually becoming multiple other Empires that have just gone absolutely insane the Imperium is probably the scariest currently and doesn't like us that much and it doesn't hate us but doesn't like us the church over here is powerful but family does like us so I think we're in decent position we have a big chunk of the Galaxy under our control the Federation is now starting to level up and I am going into politics which should hopefully give us more stuff now I oh finally the archeology project is about to say I'm waiting for that but also um I am tempted by the flesh is weak we can't do the our culture project just now I we don't influence annoyingly but also I need to get all of these districts industrial or cities that's going to take a little while that's random the racket tribes oh hello what why are they right next to me though did you just split off from that other group I mean surely we should be strong enough to take them out though right let's find out I suppose right yes it was you so if I assert yeah it becomes my minion that's fine then yeah they're strong but nowhere near strong enough because they get given a fleet when they split off I think but okay first we'll take out the station then chase them down yeah we're plenty strong enough to deal with them I had to just force a defeat because I noticed something we had weird claims all over their territory because we were the ones who were the primary target because of the whole Overlord ship thing and I don't know if I would have got the system or not so it's currently claimed by the compact but how it was being shown in the war thing hinted to me we might end up getting it if we had the systems so I'm not gonna risk that I don't know if it would have happened it might not have happened honestly we'll grab them lighter they are super weak we are far more powerful than they are we can make them our protectorate lighter honestly I protector is fine as well protectors do give you influence at the end of each month if not much else so that's fine oh also these two are now warning of each other whoa okay they're getting strong what is that oh this is a fallen Empire I thought this is a normal Empire then I was very concerned we leave our beautiful system in times of War so we're going to war with the giant Federation over there because one of my vassals really really wants all of this territorium of course if they have that territory that then becomes my resources through their tributes so of course we're going to help out I don't really know how strong they are I know that the Imperium is superior to me Fleet power wise I know that the others are massively inferior I think one's pathetic and then one's just normal inferior and of course we are all of these Empires we're going to try and conquer not many systems is not honestly expect but that's fine the war's going well although they do have a 50k Fleet bouncing around that's their Federation Fleet I think we should win though because of all of our forces combined there's so many empires now on our side all moving towards them yeah we're definitely gonna win this although I definitely would have lost a loan so thank you to my lovely vassals now something weird is this I could now go I could now go down the route of the psychic tray I haven't been spoiled much for this but everyone keeps telling me it is incredibly powerful especially with the new telepaths and if they can do modifiers to planets you can imagine that putting them on the arcology world would be fantastic since you only have one super world plus there is of course one of the covenants to give you extra research speed I don't know how likely it is we can get that but that or the instrument of Desire pretty much any of the different covenants except for the Eater of Worlds I would love so we have until we finish politics to decide but I'm thinking I might go down the psychic route weirdly psychic materialists I blame the single rat little psychic rap now another thing we have to decide why did I build so many construction vessels anyway another thing we have to decide is this which of the mega structures are we going to go with we can only have one in our system so the obvious choice is the science Nexus it'll give me plus 15 research speed and a nice chunk of research which is really good since we have such a tiny Empire size our Tech is just really rushing ahead everyone is now pathetic in terms of tech compared to us because although we only have three thousand we have less than 200 Empire size so everything's so cheap but there is also the interstellar assembly two extra envoys plus 40 percent oh that is so good just a passive plus 40 diplomatic White that would be insanely good I do really really really want to become the custodian um eventually what I'm gonna have to do with my minions is stop them having free diplomacy and make them vote with us essentially they'll feed us their points they don't have too much because they are vassals but still I think it has to be the science Nexus though it just has to be we are going to win this based on Tech and Tech alone so get to work building a signs next eye is it worth going Master Builders for this I don't think so does this one thing ooh zero compatibility that's interesting I'm tempted by that right now just the extra pop growth plus the upgraded species yeah okay so Zealand compatibility once we finish politics we're going to psychic then defender of the Galaxy and then we have two free slots to do whatever with we were victorious and we didn't really give our vassal that much but you know more spikes is more space was this the enemy territory yes it was okay so at least you've got a world out of it lovely I thought was that Two Worlds no just one world I think that's all you got from that still nice one world a couple of systems all of that flowing to me time to bring this Fleet back into the fold you know I'm starting to think we should have just won these wars because yeah now I've done that it's gone back to the original owner I think I may have read into it wrong and was just being overly cautious which to be fair I have to be right now I can't risk losing this run after we've came so far to some stupid technicality of the rules which might not exist our world has been encased I'm going to go a little bit more heavy into alloy production right now we're struggling to get our science next sunlight and honestly I need more Fleet power especially once I get the Imperial Fleet being built so this thing is really really important for this resources as science is going to come mostly then from our habitats which is all right they have a decent bonus there and we have gone down the route of voidborn so yeah they're gonna be more Tech heavy Perfection is going to be more industrial and unity heavy lovely crush them with our might well that was just annoying anyway continue let's remove these as well then both of the marauder groups in our territory are gone so we don't have to worry about that ever raising its ugly head in the future ah but then there isn't a third one we do kind of want a mid-game crisis and I don't really want a uh awakened Empire well that's a problem so we do want a mid game crisis because that's the easiest way to get everyone to agree to make me the custodian yeah that's gonna be difficult that's the end game anyway okay now we've put down our relay we'll get plus 10 from our researchers because we're connected to this one I don't think that will work even when they connect to the others actually will it you know what I don't know so let's find out let's build a relay for them since we can do that let's see if we connect that then technically speaking the realize going all the way into the Union territory if that connects as well I wonder if that Stacks that effect it'll be nice if it does we'll find it out soon I guess the last habitat we're going to be able to build is now going down on top of that we are connected now to all of our vassals except for the one over here we're about to climb Okay jump on over go straight for their capital no particularly large vassal but one two three four five I think five worlds I have so it's something so the forces right now apply are the Covenant the Federation to our right and the Crusaders then of course ourselves they're the three well four major groups right now the union is now under one control lovely okay wanting to do is get a construction vessel over there and then we can build ourselves a Gateway in their territory so we have access this area nice and easily if we would choose to go to war with the Dominion or any of these groups though I doubt it honestly at the moment a lot of our resources are just going for our Branch offices and I don't want to shut them all down to go to war clearly if I if I'd redone this run I would have went to war a lot earlier and then started building the branch offices lighter but still we have plenty of vassals we have this tiny Empire up here that I don't even know when this one arrived I'm assuming yeah it's gonna all be climbed so it's not gonna become another uh group hey look there's Earth a little layer we can finally reach into this round and that's new through the Looking Glass whilst we have yet to actually Pierce the Veil we can feel it Getting Thinner and thinner under the pressure of our combined Minds yet on the other side our efforts to enter the Shroud have not gone unnoticed something watches us its presence radiates Eldritch power and unfathomable purpose it seeps through the cracks of our psyche it barely notices us it watches us like we would watch a drop of condensation it might let us in if only we could reach its mind well obviously we're going to talk to it issues the special projects commune with the ineffable ah so first of all turns out it looks like you always get a covenant at the start of the psychic tree now but I don't know if you get another chance then how has that changed because the whisper is minus three stability minus seven percent monthly Unity oh that's changed as well so The Whispers in the void are one of the covenants I wanted but the instrument of Desire is the one I want the most extra influence is great extra research but only five and seven percent well it's very different than how it used to be I wonder if other things happened later on thanks that is really weirdly different yeah extra research speed is fantastic so it's actually influence so we could go with this now we could risk trying to get lighter but it is already past 2 300 now I think we have to accept the satellite I want instruments of Desire but we're going to go with this one instead okay The Whisperers are now inside us we get a little bit more influence and a little bit more research speed psionics is finished and I've gone with a shared Destiny giving me two extra envoys along with making our subjects happier with me I've also now realized that telepaths are insanely powerful each one of them is increasing all resources on the planet by 10 so we're getting a flat plus 20 on our arcology world which obviously is pretty amazing our economy is looking fantastic right now I'm just in a weird position though the free trade is equal to us in our own Federation uh several other Empires are actually better than us at this point I don't know how I'm going to become either the Federation permanent leader or the custodian in time I think I should have been more aggressive early on grabbing more vassals we do have a lot of vassals though and again we can at a moment's notice change so they no longer have free diplomacy which means they have to vote with us that would be a big big deal why are you unhappy with me only amount of whole things I got for a stun hmm I could change some of these quite easily yeah we can make you happy quite easily later on if we so desire oh right yeah there's also just pledged loyalty do you like Moats I do like modes wonderful I would like 18 years of loyalty please who said you can't purchase everything in the galaxy wanna accept the deal wanna see it happen there we go time has passed since we established the foundation of a covenant with The Whispers in the void our bond is still weak and we still have a chance to break it on the contrary strengthen our connection we will confirm the Covenant since strikecraft are now considered a society research I'm going with these type of ships this way we can use our physics for energy weapon damage our society for strikecraft and then our engineering for armor that way we are constantly upgrading everything on this ship it also means we can very easily pivot this to be good versus pretty much any of the end game crises if it's the scourge that would be the best well kind of the best since we can use a lot of energy weapons quite easily along with our strikecraft and that's all against Armory Hull against the unbidden we can just ignore their shielding altogether and go straight for the hill which is deadly versus them and versus the contingency yeah once again ignoring Shields and armor is kind of the way to go with the contingency in my opinion so yeah this is going to be good versus all of them not perfect versus the contingency and the unbidden but good against both of them while also hard countering The Scourge so we're kind of hoping for the scourge here but any of the three will be absolutely fine our fleets are starting to look really scary now the repeatables are starting to stack up and again we are just such a small Empire this 9k Tech is going so far and we're almost hitting plus 200 research speed because of our deal with the Covenant the factory in a science Federation and of course the science Nexus which is now entering phase two now we have loads of climbs around here apparently so this is going to be a long war and hopefully it's going to massively benefit our vassals again the more the vassals get the more we get our bond grows deeper ignore the massacre happening background our understanding of our Patron grows we are no more than an afterthought to it insects in its home yet it has taken a liking to us and on this occasion it has bestowed another drop of power upon us our telepaths are now more closely attuned to our Patron and we have been inspired to create a monument to celebrate our covenant a place where our best telepaths can try to commune with the whisperers in the void our telepaths now produce additional research that's nice and we can build a sanctum to The Whisperers what is the sanctum to The Whispers exactly and is it better than a fully upgraded research building it gives us three telepath job oh three uh telepath jobs that's fantastic infiltration speed plus 15 available invoice plus what well obviously I want that then I wonder if you get different modifiers depending on your covenants since this is the sanctum with the whisperers I wonder if he devour or give you different modifiers or different jobs I mean three telepathers inside now that's plus a 30 resource output on this world our lightning is vicious and I dared enter one of our vassal's territories which is incredibly annoying but it looks like the other vassals are just winning up north we have moved some athletes down here we're winning this section so it's going to be a long protracted War but hopefully our vassals will gain a lot of strength out of this the Crusaders are kind of just got stuck no one's attacking them but at the same time they can't really attack others because of these superpowers which are formed making sure I have Will To Power active constantly because the for some reason the Fallen Empire is absolutely hate me and I've got to be honest I can't figure out why like what did I do to anger them so so badly I've not gone down the crisis route I've not done anything that evil no purging or anything like that but yeah for some reason they absolutely detest me how does one go to war with a fallen oh so we can go to war with humiliate that would give us access to their Tech as well we do need full Empire Tech now of course we can't claim this for ourselves which is so annoying say what these worlds but that would be great it would stop them from being able to constantly humiliate me which is currently causing me to have less influence and less happiness on my world again I'm not sure why they hate me so so much both unions and the compact as well actually have devoured a lot of that Federation the Federation is looking like it's in a very very bad position at the moment now we're gonna start moving our fleets around because we are going to go to war with a fallen Empire at least I hope we can because well the vote is the vote after all but still I want athletes in position although we're going to be massively under gunning them our stuff is gonna hard counter them so that's all well and good now I could have done and I kind of wish I did is go with Galactic Contender this would increase our damage versus the Fallen Empire was also increasing our diplomatic white but yeah they need to go they keep on threatening us causing us lose happiness and influence and diplomatic white which is all the stuff we need for this run now where are my ground forces I have a lot of ground forces ready somewhere where did I put them there they are 6K of Cycles do you not have a gateway I only start building gateways more of my vassal's territory I'm like no neither of you of my vassal well that's annoying there's a big blind spot there on the left side of the Galaxy oh I can't declare war with them even if I declare rivalry will it happen at the end of the month no okay so without making claims I can't go to war with this group oh dear okay so that's fine and we don't have too long until the end game crisis anyway so let's back off it just means the next time they threaten me I'm going to ignore them because we are plenty strong enough to just well ignore them so because we're getting so many resources from so many different areas I am now changing some of the subjects as I slowly get influenced to do so so I can't do it all at once but I am removing a lot of the basic resource so I'm just gonna start buying them from the market instead since we do have the galactic Market under our control and instead I'm going peel into Tech 19k how strong are you now you the one just changed whoa okay that is significantly more than I thought that's two thousand okay our text gonna rock it now remember we're only size 300 we've hardly increased in size all right War versus the Crusaders now apparently whoa I can see why the Covenant just walked in and destroyed them look at that so that's ridiculous good for me though because that's more branch office space you can't have Branch offices on a purifiers all these worlds are suddenly open for business anyway I'm changing my vassals to give us less of the basic resource but go to maximum when it comes to research and I didn't quite realize how insane that is yes our economy is looking a lot worse now but 21k Tech at only size 336. that's mad I mean too far to have 40 on Branch officers as well supporting us and I can always start using them for Mining and other things there's a lot we can do to help out with that in fact ta-da there's our minerals that'll be sorted at the cost of a little bit of uh unity and as for food we just sell less the only thing really then is consumer goods which we can always simply get more jobs for bubbles has just reached 100 years of age look up bigger bubbly bubbles is actually I need to do as well you can you please give me a teacher thank you and there we are that's Unity from jobs increased yep definitely want that planetary Ascension means less Empire size I've been trying to keep up with that but it's been a weird Balancing Act since Unity hasn't really been a strong points so a lot of them are falling behind pretty badly with that no you attack us we'll eat you athletes are now looking pretty scary over 200 000 Fleet power every time they're finished our Tech is just going absolutely mad at the moment and because of our massively increased influence I'm also now able to put down Branch offices much further away so finally our Branch offices have started to move again early on it's very easy to get that number very high because a lot of these worlds are double worlds per system or even more than that and of course we have our lovely friends really close to us so it cost very very little influence but then as it got further away it got more and more expensive but now we're getting so much things are looking up we're a pretty scary force in the Galaxy actually how strongly competitive I say the church uh equivalent so we are still destroying people in terms of tech but yeah the AI is doing pretty well itself I'm not majorly scared about the crisis to be perfectly honest I'm not I'm not looking forward to it I'm still very much hoping it's the scourge but yeah this has been a surprisingly powerful run so I used my first emergency measure and I've made nominate custodian me as the emergency measure I am also calling in a lot of favors had to spend all of my resources on that and I'm still liking my influence to recover so I can then spend these although it does look like one of the ones I spent all my money I was gonna go with me anyway that's surprising it said you weren't gonna support me well either way now I've called in favors even if you move away I've still got a huge lead there needs to the same with this one I thought the church was stronger than his actually which is a shame my main opposition is the Covenant who absolutely hate me so I'm never going to be able to get any fives off them but with me and with the church and the free Traders deals I think I should just win this outright plus I do have a relationship with these guys I am sending in one of our our envoys which may occasionally give us favors because of the politics three so it could potentially Levy a favor against them even if they hate me scraps of power our Patron are the whisperers in the void seems to relinquish a fraction of its energy in a fold of the Shroud the conclave of telepath is certain that our close Bond will allow one of us to safely absorb and wield this power a few candidates were selected but only one of them could be granted the privilege to wield the power of our Patron who shall it be I guess I'm gonna go with the one in charge El Amano and yes our Leader's name is one in charge it is done as the power was invested all those around could feel the weight of its Sonic presence it is powerful and commands respect they will now be the immortal champion of the whisperers in the void monthly influence plus one encryption plus one operation cost minus fifteen percent okay that's nice for the influence I wonder if that's replacing the chosen one the problem is of course we are a mega Corporation so we are shifting our leaders from time to time but still even just for now that extra influence is a very welcome maybe the scientist would have been a better option than no I think it's all right to stay with that well there's a machine Uprising thankfully it seems are unlike with the others and actually maybe with the others again I never tested it out you do instantly give the system to the neighbor who's having the uprising as long as yeah they're adjacent to it so that's what we're doing just gonna take system by system and take it all back for them they're nowhere near as strong as us so this is going to be a very short-lived uprising still waiting for the crisis so a couple of things first of all the original Uprising is almost now dealt with because I've just let my allies deal with it that way there's no chance of me accidentally getting any of these systems or colonies or anything like that on top of that there's another Uprising over here I'm just ignoring because I they're very powerful and B they can't actually leave these systems so they can just do whatever they want to do and finally it turns out the chosen one is still in the game because now our leader who was in engineering I've now moved to physics because uh energy weapons are going to be useful regardless armor less so they are now the chosen one so plus 20 research speed plus they are also accurator which is plus 15 so a total of plus 35 research speed they're also now Immortal which means they'll continue to level up which is just fantastic also I've noticed I've got the wrong leader currently active there we go the caretaker's back giving us more research from jobs everything's looking pretty good I am now the galactic custodian which means loads more influence that's honestly the main reason I have this I can't do any of the end game stuff right now because the crisis still hasn't spawned yet but at least with the extra influence we can have even more Branch offices which are just my entire economy right now which is supporting all of my ships which is good okay so good news bad news bad news time good news it's the scourge this is the one we wanted the most either this or the contingency are probably the two I wanted more than anything so this is fantastic so with the scourge what we're going to need to do is change our ships from the stuff they're currently using into the pure anti-armor and anti-hull stuff which means the plasma cannon no that's not right oh the neutron launchers are no longer um yeah they're no longer the same type of weapon they're now torpedoes huh well that's interesting would it be worth it to have some torpedo uses them with us Well for now the battleships I'm going to swap over to the plasma cannons and I guess is the next best thing yeah they still do the massive extra damage versus Hull and armor lances for that and then regular armor that's great so then what are the bad things there well first of all it's too early I can't do half of the custodian stuff I wanted to do which is a major problem that's not great I can't pass everything to do with the ending crisis there's even one you can pass before the crisis arrives and everyone's pretty happy with but I can't do that because it's gonna take far far too long and I can't declare an emergency measure for like another year or two not great second of all the remnants is attacking us this is the full Empire which will be fine normally because my ships are designed to attack the remnant but I need to upgrade them all now against the scourge so I don't know if I'm gonna send any help the reason this has happened is because of the church over here look it's put down a system right here I don't know why it grabbed the system it obviously shouldn't have done that this is the full Nampa that doesn't allow that and because of that without War we could easily crush them they're only 400 000 but I need to upgrade the scourge is a bigger threat I'm going to ignore that and start upgrading all of my ships which thankfully won't take too long I don't have that many ships anyway compared to usual and I do have the Juggernaut which does count as a shipyard as well so although we only have one proper Shipyard the Juggernaut can also take some of that job okay let's start upgrading God that was quick situation okay then where's the breach point that's good bad oh no the gateways have been taken down it's good because it's far away from us it's bad because once this area goes down here to either the scourge or the Empire we're gonna have difficulty enforcing our will in this area honestly the perfect place I think would have been over here or over here to the left or right this is I mean the worst it could have been is right here next to us so I can't complain too much okay so the game changed as well now that if you destroy the scouts the attacks still arrive so we don't need to rush too fast we just need to keep picking at them yeah we're gonna definitely be able to take out a normal flute easily one-on-one we win but if they gang up on us we die we do have defender of the Galaxy and if we can hold out for long enough I can start passing other reforms in the Galaxy which give us even more damage versus the crisis also we are about to level up well soon enough we'll level up our Federation which means we'll get research mobilization when that comes into play we get more research speed during the crisis as well speeding everything a lot of everything along I'm already getting plus 20 that's going to increase even more even with my voice break then oh not already God damn Scourge slow down these well I can't leave fleets are there well done that allies we don't do great versus the um Empire so here's the other thing though they're not going to follow me into war versus The Scourge at the moment because of the Empire attacking us I am not in a great position I might just wait oh most of the stuff's already upgraded really oh good half it's already upgraded yeah I'm very glad I've got the uh Juggernaut because one star Banks is very slow I'm actually thinking that I've made a mistake here and I should have gone with the mega Shipyard not the science Nexus as much as the research is great I just can't build ships very quickly it is weird having the Juggernaut here as a main Shipyard I don't want to move it out of that home system because I want to keep it nice and safe so all it's going to do is constantly make ships along with our main Shipyard our only Shipyard all of our ships on the other hand have moved out and have all been upgraded now which is great also soon we are going to be able to have a united front which is the next thing I'm trying to pass over in the council I just ended the last one early so it's gonna be too long for that and I think yeah all of your thoughts are now following me so although I don't have direct access to the Federation police it will be following me into battle anyway oh this is gonna be so so weird for a while to look a bit stronger and until we pass some more things can I go out lances the strike crafter already arriving okay now in range for the smaller weapons which means they can fire back our armor is pretty decent though we shouldn't lose too much health too quickly I thought I was already fully upgrade oh the Cruisers yeah I have gave no I haven't yet changed the cruises never mind the Cruisers are rubbish I was going to give them Torpedoes when I run out of time okay looks like these two gonna go down but that's some losses for us I didn't notice the second Fleet okay a victory nonetheless I really wish I could have systems right now so I'd love to put a system down here so we can more easily reinforce uh yeah that wasn't great now now the other fleets are still heading towards me though so I'm gonna stay in this system for now in the middle until more of them arrive they aren't as strong as me they don't counter the enemy that's the main thing but with the sheer numbers the enemy are going to be firing at them and not me so I can be free to do more damage now as for my Cruisers what I want them to be is this but I didn't get a chance to do that because they were already upgrading something else Neutron launchers do extra damage With the Enemy ship size I know the small targets are normally the more the problem anyway but still okay shroud this really is your chance to not disappoint me this time I'll take the risk I guess nope outside of the Covenant may have been the Shroud has been utterly useless throughout this run they gave us chosen ones once in a while and that's it look at that that's perfect uh battleships got to stay back the swarm of our allies managed to hold them off I am the ultimate parasite I am the parasite that actually helps there's a name for that but it's not parasite don't care that's all I have next swarm and I've just realized I'm being very very very very very very very dumb oh look how cheap they are because our Empire size that's neat isn't it there we go extra armor extra energy damage now our allies will be exhausted by doing this I'm seeing them melt already but as long as we can keep on taking out some of these first fleets we can hold them off long enough this is working so well look how battleships are seeing at the back there we're doing almost all of the damage here and they are acting as a perfectly willing Shield foreign tastic how much I'm actually losing per time I lost none my allies lost lost loads I lost none I didn't realize how useful this was I love the new ship changes oh there's so many more fleets to go but yeah we're gonna hold them up for a while the Galaxy Has Come Together under my parasitic leadership well it was going well for now but honestly this is gonna break us uh one more fight then we're gonna have to run away do we yeah we do it'll just wear down these groups too fast come on hurry up and finish off the last of them beautiful okay so if you could back off to I promise if I close the borders we'll end up getting bounced out but if we stay here we've got the station on our side we need to kind of sidestep a bit is the problem yeah let's move here because that way they might end up going into this territory first we need them to split up a bit they have so many more fleets left oh my God oh this is gonna be a long hard fight isn't it how on Earth do they catch up with us oh allies have been crushed because we're not in the fight with them just proving that we are the damage dealers here the enemy does not take any damage but that would even come from what the next one even come from what can I jump Scourge can't jump cam like they can't hmm thank you okay a little bit confused about what exactly just happened there since ketchup in the first place a little split up analysis such a bad positioning let's keep on distracting them the best thing with the scourge is that most of their weapons can be counted by Point defense I'm sure my allies also have Point defense and we are loaded with it so their damage is pretty poor once everything gets going is the point I'm trying to make I find that they're better than the easiest to burn down health-wise and the scourge that he's just a hard counter okay now once again we need to back off when I flicks wasn't even there did I lose anything that time still no the whole Shield technique is working so well we sit back with battleships whilst everything else just uh takes the hits for us I mean that's just depressing sorry space whales on the upside I finally just became the new Federation president so because of that I've just extended it should pass in a second though girl just extended it for 40 years which will be until the end of the game basically so now I am permanent leader yay for that okay doing which we're already more with the fleet right now diplomatic vote likes I am just significantly strong actually no no I am in terms of um diplomatic white I am could do as a challenge later but we'll leave it as it's for now I really want level 40 already so level four so we get that plus 20 research speed but it's fine we're not too far off I think the united front passing yeah as soon as it gets the halfway point I can end the session early so that's another 20 damage versus the scourge a united front has passed so now we're going with remove the custodian turn limits we can become the emperor to end this game with a satisfying conclusion why did you go through there and everyone else go through the relay well that was weird anyway taking over the system because it was just getting very annoying where it's currently placed there's just so many enemies but every Fleet we destroy is a fleet gun they don't reinforce super quickly that they do sadly occasionally get fleets back but not at such a ridiculous level that's unmanageable as long as we keep on taking them out once in a while anything to slow their advance okay they're about to jump we're hopefully in the middle okay all of our ships are in the middle at least that was the main thing okay you're heading here you were heading down a second ago where now okay you're going this way that's fine my next fleet's almost ready to join us every Fleet I have makes the flight go by a little bit faster which means less allies lost plus once the strikecraft get there the damage is so good melt through them okay this time we lost some of our ships we kind of spearheaded that and I didn't mean to it's definitely a lot better when I wait for them to approach us there you go straightcraft in full force now so the actual damage is being really Unleashed still as one more large flick gun running away won't do you any good anymore you attacked us we're simply responding we are crushing them now and a new Fleet is on its way so I can start being a bit more aggressive so far I've just been holding them off as you can see they're still so high in number it's kind of ridiculous now we start pushing back I think we're on a winning streak plus our attack is just going at just going mad now I'm actually losing him by his eyes because now I finished off all of the Traditions I'm finally ascending our worlds which is decreasing our Empire size in fact I do it twice right now because I forgot to do that there we are we just make something cheaper again so we're on almost 30k research with almost no Tech penalty we invited the territory of the Invaders it's starting to realize maybe Colossus would have been better here I ended up going with Transcendent learning as our final Ascension perk because I didn't really know what else I wanted a Colossus would be able to remove these worlds pretty much instantly but to be fair I didn't know what crisis we were going to have and the Colossus would have been useless versus the unbidden and actually it would have been good versus the contingency as well never mind I should have gone with the Colossus okay huge Fleet there split Fleet there more the small Fleet okay so we could go for this one actually my go for us which would be even better just slowly moving forward one more Fleet is almost ready and I can bring the Juggernaut in whenever I want to because remember the Juggernaut does have this lovely thing the strike command increasing the speed and damage of our strikecraft two fleets ready at the same time both half and Mill Fleet strength this is the First Fleet being created purely from the juggernaut okay my plan has changed somewhat because the ending I want is to become the emperor of the Galaxy and to remain the emperor forever now there's two ways to do that first of all it's to make everyone love you and thus not try to undermine you in any way the second way is to keep a crisis alive forever and we are going to go with the underhanded wave because that's the entire point of this playthrough we are the underhanded little mini Stags over here controlling everything so what we're going to do is we are going to take out this system here and then we're going to put all of our fleets in this location thus keeping a breeding ground for the scourge we can simply tell the rest of the Galaxy that they're too strong to completely destroy and honestly they can't breach through they and they even struggle with some of the stations so that's exactly what we're going to do remove all the skirts which are already here slowly take them all out just by going around and then return to this location and climb this system as our own our will will be the deciding will of this galaxy one thing I've noticed as well since the ship change now where the artillery design battleships actually stay away and don't slowly head towards the enemy I've noticed we take far less damage from fights which I hope will be true right now because oh that's scary and I don't have enough for the military applications here okay then about to lose a few ships most likely actually there is something I'm curious about I've not lost ships in multiple fights now I think it might be because of what I was just saying because they're running away we're not getting in range of their acid blasts only in range of their missiles and there see the missiles there being literally taken out they're missiles and their strike craft both of which we have such an immense amount of Point defense they're not getting past even here I think I'm getting to the point where I'm just not able to be killed by the scourge see I didn't take damage that fight our Tech has just eclipsed the crisis this is legitimately one of the strongest runs I've ever done plus 50 research being Society since when did it do that foreign actual brood Queen over here slowly making her children I am now also just the I was now able to make the scourge as well using that Relic it's okay I usually I'll just make a little mini brood Ready For Fighting where is little mini brood flew over here somewhere was it not yeah loyal 200 what since when did that gets so buffed oh because we have the armor increased no that's still way bigger than that used to be that is absurd what when did that change but either way yeah the point is these acid blasts are so short range they're not hitting our ships and we can counter everything else they have before they get to them at least I'm sure one one of our athletes will still be destroyed but still they have really buffed that Relic oh swarm weapon attack speed plus five percent what if that keeps increasing each time I use that either glory to the scourge it really is okay so the fact we move so fast they can't catch up I don't even need the meat Shields anymore thank you oh no I did just lose the ship I just saw one ship go down one whole ship the agency a little bit of arm has been nicked there so yeah eventually they do get in range but it takes so long that it's massively now in the favor of our ships even we have less forces you're losing right yeah you had more flicks there a second ago please just stay with me and no one else keep going with that Fleet over there just look at how absurd that is plus 270 research speed only I increase of 32 in our Tech cost we are getting repeatables done up to three times per year at the moment for our strikecraft The Fleets which were located here were 550k only a year or two ago now they're 600 guys the power of true tallness okay the first Galactic Imperium I promise to lead us through this crisis and in the end I will return the power to the people with the scourge slowly you're making more and more very large fleets there's pretty much no chance that our Ally our allies our minions will ever break through into this courage territory because they'll just be obliterated as soon as they do so and so the idea that the scourge is this unlimited threat will remain so on the council we have the Covenant and the free Traders the free Traders love me the Covenant less so for a second that was higher than that so it's gonna be an issue there with um getting the firm envoys to support me but even so as long as this threat continues there's never going to be the main problem of them trying to overthrow me I will continue to forever be the Imperium foreign yeah that's a bit broken uh the battleships are just just destroying them honestly once I have this sorted I think we can safely say we're done can I get to war with these guys I can't for any reason can I declare rivalry or anything insult now it goes a war annoyingly they have one world infested in their territory oh they don't did I manage to get rid of the investor oh never mind they did have some Scourge in their territory um but that's been dealt with they also had a world over here infested but that got destroyed pretty quickly so we just took the system out neat oh there's a Scourge in here yeah that's not gonna last long is it that's right galaxy all together all of a sudden needed to protect from The Scourge threat forever Meanwhile my single Fleet over here is a stacking out some stations not very quickly mind you but they are ever so slowly melting them many fleets born many fleets melt well there isn't really much else to say at this point the scourge have been brought back into only this little section over here every time my allies tried to get through then they're getting beaten back the scourge keep on respawning and only rarely even tried to cross this little threshold eventually they'll break through but at that point it doesn't really matter all that much we are considerably stronger than our second strongest member of the Imperium as you can see they are pathetic in both Tech and Fleet power and that's going to remain our vassals are all loyal to us which is lovely except for I think one of them and yeah we are the Imperial ruler almost every single world I want and now as a branch office I have so much influence I could put Branch offices everywhere so we are slowly manipulating and destroying worlds behind the scenes causing all sorts of problems and the occasional outbreak of rebellion uh these Rebels aren't particularly strong so there's no real threat there even on our vassal can just deal with it anyway so I am going to call the challenge here it was an incredibly fun one we could defeat the scourge like that but this I think makes more sense to leave it like this so I really do hope you've all enjoyed this was incredibly fun and why more powerful than I ever imagined a few things I definitely could have done better a lot more aggressive early on I think if we got even one more vassal everything would have been even more but it's considerably better later on we could have got even more absurd with our Tech but we clearly didn't need it this was I an end game crisis times 25 100 years earlier or something like that it was at 2 325 and we never left our system our system was always our system and that's all we ever owned a fun challenge which turned out to just be a very strong build so I really do hope you enjoyed if you have then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that Stellaris is a series you wish to see continued in the future this was incredibly fun and I need to do more challenge runs in the future any ideas please tell me below I'm rambling because it's very very early in the morning and I'm very tired thank you for watching and goodbye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 355,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7EFQqpwhQKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 11sec (4691 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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