Pokémon Blue Glitch Huntin'

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I remember when I was in middle school I learned all the glitches including the mew glitch and the level 100 viridian forest glitch. Was always a blast

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/DaviDeberjerack 📅︎︎ Oct 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

1080p 60fps

Fun watch tho

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/RGV_Anon 📅︎︎ Oct 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
welcome one and all to the most busted up game to ever exist the gen 1 pokemon games are uh held together with i think some gum and maybe like a staple what is your name all right so don't laugh but i have to enter in a custom name for one of the glitches to happen later swagman gg alright don't laugh it helps with the codes later it's a code this is my grandson [ __ ] uh so one glitch you can do immediately i think is uh isn't it like you hold a while saving this is the dumbest thing it like keeps the menu on the screen that is the dumbest thing what a minor glitch yeah tiny turtle the boy there he is there he is right there [Music] after birth what the battle moves of pokemon are limited by their power points [Laughter] sans attack oh wow so but it failed is that just a pure like random chance for your move to just be like nah wow get [ __ ] wait why didn't he get to move why didn't he get was that sans attack did that do that is that the one in 256 glitch is that true i have no idea i actually oh i vague only vaguely remember what the one in 256 glitch is it's like there's just a chance for a move to fail right so uh this guy the [ __ ] i want to be the guy here wants to block my path he wants to brock my path so i need to open the menu here put it on save uh then i close the menu then i need to walk in front of him and open the menu in between his text boxes i don't know exactly how to [ __ ] okay well i screwed it up oh is that it [Music] then hit save and now i have to reset the game what wait i hit reset but now my guy is just walking on his that's not how it's supposed to work let's just see what happens here okay he's just invisible brilliant he's spirit projecting if you have the right stuff go take on brock oh here we go here we go yes i will follow you gladly okay the control has been rested from me this is just happening now there he is [Music] he really does look like the the kid from i want to be the guy oh he's overlapping with that other lady and now if i go back over here uh i think the whole point of this is that now i don't have to fight brock that guy was his whole job was to say take on brock but now i can just go oh oh no is this oh no his ghost he came out of the mountains this is [ __ ] brother no i think i i think i went in the wrong spot i i think i shouldn't have passed through his line of sight he's still gone wow there you go that's the way to do it and now we can just go in here so i wonder if i always need to walk through this tile oh [ __ ] okay well this is gonna be misaligned as well good good let's just see every [ __ ] variant of this oh no it's fine it's fine how was that one fine so i have trapped this npc here you may notice this is something you can do it's not really a glitch but you can sort of shepherd the npcs around and this one's like help help me and that i let her escape but otherwise i can't even enter the pokemon oh it knows growl this is necessary for glitch let's do this puckers [ __ ] puckers puckers gg bro wow this guy's an actual like kid stinks this is the guy before the fossils hell yeah iconic fossils they roast this dude right he's like oh mega nerd or something like that [Music] super nerd he's like don't come close i gotta get my inhaler oh he's pogging goldeen looks sus do it [ __ ] that is a good name that's one of those ones that like certain fucker's defense fell it just makes the narrator sound really exasperated so first we need to make our way to nugget bridge i don't know exactly where that is i think it's right up here yeah oh [ __ ] it's [ __ ] it's shafeed take it easy you won already does that imply that my guy was like [ __ ] talking or like he just like starts marching up towards [ __ ] and starts throwing hands it's like hey hold on only our pokemon fight that's the rules [Music] i did it you deserve it abra you deserve this name you deserve to wear this name for how much you [ __ ] me around so now let me just read my thing once you get an abra heal at the cerulean city pokemon center go above the icu trainer so he's one tile off the screen save then press down then start quite quickly to open the menu and teleport away with abra before the trainer can properly engage you now so i need to be in this exact spot and i need to go down and hit start before he actually engages me so i don't know exactly how this works but nope i didn't do it right okay well i can reload oh all right now i gotta go to pokemon loser teleport warp to the last pokemon center and now this guy the exclamation mark comes up and he's like hey oh okay now go back up nugget bridge and to the right until i meet a trainer who has a level 17 slowpoke okay wow that guy is a hockey goalie oh [ __ ] i need the i need to take out the pokemon with growl though [Music] so i i need to go back actually all right let's go back i'm gonna pick up this ball too as long as we're [ __ ] around oh what oh the menu just opened automatically [ __ ] i think that's part of the glitch [ __ ] uh okay well what pokemon is this is this gonna be mew no it's a nidoqueen okay well i just i i backed out of doing the glitch and now we got we not get into the queen so i'm gonna reload the save state let's just see level seven [Music] you don't see that every day okay [ __ ] i missed it it's a little tricky timing i don't know if you can like buffer it save it or something or just hold down the button i mean yes i can i can buffer it okay pokemon loser teleport um okay i think this is the guy hm yeah oh oh or the game could crash oh that's brilliant wow okay [ __ ] pokemon loser teleport he needs to walk up to you or it soft locks oh i see interesting okay that is not on my notes okay please local trainers come here to do glitches and get the [ __ ] like legendary pokemon will you do it too alright spearow what this ain't the slow poke guy [ __ ] god damn it well [ __ ] i got it [Music] i'm just gonna reset the i'm gonna load the state again actually i think i could just we could just try keeping going i don't know it probably won't work but we'll see let's just like figure out which guy it is [Music] yeah here he is he's only got a slowpoke so change out my pokemans for peak peter i'm just gonna see if this works it probably won't though oh good good i'm gonna use the i'm not confused yet [ __ ] don't do it again [ __ ] you this is the thing that i thought i i was like did i not foresee this peter is not a high enough level to stay alive i hate you okay this is just going to keep happening forever this is just not a thing well i tell you what let's just whoop his ass with b we'll just go see if i get a pokemon we'll like see which one i get i think i will get mew but it won't be the right like level all right so now i'm gonna go back and we're gonna see if i get a random encounter and or what it is i think it'll be a mew but it will be like level seven or some [ __ ] like that so unpause let's see what we got oh pog airs plug airs bug errors it's mu but it's level six uh which is unfortunate because that means that it will uh we can't instantly level it to level 100 from the [ __ ] top save pokemon loser i have [ __ ] and loser and then peter the er brothers all right time to disable yeah come on yes does he only know confusion [Music] what wait he just instantly shook it off [ __ ] you beat enough [Music] oh he's using struggle oh are you kidding me [Music] struggle is insane it does like what i have to [ __ ] grind and level peter up this is the worst day of my life like that doesn't struggle do like a damage does it do like a single [ __ ] damage like what like huh i know he's like twice my level but still oh good oh good that's good god damn okay swap out for beat again uh i'm going to swap out for the boy the boy will now tank the hits from slowpoke this is the [ __ ] like this this fight is never challenging except for this specific scenario use a [ __ ] potion on beat so that i can disable the thing i need to use like 10 potions to heal them beat you sing stay asleep for the whole battle please alright beta all right come on it's almost working yes i think we only need like one or two more once it says it has no effect that's when we know we've done enough [Music] uh oh come on yes or was that nothing happened oh god oh god does that say does nothing happened mean different is that a different thing nothing happened is what you're looking for okay all right moment of truth let's see what pokemon we get and let's see what level it's at all right what do we got wild mew level one go beat can i try just using sing right god damn now cheeky [ __ ] because i can just reload a state anyway yeah good beeping really awesome beeping oh oh i did it easiest game of my life oh that feels good imagine doing this [ __ ] as a kid it's a new specie imagine doing that as a kid and just pogging out of your [ __ ] mind so rare that it's still said to be a mirage by many experts only a few people have seen it worldwide do you want to give a nickname to mew a [ __ ] course i do anthrax [Music] there you go perfect name anthrax what i like that menu prompt what [Music] okay what's happening what oh i can't i can't do anything oh no oh no oh no what happened it crashed that sucks can i not take it out of the [ __ ] computer nope okay well the game is glitching the [ __ ] out when i do that so i'm [ __ ] glad that i saved states on multiple uh slots here gen one sucks you can't withdraw level one pokemon wow brilliant back to this whatever uh or no i have to oh no we have to go back a few steps come on come on come on that's the one all right please go directly into my party now i think i need to i need to walk back a certain ways so we can get to an early area so that i can get in like a low level encounter and have mew level up oh can i even go back here let's just see what level this is because i don't want to go too out of my way okay how about this xp share through like everyone we're just gonna swap out to every [ __ ] character so we're just gonna swap out for like everyone because we need to get like under a certain amount of exp in order for this to work properly because if we get like counter-intuitively uh if you get too much xp then this doesn't work anthrax gained 20 experience points anthrax grew to level 100 mission accomplished look at that 313 health [Music] totally worth it oh i remember these two chuckle [ __ ] i remember these chuckle [ __ ] actually killed me the first time i played this and now [Music] [ __ ] so this is the iconic fight where he sends out a radicate that he then later i think we kill it and then he mourns its death at lavender town all right here it is this is like a big emotional moment for [ __ ] for but for me it's just press the a button press the a button again a single hit abra oh mr mime holy [ __ ] [ __ ] a [ __ ] or loser or whatever the hell i named it you are getting out of here for swagman gg's abra trainer sends mr mime yeah see you later loser i got a mime now [Music] oh my [ __ ] god that's sprite this is this is before mr mime got his [ __ ] together so here we go lavender tower oh nice little like warble in the music there in this tower we get random encounters of course with a spooky ghosts and normally you have to get the like silph scope is that my yeah that's [ __ ] you normally have to get the self scope to view them but uh we have a glitch that just gets right around that so we'll see that here's a rattata's grave by the way eradicate we're like standing right on radicate's grave cool now all the rest of your pokemon are dead what you stinker he's really he really likes to talk about like smells he's always saying smell you later and now he's calling me a stinker and he gave me 665. so close all right here we are the spooky ghost this is creepy it's creepy sprite it's got you know it's got the montgomery burns hands it's a creepy thing uh the ghost can't be id'd and and that's that's so funny because it actually can be id'd i think i just have to go in here and just look at anthrax's stats and then go back out of the menu and boom is in fact ghastly i don't think i can do anything about this but it's cool all right i think this is the part where we get the yeah here's the uh the special encounter so it's a level 30 ghost we're gonna id i think it's a marowak yes and now uh apparently if i use the pokedoll it'll just instantly end the fight this is what the internet has told me i don't know why i don't i don't know how i don't know why it does that but for some reason the pokedoll just ends that fight and just cancels it out oh this is the bike path look at this okay we this is the part where we can just tell the game [ __ ] no by just holding left and like mashing a over and over again [Music] i really don't think speeding it up would help oh [ __ ] oh wait oh wait there it goes i think i did it there yes simple insistence got the job done and now poof i have a bike and my my sprite is all [ __ ] like there's a couple npcs in this area that you can kind of like herd into a corner and then they glitch out and and don't know where to go you can limit one of their directions because they can move in any of the four cardinal directions but you can sort of shepherd them in a certain direction we're getting close we're getting super close actually are they stuck i think they might be stuck already the real test is you fast forward oh oh poggers well while i fast forwarded i think they both instantly zooped up to the place where they do get stuck so i think we're there let's test it yeah hold on this person moved that's no good i think they are well and truly stuck now yeah it's like touching this little corner here for whatever reason they their movement their brain just stops working most exciting glitch ever best payoff for literally 10 minutes of work and i i noticed off stream that you know i said there was like teleportation that happens sometimes with the npcs look at that old man that's like and you know what this makes me think of is the like intentionally placed ghosts in gen 5 and [ __ ] i don't know if that's in other ones but you know there's like a little ghost girl that sometimes appears and you're like what the [ __ ] was that but yeah that just happens when you move up here and then he he zoops back to his normal spot afterward shit's wacky and that kind of happens all over the place in this game i'm gonna save here whoa dude grapefruit do that glitch again where you hold down the a button and it shows you the menu for longer than you should oh that thing is so that's so sick that's so broken is this the ssn oh [ __ ] we gotta do we gotta do the ssn reboarding glitch i think i just have to uh [Music] save here actually hold on you have to like do like the motion [Music] boom and now i need to reset the game all right now i load back in instantly try to surf again and got on the boy and even though we were facing to the right for some reason it just shepherds us down and and lets us swim upon a man and then get in here and normally you're not supposed to have surf here but now that we do have surf we can go see the infamous truck this is the thing that was rumored to uh be the method for catching mew it's like oh you get back here and then muse under the truck it is it is neat that there's just some boundary break [ __ ] here that you would never see normally in the game but uh such a shame you don't get a mew from it but uh i already have one is missing no hard to get actually no that's the best thing about it it's it's shockingly easy to do first i have teased you because i'm gonna do some other [ __ ] uh before we get to the good [ __ ] this is just some weird little passive stuff but the statues you can surf in i feel like this is a pretty well known thing you can also fish in them which is pretty nice so that that's in the game so let's see if i can get like an encounter in here [Music] yeah actually 87. is it gonna be a magic cop [Music] oh [ __ ] so there's also these two swimmers in this arena uh for some reason they both do something kind of unique when you surf on them this guy you can just be on so this one you start in the water come on the boy so now we're jesus i'm jesus man and unfortunately you can't just walk around on the water like this i think you're forced to just get off but it's good good there's actually something else we can do here too this is a speedrunning strat uh those of you who watch summoning salt will know where i'm going with this you go into the bike place i think you like try to buy a bike and uh like back out of it and now note that the text just pops up on screen rather than scrolling on one letter at a time and i think that is just a thing for the rest of the game it literally just makes it faster it's pretty brilliant oh wait that one's scrolled wait did i just set the flag back i just set the flag back okay well i shouldn't have talked to this guy again i think i can just do it yeah i can just redo it okay now on to the juicy [ __ ] missing no finally here it is the the old man coffee voodoo demon that makes this all possible i've had my coffee now and i feel great sure you can go through you're not in a hurry are you it really feels like i'm summoning a demon making missingno appear so to anybody who doesn't know but i only have a vague concept of how this glitch works but it's something to do with you remember when i gave myself a funny name at the beginning that had all those weird characters in it that is setting up for this glitch where it i think it stores it like takes your name out of the place where it normally is and stores it somewhere replacing it with the words old man for this little tutorial scene uh and if you fly directly to cinebar island it turns out the place where it stored your name was something that affects the spawn rate of the pokemon that show up on the coast there so we're basically injecting code where it shouldn't be and the code says swagman gg here we are cinnamon island and here is the the infamous coast i believe the ritual has been uh performed successfully so now we just need to uh wait and see [Music] oh god here we are [Music] nope fake out it's just a tangela in the ocean this does happen so you guys reading good books oh wait [Music] yeah you can tell because it takes a little while longer on the screen missing though there is the most famous glitch ever right can i i can't think of another like more famous one there he [ __ ] is the man of the hour it's like minus one world in super mario bros and this 166 and fun fact fact fans missing no is a bird type pokemon no i didn't miss speak trying to say flying type it's a bird type we will look oh i killed it well we're gonna have to get another one fox you can in fact catch and use missingno along with the other super op pokemon you can find here see i think this is a missing now yeah you can tell because it takes longer to load it in oh that's not the classic name but you know oh it just changed a little bit this one's only level 80. wuss one thing i neglected to mention so far is that the sixth item uh it looks like it just says nine but i think it's actually 99 or like infinite amount it's an insane amount of master balls so i now just have these so i can just use this to catch him [Music] do i want to give a nickname you know what excellent [ __ ] apostrophe m's name is perfect [Music] apostrophe m nonsense has been it was born just right with a perfect name oh no oh no wait i can't catch it oh my god wait it's glowing now but it's in my ball it's in my ball [Music] can i kill this like ghost version of it oh god and then maybe just go to the pc and there's another one [Music] i don't know time to go check there it is oh yeah and the icon is a trainer flickering with like god it looks like a mario cloud somebody said it looks like mallow looks like kirby i'd buy both of those like demon kirby [Music] there's the cry and there it is type one bird not flying bird and uh yeah it's got two water guns which can that even happen can you teach the pokemon the same move twice i don't think that's a thing so this is a great team now level 100 mew anthrax the boy [ __ ] and this guy time to get some more i think i can just go right back to the coast and keep swimming what do we got now [Music] oh god i've been corrupted here it is missing no all right there we go the true iconic one and yes uh people were mentioning in the chat the apostrophe m1 is also kind of iconic i think isn't there one in pokemon yellow that's sort of famous to but apostrophe m is referenced in binding of isaac such peaceful music while i'm conducting like a satanic pokemon ritual [Music] oh my god so this is another reason why i'm named swagman gg it's because this [ __ ] could happen it's bible there is an unused fight with professor oak in the data of the game and this is a way to access it truly pog and i'm going to whoop his ass using missingno oh god you get the firehose imagine accidentally getting the professor oak fight as a kid and just being like your [ __ ] head explodes that would be the most pog [ __ ] mr mime the final boss is mr mime and he might kill me no no he's gonna suck the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of this boom no no all right you know what mr mom you [ __ ] up oh you [ __ ] up you're gonna get [ __ ] absolutely annihilated by a pile of like lard get the [ __ ] out of here professor oak you slimy bastard [Music] [Applause] oh man and 192 dollars i [ __ ] frisked this old man for everything he's got can you get multiple missing no in one game uh yes i in fact i won't be doing it here i think but uh i had an entire team of missingno believe it or not on my actual game boy i like a [ __ ] dork i took pictures of the game boy screen too so in the edit i can probably put up some pictures of the old crew they were all named bees every single one of them okay i hope you guys didn't didn't think that was the last you're gonna hear that music oh [ __ ] [Music] did this just evolve into [ __ ] kangaskhan is that is that a thing i think it just turned into i think it's just a kangaskhan now that is just a kangaskhan [Music] i don't i i never did that in my first playthrough what the [ __ ] so this is a sort of extension of this glitch we can also catch safari's zone pokemon in the cinnabar island coast all right so we go in here instantly leave i believe and we don't have to do anything like glitchy or we just like walk out go out the door here and instantly fly to cinnamon island cinema cinnabon island sorry [ __ ] excuse me also uh these guys are old man now old man in helix fossil huh it's like mirrored helix fossil that is so creepy not omega beppy old man in fact so now surfing here we should be able to just encounter safari's own pokemon like egg and i didn't actually catch an egg in my safari zone exploits so i'm excited [Music] there he is and that that middle egg is just [ __ ] immense in this game too i don't know if that's like artistic licensing or if it's literally supposed to be that big or what it's [ __ ] incredible oh do not hit it use the master ball catch it never actually use it again in the entire playthrough but it's a glitch egg um just a [ __ ] masterpiece of a pokemon often mistaken for eggs so i need to go in start a safari game immediately leave uh i need to like say no to the attendant when he's like do you want to leave go back into the safari zone save and reset it's a little complicated so go in instantly try to leave [Music] say no he's like all right whatever idiot go back in here save and do a little reset all right now i need to instantly i think try to leave again yeah and now i think if i try to leave they don't do the preliminary check they just do this normal check where they think you're entering the zone but really you're leaving it so this flips all sorts of weird switches in the game so now i say no and i leave and i just need to run the step counter out now ding dong here it is hey i'm not in the safari game oh where are you taking me did you get a good haul come again all right and here we are folks 99999 it's glitch city another quite iconic glitch although not as iconic as uh missing no this is pretty fun stuff depending on which one you're in you can get like a certain distance through it this was [ __ ] that just like blew my mind doing this on an actual game boy when i was younger i was like [Music] this was [ __ ] that just like blew my mind doing this on an actual game boy when i was younger i was like [Music] so now i think if i just do a hard reset correct me if i'm wrong but i can just try that over and over again and go to different towns and see the different ones [Music] so let's just find a place to walk back and forth and just walk back and forth better put in like the like running sounds cartoon run all right fuchsia city glitch city oh it's wow it's shockingly similar to the normal one no i need to do it i need to set it up again let's go to cerulean oh npc's getting in my way sometimes it's all blue that's how you can tell it worked nope that's how you can tell it didn't work well the palette was swapped the music's gone again i am uh clearly [ __ ] up part of this because now it's just a creepy pasta oh you know what i'm doing wrong i gotta go on the road to the radiant city meet my friends along the way see now it's green that's how you can tell it worked nope let's do it on the bike road i remember something silly happens when you use it on the bike road i have to use a supplementary glitch for that did you get a good haul so now oh [ __ ] no i'm [ __ ] it up i [ __ ] it up i think let's see if this works actually i have no idea yeah jim jim jroom jim jim jim jroom jim so if you do it on the bike road the bike physics still apply so i'm going to let go of all the buttons you just automatically go down even though you're not on a bike the open quotes physics still work so now a nice juicy one that we can explore oh and look omega beppy and missingno have turned into biker punks oh what did it say cycling is fun forget surfing oh good it thinks i'm on a bike [ __ ] no longer juicy at least we can go up to like pride rock here oh oh and get soft locked on this that is [ __ ] bloody brilliant mate all right let's try this again uh well i no longer have the bike physics but i am instantly soft locked it's great tit for tat gg oh my god it literally told me gg [Music] in fact let me just try look at when i pause it like changes all of them and it's like changing them to different things no no it isn't look at that look at that no here it is the omega gym [Music] i want to go inside and fight omega brock maybe do it in here i don't even know what would happen let's do it [ __ ] it ding dong thank god now watch it not even work uh well the color palette doesn't seem to have been [ __ ] up yeah oh oh nice that's kind of cool oh that is oh oh ah stinky stinky oh i wanted to go in that door let's just do it in here [ __ ] it ding dong oh god i don't even know if it worked yeah oh am i even i don't even [ __ ] exist anymore wow damn that's a new one okay go to twitch place pokemon zone got on the boy nice oh yeah i'm in the nine zone i'm dressed to the nines as they say weird some of them are solid some of them aren't i don't know the rules oh please let me go in the hole hold on let me take a little save state here because i i don't want to i want to explore and get in that hole no i don't know if that hole i don't know if i can get that hole but i want that hole i think this is dead end zone oh wait no sad i was like go in this door door doesn't do anything disappointing not even the among us door can help it's so sad up okay well folks i think we've seen roughly the extent of what glitch city can offer it's cool [ __ ] but it is mostly just this this next glitch has the same setup as that other one but we need to specifically fly to viridian city so now i just go on these tiles and just spin until it runs out the count this is very crucial for glitchiness [Music] really fast beyblading oh there we go and now [Music] so believe it or not this is permanent until i return to that gym so now i can just go play the game in spin mode it's [ __ ] incredible and believe it or not it works with fly and surf unfortunately the bird does not spin wait are the corners of the buildings like glitched out here no for a second i was scared the glitches happened actually kind of looks like it doesn't it so yes my walking animation has just been replaced with spinning by the way that is just a thing it's [ __ ] brilliant so now i mean you surf here [Music] imagine being one of these trainers and i'm just like ah just spinning by uncontrollably he's like oh can i help you do you need help someone said what happens on the bike oh you're gonna love it you'll never guess what happens on the bike mate you'll never [ __ ] guess i can still get past him oh wait i'm so slow this is such an inefficient way to ride a bicycle i'd imagine the [ __ ] like seasickness you would experience doing this you just instantly broke [Music] excuse me small rotating child i love that you rotate even to go up to him look at the corners of the buildings they're genuinely glitched out they got that same little tile look that little tile is everywhere it's glitches i didn't even mean for that to happen now this brings me to an unfortunate topic i know i said that i was going to be spinning for the rest of the game but i actually learned that a glitch that we're gonna have to do today they don't have to do it but it's cool uh is contradictory to the spin glitch so they cancel each other out sorry let's take a look at my items i kind of stocked up i went and did the missingno glitch a bunch more times uh classic stuff is that among us you know what there is something else you can do for me give me literally all the money in the cash [Music] nice also is that wait is this like this is like trans merchandise look at this there's little trans flags all over the racks here trans building i can't see this palette as anything else now this is just the trans world i'm just going through i have it written down here and i'm just going through it just to make sure i've got my guy poisoned i don't have any other pokemon in my party that's crucial to it yeah i think we're good got poisoned right as i stepped up i'm like oh yeah i want a safari zone game so this is just like a lot of the other glitches with the safari zone we go in we try to leave we say no we go back in we save the game we reset then we try to leave again then we say no again then we have to do some specific [ __ ] and we'll get there all right so now we just pop our head out here we go fly to right there's we could do this at a variety of places but i'm doing it a viridian city the safari zone has like a 500 step countdown uh we need the 500th step to be while i'm jumping down a ledge so this might take a little while oh look that guy's on the door i didn't even like shepherd him up there but look now he's trapped and i can bully him [Music] um oh anthrax fainted oh [ __ ] uh let's uh load that save and chug a potion i just need them to be like barely alive okay so now [Music] i've got nines underneath me and so now the game will basically think that i am frozen floating in the air in the like a jumping down the ledge state and so i will be able to just walk over anything and everything as such so uh now all i need to do is run around in this little room and wait for anthrax to [ __ ] die brutal and uh if we walk out of this room at any point that happens so we're not gonna do that so now we black out and now we are out here and if my calculations are correct yes we can walk over anything and we are in the over world folks so now we can literally just go anywhere walk on water jesus man oh god so we can just go do a world tour of the game basically and the reason i traveled here is because i've always wanted to go in the enclosures with these pokemon that you can never actually uh interact with and yes i think all of them just say exclamation mark unfortunately but it's kind of cool that they have a dialogue thing i picked this up now it's pretty cool this is one of the things that i saw in like that skycoa video and i was like you could go talk to them oh i don't think yeah you can't actually pick this up exclamation mark it'd be so weird if one of them just said the day you die will be april 15 20 62 or something also i think if we step out of bounds by very much here uh the game will glitch out look there's a glitch coast i think it will it will freak out and crash like it did before uh yep there we go the whole screen was missing now so what else even is there that would be like funny there's not a whole lot let's go to lavender town i want to stand on the very top of the tower this is how okay so normally for lavender town with the tower you gotta go in that little hole there but true chad literally just walks up the side of it where is ho oh that's the wrong game that's incredible it's not very it's not as tall as i thought it was gonna be actually and i love how it's like outside the range like once you get to the top of it it's just green because you're not even in lavender town anymore so i think cycling road is just blank it just doesn't have all the npcs that are normally on it maybe it'll like crash when i move a certain distance no it just never flipped the switch that said that we were in like cycling road mode oh wait there's still like there's still gravity here though when i let go of the up button i just automatically move down i do want to like try to like test poking out of bounds but i know yeah just it's just going to crash all right i do think it's kind of cool that like one of the starting cities has not only the last gym but also uh there's gary i just realized i was like who the [ __ ] is that uh but it's got the pokemon league just there so i'm gonna save here i don't know if this is gonna like [ __ ] something up but can we just skip gary like approach him from behind hello [ __ ] i forgot i named him [ __ ] what a surprise to see you here okay well that works what wait we're not actually gonna fight [Music] it sounded like we were supposed to fight there but i don't think we're gonna fight yeah okay come on and then he just faces away from me awkwardly and just like coughs all right i'll see you later [ __ ] here's the pokemon league by the way [Laughter] [Music] and these are the guys that check for your badges they all say the exact same like format thing but yeah this is supposed to be the pokemon league uh it's all [ __ ] up as you can see some [ __ ] has gone horribly awry uh it's still like the functionality is still there though so we're just gonna walk right through all right now cross the seas oh god i is this a random guy no this is the czech guy okay i guess one of them is just in the water i forgot about that even the music sounds like it's glitched out even though i don't think it is what does that say ortiz but yeah i don't know if this is like full of trainers i don't even remember oh that's i bet if you walk off to the side here yeah yeah yeah oh [ __ ] look at that door i but that's an actual door yeah there's our giovanni badge and now i think before we go into the among us door just stepping like one block above what does this even do i i think we can ignore that too is the elite four somewhere up here oh [ __ ] the color changed oh god can we keep go i'm going to save state and i'm going to try and keep going oh no that's got to be death you know when it's all one thing that that's death yeah well i think the glitch trek is over i think now we go in and just play the actual video game i have nothing else to say run along now child and then she spun now we're gonna fight dracula [Music] i lead the elite four you can call me i can call you what i can tell you what now [ __ ] what can i call you oh [ __ ] [Music] yep all right and there you go folks i hate to admit it but you are a pokemon master you heard it from the guy that's the best guy i'm the best guy i still can't believe my dragons lost to you a guy whose name is swag gg am i reading that right i have to face another trainer his name's [ __ ] [Music] oh no now shithead's gonna kill me i'm the most powerful trainer in the oh this one's a little tough that one took a few bites what was that about toughest train in the world bro darn it you're the new pokemon league champion hey it's that easy although i don't like to admit it but i wish you hadn't oh oh my god we're getting like the slow remix [Music] like the the base remix congratulations you're the new pokemon league champion [ __ ] i mean swag man oh [ __ ] don't they they like write down yeah i forgot about this this is the last room in the game it's this dinky little table with a computer on it he's like yeah type in all your pokemon names there it's literally just gonna say mew it's just gonna be a mew named anthrax that's the [ __ ] new like hall of champions one pokemon yes yes yes the hero of the story and that's it go home folks bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] now that we're done i'm finally going to show that this is what i've been seeing the entire time i've been playing this hold on i'm gonna uncrop it i have been looking at this [ __ ] like weird layout the entire time with squirtle's little shitty face just looking right at me ivysaur judging me charmander off in its own little world that's bulbasaur but i've been looking at this the whole time awful someone says
Channel: grayfruit
Views: 164,820
Rating: 4.9508724 out of 5
Id: 2jcGmhWndLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 25sec (3145 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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